923 resultados para somatic cell count
In vertebrates, folliculogeneis establishes an intricate system for somatic cell-oocyte interaction, and ultimately leads to the acquisition of their respective competences. Although the formation process and corresponding interactions are strikingly similar in diverse organisms, knowledge of genes and signaling pathways involved in follicle formation is very incomplete and the underlying molecular mechanisms remain enigmatic. CNBP has been identified for more than ten years, and the highest level of CNBP transcripts has been observed in adult zebrafish ovary, but little is known about its functional significance during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. In this study, we clone CNBP cDNA from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and demonstrate its predominant expression in gibel carp ovary and testis not only by RTPCR but also by Western blot. Its full-length cDNA is 1402 bp, and has an ORF of 489 nt for encoding a peptide of 163 aa. And its complete amino acid sequence shared 68.5%-96.8% identity with CNBPs from other vertebrates. Based on the expression characterization, we further analyze its expression pattern and developmental behaviour during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Following these studies, we reveal an unexpected discovery that the CagCNBP is associated with follicular cells and oocytes, and significant distribution changes have occurred in degenerating and regenerating follicles. More interestingly, the CagCNBP is more highly expressed in some clusters of interconnected cells within ovarian cysts, no matter whether the cell clusters are formed from the original primordial germ cells or from the newly formed cells from follicular cells that invaded into the atretic oocytes. It is the first time to reveal CNBP relevance to folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Moreover, a similar stage-specific and cell-specific expression pattern has also been observed in the gibel carp testis. Therefore, further studies on CNBP expression pattern and developmental behaviour will be of significance for understanding functional roles of CNBP during gametogenests. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Division of labour is a marked feature of multicellular organisms. Margulis proposed that the ancestors of metazoans had only one microtubule organizing center (MTOC), so they could not move and divide simultaneously. Selection for simultaneous movement and cell division had driven the division of labour between cells. However, no evidence or explanation for this assumption was provided. Why could the unicellular ancetors not have multiple MTOCs? The gain and loss of three possible