277 resultados para negligence


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The developing intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching in the UK provides a profoundly distinctive context, as compared to that of the more traditional learned professions, in which to critically examine the issue of professional liability. More specifically, detailed consideration of the Bolam test in the context of sports coaching, where the majority of coaches are volunteers, reinforces the Bolam doctrine as a control mechanism designed to protect both claimants and defendants alike. Importantly, a fuller analysis of related jurisprudence, even in instances where defendant coaches lack a formal qualification, and/or may not have engaged in considered and reasoned decision-making, reveals the potential for the Bolam test to operate as a quasi-defence, thereby safeguarding coaches from negligence liability. Nonetheless, in discharging this heightened standard of care incumbent upon them, coaches must ensure that the coaching practices adopted are regular, approved, and capable of withstanding robust and logical scrutiny. Ultimately, this article’s analysis of the principles of professional liability, in the specific circumstances of sports coaching, should prove to be of appreciably wider interest and utility for practitioners specialising in personal injury law.


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Considers the Wolverhampton County Court decision in Bartlett v English Cricket Board Association of Cricket Officials on whether cricket umpires at an amateur match were liable for injuries to a player based on their inspection of the condition of the cricket ground after heavy rain and their decision to allow play to proceed. Comments on the approach to the umpires' standard of care.


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One of the intentions underpinning section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 was to provide reassurance to individual volunteers, and voluntary organisations, involved in what the provision called ‘desirable activities’ and including sport. The perception was that such volunteers, motivated by an apprehension about their increased vulnerability to negligence liability, and as driven by a fear of a wider societal compensation culture, were engaging excessively in risk-averse behaviour to the detriment of such socially desirable activities. Academic commentary on section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 has largely regarded the provision as unnecessary and doing little more than restating existing common law practice. This article argues otherwise and, on critically reviewing the emerging jurisprudence, posits the alternative view that section 1, in practice, affords an enhanced level of protection and safeguarding for individuals undertaking functions in connection with a desirable activity. Nonetheless, the occasionally idiosyncratic judicial interpretation given to term ‘desirable activity’, potentially compounded by recent enactment of the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, remains problematic. Two points of interest will be used to inform this debate. First, an analysis of the then House of Lords’ decision in Tomlinson and its celebrated ‘balancing exercise’ when assessing reasonableness in the context of negligence liability. Second, a fuller analysis of the application of section 1 in the specific context of negligence actions relating to the coaching of sport where it is argued that the, albeit limited, jurisprudence might support the practical utility of a heightened evidential threshold of gross negligence.


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The intersection between the law of negligence and sport coaching in the UK is a developing area (Partington, 2014; Kevan, 2005). Crucially, since the law of negligence may be regarded as generally similar everywhere (Magnus, 2006), with the predominance of volunteer coaches in the UK reflective of the majority of countries in the world (Duffy et al., 2011), a detailed scrutiny of this relationship from the perspective of the coach uncovers important implications for coach education beyond this jurisdiction.  
Fulfilment of the legal duty of discharging reasonable care may be regarded as consistent with the ethical obligation not to expose athletes to unreasonable risks of injury (Mitten, 2013). More specifically, any ‘profession’ requiring ‘special skill or competence’ (Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582), including the coaching of sport (e.g., Davenport v Farrow [2010] EWHC 550), requires a higher standard of care to be displayed than would be expected of the ordinary reasonable person (Lunney & Oliphant, 2013; Jones & Dugdale, 2010). For instance, volunteer coaches with no formal qualifications (e.g., Fowles v Bedfordshire County Council [1996] ELR 51) would be judged by this benchmark of professional liability (Powell & Stewart, 2012). Further, as the principles of coaching are constantly assessed and revised (Cassidy et al., 2009; Taylor & Garratt, 2010), so too is the legal standard of care required of coaches (Powell & Stewart, 2012). Problematically, ethical concerns may include coaches being unwilling to increase knowledge, abusive treatment of players and incompetence/inexperience (Haney et al., 1998). These factors accentuate coaches’ exposure to civil liability.
It is imperative that coaches have an awareness of this emerging intersection and develop a ‘proactive risk assessment lens’ (Hartley, 2010). In addition to supporting the professionalisation of sport coaching, coach education/CPD focused on the legal and ethical aspects of coaching (Duffy et al., 2011; Telfer, 2010; Haney et al., 1998) would enhance the safety and welfare of performers, safeguard coaches from litigation risk, and potentially improve all levels of coaching (Partington, 2014). Interestingly, there is evidence to suggest a demand from coaches for more training on health and safety issues, including risk management and (ir)responsible coaching (Stirling et al., 2012). Accordingly, critical examination of the issue of negligent coaching would inform coach education by: enabling the modelling and sharing of best practice; unpacking important ethical concerns; and, further informing the classification of coaching as a ‘profession’.


