406 resultados para earthly paradise
This study examines the position and meaning of Classical mythological plots, themes and characters in the oeuvre of the Russian Modernist poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941). The material consists of lyric poems from the collection Posle Rossii (1928) and two longer lyrical tragedies, Ariadna (1924) and Fedra (1927). These works are examined in the context of Russian Modernism and Tsvetaeva s own poetic development, also taking into account the author s biography, namely, her correspondence with Boris Pasternak. Tsvetaeva s appropriations of the myths enter into a dialogue with the Classical tradition and with the earlier Russian and Western literary manifestations of the source material. Her Classical texts are inextricably linked with her own authorial myth, they are used to project both her ideas about poetry as well as the authored self of her poems. An important context for Tsvetaeva s application of the Classical myths is the concept of the Platonic ladder of Eros. This plot evokes the process of transcendence of the mortal subject into the immaterial realm and is applied by the author as an extended metaphor of the poet s birth. Emphasizing the dialectical movement between the earthly and the divine, Tsvetaeva s Classical personae foreground various positions of the individual between these two realms. By means of kaleidoscopic reformulations of similar metaphors and concepts, Tsvetaeva s mythological poems illustrate the poet s position between the material and the immaterial and the various consequences of this dichotomy on the creative mission. At the heart of Tsvetaeva s appropriation of the Sibyl, Phaedra, Eurydice and Ariadne is the tension between the body and disembodiment. The two lyrical tragedies develop the dichotomous worldview further, nevertheless emphasizing the dual perspective of the divine and the earthly realms: immaterial existence is often evaluated from a material perspective and vice versa. The Platonic subtext is central for Ariadna, focussing on Theseus development from an earthly hero to a spiritual one. Fedra concentrates on Phaedra s divinely induced physical passion, which is nevertheless evoked in a creative light.
This paper presents an approach, based on Lean production philosophy, for rationalising the processes involved in the production of specification documents for construction projects. Current construction literature erroneously depicts the process for the creation of construction specifications as a linear one. This traditional understanding of the specification process often culminates in process-wastes. On the contrary, the evidence suggests that though generalised, the activities involved in producing specification documents are nonlinear. Drawing on the outcome of participant observation, this paper presents an optimised approach for representing construction specifications. Consequently, the actors typically involved in producing specification documents are identified, the processes suitable for automation are highlighted and the central role of tacit knowledge is integrated into a conceptual template of construction specifications. By applying the transformation, flow, value (TFV) theory of Lean production the paper argues that value creation can be realised by eliminating the wastes associated with the traditional preparation of specification documents with a view to integrating specifications in digital models such as Building Information Models (BIM). Therefore, the paper presents an approach for rationalising the TFV theory as a method for optimising current approaches for generating construction specifications based on a revised specification writing model.
The 51st ANZIAM Conference was held on 1–5 February 2015 in the Outrigger Hotel, Surfers Paradise, Australia. A total of 229 people registered for the conference, with nine plenary presentations, 78 student presentations and 107 non-student presentations. Highlights of the conference included the plenary talks, presentations by the 2014 Michell and ANZIAM Medalists, the Women in Mathematics Lunch and the Conference Dinner and Awards Ceremony. The main conference was followed by a one-day workshop entitled ‘Discrete mathematical models in the life sciences’, held at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, on February 6, 2015.
