877 resultados para species distribution model
L’effet du climat sur la croissance de la végétation est depuis longtemps un fait acquis. Les changements climatiques globaux ont entrainé une augmentation des efforts de recherche sur l’impact de ces changements en milieux naturels, à la fois en termes de distribution et d’abondance des espèces, mais également à travers l’étude des rendements des espèces commerciales. La présente étude vise à déterminer, à travers l’utilisation de relevés dendrochronologiques, les effets de variables climatiques sur la croissance de l’épinette noire et du sapin baumier à l’échelle de la forêt boréale du Québec. Le but est d’identifier les principaux modificateurs climatiques responsables de la croissance des peuplements boréaux en fonction de leur âge et de leur localisation. Se focalisant sur un modèle non-linéaire des moindres carrés incorporant les modificateurs climatiques et un modificateur d’âge, la modélisation de la croissance en surface terrière en fonction de ces critères a permis de détecter des différences entre le sapin baumier et l’épinette noire. Les résultats montrent que les deux espèces réagissent surtout à la longueur de la saison de croissance et aux températures estivales maximales. L’épinette noire semble également plus sensible aux conditions de sécheresse. Les modèles basés sur l’âge ainsi que sur la localisation le long d’un gradient nord-sud révèlent quelques différences, notamment concernant la réaction plus prononcée des jeunes peuplements au climat, en particulier aux températures, tandis que les vieux peuplements sont sensibles au rayonnement solaire. L’étude démontre tout de même une relative indépendance de l’épinette vis-à-vis du gradient latitudinal, à l’inverse du sapin. Les résultats permettent de discuter des modifications de productivité de ces espèces liées à l’allongement de la saison de croissance (gain pour les deux essences) et aux températures croissantes en conjonction avec les précipitations (perte due à la sécheresse pour l’épinette), dans un contexte de changements climatiques.
Emerging infectious diseases are a growing concern in wildlife conservation. Documenting outbreak patterns and determining the ecological drivers of transmission risk are fundamental to predicting disease spread and assessing potential impacts on population viability. However, evaluating disease in wildlife populations requires expansive surveillance networks that often do not exist in remote and developing areas. Here, we describe the results of a community-based research initiative conducted in collaboration with indigenous harvesters, the Inuit, in response to a new series of Avian Cholera outbreaks affecting Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) and other comingling species in the Canadian Arctic. Avian Cholera is a virulent disease of birds caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. Common Eiders are a valuable subsistence resource for Inuit, who hunt the birds for meat and visit breeding colonies during the summer to collect eggs and feather down for use in clothing and blankets. We compiled the observations of harvesters about the growing epidemic and with their assistance undertook field investigation of 131 colonies distributed over >1200 km of coastline in the affected region. Thirteen locations were identified where Avian Cholera outbreaks have occurred since 2004. Mortality rates ranged from 1% to 43% of the local breeding population at these locations. Using a species-habitat model (Maxent), we determined that the distribution of outbreak events has not been random within the study area and that colony size, vegetation cover, and a measure of host crowding in shared wetlands were significantly correlated to outbreak risk. In addition, outbreak locations have been spatially structured with respect to hypothesized introduction foci and clustered along the migration corridor linking Arctic breeding areas with wintering areas in Atlantic Canada. At present, Avian Cholera remains a localized threat to Common Eider populations in the Arctic; however expanded, community-based surveillance will be required to track disease spread.
