979 resultados para frequency response function


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El presente proyecto de fin de carrera describe y analiza el estudio integral del efecto de las vibraciones producidas por voladuras superficiales realizadas en el proyecto del “Tercer Juego de Esclusas” ejecutado para la Expansión del Canal de Panamá. Se recopilan un total de 53 registros, data generada por el monitoreo de 7 sismógrafos en 10 voladuras de producción realizadas en el año 2010. El fenómeno vibratorio tiene dos parámetros fundamentales, la velocidad pico-partícula (PPV) y la frecuencia dominante, los cuales caracterizan cuan dañino puede ser éste frente a su influencia sobre las estructuras civiles; por ello, se pretende caracterizarlas y fundamentalmente predecirlas, lo que permitirá su debido control. En función a lo expuesto, el estudio realizado consta de dos partes, la primera describe el comportamiento del terreno mediante la estimación de la ley de atenuación de la velocidad pico-partícula a través del uso de la regresión lineal por mínimos cuadrados; la segunda detalla un procedimiento validable para la predicción de la frecuencia dominante y del pseudo-espectro de respuesta de velocidad (PVRS) basada en la teoría de Newmark & Hall. Se ha obtenido: (i) la ley de atenuación del terreno para distintos grados de fiabilidad, (ii) herramientas de diseño de voladuras basadas en la relación de carga – distancia, (iii) la demostración que los valores de PPV se ajustan a una distribución log-normal, (iv) el mapa de isolíneas de PPV para el área de estudio, (v) una técnica detallada y válida para la predicción de la frecuencia dominante y del espectro de respuesta, (vi) formulaciones matemáticas de los factores de amplificación para el desplazamiento, velocidad y aceleración, (vii) mapa de isolíneas de amplificación para el área de estudio. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se proporciona información útil para su uso en el diseño y control de las voladuras posteriores del proyecto. ABSTRACT This project work describes and analyzes the comprehensive study of the effect of the vibrations produced by surface blasting carried out in the "Third Set of Locks" project executed for the expansion of the Panama Canal. A total of 53 records were collected, with the data generated by the monitoring of 7 seismographs in 10 production blasts carried out in 2010. The vibratory phenomenon has two fundamental parameters, the peak-particle velocity (PPV) and the dominant frequency, which characterize how damaging this can be compared to their influence on structures, which is why this is intended to characterize and predict fundamentally, that which allows proper control. Based on the above, the study consists of two parts; the first describes the behavior of the terrain by estimating the attenuation law for peak-particle velocity by using the ordinary least squares regression analysis, the second details a validable procedure for the prediction of the dominant frequency and pseudo-velocity response spectrum (PVRS) based on the theory of Newmark & Hall. The following have been obtained: (i) the attenuation law of the terrain for different degrees of reliability, (ii) blast design tools based on charge-distance ratio, (iii) the demonstration that the values of PPV conform to a log-normal distribution, (iv) the map of isolines of PPV for the area of study (v) detailed and valid technique for predicting the dominant frequency response spectrum, (vi) mathematical formulations of the amplification factors for displacement, velocity and acceleration, (vii) amplification of isolines map for the study area. From the results obtained, the study provides useful information for use in the design and control of blasting for subsequent projects.


