940 resultados para malignant pleural mesothelioma
This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality and impact of thoracentesis on sleep in patients with a large pleural effusion. Patients with large unilateral pleural effusion were evaluated by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and dyspnea Borg scale. Full polysomnography (PSG) was performed on the night before and 36 h after thoracentesis. We studied 19 patients, 11 males and 8 females, age 55 +/- 18 years and body mass index of 26 +/- 5 kg/m(2). The baseline sleep quality was poor (PSQI = 9.1 +/- 3.5). Thoracentesis removed 1.624 +/- 796 mL of pleural fluid and resulted in a significant decrease in dyspnea Borg scale (2.3 +/- 2.1 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.9, p < 0.001). The PSG before and after thoracentesis showed no significant change in apnea-hypopnea index and sleep time with oxygen saturation < 90%. There was a significant improvement in sleep efficiency (76% vs. 81%, p = 0.006), decrease percent sleep stage 1 (16% vs. 14%, p = 0.002), and a trend improvement in total sleep time (344 +/- 92 vs. 380 +/- 69 min, p = 0.056) and percentage of rapid eye movement sleep (15% vs. 20%, p = 0.053). No significant changes occurred in six patients that performed two consecutive PSG before thoracentesis. The improvement in sleep quality was not associated with the volume of pleural fluid withdrawn or changes in dyspnea. Patients with large pleural effusion have poor subjective and objective sleep quality that improves after thoracentesis.
Objective. Evaluate feasibility and safety of a novel technique for uterine morcellation in patients scheduled for laparoscopic treatment of gynecologic malignances. Background. The laparoscopic management of uterine malignancies is progressively gaining importance and popularity over laparotomy. Nevertheless, minimal invasive surgery is of limited use when patients have enlarged uterus or narrow vagina. In these cases, conventional uterus morcellation could be a solution but should not be recommended due to risks of tumor dissemination. Methods. Prospective pilot study of women with endometrial cancer in which uterus removal was a realistic concern due to both organ size and proportionality. Brief technique description: after completion of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral anexectomy, a nylon with polyurethane Lapsac (R) is vaginally inserted into the abdomen; the specimen is placed inside the pouch that will be closed and rotated 180 degrees toward the vaginal vault and, posteriorly, pushed into the vaginal canal; in the transvaginal phase, the surgeon pulls the edges of the bag up to vaginal introitus and all vaginal walls will be covered; inside the pouch, the operator performs a uterus bisection-morcellation. Results. In our series of 8 cases, we achieved successful completion in all patients, without conversion to laparotomy. Average operative time, blood loss and length of hospitalization were favorable. One patient presented with a vesicovaginal fistula. Conclusion. The vaginal morcellation following oncologic principles is a feasible method that permits a rapid uterine extraction and may avoid a number of unnecessary laparotomies. Further studies are needed to confirm the oncological safety of the technique. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus is an uncommon tumor, with approximately 300 cases having been reported thus far. The purpose of this study was to describe a case of a 60 year-old man with a 10 month history of progressive dysphagia and thoracic pain, the investigations of which led to a diagnosis of primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus. The patient underwent a transhiatal esophagectomy with subcarinal lymphadenectomy, and isoperistaltic gastric tube replacement of the esophagus. Nine months after surgery, he developed ischemic colitis, and metastasis in the mesentery was diagnosed. His disease progressed and he died one year after the esophagectomy. A review of the literature was performed.
