932 resultados para mathematical modelling


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A method to weakly correct the solutions of stochastically driven nonlinear dynamical systems, herein numerically approximated through the Eule-Maruyama (EM) time-marching map, is proposed. An essential feature of the method is a change of measures that aims at rendering the EM-approximated solution measurable with respect to the filtration generated by an appropriately defined error process. Using Ito's formula and adopting a Monte Carlo (MC) setup, it is shown that the correction term may be additively applied to the realizations of the numerically integrated trajectories. Numerical evidence, presently gathered via applications of the proposed method to a few nonlinear mechanical oscillators and a semi-discrete form of a 1-D Burger's equation, lends credence to the remarkably improved numerical accuracy of the corrected solutions even with relatively large time step sizes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Application of laboratory analogue modelling of air flow in a naturally ventilated shopping mall is reviewed in this paper. A detailed study of the ventilation was undertaken to establish the principles and to explore how natural ventilation might interact with a localised mechanical ventilation system designed to enhance the cooling of a high density food court area. The case study is used to show how the combination of laboratory modelling and simplified mathematical modelling enables one to rapidly identify the various flow regimes which can occur, to quantify the resultant flows and mean temperatures and to thereby develop appropriate ventilation strategies for the different external conditions which occur through the year.


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环境流体力学――它的意义,内容与方法 李家春

用于大气环流模式的陆面物理过程参数化研究进展 戴永久,曾庆存,欧阳兵

植被-陆面过程耦合模式的动力框架 欧阳兵


干旱地区陆面过程的研究 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

阿克苏地区陆面蒸发的数值研究 沈卫明,姚德良,李家春

塔里木盆地陆气水热交换数值模拟 姚德良,沈卫明,李家春

植物固沙区土壤水热运移耦合模型研究 姚德良,李家春,沈卫明

Numerical simulation of watercycling and heat balance in agricultural ecosystems D.L.Yao,W.M.Shen and J.C.Li

在植物耗水条件下土壤水分动态的数值模拟 姚德良,邱克俭,冀伟,孙菽芬

干旱地区陆面过程耦合模式及其应用 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

Modelling of terrestrial ecosystem B.Ouyang

森林生态系统生物循环过程的耦合模型(BCM)及其数值模拟 欧阳兵

森林生态系统生物能流的瞬态分析 欧阳兵


Turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean J.C.Li

非均匀下垫面上大气边界层的研究进展 徐大鹏

非均匀植被的群体蒸发 徐大鹏

第四部分 区域尺度以上的陆面过程与水文模型

Sensitivity of IAP two-level AGCM to surface albedo variations Z.H.Lin,Q.C.Zeng and B.Ouyang

估算区域蒸发的能量法研究 聂松媛,徐丰

用卫星数据估算区域水资源蒸发研究 聂松媛

负轮分析法在水环境规划与管理中的应用 聂松媛

第五部分 陆面过程观测的指标体系

Mathematical modelling and index system in ecology J.C.Li

陆面过程的观测指标体系研究 欧阳兵,李家春,姚德良


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Mathematical modelling shows that the projection area of the trawl twine influencing its hydrodynamic resistance can be reduced by approx. 30 % through increasing the mesh size of the trawl wings and the conical parts of the trawls, in combi-nation with the use of thinner twine. The interrelation between fuel consumption and projection area of the trawl twine as well as the influence of the enlarged meshes of the wings and first panels on the catch composition can only be measured by trials on fishing boats.


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Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova modelagem matemática para a descrição do escoamento de um líquido incompressível através de um meio poroso rígido homogêneo e isotrópico, a partir do ponto de vista da Teoria Contínua de Misturas. O fenômeno é tratado como o movimento de uma mistura composta por três constituintes contínuos: o primeiro representando a matriz porosa, o segundo representando o líquido e o terceiro representando um gás de baixíssima densidade. O modelo proposto possibilita uma descrição matemática realista do fenômeno de transição insaturado/saturado a partir de uma combinação entre um sistema de equações diferenciais parciais e uma desigualdade. A desigualdade representa uma limitação geométrica oriunda da incompressibilidade do líquido e da rigidez do meio poroso. Alguns casos particulares são simulados e os resultados comparados com resultados clássicos, mostrando as consequências de não levar em conta as restrições inerentes ao problema.