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es el estudio y simulación de la sonorización de una sala de cine mediante la utilización del sistema DOLBY ATMOS. Para ello, se simulará la sala 6 del complejo de cines Kinépolis de Madrid utilizando el programa de simulación electroacústica EASE en el que se dispondrá el sistema de sonido DOLBY ATMOS. Primero se procederá a realizar el modelo geométrico en el programa EASE, a partir de los planos de la instalación y medidas realizadas en el recinto. Este programa de simulación permite obtener los parámetros acústicos y electroacústicos necesarios para realizar el estudio de la sala. Luego se diseñará el sistema de sonido de acuerdo a las disposiciones del sistema DOLBY ATMOS, mediante la ubicación de sistemas de altavoces de cine existentes en el mercado, siempre intentando mantener el uso de la sala de forma convencional como DOLBY DIGITAL y cumpliendo los requisitos de uniformidad y ángulos de apuntamiento recomendados por DOLBY. A continuación, una vez dispuestos los altavoces, se procederá a su configuración, realizando una ecualización y ajuste de nivel de manera individual para cada una de las fuentes sonoras, tanto de los altavoces de pantalla, altavoces de surround de pared y techo y los altavoces de subgraves. Como resultado de todo ello, se comprobarán parámetros como la inteligibilidad, respuesta impulsiva, respuesta en frecuencia y tiempo de reverberación en diferentes puntos de escucha, comparando los resultados obtenidos entre ellos. También se realizará una configuración compatible con el sistema de sonido 7.1, realizando su correspondiente configuración, ecualización, ajuste y aplicando los retardos necesarios. Una vez esté todo configurado, será dar un presupuesto de lo que supondría la reformar de un cine convencional a un sistema DOLBY ATMOS, teniendo en cuenta el número de altavoces disponibles en la sala actual, los modelos utilizados, amplificadores y mano de obra. También se realizará un diagrama de conexionado del sistema de sonido utilizado en el proyecto, incluyendo todos los parámetros necesarios de la configuración. Por último se comprobará la viabilidad técnica y económica del sistema diseñado, viendo cuál es la opción que más se adecua a cada necesidad y sugiriendo soluciones a los posibles problemas que se puedan encontrar. ABSTRACT. The main aim of this Project is the study and simulation of the sound of a movie theater by using DOLBY ATMOS system. It is going to be simulated the movie theatre 6 at Kinepolis cinema complex in Madrid using the simulation program EASE according to the sound system DOLBY ATMOS. First of all we proceed to conduct the geometric pattern in the EASE program, from installation drawings and measurements made on the premises. This simulation program allows getting the acoustic and electroacoustic parameters necessary for the study of the theatre. Then the sound system designed according to the suggestions of ATMOS DOLBY, by locating theater speaker systems on the market, always trying to keep the use of the room for DOLBY DIGITAL conventional and meeting the requirements of uniformity and pointing angles DOLBY recommended. Then, once the speakers are prepared, you can proceed to configure, make equalization and level setting individually for each of the sound sources, both screen speakers, surround speakers (wall and ceiling) and subwoofer. As a result, parameters are checked as intelligibility, impulse response, frequency response and reverberation time in different listening points, comparing the results between each other. There will also be configured to support 7.1 sound system, making the corresponding settings, equalization, level setting and applying the necessary delays. Once everything is configured, it will give an estimate of what would be the reform of a conventional film DOLBY ATMOS system, taking into account the number of speakers available in the current room, the models used, amplifiers and labor. Also there will be a wiring diagram of the sound system used in this project, including all of the configuration parameters needed. Finally, check the technical and economic feasibility of the designed system, seeing what is the option that best suits to each need and suggesting possible solutions to problems you might find during the process.


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La artroplastia de cadera se considera uno de los mayores avances quirúrgicos de la Medicina. La aplicación de esta técnica de Traumatología se ha incrementado notablemente en los últimos anos, a causa principalmente del progresivo incremento de la esperanza de vida. En efecto, con la edad aumentan los problemas de artrosis y osteoporosis, enfermedades típicas de las articulaciones y de los huesos que requieren en muchos casos la sustitución protésica total o parcial de la articulación. El buen comportamiento funcional de una prótesis depende en gran medida de la estabilidad primaria, es decir, el correcto anclaje de la prótesis en el momento de su implantación. Las prótesis no cementadas basan su éxito a largo plazo en la osteointegración que tiene lugar entre el material protésico y el tejido óseo, y para lograrla es imprescindible conseguir unas buenas condiciones de estabilidad primaria. El aflojamiento aséptico es la principal causa de fallo de artroplastia total de cadera. Este es un fenómeno en el que, debido a complejas interacciones de factores mecánicos y biológicos, se producen movimientos relativos que comprometen la funcionalidad del implante. La minimización de los correspondientes danos depende en gran medida de la detección precoz del aflojamiento. Para lograr la detección temprana del aflojamiento aséptico del vástago