840 resultados para shape coefficient
Artifacts made by humans, such as items of furniture and houses, exhibit an enormous amount of variability in shape. In this paper, we concentrate on models of the shapes of objects that are made up of fixed collections of sub-parts whose dimensions and spatial arrangement exhibit variation. Our goals are: to learn these models from data and to use them for recognition. Our emphasis is on learning and recognition from three-dimensional data, to test the basic shape-modeling methodology. In this paper we also demonstrate how to use models learned in three dimensions for recognition of two-dimensional sketches of objects.
Colección de poemas que tratan diversos temas pero cuya peculiaridad es que están escritos adoptando las formas más diversas, siluetas de vacas, rinocerontes, hipopótamos, y cuya caligrafía también es muy diversa y varia de tamaño.
Esta selección de poesía se ha elegido para que coincida con temas de interés para el grupo de edad: formas. Aunque los poemas son completamente independientes de otras historias, pueden ser introducidos junto con libros de cuentos. Destinado a escuelas infantiles, puede utilizarse para el trabajo curricular transversal, así como para la enseñanza de la lectura y el disfrute de la poesía, ritmo y rima. Desarrolla en los niños habilidades fonológicas y el conocimiento de la rima y los introduce en la poesía desde las primeras etapas de la lectura. Ofrece orientación para hablar y escuchar, con especial atención a la lectura en voz alta.
Colección de poemas, escritos sobre diversos temas y adaptados a una gran variedad de formas, desde un triángulo hasta un cohete, pasando por un vaso y una jarra, el mapa de África o una paloma. También es diversa la forma y el tamaño de las caligrafías.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Shape complexity has recently received attention from different fields, such as computer vision and psychology. In this paper, integral geometry and information theory tools are applied to quantify the shape complexity from two different perspectives: from the inside of the object, we evaluate its degree of structure or correlation between its surfaces (inner complexity), and from the outside, we compute its degree of interaction with the circumscribing sphere (outer complexity). Our shape complexity measures are based on the following two facts: uniformly distributed global lines crossing an object define a continuous information channel and the continuous mutual information of this channel is independent of the object discretisation and invariant to translations, rotations, and changes of scale. The measures introduced in this paper can be potentially used as shape descriptors for object recognition, image retrieval, object localisation, tumour analysis, and protein docking, among others
Aquesta tesi està emmarcada dins la detecció precoç de masses, un dels símptomes més clars del càncer de mama, en imatges mamogràfiques. Primerament, s'ha fet un anàlisi extensiu dels diferents mètodes de la literatura, concloent que aquests mètodes són dependents de diferent paràmetres: el tamany i la forma de la massa i la densitat de la mama. Així, l'objectiu de la tesi és analitzar, dissenyar i implementar un mètode de detecció robust i independent d'aquests tres paràmetres. Per a tal fi, s'ha construït un patró deformable de la massa a partir de l'anàlisi de masses reals i, a continuació, aquest model és buscat en les imatges seguint un esquema probabilístic, obtenint una sèrie de regions sospitoses. Fent servir l'anàlisi 2DPCA, s'ha construït un algorisme capaç de discernir aquestes regions són realment una massa o no. La densitat de la mama és un paràmetre que s'introdueix de forma natural dins l'algorisme.