This dissertation examines the concept of beatific enjoyment (fruitio beatifica) in scholastic theology and philosophy in the thirteenth and early fourteenth century. The aim of the study is to explain what is enjoyment and to show why scholastic thinkers were interested in discussing it. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with Aurelius Augustine's distinction between enjoyment and use and the place of enjoyment in the framework of Augustine's view of the passions and the human will. The first chapter also focuses upon the importance of Peter Lombard's Sentences for the transmission of Augustine's treatment of enjoyment in scholastic thought as well as upon Lombard's understanding of enjoyment. The second chapter treats thirteenth-century conceptions of the object and psychology of enjoyment. Material for this chapter is provided by the writings - mostly Sentences commentaries - of Alexander of Hales, Albert the Great, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Peter of Tarentaise, Robert Kilwardby, William de la Mare, Giles of Rome, and Richard of Middleton. The third chapter inspects early fourteenth-century views of the object and psychology of enjoyment. The fourth chapter focuses upon discussions of the enjoyment of the Holy Trinity. The fifth chapter discusses the contingency of beatific enjoyment. The main writers studied in the third, fourth and fifth chapters are John Duns Scotus, Peter Aureoli, Durandus of Saint Pourçain, William of Ockham, Walter Chatton, Robert Holcot, and Adam Wodeham. Historians of medieval intellectual history have emphasized the significance of the concept of beatific enjoyment for understanding the character and aims of scholastic theology and philosophy. The concept of beatific enjoyment was developed by Augustine on the basis of the insight that only God can satisfy our heart's desire. The possibility of satisfying this desire requires a right ordering of the human mind and a detachment of the will from the relative goals of earthly existence. Augustine placed this insight at the very foundation of the notion of Christian learning and education in his treatise On Christian Doctrine. Following Augustine, the twelfth-century scholastic theologian Peter Lombard made the concept of enjoyment the first topic in his plan of systematic theology. The official inclusion of Lombard's Sentences in the curriculum of theological studies in the early universities stimulated vigorous discussions of enjoyment. Enjoyment was understood as a volition and was analyzed in relation to cognition and other psychic features such as rest and pleasure. This study shows that early fourteenth-century authors deepened the analysis of enjoyment by concentrating upon the relationship between enjoyment and mental pleasure, the relationship between cognition and volition, and the relationship between the will and the beatific object (i.e., the Holy Trinity). The study also demonstrates the way in which the idea of enjoyment was affected by changes in the method of theological analysis - the application of Aristotelian logic in a Trinitarian context and the shift from virtue ethics to normative ethics.
Resumen: Tomando como punto de partida el gesto inaugural de Philippe Ariès en lo concerniente a los estudios sobre la niñez, el presente artículo se propone abordar las formas de representación de la infancia presentes en los tres poemas que componen el Ms. K-III-4 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libre dels tres reys d’Orient), buscando así, delinearle un espacio de comprensión a los modos de ser niño que se dejan leer en este códice. Modos de ser que, no sólo permiten rectifi car las afi rmaciones fundantes del historiador francés, sino que a su vez, devienen signo del imaginario y los saberes de un siglo XIII propenso a la condición terrena del hombre.
Abstract: The idea of a “paradise in politics” is an answer to the cosmogonic- anthropogonic problem that, through their bodies, the life of human beings has been shaped politically from the very beginning: all creation is a creation of bodies and bodies are power. All creation, furthermore, means separation, it emerges through a multiplicity of things and beings only. The conventional solution for the problem, in the realm of human beings, consists in forming societies out of a multiplicity of indivuals that remains as such. The solution of a “paradise in politics”, however, envisions a “healing” of creation through a bodily transmutation by which a world of bodies emerges that is freed from the problem of bodies: separation, power. The article discusses the negative cosmology with which all tales on a paradise in politics start. It shows the essential role of phantasy in the constitution of these tales, and elucidates the principal structural elements through which visions of a paradise in politics are built. A special attention is given to the parallelism between these visions and known religious thought, as in the case of the concepts of apokatastasis or perichoresis, for instance. Methodically, the article achieves a demonstration of its subject by an extensive presentation and analysis of two case studies: Rousseau’s vision of a “terrestrial paradise” and the attempt at “bodily redemption” put on the stage in 1968-69 by the “Living Theatre” Group with its performance “Paradise Now”.