femoral se han ensayado diferentes técnicas, tanto in vivo como in vitro: análisis numéricos y técnicas experimentales basadas en sensores de movimientos provocados por cargas transmitidas natural o artificialmente, tales como impactos o vibraciones de distintas frecuencias. Los montajes y procedimientos aplicados son heterogéneos y, en muchas ocasiones, complejos y costosos, no existiendo acuerdo sobre una técnica simple y eficaz de aplicación general. Asimismo, en la normativa vigente que regula las condiciones que debe cumplir una prótesis previamente a su comercialización, no hay ningún apartado referido específicamente a la evaluación de la bondad del diseño del vástago femoral con respecto a la estabilidad primaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología para el análisis, in vitro, de la estabilidad de un vástago femoral implantado, a fin de poder evaluar las técnicas de implantación y los diferentes diseños de prótesis previamente a su oferta en el mercado. Además se plantea como requisito fundamental que el método desarrollado sea sencillo, reversible, repetible, no destructivo, con control riguroso de parámetros (condiciones de contorno de cargas y desplazamientos) y con un sistema de registro e interpretación de resultados rápido, fiable y asequible. Como paso previo, se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo del problema de contacto en la interfaz hueso-vástago aplicando una técnica optomecánica del campo continuo (fotoelasticidad). Para ello se han fabricado tres modelos en 2D del conjunto hueso-vástago, simulando tres tipos de contactos en la interfaz: contacto sin adherencia y con holgura, contacto sin adherencia y sin holgura, y contacto con adherencia y homogéneo. Aplicando la misma carga a cada modelo, y empleando la técnica de congelación de tensiones, se han visualizado los correspondientes estados tensionales, siendo estos más severos en el modelo de unión sin adherencia, como cabía esperar. En todo caso, los resultados son ilustrativos de la complejidad del problema de contacto y confirman la conveniencia y necesidad de la vía experimental para el estudio del problema. Seguidamente se ha planteado un ensayo dinámico de oscilaciones libres con instrumentación de sensores resistivos tipo galga extensométrica. Las muestras de ensayo han sido huesos fémur en todas sus posibles variantes: modelos simplificados, hueso sintético normalizado y hueso de cadáver, seco y fresco. Se ha diseñado un sistema de empotramiento del extremo distal de la muestra (fémur) con control riguroso de las condiciones de anclaje. La oscilación libre de la muestra se ha obtenido mediante la liberación instantánea de una carga estética determinada y aplicada previamente, bien con una maquina de ensayo o bien por gravedad. Cada muestra se ha instrumentado con galgas extensométricas convencionales cuya señal se ha registrado con un equipo dinámico comercial. Se ha aplicado un procedimiento de tratamiento de señal para acotar, filtrar y presentar las respuestas de los sensores en el dominio del tiempo y de la frecuencia. La interpretación de resultados es de tipo comparativo: se aplica el ensayo a una muestra de fémur Intacto que se toma de referencia, y a continuación se repite el ensayo sobre la misma muestra con una prótesis implantada; la comparación de resultados permite establecer conclusiones inmediatas sobre los efectos de la implantación de la prótesis. La implantación ha sido realizada por un cirujano traumatólogo utilizando las mismas técnicas e instrumental empleadas en el quirófano durante la práctica clínica real, y se ha trabajado con tres vástagos femorales comerciales. Con los resultados en el dominio del tiempo y de la frecuencia de las distintas aplicaciones se han establecido conclusiones sobre los siguientes aspectos: Viabilidad de los distintos tipos de muestras sintéticas: modelos simplificados y fémur sintético normalizado. Repetibilidad, linealidad y reversibilidad del ensayo. Congruencia de resultados con los valores teóricos deducidos de la teoría de oscilaciones libres de barras. Efectos de la implantación de tallos femorales en la amplitud de las oscilaciones, amortiguamiento y frecuencias de oscilación. Detección de armónicos asociados a la micromovilidad. La metodología se ha demostrado apta para ser incorporada a la normativa de prótesis, es de aplicación universal y abre vías para el análisis de la detección y caracterización de la micromovilidad de una prótesis frente a las cargas de servicio. ABSTRACT Total hip arthroplasty is considered as one of the greatest surgical advances in medicine. The application of this technique on Traumatology has increased significantly in recent years, mainly due to the progressive increase in life expectancy. In fact, advanced age increases osteoarthritis and osteoporosis problems, which are typical diseases of joints and bones, and in many cases require full or partial prosthetic replacement on the joint. Right functional behavior of prosthesis is highly dependent on the primary stability; this means it depends on the correct anchoring of the prosthesis at the time of implantation. Uncemented prosthesis base their long-term success on the quality of osseointegration that takes place between the prosthetic material and bone tissue, and to achieve this good primary stability conditions is mandatory. Aseptic loosening is the main cause of failure in total hip arthroplasty. This is a phenomenon in which relative movements occur, due to complex interactions of mechanical and biological factors, and these micromovements put the implant functionality at risk. To minimize possible damage, it greatly depends on the early detection of loosening. For this purpose, various