984 resultados para orbital perturbations


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The abundance and distribution of collapsed objects such as galaxy clusters will become an important tool to investigate the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Number counts of very massive objects are sensitive not only to the equation of state of dark energy, which parametrizes the smooth component of its pressure, but also to the sound speed of dark energy, which determines the amount of pressure in inhomogeneous and collapsed structures. Since the evolution of these structures must be followed well into the nonlinear regime, and a fully relativistic framework for this regime does not exist yet, we compare two approximate schemes: the widely used spherical collapse model and the pseudo-Newtonian approach. We show that both approximation schemes convey identical equations for the density contrast, when the pressure perturbation of dark energy is parametrized in terms of an effective sound speed. We also make a comparison of these approximate approaches to general relativity in the linearized regime, which lends some support to the approximations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dezoito coelhos, Norfolk, fêmeas, com 45 dias de idade foram divididos em três grupos de seis animais e submetidos a enucleação transpalpebral. Os animais do grupo I receberam na cavidade orbitaria acrílico auto-polimerizável, os do grupo II pericárdio eqüino conservado em glicerina e os do grupo III foram mantidos como controle. Para avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica das cavidades orbitarias, três animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados com 30 e 60 dias após a implantação. Apesar da resina ter sido aplicada na fase pastosa, na qual a alta temperatura que ocorre durante a polimerizaçâo pode ser lesiva aos tecidos, foi o produto que apresentou os melhores resultados.


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The performance of the NORAD models for near Earth satellites (SGP, SGP4, SGP8) using two Brazilian flying satellites, SCD-1 and SCD-2, and the Chinese-Brazilian satellite CBERS-1 is compared. The achievable accuracy of such models is compared against the predicted 2-lines elements set for the satellites. Every week an updated fresh set of 2-lines elements for these satellites is made available through the Internet. About ten years of observations of the SCD-1 satellite are available and therefore solar activity influences on the orbit can be analyzed. Data are selected considering also orbital (for CBERS-1) and attitude (for SCD-2) maneuvers - (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work the problem of a spacecraft bi-impulsive transfer between two given non coplanar elliptical orbits, with minimum fuel consumption, is solved considering a non-Keplerian force field (the perturbing forces include Earth gravity harmonics and atmospheric drag). The problem is transformed in the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. It is developed and implemented a new algorithm, that uses the analytical expressions developed here. A dynamics that considered a Keplerian force field was used to produce an initial guess to solve the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. Several simulations were performed to observe the spacecraft orbital behaviour by different kind of perturbations and constraints, on a fuel consumption optimization point of view. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate, through the density-matrix renormalization group and the Lanczos technique, the possibility of a two-leg Kondo ladder presenting an incommensurate orbital order. Our results indicate staggered short-range orbital order at half-filling. Away from half-filling our data are consistent with incommensurate quasi-long-range orbital order. We also observed that an interaction between the localized spins enhances the rung-rung current correlations.


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Artificial satellites around the Earth can be temporarily captured by the Moon via gravitational mechanisms., How long the capture remains depends on the phase space region where the trajectory is located. This interval of time (capture time) ranges from less than one day (a single passage), up to 500 days, or even more. Orbits of longer times might be very useful for certain types of missions. The advantage of the ballistic capture is to save fuel consumption in an orbit transference from around the Earth to around the Moon. Some of the impulse needed in the transference is saved by the use of the gravitational forces involved. However, the time needed for the transference is elongated from days to months. In the present work we have mapped a significant part of the phase space of the Earth-Moon system, determining the length of the capture times and the origin of the trajectory, if it comes from the Earth direction, or from the opposite direction. Using such map we present a set of missions considering the utilization of the long capture times. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. Meningeal melanocytoma generally occurs in the posterior fossa. Orbital manifestation is rarely encountered.Methods. A thirty-five year-old man presented with progressive proptosis of his right eye. Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain showed an expansive intraconal mass lesion occupying the superior orbital compartment, the entire orbital apex, and the optic foramen. Histological analysis and Immunohistochical staining for S-100 and HMB-45 monoclonal antibodies confirmed melanocytoma.Findings. Microsurgical removal was accomplished through a fronto-orbital craniotomy. Chemotherapy and irradiation followed the initial intervention. The patient returned for follow up two years after surgery, complaining of headache and right visual loss. A subfrontal tumor with massive edema was found on follow up CT scan.Interpretation. Meningeal melanocytomas are rare benign pigmented tumors of the central nervous system. They are predominant in the posterior fossa and spinal cord and frequently mistaken for melanomas, especially on frozen sections. Orbital presentation is rare. The natural history is poorly defined.


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A two and a half-year-old female Persian cat was presented with a history of bilateral chronic ocular discharge. Epiphora bilateral mucous ocular discharge and a volume increase in bulbar conjunctiva on the dorsolateral quadrant of the right eye were noticed during routine ophthalmic examination. Ophthalmic examination and the aspiration cytology showed the presence of adipose tissue at the right eye dorsolateral quadrant indicating orbital fat prolapse.