Tradicionalment, la reproducció del mon real se'ns ha mostrat a traves d'imatges planes. Aquestes imatges se solien materialitzar mitjançant pintures sobre tela o be amb dibuixos. Avui, per sort, encara podem veure pintures fetes a ma, tot i que la majoria d'imatges s'adquireixen mitjançant càmeres, i es mostren directament a una audiència, com en el cinema, la televisió o exposicions de fotografies, o be son processades per un sistema computeritzat per tal d'obtenir un resultat en particular. Aquests processaments s'apliquen en camps com en el control de qualitat industrial o be en la recerca mes puntera en intel·ligència artificial. Aplicant algorismes de processament de nivell mitja es poden obtenir imatges 3D a partir d'imatges 2D, utilitzant tècniques ben conegudes anomenades Shape From X, on X es el mètode per obtenir la tercera dimensió, i varia en funció de la tècnica que s'utilitza a tal nalitat. Tot i que l'evolució cap a la càmera 3D va començar en els 90, cal que les tècniques per obtenir les formes tridimensionals siguin mes i mes acurades. Les aplicacions dels escàners 3D han augmentat considerablement en els darrers anys, especialment en camps com el lleure, diagnosi/cirurgia assistida, robòtica, etc. Una de les tècniques mes utilitzades per obtenir informació 3D d'una escena, es la triangulació, i mes concretament, la utilització d'escàners laser tridimensionals. Des de la seva aparició formal en publicacions científiques al 1971 [SS71], hi ha hagut contribucions per solucionar problemes inherents com ara la disminució d'oclusions, millora de la precisió, velocitat d'adquisició, descripció de la forma, etc. Tots i cadascun dels mètodes per obtenir punts 3D d'una escena te associat un procés de calibració, i aquest procés juga un paper decisiu en el rendiment d'un dispositiu d'adquisició tridimensional. La nalitat d'aquesta tesi es la d'abordar el problema de l'adquisició de forma 3D, des d'un punt de vista total, reportant un estat de l'art sobre escàners laser basats en triangulació, provant el funcionament i rendiment de diferents sistemes, i fent aportacions per millorar la precisió en la detecció del feix laser, especialment en condicions adverses, i solucionant el problema de la calibració a partir de mètodes geomètrics projectius.
1. We compared the baseline phosphorus (P) concentrations inferred by diatom-P transfer functions and export coefficient models at 62 lakes in Great Britain to assess whether the techniques produce similar estimates of historical nutrient status. 2. There was a strong linear relationship between the two sets of values over the whole total P (TP) gradient (2-200 mu g TP L-1). However, a systematic bias was observed with the diatom model producing the higher values in 46 lakes (of which values differed by more than 10 mu g TP L-1 in 21). The export coefficient model gave the higher values in 10 lakes (of which the values differed by more than 10 mu g TP L-1 in only 4). 3. The difference between baseline and present-day TP concentrations was calculated to compare the extent of eutrophication inferred by the two sets of model output. There was generally poor agreement between the amounts of change estimated by the two approaches. The discrepancy in both the baseline values and the degree of change inferred by the models was greatest in the shallow and more productive sites. 4. Both approaches were applied to two lakes in the English Lake District where long-term P data exist, to assess how well the models track measured P concentrations since approximately 1850. There was good agreement between the pre-enrichment TP concentrations generated by the models. The diatom model paralleled the steeper rise in maximum soluble reactive P (SRP) more closely than the gradual increase in annual mean TP in both lakes. The export coefficient model produced a closer fit to observed annual mean TP concentrations for both sites, tracking the changes in total external nutrient loading. 5. A combined approach is recommended, with the diatom model employed to reflect the nature and timing of the in-lake response to changes in nutrient loading, and the export coefficient model used to establish the origins and extent of changes in the external load and to assess potential reduction in loading under different management scenarios. 6. However, caution must be exercised when applying these models to shallow lakes where the export coefficient model TP estimate will not include internal P loading from lake sediments and where the diatom TP inferences may over-estimate TP concentrations because of the high abundance of benthic taxa, many of which are poor indicators of trophic state.