Abstract Background Salivary Glands Malignant Neoplasms (SGMNs) account for 3-6% of head and neck cancers and 0.3% of all cancers. Tumor cells that express CD44 and CD24 exhibit a stem-cell-like behavior. CD44 is the binding site for hyaluronic acid, and CD24 is a receptor that interacts with P-selectin to induce metastasis and tumor progression. The present study aims to evaluate the expression of CD44 and CD24 on SGMNs and correlated these data with several clinicopathologic features. Methods Immunohistochemical stains for CD44 and CD24 were performed on tissue microarrays containing SGMN samples from 69 patients. The CD44, CD24 and CD44/CD24 expression phenotypes were correlated to patient clinicopathologic features and outcome. Results CD44 expression was associated with the primary site of neoplasm (p = 0.046). CD24 was associated with clinical stage III/IV (p = 0.008), T stage (p = 0,27) and lymph node (p = 0,001). The CD44/CD24 profiles were associated with the primary site of injury (p = 0.005), lymph node (p = 0.011) and T stage (p = 0.023). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between clinical staging and disease- free survival (p = 0.009), and the overall survival presents relation with male gender (p = 0.011) and metastasis (p = 0.027). Conclusion In summary, our investigation confirms that the clinical stage, in accordance with the literature, is the main prognostic factor for SGMN. Additionally, we have presented some evidence that the analysis of isolated CD44 and CD24 immunoexpression or the two combined markers could give prognostic information associated to clinicopathologic features in SGMN. Virtual Slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1284611098470676.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudo longitudinal, prospectivo, aleatório e encoberto para avaliar a influência do local de inserção do dreno pleural, de PVC atóxico, na função pulmonar e na dor pós-operatória dos pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio nos três primeiros dias pós-cirúrgicos e logo após a retirada do dreno. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Trinta e seis pacientes escalados para cirurgia eletiva de revascularização do miocárdio, com uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), em dois grupos: grupo SX (dreno subxifoide) e grupo IC (dreno intercostal). Feitos registros espirométricos, da gasometria arterial e da dor. RESULTADOS: Trinta e um pacientes analisados, 16 no grupo SX e 15 no grupo IC. O grupo SX apresentou valores espirométricos maiores do que o grupo IC (p < 0,05) no pós-operatório (PO), denotando menor influência do local do dreno na respiração. A PaO2 arterial no segundo PO aumentou significantemente no grupo SX quando comparada com o grupo IC (p < 0,0188). A intensidade da dor no grupo SX, antes e após a espirometria, era menor do que no grupo IC (p < 0,005). Houve aumento significativo dos valores espirométricos em ambos os grupos após a retirada do dreno pleural. CONCLUSÃO: A inserção do dreno na região subxifoide altera menos a função pulmonar, provoca menos desconforto e possibilita uma melhor recuperação dos parâmetros respiratórios.
[ES] Background: Malignant transformation of intestinal endometriosis is a rare event with an unknown rate of incidence. Metachronous progression of endometriosis to adenocarcinoma from two distant intestinal foci happening in the same patient has not been previously reported. Case presentation: We describe a case of metachronic transformation of ileal and rectal endometriosis into an adenocarcinoma occurring in a 45-year-old female without macroscopic pelvic involvement of her endometriosis. First, a right colectomy was performed due to intestinal obstruction by an ileal mass. Pathological examination revealed an ileal endometrioid adenocarcinoma and contiguous microscopic endometriotic foci. Twenty months later, a rectal mass was discovered. An endoscopic biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma. En bloc anterior rectum resection, hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy were performed. A second endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from a focus of endometriosis within the wall of the rectum was diagnosed. Conclusion: Intestinal endometriosis should be considered a premalignant condition in premenopausal women.
