985 resultados para 335.402235
Contient : « Mémoire pour Mrs les Maîtres des requestes, commissaires départis dans les provinces »
A elevada dependência dos combustíveis fósseis é uma das principais dificuldades sentidas no actual sistema energético de Cabo Verde. O preço dos combustíveis constitui um peso significativo, representando cerca de 70%, da estrutura de custos do preço de energia eléctrica. Com este trabalho, pretende-se analisar o impacto das energias renováveis no sistema energético e na economia de Cabo Verde, destacando a sua contribuição para a formação do PIB, no Preço, na Balança de Pagamentos, no Emprego, e no Serviço da Dívida, e estabelecer uma comparação com as ilhas da Macaronésia, em particular a Região Autónoma dos Açores. Contribuindo assim, para a discussão que poderá demonstrar que o potencial de renováveis por explorar, trará benefícios económicos para o país, pois a expectativa é superar os 50% de taxa de penetração de Energias Renováveis na produção de electricidade em Cabo Verde até 2020. Prevê-se que o consumo de electricidade que em 2010 era de 335 MWh, duplique até o ano de 2020, atingindo os 670 GWh. Segundo estudos efectuados, o país possui um potencial estimado de 2.600 MW de Energias Renováveis, tendo sido analisados mais de 650 MW em projectos concretos com custos de produção possivelmente inferiores aos dos combustíveis fósseis. Cabo Verde goza de boas condições para o aproveitamento de Energias Renováveis, mas a contribuição desse potencial, sobretudo eólica e solar, continuam muito limitado, pelo que o país deverá apostar no incremento da utilização dessas formas de energia para reduzir a dependência externa em matéria de energia. The high dependence on fossil fuels is one of the main difficulties in the current energy system in Cape Verde. The price of fuel is a significant, accounting for about 70%, and the cost structure of the price of electricity. With this work, seeks to analyze the impact of renewable energy in the energy system and the economy of Cape Verde, highlighting their contribution to the formation of BIP, in the Balance of Payments, in Employment, and the Service of Debt, and to draw a comparison with the islands of Macaronésia, in particular the Autonomous Region of Azores. Thus contributing to the discussion that may show that the potential of renewable energy by exploring will bring economic benefits to the country, because the expectation is to exceed the 50% penetration rate of Renewable Energy in the production of electricity in Cape Verde until 2020. It is estimated that the consumption of electricity in 2010 was 335 MWh, will double by the year 2020, reaching the 670 GWh. According to studies carried out, the country has an estimated potential of 2,600 MW of Renewable Energy, having been analyzed more than 650 MW in concrete projects with production costs possibly less than the fossil fuels. Cape Verde enjoys good conditions for the use of renewable energy, but the contribution of this potential, especially wind and solar, are still very limited, so that the country should invest in increasing the use of these forms of energy to reduce the dependence on foreign sources of energy.
Puhe Viipurin pitäjän kunnallisjärjestön kokouksessa 20. 2. 1938
Resumindo, podemos dizer que, “as palavras hão-de entender-se na sua conexão, isto é, o pensamento da lei deve inferir-se do complexo das palavras usadas e não de fragmentos destacados, deixando-se no escuro uma parte da disposição. Deve-se partir do conceito de que todas as palavras têm no discurso uma função e um sentido próprio, de que neste não há nada de supérfluo ou contraditório, e por isso o sentido literal há-de surgir da compreensão harmónica de todo o contexto
Collection : Les auteurs gais
This study is a long-term analysis of a group of patients with infected arthroplasties of the hip or the knee. We identified 28 patients with an infected arthroplasty (22 hips, 6 knees) documented by bacterial culture or on direct examination. At the time of diagnosis and on follow-up (a mean of 46 months after treatment) we evaluated the clinical picture, the radiological appearances of the articulation and the biological parameters. 19/28 patients showed a typical clinical picture, whereas in 9 others the picture was more doubtful. The treatments were 14 two-stage replacements of the arthroplasties, 7 simple resections, 5 conservative treatments and 2 one-stage replacements. On follow-up, 25 patients were considered as cured of their infection and 3 as failures. From a functional viewpoint, 9 patients showed no limitation, whereas 19 were limited in the daily activity. Half of the patients had no pain. Radiology showed that 20/26 evaluated patients had no signs of recurrence. Paraclinical examinations are important in the diagnosis of persistent low grade infections, particularly the demonstration of bacteria by pre-surgical sampling (fine needle aspiration, culture from draining sinuses). In spite of the cure of infection, the functional and painful sequellae are often considerable. As a result of our experience, we recommend a two-stage surgical procedure. Only when the general condition of the patient is poor, or when the infection is not under control, would we envisage an alternative procedure (arthrodesis, girdelstone, conservative).
The terminal segment of the intermediate hair in the semi-aquatic Chirmarrogale hantu and Bectigale elegans is investigated with a view to a taxonomic interpretation. Nectogale is characterized by especially fine hairs which strongly contrast with the distally thickened hairs of Chimarrogale. In spite of these differences, the hairs of both genera are characterized by a H-shaped profile. According to Vogel & Köpchen (1977), this criterion confirms the discussed membership to the Soricinae.
Neste estudo é apresentada uma listagem atualizada com 335 espécies de borboletas Hesperiidae encontradas no Distrito Federal (Brasil central), incluindo dados da bibliografia, de várias coleções entomológicas e de coletas dos autores. Espécies de ocorrência apenas presumida não foram incluídas. Apresenta-se também uma lista suplementar com 32 espécies endêmicas do bioma Cerrado, das quais 27 foram encontradas no Distrito Federal.
During one week, beginning 18 days after transplantation, nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma ranging from 115 to 943 mm3 (mean 335 mm3) were treated by repeated intravenous injections of either iodine-131-(131I) labeled intact antibodies or 131I-labeled corresponding F(ab')2 fragments of a pool of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Complete tumor remission was observed in 8 of 10 mice after therapy with F(ab')2 and 6 of the animals survived 10 mo in good health. In contrast, after treatment with intact MAbs, tumors relapsed in 7 of 8 mice after remission periods of 1 to 3.5 mo despite the fact that body weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells, symptoms of radiation toxicity, and the calculated radiation doses for liver, spleen, bone, and blood were increased or equal in these animals as compared to mice treated with F(ab')2.