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Transport processes within heterogeneous media may exhibit non- classical diffusion or dispersion which is not adequately described by the classical theory of Brownian motion and Fick’s law. We consider a space-fractional advection-dispersion equation based on a fractional Fick’s law. Zhang et al. [Water Resources Research, 43(5)(2007)] considered such an equation with variable coefficients, which they dis- cretised using the finite difference method proposed by Meerschaert and Tadjeran [Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 172(1):65-77 (2004)]. For this method the presence of variable coef- ficients necessitates applying the product rule before discretising the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives using standard and shifted Gru ̈nwald formulas, depending on the fractional order. As an alternative, we propose using a finite volume method that deals directly with the equation in conservative form. Fractionally-shifted Gru ̈nwald formulas are used to discretise the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives at control volume faces, eliminating the need for product rule expansions. We compare the two methods for several case studies, highlighting the convenience of the finite volume approach.


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The purpose of this paper is to describe a new decomposition construction for perfect secret sharing schemes with graph access structures. The previous decomposition construction proposed by Stinson is a recursive method that uses small secret sharing schemes as building blocks in the construction of larger schemes. When the Stinson method is applied to the graph access structures, the number of such “small” schemes is typically exponential in the number of the participants, resulting in an exponential algorithm. Our method has the same flavor as the Stinson decomposition construction; however, the linear programming problem involved in the construction is formulated in such a way that the number of “small” schemes is polynomial in the size of the participants, which in turn gives rise to a polynomial time construction. We also show that if we apply the Stinson construction to the “small” schemes arising from our new construction, both have the same information rate.


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The objective of this research was to develop a model to estimate future freeway pavement construction costs in Henan Province, China. A comprehensive set of factors contributing to the cost of freeway pavement construction were included in the model formulation. These factors comprehensively reflect the characteristics of region and topography and altitude variation, the cost of labour, material, and equipment, and time-related variables such as index numbers of labour prices, material prices and equipment prices. An Artificial Neural Network model using the Back-Propagation learning algorithm was developed to estimate the cost of freeway pavement construction. A total of 88 valid freeway cases were obtained from freeway construction projects let by the Henan Transportation Department during the period 1994−2007. Data from a random selection of 81 freeway cases were used to train the Neural Network model and the remaining data were used to test the performance of the Neural Network model. The tested model was used to predict freeway pavement construction costs in 2010 based on predictions of input values. In addition, this paper provides a suggested correction for the prediction of the value for the future freeway pavement construction costs. Since the change in future freeway pavement construction cost is affected by many factors, the predictions obtained by the proposed method, and therefore the model, will need to be tested once actual data are obtained.


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Similarity solutions are carried out for flow of power law non-Newtonian fluid film on unsteady stretching surface subjected to constant heat flux. Free convection heat transfer induces thermal boundary layer within a semi-infinite layer of Boussinesq fluid. The nonlinear coupled partial differential equations (PDE) governing the flow and the boundary conditions are converted to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) using two-parameter groups. This technique reduces the number of independent variables by two, and finally the obtained ordinary differential equations are solved numerically for the temperature and velocity using the shooting method. The thermal and velocity boundary layers are studied by the means of Prandtl number and non-Newtonian power index plotted in curves.


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We construct a two-scale mathematical model for modern, high-rate LiFePO4cathodes. We attempt to validate against experimental data using two forms of the phase-field model developed recently to represent the concentration of Li+ in nano-sized LiFePO4crystals. We also compare this with the shrinking-core based model we developed previously. Validating against high-rate experimental data, in which electronic and electrolytic resistances have been reduced is an excellent test of the validity of the crystal-scale model used to represent the phase-change that may occur in LiFePO4material. We obtain poor fits with the shrinking-core based model, even with fitting based on “effective” parameter values. Surprisingly, using the more sophisticated phase-field models on the crystal-scale results in poorer fits, though a significant parameter regime could not be investigated due to numerical difficulties. Separate to the fits obtained, using phase-field based models embedded in a two-scale cathodic model results in “many-particle” effects consistent with those reported recently.


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In this paper the renormalization group (RG) method of Chen, Goldenfeld, and Oono [Phys. Rev. Lett., 73 (1994), pp.1311-1315; Phys. Rev. E, 54 (1996), pp.376-394] is presented in a pedagogical way to increase its visibility in applied mathematics and to argue favorably for its incorporation into the corresponding graduate curriculum.The method is illustrated by some linear and nonlinear singular perturbation problems. Key word. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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This paper introduces a straightforward method to asymptotically solve a variety of initial and boundary value problems for singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations whose solution structure can be anticipated. The approach is simpler than conventional methods, including those based on asymptotic matching or on eliminating secular terms. © 2010 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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With nine examples, we seek to illustrate the utility of the Renormalization Group approach as a unification of other asymptotic and perturbation methods.