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By highlighting the context of sports coaching in the UK, this article reveals the considerable limitations of both section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006, and the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, in safeguarding (volunteer) coaches from negligence liability.


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Considers the Northern Ireland Queen’s Bench Division ruling in Murray v McCullough concerning the duty of care incumbent upon the school with regard to the wearing of mouth guards by pupils when playing hockey. Comments on the limitations of the legal doctrine of in loco parentis in cases of professional negligence and, how ‘sports law’ jurisprudence might prove instructive in sports negligence cases.


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A pobreza infantil é reconhecida, na comunidade científico, como um problema social grave que viola os direitos das crianças, sendo este um fator favorável à vulnerabilização e à possibilidade de ocorrência de casos de negligência. Em consequência, esta fundamenta-se pela necessidade de intervenções, que a par de medidas de proteção social do Estado, em particular o Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI), potenciem o desempenho de funções parentais protetoras. Por conseguinte, definiu-se como principal objetivo analisar a relação e/ou influência da medida do RSI sobre as funções parentais (des) protetoras no contexto da pobreza infantil em 15 crianças (dos 0 aos 6 anos), assim como compreender os domínios do seu bem-estar a partir dos Reports card`s da UNICEF. A investigação decorreu no concelho de Albergaria-a-Velha entre os meses de fevereiro a julho de 2013. A metodologia utilizada foi o método qualitativo de natureza exploratória cujos dados foram recolhidos através de dois inquéritos dirigidos às 11 famílias abrangidas pelo estudo e aos respetivos técnicos. A análise dos dados permitiu retirar as principais conclusões destacando-se que o Bem-estar Material e Habitacional das crianças encontram-se comprometidos, uma vez que, os rendimentos médios das famílias estudadas são inferiores ao salário mínimo nacional, o RSI a principal fonte de rendimentos, a maioria dos agregados beneficiam, para além deste, de apoios económicos, quatro famílias estão identificadas como pobreza intergeracional projeta-se para a maioria, a continuidade da “dependência” dos serviços de ação social. Perante estes dados as crianças podem vivenciar privações ou carências múltiplas. Constatou-se falta de privacidade e de conforto habitacional apesar das melhorias significativas nesta dimensão. Na dimensão do Bem-estar Saúde e Segurança enquadra-se a negligência, deste modo, as praticas parentais de risco/negligência foram distribuídas pelos níveis “baixo, moderado e elevado”, apurou-se que em 6 agregados apenas um pratica uma parentalidade não protetora; para os restantes consideramos que o RSI contribui para atenuar a intensidade do stress parental face às privações económicas. / Child poverty is recognized in the scientific community as a serious social problem, which goes against the rights of children. It is a favorable factor to their increasing vulnerability and to the possibility of occurrence of negligence. It is based on the need of interventions that measures social protection of the Goverment through the Social Insertion Income (SII), potentiate the protective performance of parental functions. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship and / or influence of SII on parental protective functions in the context of child poverty in 15 children (aged 0 to 6 years), as well as understand the areas of their welfare according to the UNICEF Report Card’s. The research took place in the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha between the months February to July 2013. The used methodology was the qualitative method with exploratory contours and the data collected through two questionnaires surveys directed to the 11 families and Technicians. The information analysis led us to the main conclusions that the children’s Welfare Material and Housing are compromised, since the average yield of the families studied are lower than the minimum national wage, the RSI is the main source of income that most households benefit, in addition to this economic support the continuous "dependency" of social services is projected for the future and four families are identified as intergenerational poverty. Based on these facts the children can experience multiple disadvantage or deprivation. According to the housing conditions it was found lack of privacy and comfort, although exists significant improvements in this dimension. In the dimension of Wellbeing Health and Safety fits negligence, in this way the parental practice of risk / negligence were distributed by the levels of "low, moderate and high", it was found that only one of eight cases do not practice a protective parenting, for the remaining households we consider that the SII contributes to mitigate the intensity of the parental stress against the economic deprivation.


