366 resultados para mannose


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The membrane lipids diglycosyl-glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (2G-GDGTs) in marine subsurface sediments are believed to originate from uncultivated benthic archaea, yet the production of 2G-GDGTs from subseafloor samples has not been demonstrated in vitro. In order to validate sedimentary biosynthesis of 2G-GDGTs, we performed a stable carbon isotope probing experiment on a subseafloor sample with six different 13C-labelled substrates (bicarbonate, methane, acetate, leucine, glucose and Spirulina platensis biomass). After 468 days of anoxic incubation, only glucose and S. platensis resulted in label uptake in lipid moieties of 2G-GDGTs, indicating incorporation of carbon from these organic substrates. The hydrophobic moieties of 2G-GDGTs showed minimal label incorporation, with up to 4 per mil 13C enrichment detected in crenarchaeol-derived tricyclic biphytane from the S. platensis-supplemented slurries. The 2G-GDGT-derived glucose or glycerol moieties also showed 13C incorporation (Dd13C = 18 - 38 per mil) in the incubations with glucose or S. platensis, consistent with a lipid salvage mechanism utilized by marine benthic archaea to produce new 2G-GDGTs. The production rates were nevertheless rather slow, even when labile organic matter was supplied. The 2G-GDGT turnover times of 1700 - 20 500 years were much longer than those estimated for subseafloor microbial communities, implying that sedimentary 2G-GDGTs as biomarkers of benthic archaea are cumulative records of past and present generations.


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Total organic carbon, amino compounds, and carbohydrates were measured in pore waters and sediments of Pliocene to Pleistocene age from Sites 723 and 724 (ODP Leg 117) to evaluate (1) relationships between organic matter in the sediment and in the pore water, (2) the imprint of lithological variations on the abundance and contribution of organic substances, (3) degradation of amino compounds and carbohydrates with time and/or depth, and (4) the dependence of the ammonia concentration in the pore water on the degradation of amino compounds in the sediment. Total organic carbon concentrations (TOC) of the investigated sediment samples range from 0.9% to 8.7%, and total nitrogen concentrations (TN) from 0.1% to 0.5%. Up to 4.9% of the TOC is contributed by hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) which are present in amounts between 1.1 and 21.3 µmol/g dry sediment and decrease strongly downhole. Hydrolyzable carbohydrates (THCHO) were found in concentrations from 1.3 to 6.6 ?mol/g sediment constituting between 0.1% and 2.0% of the TOC. Differences between the distribution patterns of monomers in Sites 723 and 724 indicate higher terrigenous influence for Site 724 and, furthermore, enhanced input of organic matter that is relatively resistant to microbial degradation. Lithologically distinct facies close to the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary yield different organic matter compositions. Laminated horizons seem to correspond with enhanced amounts of biogenic siliceous material and minor microbiological degradation. Total amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters vary between 11 and 131 mg/L. Concentrations of DOC as well as of dissolved amino compounds and carbohydrates appear to be related to microbial activity and/or associated redox zones and not so much to the abundance of organic matter in the sediments. Distributions of amino acids and monosaccharides in pore waters show a general enrichment in relatively stable components in comparison to those of the sediments. Nevertheless, the same trend appears between amino acids present in the sediments from Sites 723 and 724 as well as between amino acids in pore waters from these two sites, indicating a direct relation between the dissolved and the sedimentary organic fractions. Different ammonia concentrations in the pore waters of Sites 723 and 724 seem to be related to enhanced release of ammonia from degradation of amino compounds in Site 723.


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We analyzed 10 core samples of Pleistocene and Pliocene sediment for residual carbohydrates. All yielded positive results for total carbohydrates and acid-extractable glucose. We also detected galactose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, and traces of ribose and fucose in the Pleistocene samples. In the Pliocene samples we found only rare mannose. Only one Pleistocene sample yielded measurable cellulose and amylose.


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Corg and Norg contents in the acid insoluble mineral fraction were studied in sediments of Site 593. Both decrease systematically from Recent to early Miocene over 425 m of carbonate facies. C/N ratios (7-11) are typically marine and indicate that residual organic matter, bound to clay minerals, was originally scavenged from the marine habitat rather than being of terrigenous origin. Variations of Corg and Norg are almost entirely controlled by rates of sedimentation, which gradually increase from Recent to early Miocene. Preliminary results of carbohydrate distribution indicate that epigenetic and diagenetic processes alter both the concentrations and the ratios of individual monomers with depth. Total carbohydrate concentrations in the samples diminish from 91 µg/g sediment at 18 m sub-bottom depth to 49 µg/g at 335 m. In contrast, sugars in the acid insoluble residue increase with depth, suggesting release of structural polysaccharides and their subsequent association with clay minerals. Ratios of arabinose to fucose, which are about 6:1 in Recent carbonaceous sediments intercepted by sediment traps, vary from 1:1 in the youngest sample to 1:2.5 in the oldest.


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Since the early 80's, the sea-surface microlayer (SML) has been hypothesized as being a gelatinous film. Recent studies have confirmed this characteristic, which confers properties that mediate mass and energy fluxes between ocean and atmosphere, including the emission of primary organic aerosols from marine systems. We investigated SML thickness and composition in five replicate indoor experiments between September and December 2010. During each experiment, the SML and underlying seawater were sampled from four seawater tanks: one served as control, and three were inoculated with Thalassiosira weissflogii grown in chemostats at 180, 380 and 780 ppm pCO2. We examined organic material enrichment factors in each tank, paying particular attention to gel particles accumulation such as polysaccharidic Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) and the proteinaceous Coomassie Stainable Particles (CSP). While previous studies have observed carbohydrates and TEP enrichment in the microlayer, little is yet known about proteinaceous gel particles in the SML. Our experiments show that CSP dominate the gelatinous composition of the SML. We believe that the enrichment in CSP points to the importance of bacterial activity in the microlayer. Bacteria may play a pivotal role in mediating processes at the air-sea interface thanks to their exudates and protein content that can be released through cell disruption.