Matheron's usual variogram estimator can result in unreliable variograms when data are strongly asymmetric or skewed. Asymmetry in a distribution can arise from a long tail of values in the underlying process or from outliers that belong to another population that contaminate the primary process. This paper examines the effects of underlying asymmetry on the variogram and on the accuracy of prediction, and the second one examines the effects arising from outliers. Standard geostatistical texts suggest ways of dealing with underlying asymmetry; however, this is based on informed intuition rather than detailed investigation. To determine whether the methods generally used to deal with underlying asymmetry are appropriate, the effects of different coefficients of skewness on the shape of the experimental variogram and on the model parameters were investigated. Simulated annealing was used to create normally distributed random fields of different size from variograms with different nugget:sill ratios. These data were then modified to give different degrees of asymmetry and the experimental variogram was computed in each case. The effects of standard data transformations on the form of the variogram were also investigated. Cross-validation was used to assess quantitatively the performance of the different variogram models for kriging. The results showed that the shape of the variogram was affected by the degree of asymmetry, and that the effect increased as the size of data set decreased. Transformations of the data were more effective in reducing the skewness coefficient in the larger sets of data. Cross-validation confirmed that variogram models from transformed data were more suitable for kriging than were those from the raw asymmetric data. The results of this study have implications for the 'standard best practice' in dealing with asymmetry in data for geostatistical analyses. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Asymmetry in a distribution can arise from a long tail of values in the underlying process or from outliers that belong to another population that contaminate the primary process. The first paper of this series examined the effects of the former on the variogram and this paper examines the effects of asymmetry arising from outliers. Simulated annealing was used to create normally distributed random fields of different size that are realizations of known processes described by variograms with different nugget:sill ratios. These primary data sets were then contaminated with randomly located and spatially aggregated outliers from a secondary process to produce different degrees of asymmetry. Experimental variograms were computed from these data by Matheron's estimator and by three robust estimators. The effects of standard data transformations on the coefficient of skewness and on the variogram were also investigated. Cross-validation was used to assess the performance of models fitted to experimental variograms computed from a range of data contaminated by outliers for kriging. The results showed that where skewness was caused by outliers the variograms retained their general shape, but showed an increase in the nugget and sill variances and nugget:sill ratios. This effect was only slightly more for the smallest data set than for the two larger data sets and there was little difference between the results for the latter. Overall, the effect of size of data set was small for all analyses. The nugget:sill ratio showed a consistent decrease after transformation to both square roots and logarithms; the decrease was generally larger for the latter, however. Aggregated outliers had different effects on the variogram shape from those that were randomly located, and this also depended on whether they were aggregated near to the edge or the centre of the field. The results of cross-validation showed that the robust estimators and the removal of outliers were the most effective ways of dealing with outliers for variogram estimation and kriging. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For vegetated surfaces, calculation of soil heat flux, G, with the Exact or Analytical method requires a harmonic analysis of below-canopy soil surface temperature, to obtain the shape of the diurnal course of G. When determining G with remote sensing methods, only composite (vegetation plus soil) radiometric brightness temperature is available. This paper presents a simple equation that relates the sum of the harmonic terms derived for the composite radiometric surface temperature to that of belowcanopy soil surface temperature. The thermal inertia, Gamma(,) for which a simple equation has been presented in a companion paper, paper I, is used to set the magnitude of G. To assess the success of the method proposed in this paper for the estimation of the diurnal shape of G, a comparison was made between 'remote' and in situ calculated values from described field sites. This indicated that the proposed method was suitable for the estimation of the shape of G for a variety of vegetation types and densities. The approach outlined in paper I, to obtain Gamma, was then combined with the estimated harmonic terms to predict estimates of G, which were compared to values predicted by empirical remote methods found in the literature. This indicated that the method proposed in the combination of papers I and II gave reliable estimates of G, which, in comparison to the other methods, resulted in more realistic predictions for vegetated surfaces. This set of equations can also be used for bare and sparsely vegetated soils, making it a universally applicable method. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate how a droplet of a complex liquid is modified by its internal nanoscale structure. As the liquid passes from an isotropic disordered state to an anisotropic layered morphology, the droplet shape switches from a smooth spherical cap to a terraced hyperbolic profile, which can be modeled as a stack of thin concentric circular disks with a repulsion between adjacent disk edges. Our ability to resolve the detailed shape of these defect-free droplets offers a unique opportunity to explore the underlying physics.