984 resultados para radiação UV-C


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The anionic complexes [Cu(L(1-))(3)](1-), L(-) = dopasemiquinone or L-dopasemiqui none, were prepared and characterized. The complexes are stable in aqueous solution showing intense absorption bands at ca. 605 nm for Cu(II)-L-dopasemiquinone and at ca. 595 nm for Cu(II)-dopasemiquinone in the UV-vis spectra, that can be assigned to intraligand transitions. Noradrenaline and adrenaline, under the same reaction conditions, did not yield Cu-complexes, despite the bands in the UV region showing that noradrenaline and adrenaline were oxidized during the process. The complexes display a resonance Raman effect, and the most enhanced bands involve ring modes and particularly the vCC + vCO stretching mode at ca. 1384 cm(-1). The free radical nature of the ligands and the oxidation state of the Cu(II) were confirmed by the EPR spectra that display absorptions assigned to organic radicals with g= 2.0005 and g = 2.0923, and for Cu(II) with g = 2.008 and g = 2.0897 for L-dopasemiquinone and dopasemiquinone, respectively. The possibility that dopamine and L-dopa can form stable and aqueous-soluble copper complexes at neutral pH, whereas noradrenaline and adrenaline cannot, may be important in understanding how Cu(II)-dopamine crosses the cellular membrane as proposed in the literature to explain the role of copper in Wilson disease. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two techniques, namely UV-vis- and FTIR spectroscopy, have been employed in order to calculate the degree of substitution (DS) of cellulose carboxylic esters, including acetates, CAs, butyrates, CBs, and hexanoates, CHs. Regarding UV-vis spectroscopy, we have employed a novel approach, based on measuring the dependence of lambda(max) of the intra-molecular charge-transfer bands of polarity probes adsorbed on DS of the ester films (solvatochromism). Additionally, we have revisited the use of FTIR for DS determination. Several methods have been used in order to plot Beer`s law graph, namely: Absorption of KBr pellets, pre-coated with CA: reflectance (DRIFTS) of CAs-KBr solid-solid mixtures with, or without the use of 1.4-dicyanobenzene as an internal reference; reflectance of KBr powder pre-coated with CA. The methods indicated are simple, fast, and accurate, requiring much less ester than the titration method. The probe method is independent of the experimental variables examined. (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Reversed chloroquine (RCQ) is a multiple ligand compound active against chloroquine-sensitive and resistant falciparum malaria. It is composed by a 4-aminoquinoline moiety (like that present in chloroquine (CQ)) joined to imipramine (IMP), a modulating agent that also showed intrinsic antiplasmodial activity against Brazilian Plasmodium falciparum isolates resistant to CQ. Molecular modeling and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis) studies strongly suggest that the interaction between RCQ and heme is predominant through the quinoline moiety in a mechanism of action similar to that observed for CQ. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A capillary electrophoresis method for organic acids in wine was developed and validated. The optimal electrolyte consisted of 10 mmol/L 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (DNB) at pH 3.6 containing 0.2 mmol/L cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as flow reverser. DNB was chosen because it has an effective mobility similar to the organic acids under investigation, good buffering capacity at pH 3.6, and good chromophoric characteristics for indirect UV-absorbance detection at 254 nm. Sample preparation involved dilution and filtration. The method showed good performance characteristics: Linearity at 6 to 285 mg/L (r > 0.99); detection and quantification limits of 0.64 to 1.55 and 2.12 to 5.15 mg/L, respectively; separation time of less than 5.5 min. Coefficients of variation for ten injections were less than 5% and recoveries varied from 95% to 102%. Application to 23 samples of Brazilian wine confirmed good repeatability and demonstrated wide variation in the organic acid concentrations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a study on the ethanol oxidation reaction using SnO(2)@Pt/C core-shell structures as electrocatalysts. All the materials used, including Pt/C and PtSn/C E-tek, were 20% (w/w) metal on carbon. The formation of core-shell nanoparticles (SnO(2)@Pt/C) was measured by UV-vis spectrophotometry. X-ray diffraction measurements showed Pt (shell) diffraction patterns without influence from the SnO(2) core and without any shift in 2 theta values for Pt. The diameters of the core-shell particle structures, measured using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images, were