680 resultados para sulfated phenols
The total phenols, apigenin 7-glucoside, turbidity and colour of extracts from dried chamomile flowers were studied with a view to develop chamomile extracts with potential anti-inflammatory properties for incorporation into beverages. The extraction of all constituents followed pseudo first-order kinetics. In general, the rate constant (k) increased as the temperature increased from 57 to 100 °C. The turbidity only increased significantly between 90 and 100 °C. Therefore, aqueous chamomile extracts had maximum total phenol concentration and minimum turbidity when extracted at 90 °C for 20 min. The effect of drying conditions on chamomile extracted using these conditions was determined. A significant reduction in phenol concentration, from 19.7 ± 0.5 mg/g GAE in fresh chamomile to 13 ± 1 mg/g GAE, was found only in the plant material oven-dried at 80 °C (p ⩽ 0.05). The biggest colour change was between fresh chamomile and that oven-dried at 80 °C, followed by samples air-dried. There was no significant difference in colour of material freeze-dried and oven-dried at 40 °C.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of drying conditions on the phenolic constituents and colour of extracts of organically grown white willow and meadowsweet for incorporation into a functional beverage with potential anti-inflammatory properties. The herbs were freeze-dried, air-dried, oven or tray-dried at 30 or 70 °C. The drying kinetics of the herbs was first determined. Both drying temperature and method had a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on the drying rate, the samples tray-dried had a faster drying rate than those oven-dried. Results show that for meadowsweet and willow, freeze-drying and oven or tray drying at 30 °C had no significant effect on the phenolic constituents (e.g. total phenols, salicylates, quercetin) or the colour of the extracts in comparison to traditional air-drying. Although increasing the drying temperature to 70 °C resulted in an increase in the drying rate of both herbs it also led to the loss of some phenolic compounds. Also, the extracts from both herbs dried at 70 °C were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) redder than the other drying methods. Therefore, tray drying these herbs at low temperatures may reduce drying time without having a significant effect on the phenolic content and colour of the extracts.
Peat soils consist of poorly decomposed plant detritus, preserved by low decay rates, and deep peat deposits are globally significant stores in the carbon cycle. High water tables and low soil temperatures are commonly held to be the primary reasons for low peat decay rates. However, recent studies suggest a thermodynamic limit to peat decay, whereby the slow turnover of peat soil pore water may lead to high concentrations of phenols and dissolved inorganic carbon. In sufficient concentrations, these chemicals may slow or even halt microbial respiration, providing a negative feedback to peat decay. We document the analysis of a simple, one-dimensional theoretical model of peatland pore water residence time distributions (RTDs). The model suggests that broader, thicker peatlands may be more resilient to rapid decay caused by climate change because of slow pore water turnover in deep layers. Even shallow peat deposits may also be resilient to rapid decay if rainfall rates are low. However, the model suggests that even thick peatlands may be vulnerable to rapid decay under prolonged high rainfall rates, which may act to flush pore water with fresh rainwater. We also used the model to illustrate a particular limitation of the diplotelmic (i.e., acrotelm and catotelm) model of peatland structure. Model peatlands of contrasting hydraulic structure exhibited identical water tables but contrasting RTDs. These scenarios would be treated identically by diplotelmic models, although the thermodynamic limit suggests contrasting decay regimes. We therefore conclude that the diplotelmic model be discarded in favor of model schemes that consider continuous variation in peat properties and processes.
The incidence of breast cancer has risen worldwide to unprecedented levels in recent decades, making it now the major cancer of women in many parts of the world.1 Although diet, alcohol, radiation and inherited loss of BRCA1/2 genes have all been associated with increased incidence, the main identified risk factors are life exposure to hormones including physiological variations associated with puberty/pregnancy/menopause,1 personal choice of use of hormonal contraceptives2 and/or hormone replacement therapy.3–6 On this basis, exposure of the human breast to the many environmental pollutant chemicals capable of mimicking or interfering with oestrogen action7 should also be of concern.8 Hundreds of such environmental chemicals have now been measured in human breast tissue from a range of dietary and domestic exposure sources7 ,9 including persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs),10 polybrominated diphenylethers and polybromobiphenyls,11 polychlorinated biphenyls,12 dioxins,13 alkyl phenols,14 bisphenol-A and chlorinated derivatives,15 as well as other less lipophilic compounds such as parabens (alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid),16 but studies investigating any association between raised levels of such compounds and the development of breast cancer remain inconclusive.7–16 However, the functionality of these chemicals has continued to be assessed on the basis of individual chemicals rather than the environmental reality of long-term low-dose exposure to complex mixtures. This misses the potential for individuals to have high concentrations of different compounds but with a common mechanism of action. It also misses the complex interactions between chemicals and physiological hormones which together may act to alter the internal homeostasis of the oestrogenic environment of mammary tissue.
