974 resultados para robotics manipulators


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A survey of the existing state-of-the-art of turbine blade manufacture highlights two operations that have not been automated namely that of loading of a turbine blade into an encapsulation die, and that of removing a machined blade from the encapsulation block. The automation of blade decapsulation has not been pursued. In order to develop a system to automate the loading of an encapsulation die a prototype mechanical handling robot has been designed together with a computer controlled encapsulation die. The robot has been designed as a mechanical handling robot of cylindrical geometry, suitable for use in a circular work cell. It is the prototype for a production model to be called `The Cybermate'. The prototype robot is mechanically complete but due to unforeseen circumstances the robot control system is not available (the development of the control system did not form a part of this project), hence it has not been possible to fully test and assess the robot mechanical design. Robot loading of the encapsulation die has thus been simulated. The research work with regard to the encapsulation die has focused on the development of computer controlled, hydraulically actuated, location pins. Such pins compensate for the inherent positional inaccuracy of the loading robot and reproduce the dexterity of the human operator. Each pin comprises a miniature hydraulic cylinder, controlled by a standard bidirectional flow control valve. The precision positional control is obtained through pulsing of the valves under software control, with positional feedback from an 8-bit transducer. A test-rig comprising one hydraulic location pin together with an opposing spring loaded pin has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be controlled with a repeatability of +/-.00045'. In addition this test-rig has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be used to gauge and compensate for the dimensional error of the component held between the pins, by offsetting the pin datum positions to allow for the component error. A gauging repeatability of +/- 0.00015' was demonstrated. This work has led to the design and manufacture of an encapsulation die comprising ten such pins and the associated computer software. All aspects of the control software except blade gauging and positional data storage have been demonstrated. Work is now required to achieve the accuracy of control demonstrated by the single pin test-rig, with each of the ten pins in the encapsulation die. This would allow trials of the complete loading cycle to take place.


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La tesi approccia in modo transdisciplinare biologia, architettura e robotica, con la finalità di indagare e applicare principi costruttivi attraverso l’interazione tra sciami di droni che depositano materiale fibroso su strutture gonfiabili di supporto. L’attenzione principale è nello sviluppo (attraverso un workflow computazionale che gestisce sciami di agenti costruttori) di una tettonica che integra struttura, spazio e ornamento all’interno dello stesso processo progettuale, il quale si sviluppa coerentemente dall’ideazione fino alla fabbricazione. Sono stati studiati modelli biologici quali le colonie di ragni sociali, i quali costruiscono artefatti di grandi dimensioni relativamente a quelle del singolo individuo grazie ad un’organizzazione coordinata ed emergente e alle proprietà dei sistemi fibrosi. L’auto-organizzazione e la decentralizzazione, insieme alle caratteristiche del sistema materiale, sono stati elementi indispensabili nell’estrapolazione prima e nella codificazione poi di un insieme di regole adatte allo sviluppo del sistema costruttivo. Parallelamente alla simulazione digitale si è andati a sviluppare anche un processo fisico di fabbricazione che, pur tenendo conto dei vincoli economici e tecnici, potesse dimostrarsi una prova di concetto e fattibilità del sistema costruttivo. Sono state investigate le possibilità che un drone offre nel campo della fabbricazione architettonica mediante il rilascio di fili su elementi gonfiabili in pressione. Il processo può risultare vantaggioso in scenari in cui non è possibile allestire infrastrutture costruttive tradizionali (es. gole alpine, foreste). Tendendo conto dei vincoli e delle caratteristiche del sistema di fabbricazione proposto, sono state esplorate potenzialità e criticità del sistema studiato.