in the range of 3-16 nm. The electrochemical profile for SnO(2)@Pt/C in an acidic medium (H(2)SO(4) at a concentration of 0.5 mol L(-1)) was almost the same as the typical electrochemical behavior for Pt in an acidic medium. Furthermore, the onset potential for the ethanol oxidation reaction using SnO(2)@Pt/C was almost the same as that for PtSn/C E-tek (0.23 V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode). However, the mass current peak densities for ethanol oxidation were 50% higher on SnO(2)@Pt/C than on PtSn/C E-tek. In the polarization curve, the mass current density for ethanol oxidation was higher at all potentials for SnO(2)@Pt/C when compared to Pt/C and PtSn/C E-tek. At 0.5 V, the current mass density for ethanol oxidation on SnO(2)@Pt was 2.3 times of that for the same process on the commercial material. The electrocatalytic activity of SnO(2)@Pt/C for ethanol oxidation was associated with an increase in the electrochemically active surface area. However, an electronic effect should also be considered because the Pt shell changes its electronic structure in the presence of the foreign core. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method is reported for the quantification of isoorientin (using a standard addition method) and total flavonoids (expressed as rutin, using the external standard method) in passion fruit pulp (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, Passifloraceae). Extraction of flavonoids was optimized by experimental design methodology, and quantitative analysis was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography with photo-diode array detection (HPLC-UV/DAD). The method was developed and validated according to ICH requirements for specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision (repeatability and intermediate precision). LOD and LOQ. Rutin was chosen as standard for the quantification of total flavonoids in order to propose a HPLC method feasible for routine analysis of the flavonoids in the passion fruit pulp. The passion fruit pulp contained 16.226 +/- 0.050 mg L(-1) of isoorientin and 158.037 +/- 0.602 mg L(-1) of total flavonoid, suggesting that P. edulis fruits may be comparable with other flavonoid food sources such as orange juice or sugarcane juice. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new polymeric coating consisting of a dual-phase, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polypyrrole (PPY) was developed for the stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) of antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine and sertraline) from plasma samples, followed by liquid chromatography analysis (SBSE/LC-UV). The extractions were based on both adsorption (PPY) and sorption (PDMS) mechanisms. SBSE variables, such as extraction time, temperature, pH of the matrix, and desorption time were optimized, in order to achieve suitable analytical sensitivity in a short time period. The PDMS/PPY coated stir bar showed high extraction efficiency (sensitivity and selectivity) toward the target analytes. The quantification limits (LOQ) of the SBSE/LC-UV method ranged from 20 ng mL(-1) to 50 ng mL(-1), and the linear range was from LOQ to 500 ng mL(-1), with a determination coefficient higher than 0.99. The inter-day precision of the SBSE/LC-UV method presented a variation coefficient lower than 15%. The efficiency of the SBSE/LC-UV method was proved by analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Um novo mutante isolado da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sensível à fotoativação de psoralenos mono- e bi-funcionais, à UVC e ao MNNG, complementou o fenótipo de sensibilidade à fotoadição de psoralenos conferido pelas mutações pso1 a pso7 e assim foi chamado pso8-1. O duplo mutante pso8-1 rad4-4 foi altamente sensível à UVC, indicando assim uma interação sinergística dos dois mutantes alelos. A clonagem molecular pela complementação do fenótipo de sensibilidade à radiação UVC do mutante pso8-1 e estudos genéticos revelaram que pso8-1 é alelo ao gene RAD6. O produto do gene RAD6/UBC2 é uma enzima conjugada à ubiquitina envolvida em reparação de DNA, esporulação, recombinação, indução de mutagênese, degradação de proteínas, genes silenciosos, transposição Ty1. Enquanto o mutante pso8-1 apresenta um fenótipo mutador espontâneo e possui baixa mutabilidade induzida a mutágenos, a esporulação de diplóides homoalélicas mostrou eficiência próxima à da linhagem selvagem. A análise da seqüência do mutante alelo mostrou que pso8-1 contém uma nova, e até agora desconhecida, transição T→C no nucleotídeo 191, levando à substituição de uma prolina altamente conservada por uma leucina na posição 64 (Rad6-[P64L]) que pode ter severas conseqüências na estrutura terciária da proteína mutada, e conseqüente ligação a pRad18.


