896 resultados para Animal sounds


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Background: Glutathione (GSH), a major cellular redox regulator and antioxidant, is decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients. The gene of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, is associated with schizophrenia, suggesting that the deficit in the GSH system is of genetic origin. Using the GCLM knock-out (KO) mouse as model system with 60% decreased brain GSH levels and, thus, strong vulnerability to oxidative stress, we have shown that GSH dysregulation results in abnormal mouse brain morphology (e.g., reduced parvalbumin, PV, immuno-reactivity in frontal areas) and function. Additional oxidative stress, induced by GBR12909 (a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor), enhances morphological changes even further. Aim: In the present study we use the GCLM KO mouse model system, asking now, whether GSH dysregulation also compromises mouse behaviour and cognition. Methods: Male and female wildtype (WT) and GCLM-KO mice are treated with GBR12909 or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) from postnatal day (P) 5 to 10, and are behaviourally tested at P 60 and older. Results: In comparison to WT, KO animals of both sexes are hyperactive in the open field, display more frequent open arm entries on the elevated plus maze, longer float latencies in the Porsolt swim test, and more frequent contacts of novel and familiar objects. Contrary to other reports of animal models with reduced PV immuno-reactivity, GCLM-KO mice display normal rule learning capacity and perform normally on a spatial recognition task. GCLM-KO mice do, however, show a strong deficit in object-recognition after a 15 minutes retention delay. GBR12909 treatment exerts no additional effect. Conclusions: The results suggest that animals with impaired regulation of brain oxidative stress are impulsive and have reduced behavioural control in novel, unpredictable contexts. Moreover, GSH dysregulation seems to induce a selective attentional or stimulus-encoding deficit: despite intensive object exploration, GCLM-KO mice cannot discriminate between novel and familiar objects. In conclusion, the present data indicate that GSH dysregulation may contribute to the manifestation of behavioural and cognitive anomalies that are associated with schizophrenia.


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Cough is a very frequent symptom in children. Different reviews have tried to delineate the best approach to pediatric cough.1 Clinical evaluation remains the most important diagnostic initial step. Although the relations between cough and asthma are not straightforward,2 wheeze should be considered as a physical sign of increased resistance to air flow. Lung function testing is the gold standard for analyzing pulmonary resistance to air flow but has a limited practical value in young children. The clinical evaluation of the presence or absence of wheeze thus remains a primary clinical step in coughing children. Young children do not necessarily breathe deeply in and out when asked to. For years, the author has used a so-called "squeeze and wheeze" maneuver (SWM, see Methods section for definition) to elicit chest signs in young children. The basic idea is to increase expiratory flows in children who do not cooperate adequately during their lung sounds analysis. This study was realized to communicate the author's experience of a yet unreported physical sign and to study its prevalence in young children cared for in a general pediatrics practice.


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Abstract Significance: Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are classified as two distinct diseases. However, accumulating evidence shows that both disorders share genetic, pathological, and epidemiological characteristics. Based on genetic and functional findings, redox dysregulation due to an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defense mechanisms has been proposed as a risk factor contributing to their pathophysiology. Recent Advances: Altered antioxidant systems and signs of increased oxidative stress are observed in peripheral tissues and brains of SZ and BD patients, including abnormal prefrontal levels of glutathione (GSH), the major cellular redox regulator and antioxidant. Here we review experimental data from rodent models demonstrating that permanent as well as transient GSH deficit results in behavioral, morphological, electrophysiological, and neurochemical alterations analogous to pathologies observed in patients. Mice with GSH deficit display increased stress reactivity, altered social behavior, impaired prepulse inhibition, and exaggerated locomotor responses to psychostimulant injection. These behavioral changes are accompanied by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor hypofunction, elevated glutamate levels, impairment of parvalbumin GABA interneurons, abnormal neuronal synchronization, altered dopamine neurotransmission, and deficient myelination. Critical Issues: Treatment with the GSH precursor and antioxidant N-acetylcysteine normalizes some of those deficits in mice, but also improves SZ and BD symptoms when given as adjunct to antipsychotic medication. Future Directions: These data demonstrate the usefulness of GSH-deficient rodent models to identify the mechanisms by which a redox imbalance could contribute to the development of SZ and BD pathophysiologies, and to develop novel therapeutic approaches based on antioxidant and redox regulator compounds. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 18, 1428-1443.


