339 resultados para semiologia psicanalítica
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we intend to understand the functioning of Freudian psychism concerning the constitution of the psychic subject in his relation with knowledge. In order to do that, we will analyze one of the most important writings by Freud: An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. This choice was made because we think that the author synthesizes his thought in that book, whose maturity makes possible for us to access a later elaboration of the functioning and the conceptions we intend to analyze: The regions of Psychic apparatus; The problem of the Psycho-Analysis approach: science and philosophy; and The psychic qualities of the subject.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
When writing Coraline, Neil Gaiman takes up some resources used by Lewis Carroll in his two major works, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, but still manages to write a unique novel, seemingly grim, filled with horror. In the 1960s, the theoretician Julia Kristeva conducted a study on the possible dialogue between the texts, concluding that every text contains parts of other texts, already written or that will be. Based on the theory of intertextuality she first proposed and which was subsequently discussed by several theoreticians, this paper aims to find points in the works in which this dialogue is present, as well as how Neil Gaiman appropriates these resources properly. It also tries to show elements where these points of intertextuality differ, proposing that this difference is because Gaiman resorted, directly, or indirectly, to insights drawn from the study of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
Cartografia temática do atlas de sensibilidade ambiental a derramamentos de óleo do litoral paulista
The objective of this paper is the elaboration and implementation of procedures in a cartographic representation related by fundamental of thematic cartography and graphic semiology for the standardization of the Environmental Oil Spill Sensitivity Maps supported by a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for handling and modeling of a large number of variables. These make up the Environmental Sensitivity Atlas to Oil Spills in Coastal Paulista, and that represents the phenomena that occur in geographic space accurately so as to highlight the importance of each element in the evaluation and protection of areas of greater sensitivity oil. The composition of the cartographic documents considers the Littoral Sensitivity Index (LSI), biological resources and the resources for human use that could be negatively impacted. Thus, the information contained in each map was carefully evaluated before implementation, so that the cartographic representations of various resources, environments, and other ISLs, the reader should issue an immediate message that could be understood clearly, without requiring prior knowledge of specialized. Another aspect was the distribution harmoniously all the elements contained in the document, so that information could be enough without overwhelming it. It was also taken a certain care, so each symbol could be used properly in order that there is no conflict in the information.
Taking into consideration the previous critical interpretations about Baudelaire’s poem called “Le cygne” (Benjamin, Oehler, Barbosa), this article highlights some relevant aspects about allegorical structure, seeking to demonstrate how the feeling of exile and the melancholy, which define the poetic individual and which represent underlying themes in Baudelaire’s poem, can be read through a frame of reference which links both historical-political and psychoanalytical interpretations.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito (CAVD) é uma enfermidade de caráter hereditário na qual há uma lenta e progressiva degeneração do miocárdio. As apresentações clínicas podem variar desde um animal saudável, assintomático, a episódios de síncope, fraqueza, intolerância ao exercício, tosse e aumento de volume abdominal. Visto a dificuldade diagnóstica devido às variações na forma de apresentação da doença e os diferentes achados de exames complementares, esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo definir o melhor critério diagnóstico para a CAVD. Um total de 24 artigos foi utilizado, sendo que 18 destes relatavam o critério diagnóstico utilizado. O melhor exame complementar encontrado foi o eletrocardiograma (Holter-24 horas), no qual animais que apresentam mais de 1000 contrações ventriculares prematuras (CVPs) em 24 horas são considerados doentes
O livro Educação Pública nas Metrópoles Brasileiras: impasses e novos desenlaces apresenta um conjunto de artigos sobre preconceitos que persistem nas práticas educacionais contemporâneas, sobretudo nas grandes cidades como São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. De outra parte enfatiza como a teoria psicanalítica combinada com o método etnográfico, praticada em instituições educacionais, pode ser útil para a reconstrução de padrões de autoridade imprescindíveis ao ato educativo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Starting with a critical review that make Deleuze and Guattari about the use of images in the writings and drawings reproduced in Narrative of a Child Analysis, by Melanie Klein, the authors reflect on the place of metaphor in the speech of this analyzed child about desiring life, intoxicated with Oedipian metaphors. They highlight the role of metaphor in the production of the alleged psychoanalytic intoxication.
The objective of the present article is to introduce Zaira de Bittencourt Martins’s contributions to psychoanalysis in Rio Grande do Sul, identifying her as pioneer in child psychoanalysis in this State. Starting from a historic research based on interviews with psychoanalysts, bibliographical sources and contacts with relatives, the author composed a biographical outline of the psychoanalyst above mentioned. Zaira Martins, together with her husband, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Mario Martins, immigrated to Argentina in 1944, and in 1947 was recognized as an analyst by the Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association. On her return to Brazil she became the first non physician woman to make part of the Psychoanalytic Society of Porto Alegre, collaborating with her foundation, in 1963. She played the pioneer role as child psychoanalyst and contributed in the dissemination of Kleinian ideas in her State. She also contributed in the formation of young analysts who were beginners in the child analyst field, through courses and supervisions.
The present work is a reflexive-theoretically research that intends, by the light of Psychoanalytic and Freudo-Marxim theories, to think about the work malaise - effect of a repressive civilization -, and the sublimation possibilities, in the context of the discussions about the conflict individual-civilization. The work favors the essential thing for the human race's representations. Current researches indicate the importance of thinking the work in the process physical and mental health/illness, as well as the subjectivity of the human race in the present time. However, the organizations of work, using reductionist views, with the psychiatric-medical Knowledge/power as accomplice, have a tendency to disregard their responsibilities in the "production" of the illnesses in the workers. Freud, by the neurosis's understanding, showed that in the individual-civilization conflict the first one pays a high price: the constant malaise (the guilt as malaise). While who detains the guilt, in the social sense of the word (the guilt of malaise), is the human culture, intermediated by the organizations, defenders of the minority's interests that hold the manners of production/exploration. According to Freud, the growth of the feeling of guilt is inevitable, considering the necessity of the drives repression to cultural progress through displeasure work. However, Reich and Marcuse theorize an exit for the Freudian pessimism about the conflict between the individual and the civilization. Freud didn't consider properly the nature socio-historical of the Reality Principle, understanding it like universal. Therefore, the level of repression would have a specific socio-economic class: surplus value for a minority and more repression for the great mass. A less repressive Reality Principle might provide a fair progress of the humanity. It's in the list of discussion the possibility of the work in social and psychological conditions that allow the reduction of worker's malaise in the civilization's breast.