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A violência é um tema relevante na actualidade. O aumento do número de idosos no nosso país, a existência de factores inerentes à decadência física, psíquica e social dos idosos, podem levar ao agravamento de situações de maus-tratos. Por tudo isto, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, analítico e correlacional, que teve como objectivo, identificar a presença de indícios de abuso nos idosos no distrito de Leiria, relacionando os mesmos com variáveis sócio-demográficas, económicas, psicossociais e de caracterização do estado de saúde. Para o levantamento dos dados utilizamos o Mini Mental State; avaliação; a Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse, o índice de Katz e, por fim, um questionário sobre os dados sócio-demográficos do idoso. Foram inquiridos 85 idosos, com mais de 65 anos e sem défices cognitivos. Os resultados mostram 96% de indícios de abusos na população, sendo que o abuso emocional foi o mais observado. Constatou-se que os idosos que percepcionam o seu estado de saúde como mau têm maiores indícios de negligência. Verificou-se também que quanto maiores as capacidades cognitivas dos idosos, menores os indícios de abusos. / Nowadays, violence is a very important theme to analyse. In our country, the elderly increase as well as the inherent factors on physical, mental and social decay, can provide situations of ill-treatment. For all this, was realized a quantitative, descriptive, analytical and correlational study, who aimed to identify in Leiria district, the presence of abuse signs in the elderly, correlating them with socio-demographic, economic, psychological and health variables. For data collection, we used the Mini Mental State, Questions to Elicit Elder Abuse, Katz index, and a questionnaire about elderly sociodemographic database. 85 elderly patients over 65 years without cognitive deficits, were questioned. The results reveal that 96% of respondents are victims of ill-treatment, mostly on emotional way. It was checked that negligence is more evident in those who perceive their poor health. Also was concluded that the abuse signs of elderly are smaller when their cognitive abilities are greater.


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Statistics published by the National Health Service Litigation Authority relating to ten years of maternity claims provoke a sharp intake of breath. The total value of these claims over the first decade of the 21st century was £3,117,649,888 (NHS Litigation Authority 2012). The United Kingdom is not the only country to witness an astronomical increase in the level of litigation relating to maternity services. As far afield as Saudi Arabia (Henary et al 2012) and the United States (Berkowitz 2011), reports are being published of the demands on maternity budgets as a result of dissatisfaction with care received during pregnancy, labour and birth. The papers referenced above attribute adverse outcomes to negligence, misdiagnosis, surgical blunders and inefficient administration. Berkowitz(2011:7) suggests that what is needed is wholesale and whole-hearted adoption of ‘…electronic fetal monitoring [EFM] certification for all staff working on their Labor and Delivery floor, protocols for managing common clinical scenarios, simulation drills for dealing with uncommon dangerous events, and pre-procedure checklists’. The NHS Litigation Authority (2012:5) recommends that Trusts ‘…engage with the risk management process at all levels; provide suitable learning and training; ensure appropriate supervision and support; have in place up-to-date protocols and guidance with which staff are familiar; learn lessons from claims’. It is relatively easy to ensure that staff are sent on fetal heart rate (FHR) training days (although whether use of EFM produces better outcomes has, of course, never been clearly demonstrated (Alfirevic et al 2013) and that protocols for managing events during labour and birth are drawn up and even put into practice. It’s uncertain, however, whether doing so will make the problem of maternity litigation go away. There is something ‘rotten in the state of Denmark’ that is fuelling women’s dissatisfaction and which ‘the system’ has not been able to get its head round.