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La modélisation, chez l'animal, de maladies psychiatriques telles que la schizophrénie repose sur différentes démarches visant à induire des perturbations cérébrales similaires à celles observées dans la maladie. Nous avons cherché à étudier chez le rat les effets d'une diminution (50%) transitoire en glutathion (GSH) durant le développement (PND 5 à PND 16) à partir de l'implication, chez des adultes, des conséquences de cette perturbation dans des mécanismes fondamentaux de traitement de l'information sensorielle. Cette thèse évalue et documente les déficits de compétences de navigation spatiale dans ce modèle. Nous avons mis en évidence des effets comportementaux à partir de l'identification de différences particulières dans des tâches d'orientation: des difficultés, chez les rats ayant subi un déficit en GSH, à élaborer une représentation globale de l'environnement dans lequel ils se déplacent, difficultés compensées par une attention particulière aux détails visuels le composant. Cette stratégie réactive compensatoire est efficace lorsque les conditions permettent un ajustement continu aux repères visuels environnementaux. Elle ne permet cependant pas des prédictions et des attentes sur ce qui devrait être rencontré et perçu dans une certaine direction, dès qu'une partie des informations visuelles familières disparaît. Il faudrait pour cela une capacité fondée sur une représentation abstraite, à distance des modalités sensorielles qui en ont permis son élaboration. Notre thèse soutient que les déficits, supposés participer à l'émergence de certains symptômes de la maladie, auraient également des conséquences sur l'élaboration de la représentation spatiale nécessaire à des capacités d'orientation effectives et symboliques. - The study of a psychiatric disease such as schizophrenia in an animal model relies on different approaches attempting to replicate brain perturbations similar to those observed in the illness. In the present work, behavioural consequences of a functional deficit in brain connectivity and coordination were assessed in rats with a transitory glutathione (GSH) deficit induced during the postnatal development (PND 5-PND 16) with daily injections of BSO (1- buthionine-(S,R)- sulfoximine). We searched for a theoretical syndrome associating ecologically relevant behavioural adaptive deficits and resulting from the weakening of sensory integration processes. Our results revealed significant and specific deficit of BSO treated rats in spatial orientation tasks designed to test for cognitive mapping abilities. Treated rats behaved as if impaired in the proactive strategies supported by an abstract representation such as a cognitive map. In contrast their performances were preserved whenever the environmental conditions allowed for adaptative reactive strategies, an equivalent of the visual affordances described by Gibson (1958). This supports our thesis that BSO treated rats expressed difficulties in elaborating a global representation of the environment. This deficit was completely - or - partially compensated by the development of an increased attention to the environment's visual details. This compensatory reactive strategy requires a rich environment allowing for continuous adjustment to visual cues. However, such adjustment doesn't allow to predictions and expectancies about what should be met and perceived in a certain direction, when familiar visual spatial cues are missing. Such competencies require orientation based on the use of an abstract spatial representation, independent from the specific sensory modalities that have participated to its elaboration. The impairment of BSO rats such spatial representation could result from a deficit in the integration and organization of perceptual information. Our model leads to the hypothesis that these fundamental deficits might account for certain symptoms of schizophrenia. They would also interfere with in the capacity to elaborate spatial representation necessary for optimal orientation in natural, artificial or symbolic environment.


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Newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.