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This paper proposes conceptual designs of multi-degree(s) of freedom (DOF) compliant parallel manipulators (CPMs) including 3-DOF translational CPMs and 6-DOF CPMs using a building block based pseudo-rigid-body-model (PRBM) approach. The proposed multi-DOF CPMs are composed of wire-beam based compliant mechanisms (WBBCMs) as distributed-compliance compliant building blocks (CBBs). Firstly, a comprehensive literature review for the design approaches of compliant mechanisms is conducted, and a building block based PRBM is then presented, which replaces the traditional kinematic sub-chain with an appropriate multi-DOF CBB. In order to obtain the decoupled 3-DOF translational CPMs (XYZ CPMs), two classes of kinematically decoupled 3-PPPR (P: prismatic joint, R: revolute joint) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs) and 3-PPPRR TPMs are identified based on the type synthesis of rigid-body parallel mechanisms, and WBBCMs as the associated CBBs are further designed. Via replacing the traditional actuated P joint and the traditional passive PPR/PPRR sub-chain in each leg of the 3-DOF TPM with the counterpart CBBs (i.e. WBBCMs), a number of decoupled XYZ CPMs are obtained by appropriate arrangements. In order to obtain the decoupled 6-DOF CPMs, an orthogonally-arranged decoupled 6-PSS (S: spherical joint) parallel mechanism is first identified, and then two example 6-DOF CPMs are proposed by the building block based PRBM method. It is shown that, among these designs, two types of monolithic XYZ CPM designs with extended life have been presented.


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This paper deals with the conceptual design of decoupled, compact, and monolithic XYZ compliant parallel manipulators (CPMs): CUBEs. Position spaces of compliant P (P: prismatic) joints are first discussed, which are represented by circles about the translational directions. A design method of monolithic XYZ CPMs is then proposed in terms of both the kinematic substitution method and the position spaces. Three types of monolithic XYZ CPMs are finally designed using the proposed method with the help of three classes of kinematical decoupled 3-DOF (degree of freedom) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs). These monolithic XYZ CPMs include a 3-PPP XYZ CPM composed of identical parallelogram modules (a previously reported design), a novel 3-PPPR (R: revolute) XYZ CPM composed of identical compliant four-beam modules, and a novel 3-PPPRR XYZ CPM. The latter two monolithic designs also have extended lives. It is shown that the proposed design method can be used to design other decoupled and compact XYZ CPMs by using the concept of position spaces, and the resulting XYZ CPM is the most compact one when the fixed ends of the three actuated compliant P joints thereof overlap.


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This paper introduces a screw theory based method termed constraint and position identification (CPI) approach to synthesize decoupled spatial translational compliant parallel manipulators (XYZ CPMs) with consideration of actuation isolation. The proposed approach is based on a systematic arrangement of rigid stages and compliant modules in a three-legged XYZ CPM system using the constraint spaces and the position spaces of the compliant modules. The constraint spaces and the position spaces are firstly derived based on the screw theory instead of using the rigid-body mechanism design experience. Additionally, the constraint spaces are classified into different constraint combinations, with typical position spaces depicted via geometric entities. Furthermore, the systematic synthesis process based on the constraint combinations and the geometric entities is demonstrated via several examples. Finally, several novel decoupled XYZ CPMs with monolithic configurations are created and verified by finite elements analysis. The present CPI approach enables experts and beginners to synthesize a variety of decoupled XYZ CPMs with consideration of actuation isolation by selecting an appropriate constraint and an optimal position for each of the compliant modules according to a specific application.


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This paper outlines the development of a crosscorrelation algorithm and a spiking neural network (SNN) for sound localisation based on real sound recorded in a noisy and dynamic environment by a mobile robot. The SNN architecture aims to simulate the sound localisation ability of the mammalian auditory pathways by exploiting the binaural cue of interaural time difference (ITD). The medial superior olive was the inspiration for the SNN architecture which required the integration of an encoding layer which produced biologically realistic spike trains, a model of the bushy cells found in the cochlear nucleus and a supervised learning algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that biologically inspired sound localisation achieved using a SNN can compare favourably to the more classical technique of cross-correlation.


