982 resultados para 364 Criminologia


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Lodo de esgoto contém teores elevados de N orgânico. Se for aplicado em quantidade excessiva em solos, há risco de poluição de águas subsuperficiais com nitrato, produto da mineralização do N. Por essa razão, um dos critérios agronômicos para a determinação da taxa máxima de aplicação do lodo de esgoto é a quantidade de N mineral que será disponibilizada às culturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados relativos à lixiviação de N mineralizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico incubado durante 224 dias com dois tipos de lodo de esgoto anaeróbios, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e outro com presença de despejos industriais (Barueri, SP). Cada lodo de esgoto foi aplicado em quatro doses, contendo 0,13, 0,3, 0,5 e 1,0 g kg-1 de N orgânico. Essa quantidade de substrato mineralizável foi equivalente a 5, 11, 22 e 43 t ha-1 de lodo de Franca, e a 8, 15, 31 e 61 t ha-1 de lodo de Barueri. O experimento foi conduzido em colunas de percolação, sob temperatura de 25 a 28 °C em laboratório, fazendo-se lixiviações com solução extratora de KCl 0,01 mol L-1. Foram determinadas as quantidades de N mineral (N-NH4+ e N-NO3- + N-NO2-) extraídas nos percolados em doze épocas. Houve correlação significativa entre as quantidades aplicadas de N na forma orgânica e as quantidades de N mineralizadas durante a incubação nos dois tipos de lodo avaliados. O potencial de mineralização estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples foi de 73 mg kg-1 de N no solo sem aplicação de lodo, e aumentou de 107 para 224 mg kg-1 e de 132 para 364 mg kg-1 nos tratamentos com o lodo de esgoto de Franca e de Barueri, respectivamente. A fração de mineralização potencial do N orgânico dos dois tipos de lodo de esgoto decresceu com o aumento das doses aplicadas: 26, 25, 21 e 14 % para o de Franca, e 43, 39, 34 e 27 % para o de Barueri. Em consequência, o potencial de lixiviação de N no Latossolo aumentou de 46 para 207 % com as doses do lodo de Franca, e de 81 para 399 % com as doses do lodo de Barueri.


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Comprend : [Frontispice : Pape, moine, personnification de l'Eglise. Armoiries. XVIè siècle.] [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.90 : élévation d'une croix pour la bénédiction de l'Ile de Maragnan. XVIIè siècle.] [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.348 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé François Carypyra, de la tribu des Tabaiares. XVIIè siècle.] François Carypyra. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.356 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé Jacques Patova. XVIIè siècle.] Jacques Patova. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.359 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé Antoine Manen, natif de Renary, originaire de Para de l'Ouest. XVIIè siècle.] Anthoine Manen. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.362 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé Itapoucou Topinamba et baptisé Louis-Marie. XVIIè siècle.] Louis Marie. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.364 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé Ouäroyio Topinamba et baptisé Louis-Henry. XVIIè siècle.] Louis Henri. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836] ; [pl. en reg. p.365 : indigène de l'Ile de Maragnan, nommé Iapouäy et baptisé Louis de Saint-Jean. XVIIè siècle.] Louis de St. Iehan. [cote : microfilm m 10858/R 15836]


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In this paper we study, having as theoretical reference the economic model of crime (Becker, 1968; Ehrlich, 1973), which are the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of crime in Spain paying attention on the role of provincial peculiarities. We estimate a crime equation using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces (NUTS3) for the period 1993 to 1999 employing the GMMsystem estimator. Empirical results suggest that lagged crime rate and clear-up rate are correlated to all typologies of crime rate considered. Property crimes are better explained by socioeconomic variables (GDP per capita, GDP growth rate and percentage of population with high school and university degree), while demographic factors reveal important and significant influences, in particular for crimes against the person. These results are obtained using an instrumental variable approach that takes advantage of the dynamic properties of our dataset to control for both measurement errors in crime data and joint endogeneity of the explanatory variables


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Oxygen consumption of collagenase-liberated rat adipocytes was measured by two different techniques: a microspectrophotometric method using hemoglobin as indicator of respiration and a technique using the oxygen electrode. These two completely different techniques gave similar values for oxygen consumption. With the spectrophotometric method, the oxygen consumption of single fat cells was determined. A close positive correlation (r = greater than 0.90) between oxygen consumption and fat cell size was observed in each tissue examined. With the oxygen electrode technique, oxygen consumption of adipocyte suspensions from young (40 days, 180 g) and old (90 days, 480 g) rats was examined. Fat cells of the suspensions were separated into classes of different size by a flotation technique. A significant positive correlation between fat cell size and oxygen consumption was observed in both young (r = 0.88) and old (r = 0.95) rats. However, the slope was much steeper in young rats. At a cell weight of 0.1 microgram the oxygen consumption was 0.364 and 0.086 microL O2/10(6) cells/min-1 in young and old rats, respectively. In the literature, a number of separate metabolic pathways have been found to be related positively to fat cell size and negatively to age. We conclude that these scattered metabolic observations are in agreement with integrated data on energy expenditure as evaluated from oxygen consumption. Estimations of the energy expenditure of adipose tissue indicates that this tissue is responsible for about 1% and 0.5% of the total energy expenditure in young and old rats, respectively.