The blast furnace is the main ironmaking production unit in the world which converts iron ore with coke and hot blast into liquid iron, hot metal, which is used for steelmaking. The furnace acts as a counter-current reactor charged with layers of raw material of very different gas permeability. The arrangement of these layers, or burden distribution, is the most important factor influencing the gas flow conditions inside the furnace, which dictate the efficiency of the heat transfer and reduction processes. For proper control the furnace operators should know the overall conditions in the furnace and be able to predict how control actions affect the state of the furnace. However, due to high temperatures and pressure, hostile atmosphere and mechanical wear it is very difficult to measure internal variables. Instead, the operators have to rely extensively on measurements obtained at the boundaries of the furnace and make their decisions on the basis of heuristic rules and results from mathematical models. It is particularly difficult to understand the distribution of the burden materials because of the complex behavior of the particulate materials during charging. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to clarify some aspects of burden distribution and to develop tools that can aid the decision-making process in the control of the burden and gas distribution in the blast furnace. A relatively simple mathematical model was created for simulation of the distribution of the burden material with a bell-less top charging system. The model developed is fast and it can therefore be used by the operators to gain understanding of the formation of layers for different charging programs. The results were verified by findings from charging experiments using a small-scale charging rig at the laboratory. A basic gas flow model was developed which utilized the results of the burden distribution model to estimate the gas permeability of the upper part of the blast furnace. This combined formulation for gas and burden distribution made it possible to implement a search for the best combination of charging parameters to achieve a target gas temperature distribution. As this mathematical task is discontinuous and non-differentiable, a genetic algorithm was applied to solve the optimization problem. It was demonstrated that the method was able to evolve optimal charging programs that fulfilled the target conditions. Even though the burden distribution model provides information about the layer structure, it neglects some effects which influence the results, such as mixed layer formation and coke collapse. A more accurate numerical method for studying particle mechanics, the Discrete Element Method (DEM), was used to study some aspects of the charging process more closely. Model charging programs were simulated using DEM and compared with the results from small-scale experiments. The mixed layer was defined and the voidage of mixed layers was estimated. The mixed layer was found to have about 12% less voidage than layers of the individual burden components. Finally, a model for predicting the extent of coke collapse when heavier pellets are charged over a layer of lighter coke particles was formulated based on slope stability theory, and was used to update the coke layer distribution after charging in the mathematical model. In designing this revision, results from DEM simulations and charging experiments for some charging programs were used. The findings from the coke collapse analysis can be used to design charging programs with more stable coke layers.
fuzzySim is an R package for calculating fuzzy similarity in species occurrence patterns. It includes functions for data preparation, such as converting species lists (long format) to presence-absence tables (wide format), obtaining unique abbreviations of species names, or transposing (parts of) complex data frames; and sample data sets for providing practical examples. It can convert binary presence-absence to fuzzy occurrence data, using e.g. trend surface analysis, inverse distance interpolation or prevalence-independent environmental favourability modelling, for multiple species simultaneously. It then calculates fuzzy similarity among (fuzzy) species distributions and/or among (fuzzy) regional species compositions. Currently available similarity indices are Jaccard, Sørensen, Simpson, and Baroni-Urbani & Buser.
Despite covering only approximately 138,000 km2, mangroves are globally important carbon sinks with carbon density values 3 to 4 times that of terrestrial forests. A key challenge in evaluating the carbon benefits from mangrove forest conservation is the lack of rigorous spatially resolved estimates of mangrove sediment carbon stocks; most mangrove carbon is stored belowground. Previous work has focused on detailed estimations of carbon stores over relatively small areas, which has obvious limitations in terms of generality and scope of application. Most studies have focused only on quantifying the top 1m of belowground carbon (BGC). Carbon stored at depths beyond 1m, and the effects of mangrove species, location and environmental context on these stores, is poorly studied. This study investigated these variables at two sites (Gazi and Vanga in the south of Kenya) and used the data to produce a country-specific BGC predictive model for Kenya and map BGC store estimates throughout Kenya at spatial scales relevant for climate change research, forest management and REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The results revealed that mangrove species was the most reliable predictor of BGC; Rhizophora muronata had the highest mean BGC with 1485.5t C ha-1. Applying the species-based predictive model to a base map of species distribution in Kenya for the year 2010 with a 2.5m2 resolution, produced an estimate of 69.41 Mt C (± 9.15 95% C.I.) for BGC in Kenyan mangroves. When applied to a 1992 mangrove distribution map, the BGC estimate was 75.65 Mt C (± 12.21 95% C.I.); an 8.3% loss in BGC stores between 1992 and 2010 in Kenya. The country level mangrove map provides a valuable tool for assessing carbon stocks and visualising the distribution of BGC. Estimates at the 2.5m2 resolution provide sufficient detail for highlighting and prioritising areas for mangrove conservation and restoration.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente (Ecologia), 30 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