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In this article we study the azimuthal shear deformations in a compressible Isotropic elastic material. This class of deformations involves an azimuthal displacement as a function of the radial and axial coordinates. The equilibrium equations are formulated in terms of the Cauchy-Green strain tensors, which form an overdetermined system of partial differential equations for which solutions do not exist in general. By means of a Legendre transformation, necessary and sufficient conditions for the material to support this deformation are obtained explicitly, in the sense that every solution to the azimuthal equilibrium equation will satisfy the remaining two equations. Additionally, we show how these conditions are sufficient to support all currently known deformations that locally reduce to simple shear. These conditions are then expressed both in terms of the invariants of the Cauchy-Green strain and stretch tensors. Several classes of strain energy functions for which this deformation can be supported are studied. For certain boundary conditions, exact solutions to the equilibrium equations are obtained. © 2005 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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In this paper we examine the combined azimuthal and axial shear of a compressible isotropic elastic circular cylindrical tube of finite extent, otherwise referred to as helical shear (which is an isochoric deformation). The equilibrium equations are formulated in terms of the principal stretches, and explicit necessary and sufficient conditions on the strain-energy function for the material to support this deformation are obtained and compared with those obtained previously for this problem. Several classes of strain-energy functions are derived and in some general cases complete solutions of the equilibrium equations are obtained. Existing results are recovered as special cases and some new results for the strain-energy functions derived are determined and discussed.


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We prove that homogeneous bent functions f:GF(2)^2n --> GF(2) of degree n do not exist for n>3. Consequently homogeneous bent functions must have degree 3.


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Aspects of Keno modelling throughout the Australian states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria are discussed: the trivial Heads or Tails and the more interesting Keno Bonus, which leads to consideration of the subset sum problem. The most intricate structure is where Heads or Tails and Keno Bonus are combined, and here, the issue of independence arises. Closed expressions for expected return to player are presented in each case.


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We examine the effect of a kinetic undercooling condition on the evolution of a free boundary in Hele--Shaw flow, in both bubble and channel geometries. We present analytical and numerical evidence that the bubble boundary is unstable and may develop one or more corners in finite time, for both expansion and contraction cases. This loss of regularity is interesting because it occurs regardless of whether the less viscous fluid is displacing the more viscous fluid, or vice versa. We show that small contracting bubbles are described to leading order by a well-studied geometric flow rule. Exact solutions to this asymptotic problem continue past the corner formation until the bubble contracts to a point as a slit in the limit. Lastly, we consider the evolving boundary with kinetic undercooling in a Saffman--Taylor channel geometry. The boundary may either form corners in finite time, or evolve to a single long finger travelling at constant speed, depending on the strength of kinetic undercooling. We demonstrate these two different behaviours numerically. For the travelling finger, we present results of a numerical solution method similar to that used to demonstrate the selection of discrete fingers by surface tension. With kinetic undercooling, a continuum of corner-free travelling fingers exists for any finger width above a critical value, which goes to zero as the kinetic undercooling vanishes. We have not been able to compute the discrete family of analytic solutions, predicted by previous asymptotic analysis, because the numerical scheme cannot distinguish between solutions characterised by analytic fingers and those which are corner-free but non-analytic.


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We ascertained villagers’ perceptions about the importance of forests for their livelihoods and health through 1,837 reliably answered interviews of mostly male respondents from 185 villages in Indonesian and Malaysian Borneo. Variation in these perceptions related to several environmental and social variables, as shown in classification and regression analyses. Overall patterns indicated that forest use and cultural values are highest among people on Borneo who live close to remaining forest, and especially among older Christian residents. Support for forest clearing depended strongly on the scale at which deforestation occurs. Deforestation for small-scale agriculture was generally considered to be positive because it directly benefits people’s welfare. Large-scale deforestation (e.g., for industrial oil palm or acacia plantations), on the other hand, appeared to be more context-dependent, with most respondents considering it to have overall negative impacts on them, but with people in some areas considering the benefits to outweigh the costs. The interviews indicated high awareness of negative environmental impacts of deforestation, with high levels of concern over higher temperatures, air pollution and loss of clean water sources. Our study is unique in its geographic and trans-national scale. Our findings enable the development of maps of forest use and perceptions that could inform land use planning at a range of scales. Incorporating perspectives such as these could significantly reduce conflict over forest resources and ultimately result in more equitable development processes.


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This paper examines the effect of anisotropic growth on the evolution of mechanical stresses in a linear-elastic model of a growing, avascular tumour. This represents an important improvement on previous linear-elastic models of tissue growth since it has been shown recently that spatially-varying isotropic growth of linear-elastic tissues does not afford the necessary stress-relaxation for a steady-state stress distribution upon reaching a nutrient-regulated equilibrium size. Time-dependent numerical solutions are developed using a Lax-Wendroff scheme, which show the evolution of the tissue stress distributions over a period of growth until a steady-state is reached. These results are compared with the steady-state solutions predicted by the model equations, and key parameters influencing these steady-state distributions are identified. Recommendations for further extensions and applications of this model are proposed.