897 resultados para information bottleneck method


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A simple, non-iterative method for component wave delineation from the electrocardiogram (ECG) is derived by modelling its discrete cosine transform (DCT) as a sum of damped cosinusoids. Amplitude, phase, damping factor and frequency parameters of each of the cosinusoids are estimated by the extended Prony method. Different component waves are represented by non-overlapping clusters of model poles in the z plane and thus a component wave is derived by the addition of the inverse transformed (IDCT) impulse responses of the poles in the cluster. Akaike's information criterion (AIC) is used to determine the model order. The method performed satisfactory even in the presence of artifacts. The efficacy of the method is illustrated by analysis of continuous strips of ECG data.


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In this paper, we have developed a method to compute fractal dimension (FD) of discrete time signals, in the time domain, by modifying the box-counting method. The size of the box is dependent on the sampling frequency of the signal. The number of boxes required to completely cover the signal are obtained at multiple time resolutions. The time resolutions are made coarse by decimating the signal. The loglog plot of total number of boxes required to cover the curve versus size of the box used appears to be a straight line, whose slope is taken as an estimate of FD of the signal. The results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method using parametric fractal signals. The estimation accuracy of the method is compared with that of Katz, Sevcik, and Higuchi methods. In ddition, some properties of the FD are discussed.


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Experimental realization of quantum information processing in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been well established. Implementation of conditional phase-shift gate has been a significant step, which has lead to realization of important algorithms such as Grover's search algorithm and quantum Fourier transform. This gate has so far been implemented in NMR by using coupling evolution method. We demonstrate here the implementation of the conditional phase-shift gate using transition selective pulses. As an application of the gate, we demonstrate Grover's search algorithm and quantum Fourier transform by simulations and experiments using transition selective pulses. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The infrared spectrum of the matrix-isolated species of thioacetamide has been simulated using the extended molecular mechanics method. The equilibrium structure, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment and infrared absorption intensities of thioacetamide have been calculated in good agreement with the experiment. The vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption intensities for the isotopic molecules (CH2CSNH2)-C-13, (CH3CSNH2)-N-15 and (CH2CSND2)-C-13 have also been calculated consistent with the experiment. The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N- and C- deuterated isotopomers of thioacetamide, CH3CSND2 and CD3CSNH2 have also been simulated in satisfactory agreement with the experimental spectra.


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Background: Sensitive remote homology detection and accurate alignments especially in the midnight zone of sequence similarity are needed for better function annotation and structural modeling of proteins. An algorithm, AlignHUSH for HMM-HMM alignment has been developed which is capable of recognizing distantly related domain families The method uses structural information, in the form of predicted secondary structure probabilities, and hydrophobicity of amino acids to align HMMs of two sets of aligned sequences. The effect of using adjoining column(s) information has also been investigated and is found to increase the sensitivity of HMM-HMM alignments and remote homology detection. Results: We have assessed the performance of AlignHUSH using known evolutionary relationships available in SCOP. AlignHUSH performs better than the best HMM-HMM alignment methods and is observed to be even more sensitive at higher error rates. Accuracy of the alignments obtained using AlignHUSH has been assessed using the structure-based alignments available in BaliBASE. The alignment length and the alignment quality are found to be appropriate for homology modeling and function annotation. The alignment accuracy is found to be comparable to existing methods for profile-profile alignments. Conclusions: A new method to align HMMs has been developed and is shown to have better sensitivity at error rates of 10% and above when compared to other available programs. The proposed method could effectively aid obtaining clues to functions of proteins of yet unknown function. A web-server incorporating the AlignHUSH method is available at http://crick.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/similar to alignhush/


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The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N-methylformamide (NMF) and N-methylacetamide (NMA) and their N-deuterated molecules have been simulated by the extended molecular mechanics method using an empirical force field which includes charges and charge fluxes as coulombic potential parameters. The structural parameters and dipole. moments of NMF and NMA have. also been computed in satisfactory agreement with the experiment. Good agreement between experimental and calculated vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption band intensities for NMF and NMA and their deuterated molecules has been obtained. The vibrational assignments of NMF and NMA are-discussed taking also into account the infrared absorption intensities.


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In each stage of product development, we need to take decisions, by evaluating multiple product alternatives based on multiple criteria. Classical evaluation methods like weighted objectives method assumes certainty about information available during product development. However, designers often must evaluate under uncertainty. Often the likely performance, cost or environmental impacts of a product proposal could be estimated only with certain confidence, which may vary from one proposal to another. In such situations, the classical approaches to evaluation can give misleading results. There is a need for a method that can aid in decision making by supporting quantitative comparison of alternatives to identify the most promising alternative, under uncertain information about the alternatives. A method called confidence weighted objectives method is developed to compare the whole life cycle of product proposals using multiple evaluation criteria under various levels of uncertainty with non crisp values. It estimates the overall worth of proposal and confidence on the estimate, enabling deferment of decision making when decisions cannot be made using current information available.