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This thesis addresses the Batch Reinforcement Learning methods in Robotics. This sub-class of Reinforcement Learning has shown promising results and has been the focus of recent research. Three contributions are proposed that aim to extend the state-of-art methods allowing for a faster and more stable learning process, such as required for learning in Robotics. The Q-learning update-rule is widely applied, since it allows to learn without the presence of a model of the environment. However, this update-rule is transition-based and does not take advantage of the underlying episodic structure of collected batch of interactions. The Q-Batch update-rule is proposed in this thesis, to process experiencies along the trajectories collected in the interaction phase. This allows a faster propagation of obtained rewards and penalties, resulting in faster and more robust learning. Non-parametric function approximations are explored, such as Gaussian Processes. This type of approximators allows to encode prior knowledge about the latent function, in the form of kernels, providing a higher level of exibility and accuracy. The application of Gaussian Processes in Batch Reinforcement Learning presented a higher performance in learning tasks than other function approximations used in the literature. Lastly, in order to extract more information from the experiences collected by the agent, model-learning techniques are incorporated to learn the system dynamics. In this way, it is possible to augment the set of collected experiences with experiences generated through planning using the learned models. Experiments were carried out mainly in simulation, with some tests carried out in a physical robotic platform. The obtained results show that the proposed approaches are able to outperform the classical Fitted Q Iteration.


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Evolutionary robitics is a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the automatic generation of autonomous robots. Usually the form of the robit is predefined an various computational techniques are used to control the machine's behaviour. One aspect is the spontaneous generation of walking in legged robots and this can be used to investigate the mechanical requiements for efficient walking in bipeds. This paper demonstrates a bipedal simulator that spontaneously generates walking and running gaits. The model can be customized to represent a range of hominoid morphologies and used to predict performance paramets such as preferred speed and metabolic energy cost. Because it does not require any motion capture data it is particularly suitable for investigating locomotion in fossil animals. The predictoins for modern humans are highly accurate in terms of energy cost for a given speend and thus the values predicted for other bipeds are likely to be good estimates. To illustrate this the cost of transport is calculated for Australopithecus afarensis. The model allows the degree of maximum extension at the knee to be varied causing the model to adopt walking gaits varying from chimpanzee-like to human=like. The energy costs associated with these gait choices can thus be calculated and this information used to evaluate possible locomotor strategies in early hominids


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To understand the evolution of bipedalism among the homnoids in an ecological context we need to be able to estimate theenerrgetic cost of locomotion in fossil forms. Ideally such an estimate would be based entirely on morphology since, except for the rare instances where footprints are preserved, this is hte only primary source of evidence available. In this paper we use evolutionary robotics techniques (genetic algoritms, pattern generators and mechanical modeling) to produce a biomimentic simulation of bipedalism based on human body dimensions. The mechnaical simulation is a seven-segment, two-dimensional model with motive force provided by tension generators representing the major muscle groups acting around the lower-limb joints. Metabolic energy costs are calculated from the muscel model, and bipedal gait is generated using a finite-state pattern generator whose parameters are produced using a genetic algorithm with locomotor economy (maximum distance for a fixed energy cost) as the fitness criterion. The model is validated by comparing the values it generates with those for modern humans. The result (maximum efficiency of 200 J m-1) is within 15% of the experimentally derived value, which is very encouraging and suggests that this is a useful analytic technique for investigating the locomotor behaviour of fossil forms. Initial work suggests that in the future this technique could be used to estimate other locomotor parameters such as top speed. In addition, the animations produced by this technique are qualitatively very convincing, which suggests that this may also be a useful technique for visualizing bipedal locomotion.


