330 resultados para dissimilar


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A teoria dos sistemas sociais autorreferenciais é uma teoria sociológica inovadora. Na verdade, trata-se de uma superteoria baseada em premissas construtivistas que se pretende universal, ou seja, capaz de descrever qualquer fenômeno social, incluindo as teorias rivais. O criador da teoria, o sociólogo alemão Niklas Luhmann, escreveu obras sobre uma grande variedade de temas: desde do Direito até a Arte; de uma teoria geral dos sistemas sociais até uma teoria abrangente da sociedade. Como uma teoria de base construtivista, a teoria dos sistemas sociais autorreferenciais observa observações, mais especificamente, observa comunicações. A teoria adota, assim, um fundamento teórico singular que exige novas descrições dos fenômenos sociais, ainda que já tenham sido exaustivamente estudados. Esse é o caso de sanções legais. Luhmann, contudo, não fornece uma descrição sistêmica das sanções legais. Ao invés disso, usa o termo de maneiras diferentes em seus estudos. As sanções a que ele se refere em seus estudos sobre o sistema político parecem estar mais relacionadas à violência física do que aquelas que ele mencionou ao descrever o sistema jurídico. Esta indefinição é, provavelmente, fruto do que chamei \"noção comum de sanção\". A noção comum, menos do que um conceito de sanção, é o acumulado de séculos de esforços para definir medidas de controle social. Portanto, além de vaga, a noção comum de sanção é baseada em premissas que são estranhas à teoria dos sistemas sociais. Assim, é necessária uma nova descrição dos fenômenos sociais associados à noção comum de sanção, a fim de expandir as possibilidades da teoria dos sistemas sociais. A observação desses fenômenos do ponto de vista da teoria dos sistemas sociais autorreferenciais resultou na descrição de não apenas uma, mas de quatro estruturas sociais diferentes. A primeira foi identificada como sanção simbiótica e pode ser tanto negativa - se associada ao uso da violência - como positiva - se associado à satisfação das necessidades. A segunda é o programa do sistema jurídico que cumpre a função de memória no sistema, mantendo assim as expectativas normativas. A terceira estrutura é uma variação da segunda; são programas oriundos dos processos legais que também cumprem função de memória. Estes programas diferem das sanções simbióticas na distância do uso da violência física. Enquanto a sanção simbiótica demonstra claramente a sua conexão com a violência frente à desobediência, os programas apontam para outros programas sancionatórios antes de se referirem à violência física. De um modo muito diferente, o quarto tipo de estrutura social, os programas sancionatórios de exclusão, identificados com as penas privativas de liberdade, estão intimamente ligados à violência física. Estes programas, embora realizem também a função de memória, cumprem outra função: a gestão de exclusão na sociedade moderna.


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A demanda crescente por energia tem motivado a procura por petróleo e gás natural em ambientes com condições extremas, como operações em águas profundas e o transporte de fluídos corrosivos. Avanços tecnológicos recentes favorecem o uso de tubos de aço contendo uma camada interna resistente a corrosão (comumente chamados de Lined ou Clad Pipes) para o transporte de tais fluidos agressivos. Além disso, as tubulações submarinas são sujeitas a condições de instalação muito severas e, um caso de interesse, é o procedimento de reeling que permite com que a fabricação e inspeção da tubulação seja feita em terra. Apesar de possuir vantagens econômicas, a avaliação da integridade estrutural e especificação dos tamanhos toleráveis de trinca em juntas soldadas, nestas condições, torna-se uma tarefa complexa, devido a natureza dissimilar dos materiais e ao grande nível de deformação plástica no processo. Dessa maneira, este trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de avaliação de forças motrizes elasto-plásticas em tubos contendo juntas soldadas circunferenciais sujeitos a flexão, para uma extensa gama de configurações geométricas. Dois métodos distintos foram desenvolvidos e analisados: a metodologia EPRI e o procedimento que utiliza a curva de tensão vs. deformação equivalente. As análises numéricas 3D fornecem os parâmetros de fratura necessários para a resolução do problema e a acurácia dos procedimentos é verificada a partir de estudos de casos e análises paramétricas.


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El artículo presenta las conclusiones de la investigación «Evaluación de la conciliación, corresponsabilidad y promoción profesional en la Universidad de Alicante». Específicamente, se profundiza en el conocimiento de los mecanismos que reproducen la desigualdad en el ámbito universitario: el síndrome de desequilibrio en la cumbre definido por Díez, Terrón y Anguita (2006). A partir de la triangulación de datos, procedentes de dos grupos de discusión y de una encuesta administrada al colectivo docente e investigador, se identifican tres factores explicativos que dibujan el particular techo de cristal de las académicas: la costumbre social, la disímil definición del poder entre mujeres y hombres y la ausencia de redes de apoyo informales.