Antiinflammatory compounds in the diet can alleviate excessive inflammation, a factor in the pathogenesis of common diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and diabetes. This study examined three European herbs, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria L.) and willow bark (Salix alba L.), which have been traditionally used to treat inflammation and their potential for use as antiinflammatory agents. Aqueous herbal extracts and isolated polyphenolic compounds (apigenin, quercetin and salicylic acid, 0–100 μM) were incubated with THP1 macrophages, and interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) were measured. At concentrations of 10 μM, both apigenin and quercetin reduced IL-6 significantly ( p < 0.05). Apigenin at 10 μM and quercetin at 25 μM reduced TNF- significantly ( p < 0.05). Amongst the herbal extracts, willow bark had the greatest antiinflammatory activity at reducing IL-6 and TNF- production. This was followed by meadowsweet and then chamomile. The lowest effective antiinflammatory concentrations were noncytotoxic (MTT mitochondrial activity assay). The Comet assay, which was used to study the protective effect of the isolated phenols against oxidative damage, showed positive results for all three polyphenols. These are the first findings that demonstrate the antiinflammatory capacity of these herbal extracts.
The (poly)phenols in ileal fluid after ingestion of raspberries were analysed by targeted and non-targeted LC-MSn approaches. Targeted approaches identified major anthocyanin and ellagitannin components at varying recoveries and with considerable inter-individual variation. Non-targeted LC-MSn analysis using an Orbitrap mass spectrometer gave exact mass MS data which was sifted using a software program to select peaks that changed significantly after supplementation. This method confirmed the recovery of the targeted components but also identified novel raspberry-specific metabolites. Some components (including ellagitannin and previously unidentified proanthocyanidin derivatives) may have arisen from raspberry seeds that survived intact in ileal samples. Other components include potential breakdown products of anthocyanins, unidentified components and phenolic metabolites formed in either the gut epithelia or after absorption into the circulatory system and efflux back into the gut lumen. The possible physiological roles of the ileal metabolites in the large bowel are discussed.
Fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide from Fucus vesiculosus, decreases bleeding time and clotting time in hemophilia, possibly through inhibition of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. However, its effect on platelets and the receptor by which fucoidan induces cellular processes has not been elucidated. In this study, we demonstrate that fucoidan induces platelet activation in a concentration-dependent manner. Fucoidan-induced platelet activation was completely abolished by the pan-Src family kinase (SFK) inhibitor, PP2, or when Syk is inhibited. PP2 abolished phosphorylations of Syk and Phospholipase C-γ2. Fucoidan-induced platelet activation had a lag phase, which is reminiscent of platelet activation by collagen and CLEC-2 receptor agonists. Platelet activation by fucoidan was only slightly inhibited in FcRγ-chain null mice, indicating that fucoidan was not acting primarily through GPVI receptor. On the other hand, fucoidan-induced platelet activation was inhibited in platelet-specific CLEC-2 knock-out murine platelets revealing CLEC-2 as a physiological target of fucoidan. Thus, our data show fucoidan as a novel CLEC-2 receptor agonist that activates platelets through a SFK-dependent signaling pathway. Furthermore, the efficacy of fucoidan in hemophilia raises the possibility that decreased bleeding times could be achieved through activation of platelets.