techniques have been tested both in vivo and in vitro: numerical analysis and experimental techniques based on sensors for movements caused by naturally or artificially transmitted loads, such as impacts or vibrations at different frequencies. The assemblies and methods applied are heterogeneous and, in many cases, they are complex and expensive, with no agreement on the use of a simple and effective technique for general purposes. Likewise, in current regulations for governing the conditions to be fulfilled by the prosthesis before going to market, there is no specific section related to the evaluation of the femoral stem design in relation to primary stability. The aim of this thesis is to develop a in vitro methodology for analyzing the stability of an implanted femoral stem, in order to assess the implantation techniques and the different prosthesis designs prior to its offer in the market. We also propose as a fundamental requirement that the developed testing method should be simple, reversible, repeatable, non-destructive, with close monitoring of parameters (boundary conditions of loads and displacements) and with the availability of a register system to record and interpret results in a fast, reliable and affordable manner. As a preliminary step, we have performed a qualitative analysis of the contact problems in the bone-stem interface, through the application of a continuous field optomechanical technique (photoelasticity). For this proposal three 2D models of bone–stem set, has been built simulating three interface contact types: loosened an unbounded contact, unbounded and fixed contact, and bounded homogeneous contact. By means of applying the same load to each model, and using the stress freezing technique, it has displayed the corresponding stress states, being more severe as expected, in the unbounded union model. In any case, the results clearly show the complexity of the interface contact problem, and they confirm the need for experimental studies about this problem. Afterward a free oscillation dynamic test has been done using resistive strain gauge sensors. Test samples have been femur bones in all possible variants: simplified models, standardized synthetic bone, and dry and cool cadaveric bones. An embedding system at the distal end of the sample with strong control of the anchoring conditions has been designed. The free oscillation of the sample has been obtained by the instantaneous release of a static load, which was previously determined and applied to the sample through a testing machine or using the gravity force. Each sample was equipped with conventional strain gauges whose signal is registered with a marketed dynamic equipment. Then, it has applied a signal processing procedure to delimit, filter and present the time and frequency response signals from the sensors. Results are interpreted by comparing different trials: the test is applied to an intact femur sample which is taken as a reference, and then this test is repeated over the same sample with an implanted prosthesis. From comparison between results, immediate conclusions about the effects of the implantation of the prosthesis can be obtained. It must be said that the implementation has been made by an expert orthopedic surgeon using the same techniques and instruments as those used in clinical surgery. He has worked with three commercial femoral stems. From the results obtained in the time and frequency domains for the different applications the following conclusions have been established: Feasibility of the different types of synthetic samples: simplified models and standardized synthetic femur. Repeatability, linearity and reversibility of the testing method. Consistency of results with theoretical values deduced from the bars free oscillations theory. Effects of introduction of femoral stems in the amplitude, damping and frequencies of oscillations Detection of micromobility associated harmonics. This methodology has been proved suitable to be included in the standardization process of arthroplasty prosthesis, it is universally applicable and it allows establishing new methods for the analysis, detection and characterization of prosthesis micromobility due to functional loads.


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Direct optical modulation at 2.5 Gb/s with amplitude of more than 0.5 W has been demonstrated in single longitudinal mode distributed Bragg reflector tapered lasers emitting at 1060 nm with separated injection of the ridge waveguide and tapered sections. The modulating signal of ~110 mA peak to peak was applied to the ridge waveguide section, yielding a high modulation efficiency of ~5 W/A. The large-signal frequency response of the experimental set-up was limited by the bandwidth of the electrical amplifier rather than by the internal dynamics of the laser, indicating that higher bit rates could be achieved with improved driving electronics.


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In this paper, the applicability of the FRA technique is discussed as a method for detecting inter-turn faults in stator windings. Firstly, this method is tested in an individual medium-voltage stator coil with satisfactory results. Secondly, the tests are extended to a medium-voltage induction motor stator winding, in which inter-turn faults are performed in every coil end of one phase. Results of the frequency response in case of inter-turn faults are evaluated in both cases for different fault resistance values. The experimental setup is also described for each experiment. The results of the application of this technique to the detection of inter-turn faults justify further research in optimizing this technique for preventive maintenance.


