893 resultados para the fundamental supermode


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Photoluminescence (PL) and absorption experiments were carried out to examine the fundamental band-gap of InN films grown on silicon substrates. A strong PL peak at 0.78 eV was observed at room temperature, which is much lower than the commonly accepted value of 1.9 eV. The integrated PL intensity was found to depend linearly on the excitation laser intensity over a wide intensity range. These results strongly suggest that the observed PL is related to the emission of the fundamental inter-band transitions of InN rather than to deep defect or impurity levels. Due to the effect of band-filling with increasing free electron concentration, the absorption edge shifts to higher energy. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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An important concept proposed in the early stage of robot path planning field is the shrinking of the robot to a point and meanwhile expanding of the obstacles in the workspace as a set of new obstacles. The resulting grown obstacles are called the Configuration Space (Cspace) obstacles. The find-path problem is then transformed into that of finding a collision free path for a point robot among the Cspace obstacles. However, the research experiences obtained so far have shown that the calculation of the Cspace obstacles is very hard work when the following situations occur: 1. both the robot and obstacles are not polygons and 2. the robot is allowed to rotate. This situation is even worse when the robot and obstacles are three dimensional (3D) objects with various shapes. Obviously a direct path planning approach without the calculation of the Cspace obstacles is strongly needed. This paper presents such a new real-time robot path planning approach which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first one in the robotic community. The fundamental ideas are the utilization of inequality and optimization technique. Simulation results have been presented to show its merits.


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Global transposable characteristics in the complete DNA sequence of the Saccharomyces cevevisiae yeast is determined by using the metric representation and recurrence plot methods. On the basis of the correlation distance of nucleotide strings, 16 chromosome sequences of the yeast, which are divided into 5 groups, display 4 kinds of the fundamental transposable characteristics: a short increasing period, a long increasing quasi-period, a long major value and hardly relevant.


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This review presents the latest advances in the application of microwave energy to analytical chemistry. The fundamental principles of microwave field interaction with the matter are presented and their significance for the chemist is discussed, followed by the basic principles of microwave equipment construction and operation. Examples of the techniques that utilized microwave energy for digestion, extraction, chemical reaction, preconcentration, and desorption of the analytical sample are presented. A separate section describes the examples of usage of microwave technology in catalysis, environmental, and nuclear chemistry and engineering.


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A new orthorhombic phase of BaEu2Mn2O7 with the space group of Ccmm (no.63) was identified for single crystals after heat treatment and its Crystal Structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The volume Of the unit cell has twice the fundamental tetragonal cell and corner-shared MnO6 octahedra are slightly distorted and Mn-O-Mn angle between the neighboring octahedra tilts with an angle by around 3 degrees from b-axis. It is concluded from the results of the heat treatment of single crystals at various temperatures that this orthorhombic phase changes into a tetragonal One With superstructure (P4(2)/mnm) at 402 K and changes once more into the fundamental tetragonal phase (I4/mmm) above 552 K. The tetragonal phase with superstructure which has been expected to be an unstable one is stable between the two temperatures.


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The infrared spect ra of N-n-(4-nitrophenyl)azophenyloxyalkyldiethanolamines (Cn) are examined in the range of 4000-400 cm(-1) at different temperatures and the assignment of the fundamental vibrations given. Based on (1) the localization of the broad absorption band at 3456 cm(-1), and (2) attribution of the associated OH bands centred at 1410-1390, 1100, and 650-634 cm(-1) to, respectively delta OH deformation, nu C-O stretching and gamma OH out-of-plane bending, intermolecular hydrogen bonding between OH groups in the crystalline, liquid crystalline and isotropic states is proposed. By considering the results of FTIR, WAXD and DSC measurements, the molecular arrangement of C10 in its smectic A phase as consisting of hydrogen bonding and strong interaction between dipolar groups (NO,) is proposed. This may explain the high stability and high orientational ordering property of Cn compounds in the liquid crystalline state compared with that of n-bromo-1-[4-(4-nitrophenyl)azophenyl]oxyalkanes (Bn).