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Neste trabalho estuda-se a formação de novas fases de carbono amorfo através da irradiação iônica de filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H polimérico. Os efeitos da irradiação iônica na modificação das propriedades ópticas e mecânicas dos filmes de carbono irradiados são analisados de forma correlacionada com as alterações estruturais a nivel atômico. O estudo envolve tanto a análise dos danos induzidos no fulereno pela irradiação iônica a baixas fluências, correspondendo a baixas densidades de energia depositada, quanto a investigação das propriedades físico-químicas das fases amorfas obtidas após irradiações dos filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H com altas densidades de energia depositada. As propriedades ópticas, mecânicas e estruturais das amostras são analisadas através de técnicas de espectroscopia Raman e infravermelho, espectrofotometria UV-VIS-NIR, microscopias ópticas e de força atômica, nanoindentação e técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, tais como retroespalhamento Rutherford e análises por reação nuclear. As irradiações produzem profundas modificações nas amostras de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H, e por conseqüência significativas alterações em suas propriedades ópticas e mecânicas. Após máximas fluências de irradiação fases amorfas rígidas (com dureza de 14 e 17 GPa) e com baixos gaps ópticos (0,2 e 0,5 eV) são formadas. Estas estruturas não usuais correspondem a arranjos atômicos com 90 a 100% de estados sp2. Em geral fases sp2 são planares e apresentam baixa dureza, como predito pelo modelo de “cluster”. Entretanto, os resultados experimentais mostram que as propriedades elásticas das novas fases formadas são alcançadas através da criação de uma estrutura sp2 tridimensional. A indução de altas distorções angulares, através da irradiação iônica, possibilita a formação de anéis de carbono não hexagonais, tais como pentágonos e heptágonos, permitindo assim a curvatura da estrutura. Utilizando um modelo de contagem de vínculos é feita uma análise comparativa entre a topologia (estrutura geométrica) de ligações C-sp2 e as propriedades nanomecânicas. São comparados os efeitos de estruturas sp2 planares e tridimensionais (aleatórias) no processo de contagem de vínculos e, conseqüentemente, nas propriedades elásticas de cada sistema. Os resultados mostram que as boas propriedades mecânicas das novas fases de carbono formadas seguem as predições do modelo de vínculos para uma rede atômica sp2 tridimensional. A formação de uma fase amorfa dura e 100% sp2 representa uma importante conquista na procura de novas estruturas rígidas de carbono. A síntese da estrutura desordenada sp2 tridimensional e vinculada aqui apresentada é bastante incomum na literatura. O presente trabalho mostra que o processo de não-equilíbrio de deposição de energia durante a irradiação iônica permite a formação de distorções angulares nas ligações sp2-C, possibilitando a criação de estruturas grafíticas tridimensionais.