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Una apropiada evaluación de los márgenes de seguridad de una instalación nuclear, por ejemplo, una central nuclear, tiene en cuenta todas las incertidumbres que afectan a los cálculos de diseño, funcionanmiento y respuesta ante accidentes de dicha instalación. Una fuente de incertidumbre son los datos nucleares, que afectan a los cálculos neutrónicos, de quemado de combustible o activación de materiales. Estos cálculos permiten la evaluación de las funciones respuesta esenciales para el funcionamiento correcto durante operación, y también durante accidente. Ejemplos de esas respuestas son el factor de multiplicación neutrónica o el calor residual después del disparo del reactor. Por tanto, es necesario evaluar el impacto de dichas incertidumbres en estos cálculos. Para poder realizar los cálculos de propagación de incertidumbres, es necesario implementar metodologías que sean capaces de evaluar el impacto de las incertidumbres de estos datos nucleares. Pero también es necesario conocer los datos de incertidumbres disponibles para ser capaces de manejarlos. Actualmente, se están invirtiendo grandes esfuerzos en mejorar la capacidad de analizar, manejar y producir datos de incertidumbres, en especial para isótopos importantes en reactores avanzados. A su vez, nuevos programas/códigos están siendo desarrollados e implementados para poder usar dichos datos y analizar su impacto. Todos estos puntos son parte de los objetivos del proyecto europeo ANDES, el cual ha dado el marco de trabajo para el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral. Por tanto, primero se ha llevado a cabo una revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares y sus incertidumbres, centrándose en los tres tipos de datos: de decaimiento, de rendimientos de fisión y de secciones eficaces. A su vez, se ha realizado una revisión del estado del arte de las metodologías para la propagación de incertidumbre de estos datos nucleares. Dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear (DIN) se propuso una metodología para la propagación de incertidumbres en cálculos de evolución isotópica, el Método Híbrido. Esta metodología se ha tomado como punto de partida para esta tesis, implementando y desarrollando dicha metodología, así como extendiendo sus capacidades. Se han analizado sus ventajas, inconvenientes y limitaciones. El Método Híbrido se utiliza en conjunto con el código de evolución isotópica ACAB, y se basa en el muestreo por Monte Carlo de los datos nucleares con incertidumbre. En esta metodología, se presentan diferentes aproximaciones según la estructura de grupos de energía de las secciones eficaces: en un grupo, en un grupo con muestreo correlacionado y en multigrupos. Se han desarrollado diferentes secuencias para usar distintas librerías de datos nucleares almacenadas en diferentes formatos: ENDF-6 (para las librerías evaluadas), COVERX (para las librerías en multigrupos de SCALE) y EAF (para las librerías de activación). Gracias a la revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares de los rendimientos de fisión se ha identificado la falta de una información sobre sus incertidumbres, en concreto, de matrices de covarianza completas. Además, visto el renovado interés por parte de la comunidad internacional, a través del grupo de trabajo internacional de cooperación para evaluación de datos nucleares (WPEC) dedicado a la evaluación de las necesidades de mejora de datos nucleares mediante el subgrupo 37 (SG37), se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de las metodologías para generar datos de covarianza. Se ha seleccionando la actualización Bayesiana/GLS para su implementación, y de esta forma, dar una respuesta a dicha falta de matrices completas para rendimientos de fisión. Una vez que el Método Híbrido ha sido implementado, desarrollado y extendido, junto con la capacidad de generar matrices de covarianza completas para los rendimientos de fisión, se han estudiado diferentes aplicaciones nucleares. Primero, se estudia el calor residual tras un pulso de fisión, debido a su importancia para cualquier evento después de la parada/disparo del reactor. Además, se trata de un ejercicio claro para ver la importancia de las incertidumbres de datos de decaimiento y de rendimientos de fisión junto con las nuevas matrices completas de covarianza. Se han estudiado dos ciclos de combustible de reactores avanzados: el de la instalación europea para transmutación industrial (EFIT) y el del reactor rápido de sodio europeo (ESFR), en los cuales se han analizado el impacto de las incertidumbres de los datos nucleares en la composición isotópica, calor residual y radiotoxicidad. Se han utilizado diferentes librerías de datos nucleares en los estudios antreriores, comparando de esta forma el impacto de sus incertidumbres. A su vez, mediante dichos estudios, se han comparando las distintas aproximaciones del Método Híbrido y otras metodologías para la porpagación de incertidumbres de datos nucleares: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), desarrollada en NRG por A.J. Koning y D. Rochman, y NUDUNA, desarrollada en AREVA GmbH por O. Buss y A. Hoefer. Estas comparaciones demostrarán las ventajas del Método Híbrido, además de revelar sus limitaciones y su rango de aplicación. ABSTRACT For an adequate assessment of safety margins of nuclear facilities, e.g. nuclear power plants, it is necessary to consider all possible uncertainties that affect their design, performance and possible accidents. Nuclear data are a source of uncertainty that are involved in neutronics, fuel depletion and activation calculations. These calculations can predict critical response functions during operation and in the event of accident, such as decay heat and neutron multiplication factor. Thus, the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on these response functions needs to be addressed for a proper evaluation of the safety margins. Methodologies for performing uncertainty propagation calculations need to be implemented in order to analyse the impact of nuclear data uncertainties. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand the current status of nuclear data and their uncertainties, in order to be able to handle this type of data. Great eórts are underway to enhance the European capability to analyse/process/produce covariance data, especially for isotopes which are of importance for advanced reactors. At the same time, new methodologies/codes are being developed and implemented for using and evaluating the impact of uncertainty data. These were the objectives of the European ANDES (Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability) project, which provided a framework for the development of this PhD Thesis. Accordingly, first a review of the state-of-the-art of nuclear data and their uncertainties is conducted, focusing on the three kinds of data: decay, fission yields and cross sections. A review of the current methodologies for propagating nuclear data uncertainties is also performed. The Nuclear Engineering Department of UPM has proposed a methodology for propagating uncertainties in depletion calculations, the Hybrid Method, which has been taken as the starting point of this thesis. This methodology has been implemented, developed and extended, and its advantages, drawbacks and limitations have been analysed. It is used in conjunction with the ACAB depletion code, and is based on Monte Carlo sampling of variables with uncertainties. Different approaches are presented depending on cross section energy-structure: one-group, one-group with correlated sampling and multi-group. Differences and applicability criteria are presented. Sequences have been developed for using different nuclear data libraries in different storing-formats: ENDF-6 (for evaluated libraries) and COVERX (for multi-group libraries of SCALE), as well as EAF format (for activation libraries). A revision of the state-of-the-art of fission yield data shows inconsistencies in uncertainty data, specifically with regard to complete covariance matrices. Furthermore, the international community has expressed a renewed interest in the issue through the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) with the Subgroup (SG37), which is dedicated to assessing the need to have complete nuclear data. This gives rise to this review of the state-of-the-art of methodologies for generating covariance data for fission yields. Bayesian/generalised least square (GLS) updating sequence has been selected and implemented to answer to this need. Once the Hybrid Method has been implemented, developed and extended, along with fission yield covariance generation capability, different applications are studied. The Fission Pulse Decay Heat problem is tackled first because of its importance during events after shutdown and because it is a clean exercise for showing the impact and importance of decay and fission yield data uncertainties in conjunction with the new covariance data. Two fuel cycles of advanced reactors are studied: the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) and the European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR), and response function uncertainties such as isotopic composition, decay heat and radiotoxicity are addressed. Different nuclear data libraries are used and compared. These applications serve as frameworks for comparing the different approaches of the Hybrid Method, and also for comparing with other methodologies: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), developed at NRG by A.J. Koning and D. Rochman, and NUDUNA, developed at AREVA GmbH by O. Buss and A. Hoefer. These comparisons reveal the advantages, limitations and the range of application of the Hybrid Method.


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Detectors designing is a key aspect for the development of the new millimeter wave systems. In this paper two detectors in microstrip technology are presented. They use zero bias Schottky diodes to detect signals from low frequency to 40 GHz. High sensibility, flat frequency response and ultrabroadband are the main features of these designs. They are also cheap and easy to mount because they have been built using microstrip technology. This paper explains most technological questions which must be taken into account to design such detectors.


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La creación de infraestructuras comunes de telecomunicación (ICT) se hace necesaria debido al auge del servicio de televisión a mediados del siglo XX. Los elementos que las conforman pueden alterar los parámetros de calidad de la señal de televisión, actualmente transmitida bajo la norma DVB-T por las redes SMATV. El diseño de este tipo de redes se hace atendiendo a las atenuaciones de los dispositivos fijadas por el fabricante pero sin tener en cuenta la influencia de estos frente a parámetros de calidad de la señal. Se busca poder estudiar y analizar la influencia que tienen sobre el deterioro de la calidad de la señal a un nivel más detallado a fin de establecer los requerimientos mínimos que debieran de ofrecer. Para ello, en primer lugar, se hace un análisis de la respuesta individual de los dispositivos y su comparación con los datos del fabricante. A continuación estudiamos de forma detallada la respuesta que muestran en cascada y la elaboración de estructuras simples de ICT a modo de ejemplo en AWR. Una vez realizada esta primera fase se crea una red ICT real en el software utilizado en la que se analiza profundamente su repuesta en frecuencia. Por último se procede a simular dicha red ICT en AWR en la parte de VSS, donde se obtendrán las medidas de calidad en cuanto BER, EVM, espectro y demás parámetros, pudiendo concluir con una comparativa sobre el grado de fiabilidad del cálculo aproximado en el que se basa la realización del diseño de redes ICT. ABSTRACT. Creation of common telecommunications infrastructure (ICT) is necessary due to the rise of television service in the mid-twentieth century. The elements inside ICT can disturb quality parameters of television signal which is currently transmitted in the DVB-T standard by SMATV networks. Design of this type of network is made up according device attenuation defined by the manufacturer but without taking into account the influence of these parameters in signal quality. It seeks to study and analyze the influence of deterioration of signal quality deeper in order to establish the minimum requirements that should provide them. First of all, we made an analysis of individual device response and their comparison with manufacturer's data. Therefore we study in detail the response of these elements in a cascade and we develop simple structures of ICT as examples. Once the first step is done, we implement a real ICT network in the software in order to deeply analyze its frequency response. Finally we proceed to simulate this ICT network in AWR inside VSS module, where quality measures as BER, EVM, spectrum and other parameters will be obtained, concluding with a comparison of the reliability of ICT networks design estimation.