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Based on a synthetic strategy, extended anionic, homo and bimetallic oxalato-bridged transition-metal compounds with two (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) connectivities can be synthesized and crystallized. Thereby, the choice of the templating counterions will determine the crystal chemistry. Since the oxalato bridge is a mediator for both antiferro and ferromagnetic interactions between similar and dissimilar metal ions, long-range magnetic ordering will occur. Examples of the determination of magnetic structures in 2D and 3D compounds by means of elastic neutron scattering methods will be discussed. In addition, due to the possibility of the variation of different metal ions in varying oxidation states, interesting photophysical processes can be observed within the extended three-dimensional host/guest systems.


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BACKGROUND Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) offers therapeutic options in refractory respiratory and/or cardiac failure. Systemic anticoagulation with heparin is routinely administered. However, in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia or heparin resistance, the direct thrombin inhibitor bivalirudin is a valid option and has been increasingly used for ECMO anticoagulation. We aimed at evaluating its safety and its optimal dosing for ECMO. METHODS Systematic web-based literature search of PubMed and EMBASE performed via National Health Service Library Evidence and manually, updated until January 30, 2016. RESULTS The search revealed 8 publications relevant to the topic (5 case reports). In total, 58 patients (24 pediatrics) were reported (18 received heparin as control groups). Bivalirudin was used with or without loading dose, followed by infusion at different ranges (lowest 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/h without loading dose; highest 0.5 mg/kg/h after loading dose). The strategies for monitoring anticoagulation and optimal targets were dissimilar (activated partial thromboplastin time 45-60 seconds to 42-88 seconds; activated clotting time 180-200 seconds to 200-220 seconds; thromboelastography in 1 study). CONCLUSION Bivalirudin loading dose was not always used; infusion range and anticoagulation targets were different. In this systematic review, we discuss the reasons for this variability. Larger studies are needed to establish the optimal approach with the use of bivalirudin for ECMO.


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El Ejido es una ciudad del sudeste español que ha pasado de ser una pequeña aldea dedicada a la agricultura de subsistencia, a principios de 1960, a tener en 2015 más de 85.000 habitantes. Este cambio se debe al desarrollo de una economía de invernaderos muy próspera que hoy está totalmente inserta en las dinámicas de la globalización. Tales dinámicas han ocasionado efectos contradictorios y han suscitado reacciones y/o formas de protesta diferentes en los dos principales actores sociales de El Ejido (los agricultores y los inmigrantes), entre los que se observan profundas asimetrías socioeconómicas y relaciones de explotación laboral. Como consecuencia, los inmigrantes y los agricultores viven en dos mundos sociales completamente diferentes y tienen percepciones y actitudes opuestas sobre la realidad, las cuales, a su vez, afectan a sus respectivas posibilidades y modos de reacción y/o de protesta


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The capillary-pressure characteristics of 22 samples of lithified post-Paleozoic Indian-Ocean carbonates were compared to published data from older carbonate rocks (lower Paleozoic Hunton Group of Texas and Oklahoma). The Indian-Ocean samples are considerably more porous than are the Paleozoic samples, yet all of the Indian-Ocean samples fit readily into a descriptive petrofacies scheme previously established for the Hunton Group. The Indian-Ocean samples may be assigned to four petrophysical facies (petrofacies) based on the shapes of their capillary-pressure curves, their pore-throat-size distributions, their estimated recovery efficiency values (for nonwetting fluids), and the visual characteristics of their pore systems, as observed with a scanning-electron microscope. Petrofacies assignments for the Indian-Ocean samples are as follows. Petrofacies I includes six samples collected from the coarse basal portions of event deposits (primarily turbidites). These samples have large throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, low- to moderate recovery efficiency values, concave cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies II includes two sedimentologically dissimilar samples that have medium-size throats, platykurtic throat-size distributions, moderate- to-high recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies III includes two polymictic sandstones and a skeletal packstone that have small throats, polymodal throat-size distributions, moderate recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies IV includes 11 samples, mostly recrystallized neritic carbonates, that have small throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, high recovery efficiency values, convex cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and low porosity values. Comparison of petrofacies assignment to core-, thin-section-, and smear-slide data, and to inferred depositional setting, suggests that pore systems in most samples from Holes 765C and 766A result from primary depositional features, whereas pore systems in samples from Hole 761C and one sample from Hole 765C have been strongly influenced by diagenetic processes. For Hole 761C, prediction of petrophysical parameters should be most successful if based on diagenetic facies patterns. By contrast, the distribution of favorable reservoir facies and of permeability barriers in less highly altered rocks collected from Holes 765C and 766A is related to depositional patterns. Recovery efficiency is inversely related to both porosity and median throat size for the present data set. This relationship is similar to that observed for carbonates of the lower Paleozoic Hunton Group and the Ordovician Ellenburger dolomite, but opposite of that observed for some other ancient carbonates. The coarse deposits of the massive basal units of turbidites are petrophysically distinct and form a coherent petrophysical group (Petrofacies I) with substantial reservoir potential. Two samples assigned to Petrofacies I have extremely large throats (median throat size at least 4 ?m, and at least six times that of any other sample) and therefore high permeability values. These two samples come from thin, coarse turbidites that lack or have poorly developed fine divisions and are interpreted to have been deposited on channeled suprafan lobes in a proximal mid-fan setting. The restriction of extremely high permeability values to a single depositional facies suggests that careful facies mapping of deep-sea fans in a deliberate search for such coarse turbidites could dramatically enhance the success of exploration for aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Such reservoirs should have substantial vertical heterogeneity. They should have high lateral permeability values but low vertical permeability values, and reservoir sections should include numerous thin units having widely differing petrophysical characteristics.