The reported inverse association between the intake of plant-based foods and a reduction in the prevalence of colorectal cancer may be partly mediated by interactions between insoluble fibre and (poly)phenols and the intestinal microbiota. In the present study, we assessed the impact of palm date consumption, rich in both polyphenols and fibre, on the growth of colonic microbiota and markers of colon cancer risk in a randomised, controlled, cross-over human intervention study. A total of twenty-two healthy human volunteers were randomly assigned to either a control group (maltodextrin-dextrose, 37·1 g) or an intervention group (seven dates, approximately 50 g). Each arm was of 21 d duration and was separated by a 14-d washout period in a cross-over manner. Changes in the growth of microbiota were assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis, whereas SCFA levels were assessed using HPLC. Further, ammonia concentrations, faecal water genotoxicity and anti-proliferation ability were also assessed using different assays, which included cell work and the Comet assay. Accordingly, dietary intakes, anthropometric measurements and bowel movement assessment were also carried out. Although the consumption of dates did not induce significant changes in the growth of select bacterial groups or SCFA, there were significant increases in bowel movements and stool frequency (P<0·01; n 21) and significant reductions in stool ammonia concentration (P<0·05; n 21) after consumption of dates, relative to baseline. Furthermore, date fruit intake significantly reduced genotoxicity in human faecal water relative to control (P<0·01; n 21). Our data indicate that consumption of date fruit may reduce colon cancer risk without inducing changes in the microbiota.
The effect of increased UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence i.e. optimal quantum yield (F(v)/F(m)) and electron transport rate (ETR) in the green filamentous alga Zygnemopsis decussata (Streptophyta, Zygnematales) growing in the high mountain lake ""La Caldera"" (Sierra Nevada, Spain) at 3050 m altitude was evaluated. Two sets of in situ experiments were conducted: (1) On July 2006, F(v)/F(m) was measured throughout the day at different depths (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 m) and in the afternoon. ETR and phenolic compounds were determined. In addition, in order to analyze the effect of UV radiation, F(v)/F(m) was determined in algae incubated for 3 days at 0.5m under three different light treatments: PAR+UVA+UVB (PAB). PAR+UVA (PA) and PAR (P). (2) On August 2007, F(v)/F(m) was determined under PAB, PA and P treatments and desiccation/rehydration conditions. F(v)/F(m) decreased in algae growing in surface waters (0.1 m) but also at 1 m depth compared to that at 0.5 in depth. The decrease of F(v)/F(m) at noon due to photoinhibition was small (less than 10%) except in algae growing at 1 m depth (44%). The maximal electron transport rate was 3.5-5 times higher in algae growing at 0.25-0.5 m respectively than that at 0.1 and 1 m depth. These results are related to the accumulation of phenolic compounds: i.e. the algae at 0.25-0.5 in presentedrespectively about a 3-5 times higher concentration of phenolic compounds than that of algae at 0.1-1 m depth. The protection mechanisms seem to be stimulated by UVB radiation, since F(v)/F(m) was higher in the presence of UVB (PAB treatment) compared to PA or P treatments. UVA exerts the main photoinhibitory effect, not Only at midday, but also in the afternoon. UVB radiation also had a protective effect in algae grown under desiccation conditions for three days. During re-hydration, the rapid increase of F(v)/F(m) (after 1 h) was higher in the UVB-grown algae than in algae grown under UVA radiation. After 5 h. F(v)/F(m) values were similar in algae submitted to desiccation/rehydration under PAB and P treatments as they were in the control (submerged algae). The combined effect of desiccation and UVA produced the greatest decrease of photosynthesis in Z. decussata. Thifs UVB, in contrast to other species, may support the recovery process. Z. decussata can acclimate to severe stress, conditions in this high mountain lake by the photoprotection mechanism induced by UVB radiation through dynamic photoinhibition and the accumulation of phenolic compounds (UV screen and antioxidant substances).