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Many patients develop tumor antigen-specific T cell responses detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) following cancer vaccine. However, measurable tumor regression is observed in a limited number of patients receiving cancer vaccines. There is a need to re-evaluate systemically the immune responses induced by cancer vaccines. Here, we established animal models targeting two human cancer/testis antigens, NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-A4. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes of these antigens were investigated by immunizing BALB/c mice with plasmids encoding the entire sequences of NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4. CD8(+) T cells specific for NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4 were able to be detected by ELISPOT assays using antigen presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptides covering the whole protein, indicating the high immunogenicity of these antigens in mice. Truncation of these peptides revealed that NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 8mer peptides, NY-ESO-181-88. MAGE-A4-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 9mer peptides, MAGE-A4265-273. MHC/peptide tetramers allowed us to analyze the kinetics and distribution of the antigen-specific immune responses, and we found that stronger antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses were required for more effective anti-tumor activity. Taken together, these animal models are valuable for evaluation of immune responses and optimization of the efficacy of cancer vaccines.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Institut J.W. Jenkinson Laboratory for Evolution and Development of the University of Oxford, Regne Unit, entre 2010 i 2012. He estat membre del laboratori del Professor Peter W.H. Holland com a becari post-doctoral Beatriu de Pinós des de setembre de 2010 al setembre de 2012. El nostre projecte de recerca se centra en l'anàlisi genòmic comparatiu del Regne Animal, tot explorant el contingut dels genomes a través de totes les branques de l'arbre dels animals. Totes les referències a les meves publicacions durant aquest post-doc es poden trobar a http://about.me/jordi_paps. Crec que el nombre i la qualitat dels resultats del meu post-doc, un total de 8 publicacions incloent dos articles a la prestigiosa revista Nature, són prova de l'èxit d'aquest post-doc. Prof Peter W. H. Holland (Departament de Zoologia de la Universitat d'Oxford) i jo som coautors de tres articles de genòmica comparativa, resultats directes d'aquest projecte: 1) comparació de families gèniques entre vertebrats invertebrats (Briefings in Functional Genomics), 2) el genoma de l'ostra (publicat a la revista Nature), i 3) els genomes de 6 platihelmints paràsits (acceptat també a Nature). A més, tenim altres 2 treballs en preparació. Un d'ells analitza l'evolució, expressió i funció dels gens Hox al a la tènia Hymenolepis. El perfil fi d'aquests gens clau del desenvolupament esclareix els canvis d'estil de vida dels organismes. A més, durant aquest últim post-doc he participat en diverses col•laboracions, incloent anàlisi de gens d'envelliment a cucs plans, un estudi sobre la filogènia del grup Gastrotricha, una revisió de l'evolució phylum Platyhelminthes, així com un capítol d'un llibre sobre l'evolució dels animals bilaterals. Finalment, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, el Prof. Peter W.H. Holland m'ha convidat a formar part del seu equip com un investigador post-doctoral en el seu projecte ERC Advance actual sobre duplicacions genòmiques.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canada, entre 2010 i 2012. Primerament es va desenvolupar una escala per mesurar coixeses (amb valors de l’1 al 5). Aquesta escala es va utilitzar per estudiar l’associació entre factors de risc a nivell de granja (disseny de le instal.lacions i maneig) i la prevalencia de coixeses a Nord America. Les dades es van recollir en un total de 40 granges al Nord Est dels E.E.U.U (NE) i 39 a California (CA) . Totes les vaques del group mes productiu es van categoritzar segons la severitat de les coixeses: sanes, coixes i severament coixes. La prevalencia de coixeses en general fou del 55 % a NE i del 31% a CA. La prevalencia de coixeses severes fou del 8% a NE i del 4% a Ca. A NE, les coixeses en general increntaren amb la presencia de serradura als llits i disminuiren en granjes grans, amb major quantitat de llit i acces a pastura. Les coixeses mes severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene als llit i amb la presencia de serradura als llits, i disminuiren amb la quantitat de llit proveit, l’us de sorra als llits i amb la mida de la granja. A CA, les coixeses en general incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit, i disminuiren amb la mida de la granja, la presencia de terres de goma, l’increment d’espai als cubicles , l’espai a l’abeuredor i la desinfeccio de les peulles. Les coixeses severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit i disminuixen amb la frequencia de neteja del corral. En conclusio, canvis en el maneig i el disseny de les instal.lacions poden ajudar a disminuir la prevalencia de coixeses, tot i que les estrategies a seguir variaran segons la regio.