Ansatz zur Generierung einer konditionalen, reversiblen Wt1 k.o.-Maus Der Wilms-Tumor (WT, Nephroblastom) ist ein embryonaler Nierentumor, der durch die maligne Transformation von undifferenziertem Nierengewebe, sog. nephrogenen Resten, entsteht. WT treten mit einer Inzidenz von 1 in 10.000 Lebendgeburten auf. Das Hauptmanifestationsalter, der normalerweise einseitig und sporadisch auftretenden Tumore, liegt zwischen dem 3. und 4. Lebensjahr. Etwa 10 % der Patienten entwickeln jedoch bilaterale Tumore. In diesen Fällen ist eine Assoziation mit komplexen genetischen Krankheitsbildern (u. a. WAGR-, Denys-Drash-, Frasier- und Beckwith-Wiedemann-Syndrom) festzustellen. In 15 % der sporadischen WT sind Mutationen im WT1 (Wilms-Tumor 1)-Gen beschrieben. WT1 besteht aus zehn Exons und weist typische Merkmale von Transkriptionsfaktoren (z. B. vier Zinkfinger) auf. Zwei alternative Spleißereignisse betreffen Exon 5 (+/−Exon 5) und Exon 9 (Transkripte mit bzw. ohne die codierenden Sequenzen für die AS Lysin-Threonin-Serin; +/−KTS). Die Lage der drei alternativ vorhandenen AS zwischen den Zinkfingern 3 und 4 bestimmt die verschiedenen Funktionen der WT1-Proteine (4 Isoformen) als Transkriptionsfaktor (−KTS) bzw. als RNA-bindendes Protein (+KTS). Das zunächst im Zusammenhang mit WT als Tumorsuppressorgen identifizierte WT1 ist ein Entwicklungsgen mit einem sehr komplexen Expressionsmuster in der Embryonalentwicklung. Dabei ist v. a. die Bedeutung in der Urogenitalentwicklung entscheidend. Konstitutive, homozygote Wt1−/− k.o.-Mäuse sind embryonal (~ E12,5 dpc) letal und bilden u. a. keine Gonaden und keine Nieren. Aus diesem Grund existiert bisher kein Wilms-Tumormodell. Die Herstellung eines konditionalen murinen Tiermodells auf Basis des Tet on/off-Systems zur Untersuchung der Nierenentwicklung bzw. zur Analyse der Wilms-Tumorpathogenese war Ziel dieser Arbeit. Hierfür wurden drei Mauslinien generiert: Zwei transgene sog. Responder-Linien, die eine chimäre spleißbare Wt1-cDNA der Variante musWt1+Exon 5;+/−KTS unter der Kontrolle eines Tet-responsiven Promotors im Genom tragen. Dieses tTA/Dox-abhängig regulierbare Wt1-Transgen (tgWt1) sollte (exogen regulierbar) die Expression des endogenen Wt1-Lokus ausreichend nachahmen, um die kritischen Phasen der Embryogenese zu überwinden und lebensfähige Tiere zu erhalten. Parallel dazu wurde die Wt1-Effektor-Mauslinie (WE2) generiert. Diese trägt einen tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivator (tTA) zur Steuerung Tet-regulierbarer Transgene unter der Kontrolle des endogenen Wt1-Promotors. Die durch homologe Rekombination in ES-Zellen erreichte Integration des tTA direkt am Translationsstartpunkt des Wt1-Lokus hat in den Tieren einen heterozygoten Wt1 knock out/tTA knock in zur Folge. Die bisher vorgenommenen Verpaarungen doppelt transgener Wt1-tTA+/−/Resp-Mäuse ergaben keinen Rescue des letalen Wt1 k.o. und es konnten bislang keine Wilms-Tumore induziert werden. Alle im Verlauf der Arbeit generierten Mauslinien wurden umfassend charakterisiert. So konnte für die Tiere der Responder-Linien Wt1-Resp1 (mit zusätzlichen Isolator-Sequenzen zum Schutz des Transgens vor Positionseffekten) und Wt1-Resp2 (ohne Isolatoren) konnte die Tet-induzierbare Expression und die Spleißbarkeit des tgWt1 in MEF-Assays und mittels Effektor-Mäusen auf RNA-Ebene nachgewiesen werden. Die genomische Charakterisierung der WE2-Linie ergab eine ungeklärte etwa 120 kb große Inversion am Wt1-Lokus, die alle 5'-regulatorischen Sequenzen mitsamt des tTA vom Rest von Wt1 trennt. Tiere dieser Linie weisen aber dennoch einen funktionalen Wt1 k.o. auf: Unter den Nachkommen aus Intercross-Verpaarungen von Wt1-tTA+/−-Mäusen lassen sich auf Grund der Letalität keine Wt1−/−-Genotypen nachweisen. Die Charakterisierung der Effektor-Linie auf RNA-Ebene und mittels Reporter-Mäusen liefert ein Wt1-analoges tTA-Expressionsmuster: So findet man eine deutliche tTA-Expression u. a. in Niere (Glomeruli), Uterus, Ovar und Testis. Die hier vorgestellten Experimente ergeben darüber hinaus eindeutige Hinweise einer Beteiligung von Wt1 in der Entstehung der glatten Muskulatur bzw. in der Vaskulogenese.