strategies are discussed. It was found that the advantage of one or two MTOC per cell is environment-dependent. Unicellular organisms with only one MTOC per cell are favored only in resource-limited environments without strong predatory pressure. If division of labour occurring in a bicellular organism just makes simultaneous movement and cell division possible, the possibility of its fixation by natural selection is very low because a somatic cell performing the function of an MTOC is obviously wasting resources. Evolutionary biologists should search for other selective forces for division of labour in cells.
体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer)克隆技术的成功,特别 是运用终末分化的淋巴细胞和嗅觉神经元细胞成功克隆出小鼠,证实了分化的体 细胞核潜在的发育全能性。该技术已经在多个物种上成功地得到克隆后代,在转 基因动物、基因敲除动物和疾病模型动物生产中也得到成功应用,在结合干细胞 技术的治疗性克隆和再生医学方面也取得了初步成果,展现出了具有深远意义的 应用前景。但是,目前该领域仍然存在着很多急待解决的重要问题:克隆成功率 低,克隆胚和克隆动物经常呈现发育异常,妊娠和出生前后的高死亡率。对哺乳 动物早期胚胎发育过程中DNA 甲基化、组蛋白修饰等表观遗传重编程 (epigenetic reprogramming)机制的深入了解,有助于研究体细胞核在去核卵 母细胞中的表观遗传重编程事件,进而改善克隆胚重编程效率和发育能力。 猕猴是一种重要的实验动物,在人类疾病模型和生物医药研究中有重要的意 义。本研究主要围绕猕猴体细胞克隆胚胎早期发育过程中的表观遗传重编程事件 和核移植前体细胞同步化处理这两方面展开。1),首次详细地了描绘了猕猴着床 前胚胎发育过程中整体水平的DNA 甲基化表观遗传重编程事件,研究发现在受精 卵中父本基因组形成原核后迅速地发生了去甲基化,在2 细胞期后的卵裂过程 中,母本基因组才开始逐渐地去甲基化,到桑葚胚达到最低水平,然后开始重新 (de novo)甲基化,到囊胚期时形成不对称的甲基化模式,滋养外胚层(TE)呈 现高甲基化状态,而内细胞团(ICM)呈现低甲基化状态,这一不对称模式可能是 灵长类动物特有的,其他哺乳动物呈现正好相反的不对称模式。2),研究发现, 大多数猕猴克隆胚胎的DNA 甲基化重编程存在异常,效率低。很多2 细胞期克隆 胚(67%)和8 细胞期克隆胚(50%)的核DNA 甲基化水平显著高于对应的体 外受精胚,8 细胞克隆胚之间呈现多种不同的表观遗传特征。大多数克隆囊胚的 ICM 细胞核的甲基化水平显著高于IVF 囊胚,这些异常可能是导致克隆胚胎移 植到代孕母体后发育时间不长就失败的原因。3),在核移植前对猕猴成纤维细 胞同步化处理的研究中发现,血清饥饿,细胞周期阻断剂DMSO(二甲基亚砜)、 roscovitine、aphidicolin 和indirubin 的处理都有显著的同步化效果,提高了G0+G1 期细胞的比例。经过BrdU 标记法证实了这几种处理方法抑制细胞增殖的效果,并且证实了这种周期阻滞作用是可逆的。用原位末端标记法(TUNEL)分析证 实,血清饥饿1 到4 天后细胞凋亡比例显著上升,在贴壁的细胞中约有6%发生 凋亡,而正常对照只有1%左右,而周期阻断剂处理没有增加细胞凋亡率,这提 示这些周期阻断剂可能是一种相对安全且有效的猕猴成纤维细胞处理方法。核移 植前对猕猴成纤维细胞进行处理,有助于优化体细胞核移植技术,也是改善体细 胞核在克隆胚中重编程效率的重要途径。
题。 在已有的基础上,建立了基于单个植入前胚胎的逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术,成功实现了针对单个猕猴植入前胚胎进行可重复的,多个特定基因的表达检测。在此基础上,对一些重要的早期胚胎发育相关基因在猕猴体细胞核移植胚胎和体外受精胚胎中的表达进行了比较研究。这其中包括核仁相关蛋白基因nucleolin,nucleophosmin,fibrillarin,PAF53,UBF和mRNA早期装配相关蛋白snrpn,这些基因被认为与植入前胚胎的再程序化有着非常密切的关系。我们的研究结果发现,相对于体外受精胚胎,被检测基因在核移植胚胎中的转录出现了不同程度的异常,表现为表达丰度相对较低,这意味着体细胞核移植植入前胚胎的再程序化,或者说供体核的再程序化可能出现了异常。通过进一步对fibrillarin(胚胎合子基因组启动的标志基因)的表达研究,比较了合子基因组启动这一再程序化分子事件在核移植胚胎和体外受精胚胎中的发生时序。研究结果证实,体细胞核移植胚胎的合子基因组启动出现了明显的滞后。我们还发现这与核移植胚胎的异常卵裂速度有着一定的关联,同时说明某些源自核移植操作技术和方法的未知因素可能是造成核移植胚胎再程序化异常的主要原因。为了验证合子基因组滞后对核移植胚胎后续发育的影响,本论文研究分析了着床相关基因Mamu-AG在猕猴核移植胚胎中的表达。研究首次发现Mamu-AG mRNA只在囊胚期开始出现,这与在人类中的情况有所不同(始于8细胞时期)。在正常体外受精囊胚中,不论发育时间如何,第6和第7天的囊胚均正常表达Mamu-AG mRNA。而在核移植囊胚中,仅有第7天的囊胚检测到该mRNA,第6天的囊胚中则没有,这进一步说明了胚胎合子基因组启动的延迟是影响核移植胚胎发育的重要环节。 本研究从分子水平上对猕猴植入前胚胎基因转录和表达进行了分析研究,首次发现了在猕猴体细胞核移植胚胎中发育相关基因表达异常,以及合子基因组启动滞后的分子证据,这为我们改进现有的猕猴核移植操作程序提供了新的思路,同时也为进一步研究猕猴植入前胚胎发育的再程序化奠定了基础。