A Lontra Euroasiática foi alvo de quatro prospeções na Península Ibérica (1990-2008). Em 2003, foi publicado um modelo de distribuição da lontra, com base nos dados de presença/ausência das prospeções publicadas em 1998. Dadas as suas características, este tipo de modelos pode tornar-se um elemento chave nas estratégias de recuperação da lontra como também, de outras espécies, se comprovada a sua fiabilidade e capacidade de antecipar tendências na distribuição das mesmas. Assim, esta dissertação confrontou as previsões do modelo com os dados de distribuição de 2008, a fim de identificar potências áreas de discordância. Os resultados revelam que, o modelo de distribuição de lontra proposto, apesar de ter por base dados de 1998 e de não considerar explicitamente processos biológicos, conseguiu captar o essencial da relação espécie-ambiente, resultando num bom desempenho preditivo para a distribuição da mesma em Espanha, uma década depois da sua construção; Evolution of otter (Lutra lutra L.) distribution in the Iberian Peninsula: Models at different scales and their projection through space and time Abstract: The Eurasian otter was already surveyed four times in the Iberian Peninsula (1990-2008). In 2003, a distribution model for the otter based on presence/absence data from the survey published in 1998, was published. This type of models has advantages that can make it in a key element for otter conservation strategies and also, for other species, but only, if their reliability and capability to predict species distribution tendencies are validated. The present thesis compares the model predictions with 2008 data, in order to find potential mismatch areas. Results suggest that, although the distribution model for the otter was based on data from 1998 and, doesn’t include explicitly biological mechanisms, it managed to correctly identify the essence of the species-environment relationship, what was translated in a good predictive performance for its actual distribution in Spain, after a decade of its construction.
Forest trees, like oaks, rely on high levels of genetic variation to adapt to varying environmental conditions. Thus, genetic variation and its distribution are important for the long-term survival and adaptability of oak populations. Climate change is projected to lead to increased drought and fire events as well as a northward migration of tree species, including oaks. Additionally, decline in oak regeneration has become increasingly concerning since it may lead to decreased gene flow and increased inbreeding levels. This will in turn lead to lowered levels of genetic diversity, negatively affecting the growth and survival of populations. At the same time, populations at the species’ distribution edge, like those in this study, could possess important stores of genetic diversity and adaptive potential, while also being vulnerable to climatic or anthropogenic changes. A survey of the level and distribution of genetic variation and identification of potentially adaptive genes is needed since adaptive genetic variation is essential for their long-term survival. Oaks possess a remarkable characteristic in that they maintain their species identity and specific environmental adaptations despite their propensity to hybridize. Thus, in the face of interspecific gene flow, some areas of the genome remain differentiated due to selection. This characteristic allows the study of local environmental adaptation through genetic variation analyses. Furthermore, using genic markers with known putative functions makes it possible to link those differentiated markers to potential adaptive traits (e.g., flowering time, drought stress tolerance). Demographic processes like gene flow and genetic drift also play an important role in how genes (including adaptive genes) are maintained or spread. These processes are influenced by disturbances, both natural and anthropogenic. An examination of how genetic variation is geographically distributed can display how these genetic processes and geographical disturbances influence genetic variation patterns. For example, the spatial clustering of closely related trees could promote inbreeding with associated negative effects (inbreeding depression), if gene flow is limited. In turn this can have negative consequences for a species’ ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. In contrast, interspecific hybridization may also allow the transfer of genes between species that increase their adaptive potential in a changing environment. I have studied the ecologically divergent, interfertile red oaks, Quercus rubra and Q. ellipsoidalis, to identify genes with potential roles in adaptation to abiotic stress through traits such as drought tolerance and flowering time, and to assess the level and distribution of genetic variation. I found evidence for moderate gene flow between the two species and low interspecific genetic differences at most genetic markers (Lind and Gailing 2013). However, the screening of genic markers with potential roles in phenology and drought tolerance led to the identification of a CONSTANS-like (COL) gene, a candidate gene for flowering time and growth. This marker, located in the coding region of the gene, was highly differentiated between the two species in multiple geographical areas, despite interspecific gene flow, and may play a role in reproductive isolation and adaptive divergence between the two species (Lind-Riehl et al. 2014). Since climate change could result in a northward migration of trees species like oaks, this gene could be important in maintaining species identity despite increased contact zones between species (e.g., increased gene flow). Finally I examined differences in spatial genetic structure (SGS) and genetic variation between species and populations subjected to different management strategies and natural disturbances. Diverse management activities combined with various natural disturbances as well as species specific life history traits influenced SGS patterns and inbreeding levels (Lind-Riehl and Gailing submitted).