Chagas` disease, a parasitic infection caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major public health problem affecting millions of individuals in Latin America. On the basis of the essential role in the life cycle of T. cruzi, the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been considered an attractive target for the development of novel antitrypanosomatid agents. In the present work, we describe the inhibitory effects of a small library of natural and synthetic anacardic acid derivatives against the target enzyme. The most potent inhibitors, 6-n-pentadecyl-(1) and 6-n-dodecylsalicilic acids (10e), have IC(50) values of 28 and 55 mu M, respectively. The inhibition was not reversed or prevented by the addition of Triton X-100, indicating that aggregate-based inhibition did not occur. In addition, detailed mechanistic characterization of the effects of these compounds on the T. cruzi GAPDH-catalyzed reaction showed clear noncompetitive inhibition with respect to both substrate and cofactor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Frutalin is a homotetrameric alpha-D-galactose (D-Gal)-binding lectin that activates natural killer cells in vitro and promotes leukocyte migration in vivo. Because lectins are potent lymphocyte stimulators, understanding the interactions that occur between them and cell surfaces can help to the action mechanisms involved in this process. In this paper, we present a detailed investigation of the interactions of frutalin with phospho- and glycolipids using Langmuir monolayers as biomembrane models. The results confirm the specificity of frutalin for D-Gal attached to a biomembrane. Adsorption of frutalin was more efficient for the galactose polar head lipids, in contrast to the one for sulfated galactose, in which a lag time is observed, indicating a rearrangement of the monolayer to incorporate the protein. Regarding ganglioside GM1 monolayers, lower quantities of the protein were adsorbed, probably due to the farther apart position of D-galactose from the interface. Binary mixtures containing galactocerebroside revealed small domains formed at high lipid packing in the presence of frutalin, suggesting that lectin induces the clusterization and the forming of domains in vitro, which may be a form of receptor internalization. This is the first experimental evidence of such lectin effect, and it may be useful to understand the mechanism of action of lectins at the molecular level. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The production of volatile organic compounds (VOC) by plants is well known. However, few scientific groups have studied VOC produced by green, brown and red algae. Headspace collection of volatiles and solid phase microextraction, as well as the traditional extraction by hydrodistillation combined with analytical chromatographic techniques (i.e., GC-MS), have significantly improved the investigation of VOC from plants and algae. The major volatile compounds found in seaweeds are hydrocarbons, terpenes, phenols, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, fatty acids and halogen or sulfur-containing compounds. This article presents an overview of VOC isolated from and identified in marine macro-algae. Focus is given to non-halogenated and non-sulfur volatile compounds, as well as strategies to analyze and identify algal VOC by GC-MS.
Geranylation of benzoic acid derivatives by enzymatic extracts from Piper crassinervium (Piperaceae)
The ability to carry out geranylations on aromatic substrates using enzymatic extracts from the leaves of Piper crassinervium (Piperaceae) was evaluated. A literature analysis pointed out its importance as a source of prenylated bioactive molecules. The screening performed on aromatic acceptors (benzoic acids, phenols and phenylpropanoids) including geranyl diphosphate as prenyl donor, showed the biotransformation of the 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid by the crude extract, and the p-hydroxybenzoic acid by both the microsomal fraction and the crude extract, after treating leaves with glucose. The analysis of the products allowed the identification of C- and O-geranylated derivatives, and the protease (subtilisin and pepsin) inhibition performed on the O-geranylated compounds showed weak inhibition. Electrophoretic profiles indicated the presence of bands/spots among 56-58 kDa and pI 6-7, which are compatible with prenyltransferases. These findings show that P. crassinervium could be considered as a source of extracts with geranyltransferase activity to perform biotransformations on aromatic substrates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A sulfated-beta-cyclodextrin (s-beta-CD) modified reduced flow micellar electrokinetic chromatography (RF-MEKC) method was developed and validated for the determination of catechins in green tea. The optimal electrolyte consisted of 0.2% triethylamine, 50 mmol/L SDS and 0.8% s-beta-CD (pH = 2.9), allowing baseline separation of five catechins in 4 min. The samples and standards were injected at 0.6 psi for 5 s under constant voltage of -30 kV. Sample preparation simply involved extraction of 2 g of tea with 200 mL water at 95 C under constant stirring for 5 min. The method demonstrated excellent performance, with limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of 0.02-0.1 and 0.1-0.5 mu g/mL, respectively, and recovery percentages of 94-101%. The method was applied to six samples of Brazilian green tea infusions. Epigallocatechin gallate (23.4-112.4 mu g/mL) was the major component, followed by epigallocatechin (18.4-78.9 mu g/mL), epicatechin gallate (5.6-29.6 mu g/mL), epicatechin (4.6-14.5 mu g/mL) and catechin (3.2-8.2 mu g/mL). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A fast, high-yielding synthesis of diaryl ethers with use of mild and metal-free conditions has been developed. The scope includes bulky ortho-substituted diaryl ethers, which are difficult to obtain by metal-catalyzed protocols. Halo-substituents, racemization-prone amino acid derivatives, and heteroaromatics are also tolerated. The methodology is expected to be of high utility in the synthesis of complex molecules and in the pharmaceutical industry.