尽管体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)技术仍然处于 起步发展阶段,但是随着体细胞核移植技术在近些年来的飞速发展,人们已经得 到了多种哺乳动物体细胞核移植的存活后代。体细胞核移植技术在生物医药、农 业及其它领域的应用显示了这项技术的巨大发展前景。另一方面,人们发现体细 胞核移植效率低下并且体细胞克隆动物存在许多缺陷,这些主要是由于核移植技 术,供体细胞选择,体外培养系统以及卵母细胞的状态等的差异导致的。本研究 主要围绕着这些因素在体细胞核移植过程中对于克隆胚胎植入前后发育的影响 而开展,目的在于提高体细胞核移植的效率。 实验一,研究了几个因素对克隆胚胎发育和克隆效率的影响,为提高体细胞 核移植效率提供一些依据。这部分研究主要包括四倍体半克隆小鼠研究和蛋白酶 体抑制剂在克隆胚胎和孤雌激活胚胎发育中的影响。四倍体体细胞半克隆 (tetraploid semi-cloned , TSC)胚胎的体外发育结果表明,虽然TSC 胚胎可 能避免二倍体半克隆胚胎发育过程中的非整倍体现象,但是仍然不能形成胎儿。 另外,利用蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132 处理克隆胚胎的结果表明,虽然MG132 通过抑 制成熟促进因子(maturation promoting factors,MPF)活性的降低可以提高 克隆胚胎的体外发育率,但是没有改变克隆胚胎的质量。 实验二,研究了克隆技术在克隆胚胎构建和发育上的影响。首先,我们研究 了完整颗粒细胞注射到卵母细胞中所引起的变化。我们发现完整的颗粒细胞注入 到卵母细胞中之后很快引起细胞膜裂解和细胞核碎裂,从而导致激活后重构胚胎 的碎裂。这一实验表明完整供体细胞核注入的方法不适用于小鼠体细胞克隆。接 下来我们研究了不同的核移植技术――利用piezo 的直接注射法(piezoelectric microinjection,PEM)和电融合法(Electrofusion,EF)――对植入前后的克隆胚 胎以及出生后的克隆动物的影响。研究的结果发现,在PEM 法中,提高piezo 脉 冲的强度会导致供体细胞核DNA 断裂增加,使植入前克隆胚胎的细胞数目减少, 凋亡增加,从而降低克隆胚胎的质量。相反,在用EF 法产生的胚胎中细胞核DNA 的断裂很少,克隆胚胎质量相对较好。实验的结果表明,由于两种克隆技术利用 的原理不同,会对克隆胚胎的发育产生一定的影响,从而改变克隆的效率。 实验三,研究了猕猴体细胞克隆胚胎早期发育过程中细胞核内有丝分裂器蛋 白[Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein,NuMA]的表达和分布。尽管在有些猕猴体 细胞核移植胚胎中没有检测到NuMA 的正确表达和分布并且有些胚胎出现了微 管组装异常,但是大多数猕猴体细胞核移植胚胎具有正常的NuMA 蛋白表达和 正常的核型。通过改进操作技术我们得到了可以发育到正常囊胚的猕猴体细胞核 移植胚胎。这些结果提示猕猴SCNT 胚胎发育失败的原因不是NuMA 等重要蛋 白的缺失。
尽管大部分动物实验是在啮齿类动物上开展的,我们仍然相信涉及人类的许多问题,如胚胎干细胞的体内功能、调亡和肿瘤形成等只有在非人灵长类模型上才能得到最好的回答。猕猴(标准的非人灵长类动物模型)在解剖、生理和代谢方面都和人类非常相似。人类很多神经疾病,如阿尔茨海默氏病、帕金森病,只能在非人灵长类模型上才能精确建模。所以研究猕猴胚胎干细胞自我更新的原理及猕猴胚胎早期发育,对研究免疫排斥,检测基于胚胎干细胞的治疗的可行性,安全性和有效性具有重要意义。本文一方面对胚胎干细胞维持自我更新和多潜能性的机理研究进行了综述,另一方面对以下两个方面的内容进行了研究: 1)运用寡核苷酸芯片和定量PCR 验证的方法来分析五株猕猴饲养层细胞的表达模式,期望发现在支持性和非支持性的饲养层细胞中差异性表达的基因。我们着重定位于饲养层胞外空间和细胞膜上的细胞因子,因为这些因子可以通过直接接触或通过膜结合受体激活下游信号通路,并最终促进猕猴胚胎干细胞的自我更新。我们发现在支持性的饲养层中有八个基因是高表达的,他们是GREM2, bFGF,KITLG,DKK3,GREM1,AREG,SERPINF1 和LTBP1; 经定量PCR 验证的SCF,bFGF 和GREM2 的表达情况都和芯片数据吻合。 2)为了描述在IVF (in vitro fertilized, 体外受精),ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection, 单精注射),SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer, 体细胞核移植)和孤雌生殖猕猴囊胚中WNT 信号通路的表达情况,我们运用了信号通路特异性PCR Array 系统及免疫细胞化学来检测mRNA 和蛋白表达水平。其中,ICSI 作为IVF 胚胎的参照组,以排除显微操作对胚胎质量的影响。结果,我们发现非经典WNT/JNK 信号,而不是经典WNT 信号通路,在IVF 正常胚胎发育中起作用。而体细胞核移植和孤雌生殖的胚胎的WNT 信号通路基因表达明显高于正常胚胎。WNT 信号通路基因的表达模式可以作为胚胎质量的一个指示标准,有助于回答为什么猕猴 SCNT 和孤雌生殖胚胎发育异常。