Aim Chorological relationships describe the patterns of distributional overlap among species. In addition to revealing biogeographical structure, the resulting clusters of species with similar geographical distributions can serve as natural units in conservation planning. Here, we assess the extent to which temporal, methodological and taxonomical differences in the source of species’ distribution data can affect the relationships that are found.
Although on a local scale Iberian lynx distribution is determined by the availability of prey rabbits, recent modelling analyses have uncovered broad-scale disagreements between these two species’ distribution trends. These analyses showed also that the lynx had become restricted to only a fraction of the rabbit’s genetic diversity, and that this could be jeopardising its survival in the face of environmental hazards and uncertainty. In the present paper, a follow-up was carried out through the building of lynx and rabbit distribution models based on the most recent Spanish mammal atlas. Environmental favourability values for lynx and rabbit were positively correlated within the lynx’s current distribution area, but they were negatively correlated within the total Spanish area where lynx used to occur in the 1980’s. Environmental favourability for rabbits was significantly higher where lynx maintains reproductive populations than where it recently disappeared, indicating that rabbit favourability plays an important role and can be a good predictor of lynx persistence. The lynx and rabbit models were extrapolated to predict favourable areas for both species in Spain as well as in Portugal, on the original scale of the distribution data (10x10 km) and on a 100 times finer spatial resolution (1x1 km). The lynx and rabbit models were also combined through fuzzy logic to forecast the potential for lynx occurrence incorporating information on favourable areas for its main prey. Several areas are proposed as favourable for lynx expansion or re-introduction,
Transferring distribution models between different geographical areas may be problematic, as the performance of models outside their original scope is hard to predict. A modelling procedure is needed that gets the gist of the environmental descriptors of a distribution area, without either overfitting to the training data or overestimating the species’ distribution potential.We tested the transferability power of the favourability function, a generalized linear model, on the distribution of the Iberian desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the Iberian territories of Portugal and Spain.We also tested the effects of two of the main potential constraints on model transferability: the analysed ranges of the predictor variables, and the completeness of the species distribution data. We modelled 10 km×10km presence/absence data from Portugal and Spain separately, extrapolated each model to the other country, and compared predictions with observations. The Spanish model, despite arguably containing more false absences, showed good predictive ability in Portugal. The Portuguese model, whose predictors ranged between only a subset of the values observed in Spain, overestimated desman distribution when transferred.We discuss possible reasons for this differential model behaviour, and highlight the importance of this kind of models for prediction and conservation applications
The ability to forecast machinery failure is vital to reducing maintenance costs, operation downtime and safety hazards. Recent advances in condition monitoring technologies have given rise to a number of prognostic models for forecasting machinery health based on condition data. Although these models have aided the advancement of the discipline, they have made only a limited contribution to developing an effective machinery health prognostic system. The literature review indicates that there is not yet a prognostic model that directly models and fully utilises suspended condition histories (which are very common in practice since organisations rarely allow their assets to run to failure); that effectively integrates population characteristics into prognostics for longer-range prediction in a probabilistic sense; which deduces the non-linear relationship between measured condition data and actual asset health; and which involves minimal assumptions and requirements. This work presents a novel approach to addressing the above-mentioned challenges. The proposed model consists of a feed-forward neural network, the training targets of which are asset survival probabilities estimated using a variation of the Kaplan-Meier estimator and a degradation-based failure probability density estimator. The adapted Kaplan-Meier estimator is able to model the actual survival status of individual failed units and estimate the survival probability of individual suspended units. The degradation-based failure probability density estimator, on the other hand, extracts population