Resumen: En la Edad Media castellana, el motivo del viaje aparece en el siglo XIII en las colecciones de sentencias de procedencia oriental. Constituye generalmente una introducción narrativa que justifica la recopilación de los proverbios. En tanto estos constituyen enseñanzas de sabios antiguos, también se asocia en algunas ocasiones al tópico de la “translatio studii”, como se observa en la traducción castellana de Walter Burley, Vida y costumbres de los viejos filósofos. Además interesa la tematización del viaje en las mismas sentencias compiladas en las que se muestra, por ejemplo, la concepción medieval del “homo viator”, peregrino terrenal. Las sentencias de El conde Lucanor de Don Juan Manuel ilustran particularmente esta idea con la imagen de la “carrera” o camino que el hombre debe elegir para alcanzar la salvación eterna y las honras mundanas.
Revista con LCC: Reconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
A Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, RJ) apresenta dois acontecimentos que marcam a história recente do lugar: a instituição de leis ambientais com a criação de quatro unidades de conservação da natureza (entre 1971 e 1990); e a intensificação do fluxo turístico após a implosão do Instituto Penal Cândido Mendes - IPCM (1994), que marcou o fim de cerca de 100 anos de um sistema penitenciário. A Ilha, sempre associada às belezas naturais e à ideia de paraíso, a partir desse momento, deixa de ser referida como o paraíso-inferno e passa a ser reconhecida predominantemente pelas potencialidades paisagísticas, voltando-se para o turismo, que se torna um componente central da vida no lugar. Reconstituindo a trajetória do turismo na Ilha, e considerando o quadro atual das atividades turísticas (a partir da minha participação em fóruns para discussão e resolução dos problemas da Ilha, de pesquisa em jornais, e de entrevistas com moradores e participantes desses fóruns), mostro os significados e visões sobre o paraíso Ilha Grande e o turismo o que se tem e o se quer , tanto no nível dos discursos e das representações, quanto no nível das práticas e das relações sociais instituídas. Revela-se aí um campo de disputa entre diferentes atores sociais com interesses diversos para salvar e explorar a Ilha Grande; onde a natureza e o turismo se apresentam como dois elementos utilizados como estratégias para sobrevivência de grande parte da população e como estratégia política do poder público; um paraíso marcado pelo turismo e um paraíso para o turismo. Faço uma leitura da ocorrência e das implicações do turismo na Ilha Grande através da ideia de turismização, em analogia com o pensamento de Norbert Elias sobre processo civilizador e de J. S. Leite Lopes sobre ambientalização, e reconhecendo o diálogo e os embates entre o processo turismizador e o processo ambientalizador na Ilha Grande.
Seguindo a ideia exposta por Caio Fernando Abreu em nota introdutória presente em todas as edições de Os dragões não conhecem o paraíso de que o livro pode ser lido não apenas como um exemplar de contos, mas também como um romance-móbile (ou espatifado) e considerando que, por meio do conhecimento de dados biográficos de um escritor, é possível construir a biografia de um escritor através de sua obra, a presente dissertação busca analisar Os dragões não conhecem o paraíso sob a ótica de uma nova perspectiva de leitura, entendendo o livro como um romance de ficção autobiográfica e formação
Esta dissertação aborda o tema da imigração italiana à luz do imaginário daqueles que se dirigiam em massa para o Brasil, entre o final do século XIX e início do XX, em busca de um mundo novo, perseguindo o sonho de um Paraíso Terrestre, o país imaginário da Cocanha. O tema é abordado a partir de obras literárias, como o poema francês, datado do século XIII, o Fabliau da Cocanha e da narrativa Vita e Stòria di Nanetto Pipetta, que apresenta o jovem personagem imigrante clandestino vêneto, criado por Aquiles Bernardi, e cujas aventuras eram publicadas semanalmente em capítulos no jornal gaúcho Stafetta Riograndense, nos anos 1924-1925. A trama vivida pelo personagem que dá título à obra é fio condutor das reflexões apresentadas. Para o imigrante italiano, o imaginário sobre o Brasil como o país da Cocanha encontra neste personagem sua expressão fiel, mantendo acesa a chama da esperança de uma vida melhor para si e para as gerações futuras.