以奥利亚罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus)为实验对象,设计了3种不同的摄食类型,分别是鲜活饵料组、饥饿3周后饱食投喂组和人工饲料组。鲜活饵料组投喂冰冻赤子爱胜蚓,利用蚯蚓体内丰富的营养成分和活性物质,以期获得奥利亚罗非鱼良好的生长状况;饥饿后饱食组是指饥饿3周后,以人工饲料饱食投喂2周,用于研究饥饿与补偿生长获得快速生长时血液理化指标的变化情况;人工饲料组作为对照组。纯淡水条件下养殖,水温25±2℃。测定了奥利亚罗非鱼在3种摄食类型饲喂下某些血液生理生化指标变化的情况,并将指标变化情况与增重率做相关性分析,试图找出能够反映奥利亚罗非鱼生长性能的血液生理生化指标。 研究结果表明,奥利亚罗非鱼在饥饿3周后获得了补偿生长,补偿生长时的增重率和特定生长率显著高于人工饲料组(P<0.05),高于鲜活饵料组,但差别不显著;相关性分析研究表明血清总蛋白、胆固醇、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T4)与增重率极显著相关(P<0.01),血红蛋白显著相关(P<0.05),红细胞、白细胞、碱性磷酸酶高度相关(相关系数为0.580、0.551和0.557),因此,建议血清总蛋白、胆固醇和血红蛋白可作为能够反映罗非鱼生长性能的新指标。 根据序列设计引物,PCR反应条件:变性温度:95 ℃,3 min;退火温度:57℃,20 sec;延伸温度:72℃,5 min,共36个循环,从牙鲆、黑鲪和鲈鱼中克隆出胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-Ⅰ)部分序列,首次证实了IGF-Ⅰ在3种海水鱼中的存在。 利用蛋氨酸与ZnSO4•7H2O,在pH 5.5、80℃下,反应1小时,采用蛋氨酸与硫酸锌2:1的配料比,合成出了产物蛋氨酸螯合锌,蛋氨酸螯合锌外观白色,粉状,室温下微溶于水,不溶于乙醇,并用原子吸收光谱法测定其含锌量为15%,螯合率为88.2%。
To evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of a 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive patients, 80 men and 18 women received 1 dose of the vaccine (Pneumo 23; Pasteur Mérieux MSD, Brussels). The total IgG antibody response against all 23 Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular antigens was measured. Antibody levels were expressed in arbitrary units per microliter, referring to a standard curve. Geometric mean titers of the total IgG capsular antibodies on the day of vaccination and 30-45 days later were compared. The ratios of titers after and before vaccination in patients with > 500, 200-500, and < 200 CD4 lymphocytes/microL were 10, 10, and 12.6, respectively. Nonresponse (ratio < 4) occurred in 17% of patients and was unrelated to CD4 cell count. The vaccine was well tolerated; no serious side effects occurred. In 83% of the patients with HIV infection, the total antipneumococcal IgG level was higher after vaccination.
Pharmacologic, biochemical, and genetic analyses have demonstrated the existence of multiple alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (alpha 2AR) subtypes. We have cloned a human alpha 2AR by using the polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotide primers homologous to conserved regions of the previously cloned alpha 2ARs, the genes for which are located on human chromosomes 4 (C4) and 10 (C10). The deduced amino acid sequence encodes a protein of 450 amino acids whose putative topology is similar to that of the family of guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors, but whose structure most closely resembles that of the alpha 2ARs. Competition curve analysis of the binding properties of the receptor expressed in COS-7 cells with a variety of adrenergic ligands demonstrates a unique alpha 2AR pharmacology. Hybridization with somatic cell hybrids shows that the gene for this receptor is located on chromosome 2. Northern blot analysis of various rat tissues shows expression in liver and kidney. The unique pharmacology and tissue localization of this receptor suggest that this is an alpha 2AR subtype not previously identified by classical pharmacological or ligand binding approaches.
