838 resultados para end-to-side


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Resumen: La fundación de la ciudad de La Plata tiene por lo menos una doble significación. En primer lugar puso fin a décadas de desencuentros entre las autoridades nacionales y provinciales por la llamada “cuestión capital” que tuvo su primer hito en la federalización de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1880. En segundo lugar La Plata era una ciudad nueva, pensada y diseñada para superar los problemas que asolaban a las ciudades viejas. Uno de estos problemas que recibió particular atención por parte de los “fundadores” fue el suministro de agua e instalaciones sanitarias. No obstante su resolución planteaba serios problemas técnicos y un elevado coste económico. Estos primeros años de vida platense estuvieron marcados por el auge de la llamada higiene social fundada por las transformaciones producidas por la revolución pasteuriana y la resignificación ideológica de las causas sociales que originan la enfermedad. En este sentido, la higiene social retoma el viejo cuerpo programático de la higiene pública: agua, recolección de residuos, pavimentos (causas directas) pero agrega otros ligados a las "causas indirectas": salarios, alojamientos, condiciones de trabajo de los obreros. Nosotros analizaremos cómo los profesionales responsables de la administración de la ciudad de La Plata entendieron y enfrentaron el problema del suministro de agua potable en un núcleo urbano que experimentaba un formidable crecimiento demográfico.


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Apresenta uma proposta de organização do Catálogo de Processos para a Câmara dos Deputados. Para esse propósito foram utilizados os conceitos de Gestão de Processos e de Cadeia de Valor e analisados alguns frameworks mundialmente conhecidos. Contudo, foi utilizado como insumo principal o Plano de Classificação Funcional, documento elaborado pelo Centro de Documentação e Informação (CEDI), órgão da instituição, principalmente para a parte dos processos legislativos, referentes às atividades finalísticas da Casa. O Catálogo de Processos, construído para atender a uma demanda do Escritório Corporativo de Gestão Estratégica, após implantação, será amplamente utilizado por toda a Casa e possibilitará uma visão dos processos de ponta-a-ponta. Será esperado e desejado a sua evolução, fruto de ajustes para realidade atual e do amadurecimento da Casa na gestão de processos.


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Estudo de caso que analisa a aprovação da emenda de plenário nº 387 de 2010, chamada de emenda Ibsen Pinheiro/Humberto Souto, que pretendeu redistribuir as riquezas advindas dos royalties do petróleo, a partir do estabelecimento de critérios de maior equalização como o da distribuição via Fundo de Participação de Estados e Municípios (FPE/FPM). A partir do entendimento segundo o qual tal aprovação se deu por causa da fragmentação (derrocada) do pacto federativo, dado a centralização histórica do processo de arrecadação tributária nas mãos da União, posição alcançada e motivada, diga-se de passagem, pela abdicação de Estados e Municípios do papel de principal arrecadador, se tornando atores secundários. O estudo argumenta que a principal dificuldade enfrentada pelos entes subnacionais é de ordem econômica e os desenhos constitucionais desde a promulgação da Constituição republicana de 1891, não foi capaz de dirimir tal situação. E mesmo com a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, chamada de a mais descentralizadora, uma melhor distribuição de recursos falhou em suas tentativas.


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Following the quantitative determination of dust cloud parameters, this study investigates the flame propagation through cornstarch dust clouds in a vertical duct of 780 mm height and 160 x 160 mm square cross section, and gives particular attention to the effect of small scale turbulence and small turbulence intensity on flame characteristics. Dust suspensions in air were produced using an improved apparatus ensuring more uniform distribution and repeatable dust concentrations in the testing duct. The dispersion-induced turbulence was measured by means of a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system, and dust concentrations were estimated by direct weighing method. This quantitative assessment made it possible to correlate observed flame behaviors with the parameters of the dust cloud. Upward propagating dust flames, from both closed/open bottom end to open/closed top end of the duct, were visualized by direct light and shadow photography. From the observation of propagation regimes and the measurements of flame velocity, a critical value of the turbulence intensity can be specified below which laminar flame propagation would be established. This transition condition was determined to be 10 cm/s. Laminar flames propagated with oscillations from the closed bottom end to the open top end of the testing duct, while the turbulent flames accelerated continuously. Both laminar and turbulent flames propagated with steady velocity from the open bottom end to the closed top end of the duct. The measured propagation velocity of laminar flames appeared to be in the range of 0.45-0.56 m/s, and it was consistent with the measurements reported in the literature. In the present experimental study, the influence of dust concentration on flame propagation was also examined, and the flame propagation velocity was found weakly sensitive to the variations in dust concentration. Some information on the flame structure was revealed from the shadow records, showing the typical heterogeneous feature of the dust combustion process.