characteristics and computes conditional reliability from available condition histories instead of from reliability data. The estimated survival probability and the relevant condition histories are respectively presented as “training target” and “training input” to the neural network. The trained network is capable of estimating the future survival curve of a unit when a series of condition indices are inputted. Although the concept proposed may be applied to the prognosis of various machine components, rolling element bearings were chosen as the research object because rolling element bearing failure is one of the foremost causes of machinery breakdowns. Computer simulated and industry case study data were used to compare the prognostic performance of the proposed model and four control models, namely: two feed-forward neural networks with the same training function and structure as the proposed model, but neglected suspended histories; a time series prediction recurrent neural network; and a traditional Weibull distribution model. The results support the assertion that the proposed model performs better than the other four models and that it produces adaptive prediction outputs with useful representation of survival probabilities. This work presents a compelling concept for non-parametric data-driven prognosis, and for utilising available asset condition information more fully and accurately. It demonstrates that machinery health can indeed be forecasted. The proposed prognostic technique, together with ongoing advances in sensors and data-fusion techniques, and increasingly comprehensive databases of asset condition data, holds the promise for increased asset availability, maintenance cost effectiveness, operational safety and – ultimately – organisation competitiveness.
Determining the ecologically relevant spatial scales for predicting species occurrences is an important concept when determining species–environment relationships. Therefore species distribution modelling should consider all ecologically relevant spatial scales. While several recent studies have addressed this problem in artificially fragmented landscapes, few studies have researched relevant ecological scales for organisms that also live in naturally fragmented landscapes. This situation is exemplified by the Australian rock-wallabies’ preference for rugged terrain and we addressed the issue of scale using the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in eastern Australia. We surveyed for brush-tailed rock-wallabies at 200 sites in southeast Queensland, collecting potentially influential site level and landscape level variables. We applied classification trees at either scale to capture a hierarchy of relationships between the explanatory variables and brush-tailed rock-wallaby presence/absence. Habitat complexity at the site level and geology at the landscape level were the best predictors of where we observed brush-tailed rock-wallabies. Our study showed that the distribution of the species is affected by both site scale and landscape scale factors, reinforcing the need for a multi-scale approach to understanding the relationship between a species and its environment. We demonstrate that careful design of data collection, using coarse scale spatial datasets and finer scale field data, can provide useful information for identifying the ecologically relevant scales for studying species–environment relationships. Our study highlights the need to determine patterns of environmental influence at multiple scales to conserve specialist species such as the brush-tailed rock-wallaby in naturally fragmented landscapes.
Typical high strength steels (HSS) have exceptional high strengths with improved weldability making the material attractive in modern steel constructions. However, due to lack of understanding, most of the current steel design standards are limited to conventional low strength steels (LSS, i.e. fy ≤ 450 MPa). This paper presents the details of full-scale experimental tests on short beams fabricated from BISPLATE80 HSS materials (nominal fy = 690 MPa). The various slenderness ratios of the plate elements in the test specimens were chosen in the range near the current yield limit (AS4100-1998, etc.). The experimental studies presented in this paper have produced a better understanding of the structural behaviour of HSS members subjected to local instabilities. Comparisons have also presented in the paper regarding to the design predictions from the current steel standards (AS4100-1998). This study has enabled to provide a series of proposals for proper assessment of plate slenderness limits for structural members made of representative HSS materials. This research work also enables the inclusion of further versions in the steel design specifications for typical HSS materials to be used in buildings and bridges. This paper also presents a distribution model of residual stresses in the longitudinal direction for typical HSS I-sections.