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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Transplantacje komórek, tkanek i narządów należą do najbardziej kontrowersyjnych procedur medycznych, gdyż dotykają także kwestii etycznych i światopoglądowych. W ostatnich latach niewątpliwie obserwujemy rozwój transplantologii dzięki postępowi w naukach medycznych oraz zmianach w świadomości społeczeństwa. Transplantologia pozostaje jedną z bardziej ryzykownych gałęzi medycyny, ponieważ postępowanie zgodnie z zasadami sztuki lekarskiej nie jest gwarancją powodzenia przeszczepu. Artykuł przybliża problematykę nieudanych transplantacji – zarówno ze względu na zaniedbania lekarza czy placówki medycznej, jak i ze względu na reakcję obronną organizmu. W drugiej części artykułu zostały opisane zasady odpowiedzialności cywilnej lekarzy i innych pracowników podmiotów leczniczych za szkody wyrządzone pacjentom oraz wskazano czym różni się odpowiedzialność sprawcy szkody od odpowiedzialności ubezpieczyciela. Kolejna część artykułu dotyczy specyfiki odpowiedzialności ubezpieczyciela za nieudane transplantacje w oparciu o rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów w sprawie obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej podmiotów wykonujących działalność leczniczą.


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Un número considerable de personas mayores padece alguna enfermedad neurodegenerativa que limita sus facultades intelectivas y volitivas, lo que en la práctica suele traducirse en alteraciones de la personalidad con conservación de consciencia, pérdidas de memoria, desorientación, inquietud, confusión o agresividad. Este deterioro progresivo de capacidad que puede afectar a nuestros mayores no sólo los convierte en fácil objetivo de agresiones sino también en potenciales creadores de riesgos y daños a terceros. Es precisamente la responsabilidad que puede derivarse de tales daños la que será analizada en primer lugar en esta sede, exponiendo el estado de la cuestión tanto en el civil como en el common law. Por otro lado, cuando una persona que tiene sus funciones cognitivas mermadas causa un daño a otro, no sólo se debe analizar la responsabilidad civil del propio agente del daño frente al perjudicado, sino también aquélla en que podría incurrir la persona encargada de su cuidado en caso de haberla. Dicha cuestión ocupará la segunda parte del presente trabajo.


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One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functionat capacity, contributíng to self care dependency of instrumental actívities of daily living and basic activities of daily Itving (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistíc sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collectíon protocol tncluded socio-demographic data, Questíons to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan B Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental actívi - ties of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the levei of independence in actívities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the assodation between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental actívitíes of daily living and levei of independence in actívitíes of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is signifícantty correlated with the levei of independence in activities of daity Uving (p = 0. 000), older peopie with less independence tend to have higher leveis of emotional abuse. The total abuse is signtficantly correlated with the leveis of independence in activittes of daily living (p = 0. 002), less independent elderty tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily l1v1ng. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situatíons of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screentng tn less independent elderly. Keywords: Elder abuse. Negligence. Nursing care. Frail elderly. PREVALENCE OF SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION AFTER SURGERY FOR BREAST CÂNCER: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW C. Amaral3, C. Teixeira"'1', F. Sousa'', C. Antãoa "Polythecnic Institute o f Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; bEPI Unit, Public Health Institute, University of Porto, Portugal. Contact details: catarinaisabeln.amaraliSsmaU.com Introduction: Breast câncer is one of the most common mahgnant pathology in European countries, as Portugal, where annual inddence is around 90 new cases per 100,000 women. Breast surgery is the usual treatment for this pathology, however such procedure can be complicated by the infection of surgical site. Objectives: To know the prevalence and determtnants of surgtcal wound infection after breast surgery. Methods: We conducted a systematic review by searching of the Web of Sdence electronic database for articles published over the last s1x years 1n developed countries. Over three hundred dtatíons were obtained and after excludtng citations with reasons, fíve artícles met our inclusion criteria and were included in the present review. Results: Prevalence of surgical wound infection varied across studies between 0. 1% and 12. 5%. Bilateral mastectomy is assodated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than unilateral mastectomy (3. 6% vs 3, 3%), lumpectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is related with higher frequency of wound infectíon than surgery with no IBR (0, 5% vs 0, 1%), also, mastectomy with IBR is associated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than mastectomy wtth no IBR (1, 5% vs 0, 3%) and breast surgery followed by axiltary lymph nade dissectíon is related with higher prevalence of wound infection than surgical procedures wtth no axillary lymph node dissection (2, 82% vs 1, 66%). Conclusions: Nurses that provide post-operatíve care to women after breast surgery should be aware about risk of wound tnfectíon, partícularly after more invasive procedures.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.