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The last decade, scientific studies have indicated an association between air pollution to which people are exposed and wide range of adverse health outcomes. We have developed a tool which is based on a model (MM5-CMAQ) running over Europe with 50 km spatial resolution, based on EMEP annual emissions, to produce a short-term forecast of the impact on health. In order to estimate the mortality change (forecasted for the next 24 hours) we have chosen a log-linear (Poisson) regression form to estimate the concentration-response function. The parameters involved in the C-R function have been estimated based on epidemiological studies, which have been published. Finally, we have derived the relationship between concentration change and mortality change from the C-R function which is the final health impact function.


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The purpose of this Project is, first and foremost, to disclose the topic of nonlinear vibrations and oscillations in mechanical systems and, namely, nonlinear normal modes NNMs to a greater audience of researchers and technicians. To do so, first of all, the dynamical behavior and properties of nonlinear mechanical systems is outlined from the analysis of a pair of exemplary models with the harmonic balanced method. The conclusions drawn are contrasted with the Linear Vibration Theory. Then, it is argued how the nonlinear normal modes could, in spite of their limitations, predict the frequency response of a mechanical system. After discussing those introductory concepts, I present a Matlab package called 'NNMcont' developed by a group of researchers from the University of Liege. This package allows the analysis of nonlinear normal modes of vibration in a range of mechanical systems as extensions of the linear modes. This package relies on numerical methods and a 'continuation algorithm' for the computation of the nonlinear normal modes of a conservative mechanical system. In order to prove its functionality, a two degrees of freedom mechanical system with elastic nonlinearities is analized. This model comprises a mass suspended on a foundation by means of a spring-viscous damper mechanism -analogous to a very simplified model of most suspended structures and machines- that has attached a mass damper as a passive vibration control system. The results of the computation are displayed on frequency energy plots showing the NNMs branches along with modal curves and time-series plots for each normal mode. Finally, a critical analysis of the results obtained is carried out with an eye on devising what they can tell the researcher about the dynamical properties of the system.


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This paper presents the experimental results obtained by applying frequency-domain structural health monitoring techniques to assess the damage suffered on a special type of damper called Web Plastifying Damper (WPD). The WPD is a hysteretic type energy dissipator recently developed for the passive control of structures subjected to earthquakes. It consists of several I-section steel segments connected in parallel. The energy is dissipated through plastic deformations of the web of the I-sections, which constitute the dissipative parts of the damper. WPDs were subjected to successive histories of dynamically-imposed cyclic deformations of increasing magnitude with the shaking table of the University of Granada. To assess the damage to the web of the I-section steel segments after each history of loading, a new damage index called Area Index of Damage (AID) was obtained from simple vibration tests. The vibration signals were acquired by means of piezoelectric sensors attached on the I-sections, and non-parametric statistical methods were applied to calculate AID in terms of changes in frequency response functions. The damage index AID was correlated with another energy-based damage index-ID- which past research has proven to accurately characterize the level of mechanical damage. The ID is rooted in the decomposition of the load-displacement curve experienced by the damper into the so-called skeleton and Bauschinger parts. ID predicts the level of damage and the proximity to failure of the damper accurately, but it requires costly instrumentation. The experiments reported in this paper demonstrate a good correlation between AID and ID in a realistic seismic loading scenario consisting of dynamically applied arbitrary cyclic loads. Based on this correlation, it is possible to estimate ID indirectly from the AID, which calls for much simpler and less expensive instrumentation.