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Clip domain serine protease (cSP), characterized by conserved clip domains, is a new serine protease family identified mainly in arthropod, and plays important roles in development and immunity. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of a cSP (designated EscSP) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and PCR techniques. The 1380 bp EscSP cDNA contained a 1152 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative cSP of 383 amino acids, a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 54 bp, and a 3'-UTR of 174 bp. Multiple sequence alignment presented twelve conserved cysteine residues and a canonical catalytic triad (His(185), Asp(235) and Ser(332)) critical for the fundamental structure and function of EscSP. Two types of cSP domains, the clip domain and tryp_spc domain, were identified in the deduced amino acids sequence of EscSP. The conservation characteristics and similarities with previously known cSPs indicated that EscSP was a member of the large cSP family. The mRNA expression of EscSP in different tissues and the temporal expression in haemocytes challenged by Listonella anguillarum were measured by real-time RT-PCR. EscSP mRNA transcripts could be detected in all examined tissues, and were higher expressed in muscle than that in hepatopancreas. gill, gonad, haemocytes and heart. The EscSP mRNA expression in haemocytes was up-regulated after L anguillarum challenge and peaked at 2 h (4.96 fold, P < 0.05) and 12 h (9.90 fold, P < 0.05). Its expression pattern was similar to prophenoloxidase (EsproPO), one of the components of crab proPO system found in our previous report. These results implied that EscSP was involved in the processes of host-pathogen interaction probably as one of the proPO system members. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lysozyme is a widely distributed hydrolase possessing lytic activity against bacterial peptidoglycan, which enables it to protect the host against pathogenic infection. In the present study, the cDNA of an invertebrate goose-type lysozyme (designated CFLysG) was cloned from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) techniques. The full-length cDNA of CFLysG consisted of 829 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 603 bp encoding a polypeptide of 200 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 21.92 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point of 7.76. The high similarity of CFLysG with goose-type (g-type) lysozymes in vertebrate indicated that CFLysG should be an invertebrate counterpart of g-type lysozyme family, which suggested that the origin of g-type lysozyme preceded the emergence of urochordates and even preceded the emergence of deuterostomes. Similar to most g-type lysozymes, CFLysG possessed all conserved features critical for the fundamental structure and function of g-type lysozymes, such as three catalytic residues (Glu 82, Asp 97, Asp 108). By Northern blot analysis, mRNA transcript of CFLysG was found to be most abundantly expressed in the tissues of gills, hepatopancreas and gonad, weakly expressed in the tissues of haemocytes and mantle, while undetectable in the adductor muscle. These results suggested that CFLysG could possess combined features of both the immune and digestive adaptive lysozymes. To gain insight into the in vitro lytic activities of CFLysG, the mature peptide coding region was cloned into Pichia pastoris for heterogeneous expression. Recombinant CFLysG showed inhibitive effect on the growth of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria with more potent activities against Gram-positive bacteria, which indicated the involvement of CFLysG in the innate immunity of C. farreri. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The authors would like to thank Jin Sun, Jian Sun, Liangliang Kong, Nianshuang Wang, Chunhui Wang, Linbao Zhang and Ying Zhang for their assistance in the project. This work was supported by China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association grants DYXM-115-02-2-20 and DYXM-115-02-2-6, Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China grant 2007AA091903, China National Natural Science Foundation grant 40576069, National Basic Research Program of China grant 2009CB219506 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China grant 09CX05005A. M. G. K. was funded by incentive funds provided by the UofL-EVPR office and the US National Science Foundation (EF-0412129).


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A capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method has been developed for investigating the physicochemical characteristics of five Strychnos alkaloids in Strychnos nux-vomica L. Firstly, the dissociation constants of the five Strychnos alkaloids were determined, based on the relation between the effective mobility of the solutes and the buffer pH. The mathematical relationship was strictly deduced from the fundamental electrophoretic theory and the dissociation equilibrium. Secondly, an equation describing the relation between the migration time of alkaloids of similar structure and their molecular weights was developed and used to predict the migration order and to calculate the electrosomotic velocity. The results predicted by the theory agreed with those from experiments.


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Psychometrics is a term within the statistical literature that encompasses the development and evaluation of psychological tests and measures, an area of increasing importance within applied psychology specifically and behavioral sciences. Confusion continues to exist regarding the fundamental tenets of psychometric evaluation and application of the appropriate statistical tests and procedures. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main psychometric elements which need to be considered in both the development and evaluation of an instrument or tool used within the context of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The psychometric profile of a tool should also be considered in established tools used in screening PTSD. A “standard” for the application and reporting of psychometric data and approaches is emphasized, the goal of which is to ensure that the key psychometric parameters are considered in relation to the selection and use of PTSD screening tools.


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M.H. Lee, On Models, Modelling and the Distinctive Nature of Model-Based Reasoning, AI Communications, 12 (3), pp127-137.1999.


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Walker,J. and Garrett,S. and Wilson,M.S., 'Evolving Controllers for Real Robots: A Survey of the Literature', Adaptive Behavior, 2003, volume 11, number 3, pp 179--203, Sage


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Schrijver, C.J. and Brown, D.S., 2000, Oscillations in the magnetic field of the solar corona in response to flares near the photosphere, Astrophysical Journal, 537, L69-L72. Sponsorship: PPARC


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Matthew J. Nicholson, Michael K. Theodorou and Jayne L. Brookman. (2005). Molecular analysis of the anaerobic rumen fungus Orpinomyces - insights into an AT-rich genome. Microbiology, 151 (1), 121-133. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008