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After the electoral reform in 1994, Japan saw a gradual evolution from a multi-party system toward a two-party system over the course of five House of Representatives election cycles. In contrast, after Taiwan’s constitutional amendment in 2005, a two-party system emerged in the first post-reform legislative election in 2008. Critically, however, Taiwan’s president is directly elected while Japan’s prime minister is indirectly elected. The contributors conclude that the higher the payoffs of holding the executive office and the greater degree of cross-district coordination required to win it, the stronger the incentives for elites to form and stay in the major parties. In such a context, a country will move rapidly toward a two-party system. In Part II, the contributors apply this theoretical logic to other countries with mixed-member systems to demonstrate its generality. They find the effect of executive competition on legislative electoral rules in countries as disparate as Thailand, the Philippines, New Zealand, Bolivia, and Russia. The findings presented in this book have important implications for political reform. Often, reformers are motivated by high hopes of solving some political problems and enhancing the quality of democracy. But, as this group of scholars demonstrates, electoral reform alone is not a panacea. Whether and to what extent it achieves the advocated goals depends not only on the specification of new electoral rules per se but also on the political context—and especially the constitutional framework—within which such rules are embedded.


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El Ejido es una ciudad del sudeste español que ha pasado de ser una pequeña aldea dedicada a la agricultura de subsistencia, a principios de 1960, a tener en 2015 más de 85.000 habitantes. Este cambio se debe al desarrollo de una economía de invernaderos muy próspera que hoy está totalmente inserta en las dinámicas de la globalización. Tales dinámicas han ocasionado efectos contradictorios y han suscitado reacciones y/o formas de protesta diferentes en los dos principales actores sociales de El Ejido (los agricultores y los inmigrantes), entre los que se observan profundas asimetrías socioeconómicas y relaciones de explotación laboral. Como consecuencia, los inmigrantes y los agricultores viven en dos mundos sociales completamente diferentes y tienen percepciones y actitudes opuestas sobre la realidad, las cuales, a su vez, afectan a sus respectivas posibilidades y modos de reacción y/o de protesta


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Different amorphous structures have been induced in monocrystalline silicon by high pressure in indentation and polishing. Through the use of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and nanodiffraction, it was found that the structures of amorphous silicon formed at slow and fast loading/unloading rates are dissimilar and inherit the nearest-neighbor distance of the crystal in which they are formed. The results are in good agreement with recent theoretical predictions. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The novel molecular marker technique Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprinting (RAF) was used to survey genetic relationships between 37 accessions of the tropical fruit G. mangostana (mangosteen) and among 11 accessions from eight other Garcinia species. Although mangosteen is believed to reproduce exclusively through apomixis, our results show that considerable genetic diversity exists within G. mangostana and between other Garcinia species. Among the 37 G. mangostana accessions examined, nine different genotypes were identified which clustered into three distinct groups based on correspondence analysis (reciprocal averaging). For 26 (70%) of the accessions no marker variation was detected over 530 loci screened. A further eight (22%) accessions exhibited very low levels of variation (0.2-1%) suggesting at least one well conservedm angosteen genotype. The remaining three accessions (8%) showed extensive variation (22-31%) compared with the majority of accessions. The three mangosteen groups were 63-70% dissimilar to the other Garcinia species investigated. The genetic diversity identified in this research will assist in the conservation of Garcinia germplasm and provides a valuable framework for the genetic improvement of mangosteen.