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Selected parts of ten frozen core samples from Holes 482A, 482B, 483A, and 485A, Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), were analyzed for residual carbohydrates in order to determine the provenance and history of the organic material in the sediments. The samples, which represented silty-clay, shale, and nannofossil- chalk sediments, were analyzed for water-soluble monosaccharides, acid-soluble monosaccharides, and for starch and cellulose. Most samples yielded positive results for acid-extractable (polymeric) arabinose, fucose, xylose, mannose, galactose, and glucose. Amylose was detected in seven of the samples, whereas cellulose was found in only one. Possible explanations for the relatively high levels of free sugars are suggested in the conclusions to this chapter.


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The physicochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer (SML), i.e. the boundary layer between the air and the sea, and its impact on air-sea exchange processes have been investigated for decades. However, a detailed description about these processes remains incomplete. In order to obtain a better chemical characterization of the SML, in a case study three pairs of SML and corresponding bulk water samples were taken in the southern Baltic Sea. The samples were analyzed for dissolved organic carbon and dissolved total nitrogen, as well as for several organic nitrogen containing compounds and carbohydrates, namely aliphatic amines, dissolved free amino acids, dissolved free monosaccharides, sugar alcohols, and monosaccharide anhydrates. Therefore, reasonable analytical procedures with respect to desalting and enrichment were established. All aliphatic amines and the majority of the investigated amino acids (11 out of 18) were found in the samples with average concentrations between 53 ng/l and 1574 ng/l. The concentrations of carbohydrates were slightly higher, averaging 2900 ng/l. Calculation of the enrichment factor (EF) between the sea surface microlayer and the bulk water showed that dissolved total nitrogen was more enriched (EF: 1.1 and 1.2) in the SML than dissolved organic carbon (EF: 1.0 and 1.1). The nitrogen containing organic compounds were generally found to be enriched in the SML (EF: 1.9-9.2), whereas dissolved carbohydrates were not enriched or even depleted (EF: 0.7-1.2). Although the investigated compounds contributed on average only 0.3% to the dissolved organic carbon and 0.4% to the total dissolved nitrogen fraction, these results underline the importance of single compound analysis to determine SML structure, function, and its potential for a transfer of compounds into the atmosphere.


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Patterns of distribution and variations of group and monosaccharide compositions of carbohydrates in suspended matter of the Pacific Ocean were studied. It is shown that carbohydrate content of surface ocean waters depends on reproduction of organic matter by phytoplankton. Water-insoluble polysaccharides (average 77.9% of total) predominate in composition of carbohydrates in suspended matter. Water-soluble polysaccharides and oligosaccharides were detected in considerably smaller quantities (average 12.4 and 7.3% respectively). Free monosaccharides were not detected. The main sugars in all isolated groups of carbohydrates of suspended matter are hexoses, which account for 90.8% in oligosaccharides, 64.9% in water-soluble polysaccharides, and 69.8% in water-insoluble polysaccharides. Determination of monosaccharide composition of carbohydrates in suspension showed that apparently they basically consist of mixture of reserve and structural polysaccharides (or their residues) of phytoplankton organisms.


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Total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA), amino sugars (THAS), and carbohydrates (THCHO) were measured in sediments and interstitial waters from Site 681 (ODP Leg 112). TOC concentrations vary between 0.75% and 8.2% by weight of dry sediment and exhibit a general decrease with depth. DOC concentrations range from 6.1 to 49.5 mg/L, but do not correlate with TOC concentrations in the sediment. Amino compounds (AA and AS) and sugars account for 0.5% to 8% and 0.5% to 3% of TOC, respectively, while amino compounds make up between 2% and 27% of total nitrogen. Dissolved hydrolyzable amino acids (free and combined) and amino sugars were found in concentrations from 3.7 to 150 µM and from 0.1 to 3.7 µM, respectively, and together account for an average of 8.5% of DOC. Dissolved hydrolyzable carbohydrates are in the range of 6 to 49 µM. Amino acid spectra are dominated by glycine, alanine, leucine, and phenylalanine; nonproteinaceous amino acids (gamma-amino butyric acid, beta-alanine, and ornithine) are enriched in the deeper part of the section, gamma-amino butyric acid and beta-alanine are thought to be indicators of continued microbial degradation of TOC. Glycine, serine, glutamic acid, alanine, aspartic acid, and ornithine are the dominating amino compounds in the pore waters. Spectra of carbohydrates in sediments are dominated by glucose, galactose, and mannose, while dissolved sugars are dominated by glucose and fructose. In contrast to the lack of correlation between abundances of bulk TOC and DOC in corresponding interstitial waters, amino compounds and sugars do show some correlation between sediments and pore waters: A depth increase of aspartic acid, serine, glycine, and glutamic acid in the pore waters is reflected in a decrease in the sediment, while an enrichment in valine, iso-leucine, leucine, and phenylalanine in the sediment is mirrored by a decrease in the interstitial waters. The distribution of individual hexoseamines appears to be related to zones of bacterial decomposition of organic matter. Low glucoseamine to galactoseamine ratios coincide with zones of sulfate depletion in the interstitial waters.