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The (2 + 1)-dimensional Burgers equation is obtained as the equation of motion governing the surface perturbations of a shallow viscous fluid heated from below, provided the Rayleigh number of the system satisfies the condition R not-equal 30. A solution to this equation is explicitly exhibited and it is argued that it describes the nonlinear evolution of a nearly one-dimensional kink.


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Kainoid amino acids are agonists of the AMPA/kainate receptors and exhibit highly potent neuroexcitatory activity. From the results of extensive structure-activity relationship studies, we previously postulated that the C4-substituent of the kainoid amino acids interacts with an allosteric site of the glutamate receptor with electron-donating character. In order to investigate the mode of action in more detail, molecular orbital calculation for model compounds of the kainoid were performed. The results indicated that the HOMO energy level of the C4-substituent is involved in the potent neuroexcitatory activity, thus supporting our hypothesis. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: This text presents an anatomical study of the normal bony orbital structure of a sample of different bird species belonging to the order Psittaciformes.Procedures: the bony anatomy of Psittaciformes' skulls was examined and described using cadavers of birds that were presented already dead to the Federal University of Parana, Brazil or had been euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under 2-4 x magnification, and descriptions of the orbital bones were made from observations of macerated skulls that had been boiled and cleaned. The present paper discusses the main features of the bony orbit of psittaciform birds, describing known anatomical information but also bringing new information, mainly concerning species differences that might help not only veterinary anatomists but also zoologists, clinicians, researchers, and students of veterinary ophthalmology to better comprehend this order of birds.Results and conclusions: Variations in the anatomic conformation of the bony elements of the orbit were observed in different species of Psittaciformes. Based on these differences, Psittaciformes were classified into two different groups. The first group of Psittaciformes shows an enclosed (complete) bony orbit formed by the junction of the orbital with the postorbital processes, creating a suborbital arch. The second group of Psittaciformes essentially lacked a suborbital arch, presenting an open (incomplete) bony orbit, typical of most modern birds. In the latter group, orbital and postorbital processes are present.


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We will present measurements and calculations related to the antisymmetric perturbations, and comparisons with the symmetric ones, of the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator end magnets. These perturbations were measured in planes situated at +/-12 mm of the middle plane, in a gap height of 4 cm, for a field distribution of about 0.1 T. The measurements were done in 1170 points, separated by a distance of 8 mm, using an automated system with a +/-1.5 mu T differential Hall probe. The race-track microtron booster is the second stage of the 30.0 MeV electron accelerator under construction at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory in which the required uniformity for the magnetic field is of about 10(-3). The method of correction employed to homogenize the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator magnets assures uniformity of 10(-5) in an average field of 0.1 T, over an area of 700 cm(2). This method uses the principle of attaching to the pole pieces correction coils produced by etching techniques, with copper leads shaped like the isofield lines of the normal component of the magnetic field measured. The ideal planes, in which these measurements are done, are calculated and depend on the behavior of the magnetic field perturbations: symmetric or antisymmetric with reference to the middle plane of the magnet gap. These calculations are presented in this work and show that for antisymmetric perturbations there is no ideal plane for the correction of the magnetic field; for the symmetric one, these planes are at +/-60% of the half gap height, from the middle plane. So this method of correction is not feasible for antisymmetric perturbations, as will be shown. Besides, the correction of the symmetric portion of the field distribution does not influence the antisymmetric one, which almost does not change, and corroborates the theoretical predictions. We found antisymmetric perturbations of small intensity only in one of the two end magnets. However, they are not detected at +/- 1 mm of the middle plane and will not damage the electron beam.


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The main properties of realistic models for manganites are studied using analytic mean-field approximations and computational numerical methods, focusing on the two-orbital model with electrons interacting through Jahn-Teller (JT) phonons and/or Coulombic repulsions. Analyzing the model including both interactions by the combination of the mean-field approximation and the exact diagonalization method, it is argued that the spin-charge-orbital structure in the insulating phase of the purely JT-phononic model with a large Hund couphng J(H) is not qualitatively changed by the inclusion of the Coulomb interactions. As an important application of the present mean-held approximation, the CE-type antiferromagnetic state, the charge-stacked structure along the z axis, and (3x(2) - r(2))/(3y(2) - r(2))-type orbital ordering are successfully reproduced based on the JT-phononic model with large JH for the half-doped manganite, in agreement with recent Monte Carlo simulation results. Topological arguments and the relevance of the Heisenberg exchange among localized t(2g) spins explains why the inclusion of the nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction does not destroy the charge stacking structure. It is also verified that the phase-separation tendency is observed both in purely JT-phononic (large JH) and purely Coulombic models in the vicinity of the hole undoped region, as long as realistic hopping matrices are used. This highlights the qualitative similarities of both approaches and the relevance of mixed-phase tendencies in the context of manganites. In addition, the rich and complex phase diagram of the two-orbital Coulombic model in one dimension is presented. Our results provide robust evidence that Coulombic and JT-phononic approaches to manganites are not qualitatively different ways to carry out theoretical calculations, but they share a variety of common features.