The main goal of this research is to design an efficient compression al~ gorithm for fingerprint images. The wavelet transform technique is the principal tool used to reduce interpixel redundancies and to obtain a parsimonious representation for these images. A specific fixed decomposition structure is designed to be used by the wavelet packet in order to save on the computation, transmission, and storage costs. This decomposition structure is based on analysis of information packing performance of several decompositions, two-dimensional power spectral density, effect of each frequency band on the reconstructed image, and the human visual sensitivities. This fixed structure is found to provide the "most" suitable representation for fingerprints, according to the chosen criteria. Different compression techniques are used for different subbands, based on their observed statistics. The decision is based on the effect of each subband on the reconstructed image according to the mean square criteria as well as the sensitivities in human vision. To design an efficient quantization algorithm, a precise model for distribution of the wavelet coefficients is developed. The model is based on the generalized Gaussian distribution. A least squares algorithm on a nonlinear function of the distribution model shape parameter is formulated to estimate the model parameters. A noise shaping bit allocation procedure is then used to assign the bit rate among subbands. To obtain high compression ratios, vector quantization is used. In this work, the lattice vector quantization (LVQ) is chosen because of its superior performance over other types of vector quantizers. The structure of a lattice quantizer is determined by its parameters known as truncation level and scaling factor. In lattice-based compression algorithms reported in the literature the lattice structure is commonly predetermined leading to a nonoptimized quantization approach. In this research, a new technique for determining the lattice parameters is proposed. In the lattice structure design, no assumption about the lattice parameters is made and no training and multi-quantizing is required. The design is based on minimizing the quantization distortion by adapting to the statistical characteristics of the source in each subimage. 11 Abstract Abstract Since LVQ is a multidimensional generalization of uniform quantizers, it produces minimum distortion for inputs with uniform distributions. In order to take advantage of the properties of LVQ and its fast implementation, while considering the i.i.d. nonuniform distribution of wavelet coefficients, the piecewise-uniform pyramid LVQ algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm quantizes almost all of source vectors without the need to project these on the lattice outermost shell, while it properly maintains a small codebook size. It also resolves the wedge region problem commonly encountered with sharply distributed random sources. These represent some of the drawbacks of the algorithm proposed by Barlaud [26). The proposed algorithm handles all types of lattices, not only the cubic lattices, as opposed to the algorithms developed by Fischer [29) and Jeong [42). Furthermore, no training and multiquantizing (to determine lattice parameters) is required, as opposed to Powell's algorithm [78). For coefficients with high-frequency content, the positive-negative mean algorithm is proposed to improve the resolution of reconstructed images. For coefficients with low-frequency content, a lossless predictive compression scheme is used to preserve the quality of reconstructed images. A method to reduce bit requirements of necessary side information is also introduced. Lossless entropy coding techniques are subsequently used to remove coding redundancy. The algorithms result in high quality reconstructed images with better compression ratios than other available algorithms. To evaluate the proposed algorithms their objective and subjective performance comparisons with other available techniques are presented. The quality of the reconstructed images is important for a reliable identification. Enhancement and feature extraction on the reconstructed images are also investigated in this research. A structural-based feature extraction algorithm is proposed in which the unique properties of fingerprint textures are used to enhance the images and improve the fidelity of their characteristic features. The ridges are extracted from enhanced grey-level foreground areas based on the local ridge dominant directions. The proposed ridge extraction algorithm, properly preserves the natural shape of grey-level ridges as well as precise locations of the features, as opposed to the ridge extraction algorithm in [81). Furthermore, it is fast and operates only on foreground regions, as opposed to the adaptive floating average thresholding process in [68). Spurious features are subsequently eliminated using the proposed post-processing scheme.