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A number of geophysical methods have been proposed for near-surface site characterization and measurement of shear wave velocity by using a great variety of testing configurations, processing techniques,and inversion algorithms. In particular, two widely-used techniques are SASW (Spectral Analysis of SurfaceWaves) and MASW (Multichannel Analysis of SurfaceWaves). MASW is increasingly being applied to earthquake geotechnical engineering for the local site characterization, microzonation and site response studies.A MASW is a geophysical method, which generates a shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile (i.e., Vs versus depth)by analyzing Raleigh-type surface waves on a multichannel record. MASW system consisting of 24 channels Geode seismograph with 24 geophones of 4.5 Hz frequency have been used in this investigation. For the site characterization program, the MASW field experiments consisting of 58 one-dimensional shear wave velocity tests and 20 two-dimensional shear wave tests have been carried out. The survey points have been selected in such a way that the results supposedly represent the whole metropolitan Bangalore having an area of 220 km2.The average shear wave velocity of Bangalore soils have been evaluated for depths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and 30 m. The subsoil site classification has been made for seismic local site effect evaluation based on average shear wave velocity of 30m depth (Vs30) of sites using National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and International Building Code (IBC) classification. Soil average shearwave velocity estimated based on overburden thickness from the borehole information is also presented. Mapping clearly indicates that the depth of soil obtained from MASW is closely matching with the soil layers in bore logs. Among total 55 locations of MASW survey carried out, 34 locations were very close to the SPT borehole locations and these are used to generate correlation between Vs and corrected “N” values. The SPT field “N” values are corrected by applying the NEHRP recommended corrections.


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Seismic hazard and microzonation of cities enable to characterize the potential seismic areas that need to be taken into account when designing new structures or retrofitting the existing ones. Study of seismic hazard and preparation of geotechnical microzonation maps has been attempted using Geographical Information System (GIS). GIS will provide an effective solution for integrating different layers of information thus providing a useful input for city planning and in particular input to earthquake resistant design of structures in an area. Seismic hazard is the study of expected earthquake ground motions at any point on the earth. Microzonation is the process of sub division of region in to number of zones based on the earthquake effects in the local scale. Seismic microzonation is the process of estimating response of soil layers under earthquake excitation and thus the variation of ground motion characteristic on the ground surface. For the seismic microzonation, geotechnical site characterization need to be assessed at local scale (micro level), which is further used to assess of the site response and liquefaction susceptibility of the sites. Seismotectonic atlas of the area having a radius of 350km around Bangalore has been prepared with all the seismogenic sources and historic earthquake events (a catalogue of about 1400 events since 1906). We have attempted to carryout the site characterization of Bangalore by collating conventional geotechnical boreholes data (about 900 borehole data with depth) and integrated in GIS. 3-D subsurface model of Bangalore prepared using GIS is shown in Figure 1.Further, Shear wave velocity survey based on geophysical method at about 60 locations in the city has been carried out in 220 square Kms area. Site response and local site effects have been evaluated using 1-dimensional ground response analysis. Spatial variability of soil overburden depths, ground surface Peak Ground Acceleration’s(PGA), spectral acceleration for different frequencies, liquefaction susceptibility have been mapped in the 220 sq km area using GIS.ArcInfo software has been used for this purpose. These maps can be used for the city planning and risk & vulnerability studies. Figure 2 shows a map of peak ground acceleration at rock level for Bangalore city. Microtremor experiments were jointly carried out with NGRI scientists at about 55 locations in the city and the predominant frequency of the overburden soil columns were evaluated.


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This research shows a new approach and development of a design methodology, based on the perspective of meanings. In this study the design process is explored as a development of the structure of meanings. The processes of search and evaluation of meanings form the foundations of developing this structure. In order to facilitate the use and operation of the meanings, the WordNet lexical database and an existing visualization of WordNet — Visuwords — is used for the process of meaning search. The basic tool used for evaluation process is the WordNet::Similarity software, measuring the relatedness of meanings in the database. In this way it is measuring the degree of interconnections between different meanings. This kind of search and evaluation techniques are later on incorporated into our methodology of the structure of meanings to support the design process. The measures of relatedness of meanings are developed as convergence criteria for application in the processes of evaluation. Further on, the methodology for the structure of meanings developed here is used to construct meanings in a verification of product design. The steps of the design methodology, including the search and evaluation processes involved in developing the structure of the meanings, are elucidated. The choices, made by the designer in terms of meanings are supported by consequent searches and evaluations of meanings to be implemented in the designed product. In conclusion, the paper presents directions for developing and further extensions of the proposed design methodology.


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In the near future, robots and CG (computer graphics) will be required to exhibit creative behaviors that reflect designers’ abstract images and emotions. However, there are no effective methods to develop abstract images and emotions and support designers in designing creative behaviors that reflect their images and emotions. Analogy and blending are two methods known to be very effective for designing creative behaviors. The aim of this study is to propose a method for developing designers’ abstract behavioral images and emotions and giving shape to them by constructing a computer system that supports a designer in the creation of the desired behavior. This method focuses on deriving inspiration from the behavioral aspects of natural phenomena rather than simply mimicking it. We have proposed two new methods for developing abstract behavioral images and emotions by which a designer can use analogies from natural things such as animals and plants even when there is a difference in the number of joints between the natural object and the design target. The first method uses visual behavioral images, the second uses rhythmic behavioral images. We have demonstrated examples of designed behaviors to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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Non-Identical Duplicate video detection is a challenging research problem. Non-Identical Duplicate video are a pair of videos that are not exactly identical but are almost similar.In this paper, we evaluate two methods - Keyframe -based and Tomography-based methods to determine the Non-Identical Duplicate videos. These two methods make use of the existing scale based shift invariant (SIFT) method to find the match between the key frames in first method, and the cross-sections through the temporal axis of the videos in second method.We provide extensive experimental results and the analysis of accuracy and efficiency of the above two methods on a data set of Non- Identical Duplicate video-pair.