The adrenergic receptors (ARs) (subtypes alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, and beta 2) are a prototypic family of guanine nucleotide binding regulatory protein-coupled receptors that mediate the physiological effects of the hormone epinephrine and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. We have previously assigned the genes for beta 2- and alpha 2-AR to human chromosomes 5 and 10, respectively. By Southern analysis of somatic cell hybrids and in situ chromosomal hybridization, we have now mapped the alpha 1-AR gene to chromosome 5q32----q34, the same position as beta 2-AR, and the beta 1-AR gene to chromosome 10q24----q26, the region where alpha 2-AR is located. In mouse, both alpha 2- and beta 1-AR genes were assigned to chromosome 19, and the alpha 1-AR locus was localized to chromosome 11. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis has shown that the alpha 1- and beta 2-AR genes in humans are within 300 kilobases (kb) and the distance between the alpha 2- and beta 1-AR genes is less than 225 kb. The proximity of these two pairs of AR genes and the sequence similarity that exists among all the ARs strongly suggest that they are evolutionarily related. Moreover, they likely arose from a common ancestral receptor gene and subsequently diverged through gene duplication and chromosomal duplication to perform their distinctive roles in mediating the physiological effects of catecholamines. The AR genes thus provide a paradigm for understanding the evolution of such structurally conserved yet functionally divergent families of receptor molecules.
Acellular dermal matrices (ADM) are commonly used in reconstructive procedures and rely on host cell invasion to become incorporated into host tissues. We investigated different approaches to adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) engraftment into ADM to enhance this process. Lewis rat adipose-derived stem cells were isolated and grafted (3.0 × 10(5) cells) to porcine ADM disks (1.5 mm thick × 6 mm diameter) using either passive onlay or interstitial injection seeding techniques. Following incubation, seeding efficiency and seeded cell viability were measured in vitro. In addition, Eighteen Lewis rats underwent subcutaneous placement of ADM disk either as control or seeded with PKH67 labeled ASCs. ADM disks were seeded with ASCs using either onlay or injection techniques. On day 7 and or 14, ADM disks were harvested and analyzed for host cell infiltration. Onlay and injection techniques resulted in unique seeding patterns; however cell seeding efficiency and cell viability were similar. In-vivo studies showed significantly increased host cell infiltration towards the ASCs foci following injection seeding in comparison to control group (p < 0.05). Moreover, regional endothelial cell invasion was significantly greater in ASCs injected grafts in comparison to onlay seeding (p < 0.05). ADM can successfully be engrafted with ASCs. Interstitial engraftment of ASCs into ADM via injection enhances regional infiltration of host cells and angiogenesis, whereas onlay seeding showed relatively broad and superficial cell infiltration. These findings may be applied to improve the incorporation of avascular engineered constructs.
The in vivo glucose recovery of subcutaneously implanted nitric oxide (NO)-releasing microdialysis probes was evaluated in a rat model using saturated NO solutions to steadily release NO. Such methodology resulted in a constant NO flux of 162 pmol cm(-2) s(-1) from the probe membrane over 8 h of perfusion daily. The in vivo effects of enhanced localized NO were evaluated by monitoring glucose recovery over a 14 day period, with histological analysis thereafter. A difference in glucose recovery was observed starting at 7 days for probes releasing NO relative to controls. Histological analysis at 14 days revealed lessened inflammatory cell density at the probe surface and decreased capsule thickness. Collectively, the results suggest that intermittent sustained NO release from implant surfaces may improve glucose diffusion for subcutaneously implanted sensors by mitigating the foreign body reaction.