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The present study examined the effects of neurosurgical management of Parkinson's disease (PD), including the procedures of pallidotomy, thalamotomy, and deep-brain stimulation (DBS) on perceptual speech characteristics, speech,, intelligibility and oromotor function in a group of 22 participants with PD. The surgical participant group was compared with a group of 25 non-neurologically impaired individuals matched for age and sex. In addition, the study investigated 16 participants with PD who did not undergo neurosurgical management to control for disease progression. Results revealed that neurosurgical intervention did not significantly change the surgical participants' perceptual speech dimensions or oromotor function despite significant postoperative improvements in ratings of general motor function and disease severity. Reasons why neurosurgical intervention resulted in dissimilar outcomes with respect to participants' perceptual speech dimensions and general motor function are proposed.


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An industrial wastewater treatment plant at Grindsted, Denmark, has suffered from bulking problems for several years caused by filamentous bacteria. Five strains were isolated from the sludge by micromanipulation, Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the strains formed a monophyletic cluster in the Alphaproteobacteria, and they were phenotypically different from their closest relatives and from all hitherto known filamentous bacteria described (closest relative Brevundimonas vesicularis ATCC 11426(T), 89(.)8% sequence similarity). In pure culture, the cells (1(.)5-2(.)0 mu m) in filaments are Gram-negative and contain polyphosphate and polyhydroxyalkanoates. The optimum temperature for growth is 30 degrees C and the strains grow in 2 % NaCl and are oxidase- and catalase-positive. Ubiquinone 10 is the major quinone. The major fatty acid (C-18: 1 omega 7c) and smaller amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, 3-hydroxy fatty acids with a chain length of 16 and 18 carbon atoms and small amounts of 10-methyl-branched fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms (C-19: 0 10-methyl) affiliated the strains with the Methylobacterium/Xanthobacter group in the Alphaproteobacteria. The G + C content of the DNA is 42(.)9 mol% (for strain Gr1(T)). The two most dissimilar isolates by 16S rRNA gene comparison (Gr1(T) and Gr10; 97(.)7 % identical) showed 71(.)5 % DNA-DNA relatedness. Oligonucleotide probes specific for the pure cultures were designed for fluorescence in situ hybridization and demonstrated that two filamentous morphotypes were present in the Grindsted wastewater treatment plant. It is proposed that the isolates represent a new genus and species, Meganema perideroedes gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Meganema perideroedes is strain Gr1(T) (=DSM 15528(T) =ATCC BAA-740(T)).


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Measurement of protein-polymer second virial coefficients (B-AP) by sedimentation equilibrium studies of carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome c in the presence of dextrans (T10-T80) has revealed an inverse dependence of B-AP upon dextran molecular mass that conforms well with the behaviour predicted for the excluded-volume interaction between a spherical protein solute A and a random-flight representation of the polymeric cosolute P. That model of the protein-polymer interaction is also shown to provide a reasonable description of published gel chromatographic and equilibrium dialysis data on the effect of polymer molecular mass on BAP for human serum albumin in the presence of polyethylene glycols, a contrary finding from analysis of albumin solubility measurements being rejected on theoretical grounds. Inverse dependence upon polymer chainlength is also the predicted excluded-volume effect on the strength of several types of macromolecular equilibria-protein isomerization, protein dimerization, and 1 : 1 complex formation between dissimilar protein reactants. It is therefore concluded that published experimental observations of the reverse dependence, preferential reaction enhancement within DNA replication complexes by larger polyethylene glycols, must reflect the consequences of cosolute chemical interactions that outweigh those of thermodynamic nonideality arising from excluded-volume effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The frequencies with which physicians make different medical end-of-life decisions (ELDs) may differ between countries, but comparison between countries has been difficult owing to the use of dissimilar research methods. Methods: A written questionnaire was sent to a random sample of physicians from 9 specialties in 6 European countries and Australia to investigate possible differences in the frequencies of physicians' willingness to perform ELDs and to identify predicting factors. Response rates ranged from 39% to 68% (N= 10 139). Using hypothetical cases, physicians were asked whether they would ( probably) make each of 4 ELDs. Results: In all the countries, 75% to 99% of physicians would withhold chemotherapy or intensify symptom treatment at the request of a patient with terminal cancer. In most cases, more than half of all physicians would also be willing to deeply sedate such a patient until death. However, there was generally less willingness to administer drugs with the explicit intention of hastening death at the request of the patient. The most important predictor of ELDs was a request from a patient with decisional capacity (odds ratio, 2.1-140.0). Shorter patient life expectancy and uncontrollable pain were weaker predictors but were more stable across countries and across the various ELDs (odds ratios, 1.1-2.4 and 0.9-2.4, respectively). Conclusion: Cultural and legal factors seem to influence the frequencies of different ELDs and the strength of their determinants across countries, but they do not change the essence of decision making.