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Qualquer tarefa motora ativa se dá pela ativação de uma população de unidades motoras. Porém, devido a diversas dificuldades, tanto técnicas quanto éticas, não é possível medir a entrada sináptica dos motoneurônios em humanos. Por essas razões, o uso de modelos computacionais realistas de um núcleo de motoneurônios e as suas respectivas fibras musculares tem um importante papel no estudo do controle humano dos músculos. Entretanto, tais modelos são complexos e uma análise matemática é difícil. Neste texto é apresentada uma abordagem baseada em identificação de sistemas de um modelo realista de um núcleo de unidades motoras, com o objetivo de obter um modelo mais simples capaz de representar a transdução das entradas do núcleo de unidades motoras na força do músculo associado ao núcleo. A identificação de sistemas foi baseada em um algoritmo de mínimos quadrados ortogonal para achar um modelo NARMAX, sendo que a entrada considerada foi a condutância sináptica excitatória dendrítica total dos motoneurônios e a saída foi a força dos músculos produzida pelo núcleo de unidades motoras. O modelo identificado reproduziu o comportamento médio da saída do modelo computacional realista, mesmo para pares de sinal de entrada-saída não usados durante o processo de identificação do modelo, como sinais de força muscular modulados senoidalmente. Funções de resposta em frequência generalizada do núcleo de motoneurônios foram obtidas do modelo NARMAX, e levaram a que se inferisse que oscilações corticais na banda-beta (20 Hz) podem influenciar no controle da geração de força pela medula espinhal, comportamento do núcleo de motoneurônios até então desconhecido.


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Hoje em dia com o crescente aumento da exploração de petróleo e gás em águas profundas, há um aumento na demanda por operações offshore envolvendo a cooperação entre unidades flutuantes. Tais operações requerem um alto nível de planejamento e coordenação, o que na maioria dos casos é feito com a troca de informação no nível de operação, com cada unidade flutuante comandada independentemente. Exemplos de operações deste tipo vão desde operações de alívio passando por operações de instalação de equipamento submarino, até operações de pesquisa envolvendo múltiplas unidades flutuantes dotadas de sistema de posicionamento dinâmico (DP). As vantagens do controle cooperativo surgem com a redução do erro da distância relativa durante a manutenção do posicionamento ou durante a execução de manobras de posicionamento conjuntas. No presente trabalho, os conceitos de controle de consenso são aplicados de forma combinada com o sistema DP de cada navio. A influência dos ganhos do controlador cooperativo no sistema como um todo será discutida, utilizando-se técnicas de análise da resposta em frequência. Simulações completas no domínio do tempo e experimentos usando modelos em escala serão utilizados para se demonstrar o funcionamento do controle cooperativo. Todas as simulações serão conduzidas no simulador Dynasim e os ensaios experimentais no tanque de provas da Engenharia Naval da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Além disso, serão feitas comparações entre os experimentos em tanque de provas e simulações numéricas equivalentes, demonstrando-se a validade dos ensaios numéricos. Será também demonstrado que os requisitos de projetos adotados são atendidos pelos ensaios em tanque de provas. .


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Passive electroreception is a complex and specialised sense found in a large range of aquatic vertebrates primarily designed for the detection of weak bioelectric fields. Particular attention has traditionally focused on cartilaginous fishes, but a range of teleost and non-teleost fishes from a diversity of habitats have also been examined. As more species are investigated, it has become apparent that the role of electroreception in fishes is not restricted to locating prey, but is utilised in other complex behaviours. This paper presents the various functional roles of passive electroreception in non-electric fishes, by reviewing much of the recent research on the detection of prey in the context of differences in species' habitat (shallow water, deep-sea, freshwater and saltwater). A special case study on the distribution and neural groupings of ampullary organs in the omnihaline bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, is also presented and reveals that prey-capture, rather than navigation, may be an important determinant of pore distribution. The discrimination between potential predators and conspecifics and the role of bioelectric stimuli in social behaviour is discussed, as is the ability to migrate over short or long distances in order to locate environmentally favourable conditions. The various theories proposed regarding the importance and mediation of geomagnetic orientation by either an electroreceptive and/or a magnetite-based sensory system receives particular attention. The importance of electroreception to many species is emphasised by highlighting what still remains to be investigated, especially with respect to the physical, biochemical and neural properties of the ampullary organs and the signals that give rise to the large range of observed behaviours.