BACKGROUND: Dolutegravir (S/GSK1349572), a once-daily, unboosted integrase inhibitor, was recently approved in the United States for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in combination with other antiretroviral agents. Dolutegravir, in combination with abacavir-lamivudine, may provide a simplified regimen. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, phase 3 study involving adult participants who had not received previous therapy for HIV-1 infection and who had an HIV-1 RNA level of 1000 copies per milliliter or more. Participants were randomly assigned to dolutegravir at a dose of 50 mg plus abacavir-lamivudine once daily (DTG-ABC-3TC group) or combination therapy with efavirenz-tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (DF)-emtricitabine once daily (EFV-TDF-FTC group). The primary end point was the proportion of participants with an HIV-1 RNA level of less than 50 copies per milliliter at week 48. Secondary end points included the time to viral suppression, the change from baseline in CD4+ T-cell count, safety, and viral resistance. RESULTS: A total of 833 participants received at least one dose of study drug. At week 48, the proportion of participants with an HIV-1 RNA level of less than 50 copies per milliliter was significantly higher in the DTG-ABC-3TC group than in the EFV-TDF-FTC group (88% vs. 81%, P = 0.003), thus meeting the criterion for superiority. The DTG-ABC-3TC group had a shorter median time to viral suppression than did the EFV-TDF-FTC group (28 vs. 84 days, P<0.001), as well as greater increases in CD4+ T-cell count (267 vs. 208 per cubic millimeter, P<0.001). The proportion of participants who discontinued therapy owing to adverse events was lower in the DTG-ABC-3TC group than in the EFV-TDF-FTC group (2% vs. 10%); rash and neuropsychiatric events (including abnormal dreams, anxiety, dizziness, and somnolence) were significantly more common in the EFV-TDF-FTC group, whereas insomnia was reported more frequently in the DTG-ABC-3TC group. No participants in the DTG-ABC-3TC group had detectable antiviral resistance; one tenofovir DF-associated mutation and four efavirenz-associated mutations were detected in participants with virologic failure in the EFV-TDF-FTC group. CONCLUSIONS: Dolutegravir plus abacavir-lamivudine had a better safety profile and was more effective through 48 weeks than the regimen with efavirenz-tenofovir DF-emtricitabine. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Coccolithophores are the largest source of calcium carbonate in the oceans and are considered to play an important role in oceanic carbon cycles. Current methods to detect the presence of coccolithophore blooms from Earth observation data often produce high numbers of false positives in shelf seas and coastal zones due to the spectral similarity between coccolithophores and other suspended particulates. Current methods are therefore unable to characterise the bloom events in shelf seas and coastal zones, despite the importance of these phytoplankton in the global carbon cycle. A novel approach to detect the presence of coccolithophore blooms from Earth observation data is presented. The method builds upon previous optical work and uses a statistical framework to combine spectral, spatial and temporal information to produce maps of coccolithophore bloom extent. Validation and verification results for an area of the north east Atlantic are presented using an in situ database (N = 432) and all available SeaWiFS data for 2003 and 2004. Verification results show that the approach produces a temporal seasonal signal consistent with biological studies of these phytoplankton. Validation using the in situ coccolithophore cell count database shows a high correct recognition rate of 80% and a low false-positive rate of 0.14 (in comparison to 63% and 0.34 respectively for the established, purely spectral approach). To guide its broader use, a full sensitivity analysis for the algorithm parameters is presented.
Patients with bronchiectasis often have impaired quality of life (QoL), which deteriorates with exacerbations. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in QoL and how these were influenced by changes in airway physiology and inflammation in patients with bronchiectasis before and after resolution of an exacerbation. Sputum induction and a QoL questionnaire were undertaken on the first day, day 14, and 4 weeks after completion of intravenous antibiotics (day 42). Eighteen patients (12 female) were recruited, median (IQ range) age of 54 (47–60) years. There was a trend towards an improvement in lung function from visit 1 to visit 2, but this was not statistically significant. C-reactive protein (CRP) [mean (SEM)] reduced between visit 1 and visit 2 [55.4 (21.5) vs 9.4 (3.1) mg/L, P = 0.03] but did not increase significantly on visit 3 [44.4 (32.9) mg/L, P = 0.27]. The median (interquartile range) sputum cell count (×106 cells/g of sputum) decreased from visit 1 to visit 2 [21.6 (11.8–37.6)–13.3 (6.7–22.9) × 106 cells/g, respectively, P = 0.008] and increased from visit 2 to visit 3 [26.3 (14.1–33.6) × 106 cells/g, P = 0.03]. All soluble markers of inflammation significantly reduced from visit 1 to visit 2 but increased on visit 3 with the exception of TNF-a. Regarding QoL, three of the four domains (dyspnoea, emotional, mastery) significantly improved from visit 1 to visit 2 but did not change between visit 2 and visit 3. The improvements in QoL scores could not be explained by the improvements in lung function or inflammatory markers.