By analogy to gliosarcoma, the term "ependymosarcoma" has recently been coined to thematize the rare phenomenon of a malignant mesenchymal component arising within an ependymoma. We report on an example of this paradigm, involving tanycytic ependymoma as the host tumor in a 40-year-old female who underwent two tumor extirpation procedures at one-year interval. She first presented with severe headaches, and was seen by imaging to harbor a moderately enhancing mass 2.5cm in diameter at the rostral septum pellucidum accompanied by occlusive hydrocephalus. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of solid, wavy fascicles of elongated cells that were occasionally interrupted by vague perivascular pseudorosettes. Mitotic activity was absent, and less than 1% of nuclei immunoreacted for MIB-1. A histological diagnosis of tanycytic ependymoma (WHO grade II) was rendered, and no adjuvant therapy given. At recurrence, the lesion was 3.5cm in diameter, intensely enhancing, and had already seeded into the subarachnoid space. Histology showed a biphasic glial-sarcomatous architecture with remnants of the original ependymoma now displaying hypercellularity and atypical - yet not frankly anaplastic - features. The sarcomatous moiety consisted of spindle and epithelioid cells densely interwoven with reticulin fibers. While the ependymal component was GFAP and S100 protein positive, and featured punctate staining for EMA, none of these markers was expressed in the adjacent sarcoma. Instead, the latter reacted for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of tanycytic ependymoma undergoing malignant transformation, one driven by a highly anaplastic mesenchymal component, corresponding to "ependymosarcoma".
After decades of confusion in lymphoma classification clearness was achieved with the publication of the REAL classification 1994 and of the WHO classification 2001. The revised 4th edition 2008 features some additional new categories. The WHO classification comprises B- and T-lymphoblastic neoplasms, mature B-cell lymphomas, mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas and Hodgkin lymphomas. A modern diagnostic work-up of lymphomas is based on morphology, immunohistochemistry and increasingly on molecular studies. Last but not least the evaluation of all these findings by an expert haematopathologist, who collaborates closely with the treating clinicians, is essential. The aim is to give an overview of the most frequent mature B-cell lymphomas and the most important classical Hodgkin lymphomas with focus on morphology and immunohistochemistry.
Gastrinomas, a rare group of neuroendocrine tumors, are responsible for severe peptic disease and diarrhea. Although symptomatic control may be achieved with proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and somatostatin analogues (SSAs), data are limited regarding the possible antitumor effect of the peptide receptor radioligand therapy (PRRT) with radiolabeled SSAs in gastrinoma patients. The goal of this study was to assess the effect of PRRT on symptoms, gastrin secretion, and tumor load in patients with progressive malignant gastrinomas.
Lymphomas comprise a variety of entities with remarkable clinical heterogeneity. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the pathogenesis of major mature B-cell lymphoma subtypes for clinicians working outside the field of hemato-oncology. The understanding of the pathogenesis of lymphomas is linked to the knowledge on normal B-cell differentiation. The clinical diversity is manifested in the different mechanisms involved in lymphomagenesis that include characteristic chromosomal translocations deregulating proto-oncogenes, and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes through deletions and mutations. Gene-expression profiling has dissected certain lymphomas into morphologically indistinguishable, but clinically important subgroups and uncovered pathways suitable for specific therapeutic interventions.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor imaging is superior to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) imaging in localizing benign insulinomas. Here, the role of GLP-1 and sst(2) receptor imaging in the management of malignant insulinoma patients was investigated.