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« Quel est l'âge de cette trace digitale?» Cette question est relativement souvent soulevée au tribunal, lorsque la personne suspectée admet avoir laissé ses empreintes digitales sur une scène de crime mais prétend l'avoir fait à un autre moment que celui du crime et pour une raison innocente. Au travers de différents exemples américains et européens, ce premier article met en évidence le manque de consensus actuel dans les réponses données à cette question par les experts du domaine. Cette disparité dans le traitement des cas de datation de traces digitales est sans doute due au fait qu'aucune méthodologie n'est pour l'heure validée et acceptée par l'ensemble de la communauté forensique. En effet, cet article recense les études menées sur la datation des traces digitales sous forme d'une revue critique et met ainsi en évidence le fait que la plupart de ces méthodes souffrent de problèmes limitant leur application pratique. Toutefois, cette revue permet également d'identifier une approche ayant le potentiel d'apporter des réponses pratiques aux questions de datation, à savoir l'approche se basant sur l'étude du vieillissement de composés cibles intrinsèques aux traces digitales. Cette approche prometteuse ouvre des pistes afin de proposer une méthodologique formelle de datation des traces digitales. Une telle proposition permettrait d'apporter une information pertinente à la justice et fera l'objet de la seconde partie de cet article.


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A stochastic nonlinear partial differential equation is constructed for two different models exhibiting self-organized criticality: the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] and the Zhang model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)]. The dynamic renormalization group (DRG) enables one to compute the critical exponents. However, the nontrivial stable fixed point of the DRG transformation is unreachable for the original parameters of the models. We introduce an alternative regularization of the step function involved in the threshold condition, which breaks the symmetry of the BTW model. Although the symmetry properties of the two models are different, it is shown that they both belong to the same universality class. In this case the DRG procedure leads to a symmetric behavior for both models, restoring the broken symmetry, and makes accessible the nontrivial fixed point. This technique could also be applied to other problems with threshold dynamics.


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Critical exponents of the infinitely slowly driven Zhang model of self-organized criticality are computed for d=2 and 3, with particular emphasis devoted to the various roughening exponents. Besides confirming recent estimates of some exponents, new quantities are monitored, and their critical exponents computed. Among other results, it is shown that the three-dimensional exponents do not coincide with the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] (Abelian) model, and that the dynamical exponent as computed from the correlation length and from the roughness of the energy profile do not necessarily coincide, as is usually implicitly assumed. An explanation for this is provided. The possibility of comparing these results with those obtained from renormalization group arguments is also briefly addressed.


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PURPOSE: Recently, the authors identified a gene, BIGH3, in which different mutations cause a group of hereditary corneal dystrophies: lattice type I and IIIA (CDLI and CDLIIIA), granular Groenouw type I (CDGGI), Avellino (CDA), and Reis-Bücklers' (CDRB). All these disorders are characterized by the progressive accumulation of corneal deposits with different structural organization. Experiments were conducted to determine the role of kerato-epithelin (KE), the product of BIGH3, in the pathogenesis of the diseases. METHODS: KE-15 and KE-2, two rabbit antisera raised against peptides from the 69-364 and 426 - 682 amino acid regions of KE respectively, were used for immunohistology of the corneas obtained after keratoplasty in six CDLI patients, three CDGGI patients, and one CDA patient. RESULTS: The nonamyloid deposits observed in CDGGI stained intensively with KE-15 and KE-2, whereas the amyloid deposits in all analyzed CDLI corneas reacted to KE-2 but not to KE-15. In the CDA cornea, where amyloid and nonamyloid inclusions were present, positive staining with both antisera was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed in CDLI, CDGGI-, and CDA-affected corneas are caused by KE accumulation. Different staining patterns of amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed with antibodies against the amino and carboxyl termini of KE suggest that two mechanisms of KE misfolding are implicated in the pathogenesis of 5q31-linked corneal dystrophies.


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Synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide, containing 26 amino acids in the rat sequence, L-364, 343 (Ileu-ANP), was infused intravenously at increasing rates (1-40 micrograms/min) into four normal volunteers. Mean intraarterial blood pressure decreased and heart rate increased in cumulative-dose-dependent fashion. Skin blood flow as measured with a laser Doppler device rose already with a cumulative dose of 55 micrograms Ileu-ANP and further rises were directly related to dose. The only side effects observed were those accompanying symptomatic hypotension at higher doses. These findings provide strong evidence that Ileu-ANP acts as a vasodilator in normal volunteers.


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Should we treat iron deficiency without anemia? The simple fact that the question can be formulated already leads to controversies. During the past years, the development of a new formulation of intravenous iron has helped fuel the controversy. What is the situation in 2012? This article gives a practical point of view on the actual situation and provides indications on the use of new intravenous medications.


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Aquest treball és el primer volum de la tesi presentada pel doctor Camps i Clemente, publicada pel Seminari Pere Mata per tal de donar-li major difusió. En aquesta tesi, l'autor estudia d'una forma extensa i profunda els episodis de mort violenta reportats a Lleida entre els anys 1308 i 1516. Els 342 procediments estudiats es guarden a la Paeria de Lleida i aporten dades sobre la realitat mèdico-sanitària i social de l'època baix-medieval.


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Aquí tenim el segon volum de la tesi del doctor Camps i Clemente sobre la mort violenta en el territori lleidatà durant els segles XIV i XV