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This work main objective is to study the use of bricks in barium X-rays rooms in order to contribute to the optimization of shielding rooms diagnosis. The work was based on experimental measurements of X-ray attenuation (40 to 150 kV), using ceramic seal bearing the incorporation of barium sulfat (BaSO4). Different formulations were studied in three different firing temperatures and evaluated for incorporation in the ceramic body. The composition of 20% of barite processed at a temperature of 950 ° C showed better physical and mechanical properties, is considered the most suitable for the purpose of this work. Were produced bricks sealing composition formulated based on that presented the best technological features. These blocks were tested physically as a building material and wall protective barrier. Properties such as visual, deviation from the square, face flatness, water absorption and compressive strength were evaluated for all the blocks produced. The behavior of this material as attenuator for X-rays was investigated by experimental results which take into account mortar manufacturers barium through the different strains and compared with the reference material (Pb). The simulation results indicated that the ceramic block barium shows excellent properties of attenuation equivalence lead taking into account the energy used in diagnostic X-ray


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The increase in ultraviolet radiation (UV) at surface, the high incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in coast of Northeast of Brazil (NEB) and reduction of total ozone were the motivation for the present study. The overall objective was to identify and understand the variability of UV or Index Ultraviolet Radiation (UV Index) in the capitals of the east coast of the NEB and adjust stochastic models to time series of UV index aiming make predictions (interpolations) and forecasts / projections (extrapolations) followed by trend analysis. The methodology consisted of applying multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis), Predictive Mean Matching method for filling gaps in the data, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and Mann-Kendal. The modeling via the ADL consisted of parameter estimation, diagnostics, residuals analysis and evaluation of the quality of the predictions and forecasts via mean squared error and Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the annual variability of UV in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal) has a feature in the months of September and October that consisting of a stabilization / reduction of UV index because of the greater annual concentration total ozone. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The application of cluster analysis on the east coast of the NEB showed that this event also occurs in the capitals of Paraiba (João Pessoa) and Pernambuco (Recife). Extreme events of UV in NEB were analyzed from the city of Natal and were associated with absence of cloud cover and levels below the annual average of total ozone and did not occurring in the entire region because of the uneven spatial distribution of these variables. The ADL (4, 1) model, adjusted with data of the UV index and total ozone to period 2001-2012 made a the projection / extrapolation for the next 30 years (2013-2043) indicating in end of that period an increase to the UV index of one unit (approximately), case total ozone maintain the downward trend observed in study period


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da irradiação gama associada à atmosfera modificada passiva na qualidade pós-colheita de goiabas 'Pedro Sato', verificando suas características físico-químicas. Foram utilizadas goiabas provenientes da região de Vista Alegre do Alto-SP,Brasil. Após a colheita, as goiabas foram imediatamente transportadas ao Laboratório de Frutas e Hortaliças, pertencente ao Departamento de Gestão e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP - Câmpus de Botucatu-SP, onde foram armazenadas a 10ºC e 90-95%UR, em câmara frigorífica, por 28 dias. Os tratamentos foram: controle 1 (sem embalagem e sem irradiação); controle 2 (embalagem de poliestireno (PS) + polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e sem irradiação); tratamento 1 (PS+PEBD e 0,2kGy); tratamento 2 (PS+PEBD e 0,6kGy), e tratamento 3 (PS+PEBD e 1,0kGy). As análises realizadas foram: firmeza, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT) e índice de maturação. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 5 x 5 (tratamento x tempo). Concluiu-se que as altas doses de irradiação promoveram efeito negativo nas características físico-químicas da goiaba 'Pedro Sato', e que apenas a menor dose utilizada (0,2kGy) associada à atmosfera modificada conservou frutos com maior qualidade e aceitabilidade, indicado por maiores índice de maturação e teor de sólidos solúveis obtidos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tinuvin P migration from Polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) bottles was investigated using several fatty-food simulants such as olive oil, soybean oil, n-heptane and iso-octane, at exposure conditions of 2-10 days at 40 degrees C (total immersion). The stability of several UV stabilizers (BHT, Cyasorb UV 5411, Tinuvin P, Tinuvin 326 and Tinuvin 327) in n-heptane and iso-octane was also studied. After 10 days at 40 degrees C, losses of 6% and 20% in iso-octane and n-heptane respectively, were verified for Tinuvin P. Other UV stabilizers at the same experimental conditions showed higher losses (up to 30% for Tinuvin 327). These results confirm that, when carrying out specific migration studies, the stability of the substance of interest should be established in the food simulant to avoid underestimating the real migration behaviour. In order to quantify UV stabilizer migration, n-heptane and iso-octane solutions were concentrated and directly analysed by SIM mode GC-MS. For olive and soybean oils, Tinuvin P was isolated using size-exclusion chromatography and quantified by SIM mode GC-MS. Iso-octane proved to be a move suitable fatty-food simulant than n-heptane for the migration study of Tinuvin P from PET. Higher levels of Tinuvin P migrated to olive and soybean oils rather than to n-heptane. These results suggest that the MERCOSUL recommended official methods for specific migration studies should be revised since the migration levels using n-heptane as a fatty-food simulant could be underestimated when compared to edible oils. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)