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The natural compliance and force generation properties of pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) allow them to operate like human muscles in anthropomorphic robotic manipulators. Traditionally, manipulators use a single PAM or multiple PAMs actuated in unison in place of a human muscle. However, these manipulators experience efficiency losses when operated outside their target performance ranges. The unidirectional actuation behavior of a miniature PAM bundle and bidirectional actuation behavior of an antagonistic pair of miniature PAM bundles are characterized and modeled. The results are used to motivate the application of a variable recruitment control strategy to a parallel bundle of miniature PAMs as an attempt to mimic the selective recruitment of motor units in a human muscle to improve the operating efficiency of the actuator. Additionally, the fabrication and quasi-static testing results for PAMs assembled from candidate space qualified bladder and braided sleeve materials for use in space robotics are assessed.


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This paper reviews current research works at the authors’ Institutions to illustrate how mobile robotics and related technologies can be used to enhance economical fruition, control, protection and social impact of the cultural heritage. Robots allow experiencing on-line, from remote locations, tours at museums, archaeological areas and monuments. These solutions avoid travelling costs, increase beyond actual limits the number of simultaneous visitors, and prevent possible damages that can arise by over-exploitation of fragile environments. The same tools can be used for exploration and monitoring of cultural artifacts located in difficult to reach or dangerous areas. Examples are provided by the use of underwater robots in the exploration of deeply submerged archaeological areas. Besides, technologies commonly employed in robotics can be used to help exploring, monitoring and preserving cultural artifacts. Examples are provided by the development of procedures for data acquisition and mapping and by object recognition and monitoring algorithms.


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This paper presents a robust hybrid force/position control scheme of two cooperative manipulators handling an unknown object interacting with an unknown environment. The uncertainty of the object is considered in the weight, length, and the position of centre of mass (COM). The environment is assumed to have an unknown but high stiffness. A hybrid force/position control algorithm is designed for the known system and environment case. The exponential convergence of the position and the interaction force with the environment is proved using the Lyapunov direct method. Similarly, in the unknown object and environment case, and in the presence of bounded disturbances on the robots and the object, an adaptive sliding mode hybrid force/position control scheme is designed. The asymptotic convergence of the object's position and the constraint force is guaranteed using the proposed control methodology. The internal forces and moments between the object and robots are controlled independently of the object's motion and environmental interaction forces. Simulation results confirm the performance and effectiveness of the suggested control methodologies.


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Underwater robotics is a growing field in which more research is required. A literature review has been conducted on underwater robotics, focusing on the swarm problem with this type of robotics to help overcome this gap. Consensus control of robotic swarms is focused on, with a brief description of formation control and how it can be applied in the underwater setting. The basic concepts behind Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization, Bees Algorithm and Heterogeneous Swarms has also been presented. The problems that are associated with communicating underwater are shown, with some possible solutions to this problem also being presented. Possible future work is described to conclude the paper.


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Underwater swarm robotics today faces a series of challenges unique to its aquatic environment. This chapter explores some possible applications of underwater swarm robotics and its challenges. Those challenges include the environment itself, sensor types required, problems with communication and the difficulty in localisation. it notes the serious challenges in underwater communication is that radio communications is practically non-existent in the underwater realm. Localisation also becomes problematic due to the lack of radio waves as GPS cannot be used. it also looks at the platforms required by underwater robots and includes a possible low-cost platform. Also explored is a method of swarm robotics control known as consensus control. It shows possible solutions to the challenges and where swarm robotics may head.


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Hexarot is a robotic manipulator that belongs to the family of axis symmetric parallel mechanisms. The robot is able to move the robot platform or tool center point in six degrees of freedom (DOF). This paper presents the kinematics model of the robot including the inverse and forward kinematics, and its time derivatives. Then using the kinematics formulations, investigation of the nonlinear motion of the Hexarot robot for a desired linear motion path is performed. For this purpose, the concept of curvature of the robot path is used for measuring the nonlinearity of the actual motion of the robot. The nonlinear motion error of the robot is analyzed for the scenario where the platform moves on a linear path between two arbitrary points of the robot workspace. The effects of different parameters on the nonlinear motion error of the mechanism are demonstrated and strategies for motions with low error values are proposed.