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Supporting slides from the Janet network end to end performance initiative workshop


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Supporting presentation slides from the Janet network end to end performance initiative


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Supporting presentation slides to accompany the Janet network end to end performance initiative workshop


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Supporting presentation slides as part of the Janet network end to end performance initiative


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Presentation slides as part of the Janet network end to end performance initiative workshop


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Supporting slides as part of the Janet network end to end performance initiative workshop


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Supporting slides from the Janet network end to end performance initiative


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Supporting presentation slides from the Janet network end to end performance initiative workshop


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Enhancing the handover process in broadband wireless communication deployment has traditionally motivated many research initiatives. In a high-speed railway domain, the challenge is even greater. Owing to the long distances covered, the mobile node gets involved in a compulsory sequence of handover processes. Consequently, poor performance during the execution of these handover processes significantly degrades the global end-to-end performance. This article proposes a new handover strategy for the railway domain: the RMPA handover, a Reliable Mobility Pattern Aware IEEE 802.16 handover strategy "customized" for a high-speed mobility scenario. The stringent high mobility feature is balanced with three other positive features in a high-speed context: mobility pattern awareness, different sources for location discovery techniques, and a previously known traffic data profile. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no IEEE 802.16 handover scheme that simultaneously covers the optimization of the handover process itself and the efficient timing of the handover process. Our strategy covers both areas of research while providing a cost-effective and standards-based solution. To schedule the handover process efficiently, the RMPA strategy makes use of a context aware handover policy; that is, a handover policy based on the mobile node mobility pattern, the time required to perform the handover, the neighboring network conditions, the data traffic profile, the received power signal, and current location and speed information of the train. Our proposal merges all these variables in a cross layer interaction in the handover policy engine. It also enhances the handover process itself by establishing the values for the set of handover configuration parameters and mechanisms of the handover process. RMPA is a cost-effective strategy because compatibility with standards-based equipment is guaranteed. The major contributions of the RMPA handover are in areas that have been left open to the handover designer's discretion. Our simulation analysis validates the RMPA handover decision rules and design choices. Our results supporting a high-demand video application in the uplink stream show a significant improvement in the end-to-end quality of service parameters, including end-to-end delay (22%) and jitter (80%), when compared with a policy based on signal-to-noise-ratio information.


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Fish smoking, as a traditional occupation of fishermen and women in Kainji Lake Area (Nigeria) is done using simple traditional ovens called 'Banda', the fuel for the smoking being almost hundred percent dependent on wood. A simple modification was made to the traditional 'Banda' oven using a damper to prevent burning of the fish. A comparison of the improved and the traditional 'Banda' was made. The results indicate that fuel wood consumption was reduced 52 percent by using the improved 'Banda', which implied that 50 percent of fish processor's income could be saved through the adoption of this technology. The most important advantage of the improved kiln, fuel wood conservation, represents for fishers a problem of an economic importance. Whilst they are aware that it is becoming much more difficult to get the needed fuel wood, the children can still conveniently collect enough wood for both home use and processing activities. The cost of the components of the improved kiln, when compared with the traditional version may be considered quite significant, and hence the reluctance of the fish processors in constructing similar ones. Selected blacksmiths were trained to continue the fabrication of the kiln component. The training was carried out to assure that the improved kiln will be constructed even after the project will end to support the fabrication


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This dissertation consists of three parts. In Part I, it is shown that looping trajectories cannot exist in finite amplitude stationary hydromagnetic waves propagating across a magnetic field in a quasi-neutral cold collision-free plasma. In Part II, time-dependent solutions in series expansion are presented for the magnetic piston problem, which describes waves propagating into a quasi-neutral cold collision-free plasma, ensuing from magnetic disturbances on the boundary of the plasma. The expansion is equivalent to Picard's successive approximations. It is then shown that orbit crossings of plasma particles occur on the boundary for strong disturbances and inside the plasma for weak disturbances. In Part III, the existence of periodic waves propagating at an arbitrary angle to the magnetic field in a plasma is demonstrated by Stokes expansions in amplitude. Then stability analysis is made for such periodic waves with respect to side-band frequency disturbances. It is shown that waves of slow mode are unstable whereas waves of fast mode are stable if the frequency is below the cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency depends on the propagation angle. For longitudinal propagation the cutoff frequency is equal to one-fourth of the electron's gyrofrequency. For transverse propagation the cutoff frequency is so high that waves of all frequencies are stable.