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Selenocysteine (Sec) is co-translationally inserted into selenoproteins in response to codon UGA with the help of the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element. The number of selenoproteins in animals varies, with humans having 25 and mice having 24 selenoproteins. To date, however, only one selenoprotein, thioredoxin reductase, has been detected in Caenorhabditis elegans, and this enzyme contains only one Sec. Here, we characterize the selenoproteomes of C.elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae with three independent algorithms, one searching for pairs of homologous nematode SECIS elements, another searching for Cys- or Sec-containing homologs of potential nematode selenoprotein genes and the third identifying Sec-containing homologs of annotated nematode proteins. These methods suggest that thioredoxin reductase is the only Sec-containing protein in the C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In contrast, we identified additional selenoproteins in other nematodes. Assuming that Sec insertion mechanisms are conserved between nematodes and other eukaryotes, the data suggest that nematode selenoproteomes were reduced during evolution, and that in an extreme reduction case Sec insertion systems probably decode only a single UGA codon in C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In addition, all detected genes had a rare form of SECIS element containing a guanosine in place of a conserved adenosine present in most other SECIS structures, suggesting that in organisms with small selenoproteomes SECIS elements may change rapidly.


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The feeder animal price is a derivative in the sense that its value depends upon the price of animals for the consumption market. It also depends upon the biological growth technology and feed costs. Daily maintenance costs are of particular interest to the husbander because they can be avoided through accelerated feeding. In this paper, the optimal feeding path under equilibrium feeder animal prices is established. This analysis is used to gain a better understanding of feeding decisions, regulation in feedstuff markets, and the consequences of genetic innovations. It is shown that days on feed can increase or decrease with a genetic innovation or other improvement in feed conversion efficiency. The structure of comparative prices for feeder animals at different weights, the early slaughter decision, and equilibrium in feeder animal markets are also developed. Feeder animal prices can increase over a weight interval if biological feed efficiency parameters are low over the interval.


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Tigecycline has been investigated in combination with other antibacterials against a wide range of susceptible and multiresistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Combinations have been analysed in vitro, in animal models and in human case reports. In vitro, tigecycline combined with other antimicrobials produces primarily an indifferent response (neither synergy nor antagonism). Nevertheless, synergy occurred when tigecycline was combined with rifampicin against 64-100% of Enterococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp. and Brucella melitensis isolates. Combinations of tigecycline with amikacin also showed synergy for 40-100% of Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus spp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates. Moreover, bactericidal synergisms occurred with tigecycline plus amikacin against problematic Acinetobacter baumannii and Proteus vulgaris, and with colistin against K. pneumoniae. Data from animal experiments and case reports, although limited, displayed consistent beneficial activity of tigecycline in combination with other antibacterials against multiresistant organisms, including vancomycin against penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae in experimental meningitis, gentamicin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in experimental pneumonia, daptomycin against Enterococcus faecium endocarditis, and colistin against K. pneumoniae bacteraemia and P. aeruginosa osteomyelitis. Antagonism was extremely rare in vitro and was not reported in vivo. Thus, tigecycline may be combined with a second antimicrobial as part of a combination regimen.


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The spatial dimension of agricultural production is important when a communicable disease enters a region. This paper considers two sorts of biosecurity risk that producers can seek to protect against. One concerns the risk of spread: that neighboring producers do not take due care in protecting against being infected by a disease already in the region. In this case, producer efforts substitute with those of near neighbors. For representative spatial production structures, we characterize Nash equilibrium protection levels and show how spatial production structure matters. The other sort of risk concerns entry: that producers do not take due care in preventing the disease from entering the region. In this case, producer heterogeneity has subtle effects on welfare loss due to strategic behavior. Efforts by producers complement, suggesting that interfarm communication will help to redress the problem.