982 resultados para design basis accident


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This study identifies and investigates the potential use of in-eye trigger mechanisms to supplement the widely available information on release of ophthalmic drugs from contact lenses under passive release conditions. Ophthalmic dyes and surrogates have been successfully employed to investigate how these factors can be drawn together to make a successful system. The storage of a drug-containing lens in a pH lower than that of the ocular environment can be used to establish an equilibrium that favours retention of the drug in the lens prior to ocular insertion. Although release under passive conditions does not result in complete dye elution, the use of mechanical agitation techniques which mimic the eyelid blink action in conjunction with ocular tear chemistry promotes further release. In this way differentiation between passive and triggered in vitro release characteristics can be established. Investigation of the role of individual tear proteins revealed significant differences in their ability to alter the equilibrium between matrix-held and eluate-held dye or drug. These individual experiments were then investigated in vivo using ophthalmic dyes. Complete elution was found to be achievable in-eye; this demonstrated the importance of that fraction of the drug retained under passive conditions and the triggering effect of in-eye conditions on the release process. Understanding both the structure-property relationship between drug and material and in-eye trigger mechanisms, using ophthalmic dyes as a surrogate, provides the basis of knowledge necessary to design ocular drug delivery vehicles for in-eye release in a controllable manner.


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PurposeTo develop and validate a classification system for focal vitreomacular traction (VMT) with and without macular hole based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), intended to aid in decision-making and prognostication.MethodsA panel of retinal specialists convened to develop this system. A literature review followed by discussion on a wide range of cases formed the basis for the proposed classification. Key features on OCT were identified and analysed for their utility in clinical practice. A final classification was devised based on two sequential, independent validation exercises to improve interobserver variability.ResultsThis classification tool pertains to idiopathic focal VMT assessed by a horizontal line scan using SD-OCT. The system uses width (W), interface features (I), foveal shape (S), retinal pigment epithelial changes (P), elevation of vitreous attachment (E), and inner and outer retinal changes (R) to give the acronym WISPERR. Each category is scored hierarchically. Results from the second independent validation exercise indicated a high level of agreement between graders: intraclass correlation ranged from 0.84 to 0.99 for continuous variables and Fleiss' kappa values ranged from 0.76 to 0.95 for categorical variables.ConclusionsWe present an OCT-based classification system for focal VMT that allows anatomical detail to be scrutinised and scored qualitatively and quantitatively using a simple, pragmatic algorithm, which may be of value in clinical practice as well as in future research studies.


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This dissertation established a software-hardware integrated design for a multisite data repository in pediatric epilepsy. A total of 16 institutions formed a consortium for this web-based application. This innovative fully operational web application allows users to upload and retrieve information through a unique human-computer graphical interface that is remotely accessible to all users of the consortium. A solution based on a Linux platform with My-SQL and Personal Home Page scripts (PHP) has been selected. Research was conducted to evaluate mechanisms to electronically transfer diverse datasets from different hospitals and collect the clinical data in concert with their related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). What was unique in the approach considered is that all pertinent clinical information about patients is synthesized with input from clinical experts into 4 different forms, which were: Clinical, fMRI scoring, Image information, and Neuropsychological data entry forms. A first contribution of this dissertation was in proposing an integrated processing platform that was site and scanner independent in order to uniformly process the varied fMRI datasets and to generate comparative brain activation patterns. The data collection from the consortium complied with the IRB requirements and provides all the safeguards for security and confidentiality requirements. An 1-MR1-based software library was used to perform data processing and statistical analysis to obtain the brain activation maps. Lateralization Index (LI) of healthy control (HC) subjects in contrast to localization-related epilepsy (LRE) subjects were evaluated. Over 110 activation maps were generated, and their respective LIs were computed yielding the following groups: (a) strong right lateralization: (HC=0%, LRE=18%), (b) right lateralization: (HC=2%, LRE=10%), (c) bilateral: (HC=20%, LRE=15%), (d) left lateralization: (HC=42%, LRE=26%), e) strong left lateralization: (HC=36%, LRE=31%). Moreover, nonlinear-multidimensional decision functions were used to seek an optimal separation between typical and atypical brain activations on the basis of the demographics as well as the extent and intensity of these brain activations. The intent was not to seek the highest output measures given the inherent overlap of the data, but rather to assess which of the many dimensions were critical in the overall assessment of typical and atypical language activations with the freedom to select any number of dimensions and impose any degree of complexity in the nonlinearity of the decision space.


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The Mini-Numerical Electromagnetic Code (MININEC) program, a PC-Compatible version of the powerful NEC program, is used to design a new type of reduced-size antenna. The validity of the program to model simple well-known antennas, such as dipoles and monopoles, is first shown. More complex geometries such as folded dipoles, and meander dipole antennas are also analysed using the program. The final design geometry of a meander folded dipole is characterized with MININEC, yielding results that serve as the basis for the practical construction of the antenna. Finally, the laboratory work with a prototype antenna is described, and practical results are presented.


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Design embeds ideas in communication and artefacts in subtle and psychologically powerful ways. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu coined the term ‘symbolic violence’ to describe how powerful ideologies, priorities, values and even sensibilities are constructed and reproduced through cultural institutions, processes and practices. Through symbolic violence, individuals learn to consider unjust conditions as natural and even come to value customs and ideas that are oppressive. Symbolic violence normalises structural violence and enables real violence to take place, often preceding it and later justifying it. Feminist, class, race and indigenous scholars and activists describe how oppressions (how patriarchy, racism, colonialism, etc.) exist within institutions and structures, and also within cultural practices that embed ideologies into everyday life. The theory of symbolic violence sheds light on how design can function to naturalise oppressions and then obfuscate power relations around this process. Through symbolic violence, design can function as an enabler for the exploitation of certain groups of people and the environment they (and ultimately ‘we’) depend on to live. Design functions as symbolic violence when it is involved with the creation and reproduction of ideas, practices, tools and processes that result in structural and other types of violence (including ecocide). Breaking symbolic violence involves discovering how it works and building capacities to challenge and transform dysfunctional ideologies, structures and institutions. This conversation will give participants an opportunity to discuss, critique and/or develop the theory of design as symbolic violence as a basis for the development of design strategies for social justice.


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The paper reports on a study of design studio culture from a student perspective. Learning in design studio culture has been theorised variously as a signature pedagogy emulating professional practice models, as a community of practice and as a form of problem-based learning, all largely based on the study of teaching events in studio. The focus of this research has extended beyond formally recognized activities to encompass the student’s experience of their social and community networks, working places and study set-ups, to examine how these have contributed to studio culture and how there have been supported by studio teaching. Semi-structured interviews with final year undergraduate students of architecture formed the basis of the study using an interpretivist approach informed by Actor-network theory, with studio culture featured as the focal actor, enrolling students and engaging with other actors, together constituting an actor-network of studio culture. The other actors included social community patterns and activities; the numerous working spaces (including but not limited to the studio space itself); the equipment, tools of trade and material pre-requisites for working; the portfolio enrolling the other actors to produce work for it; and the various formal and informal events associated with the course itself. Studio culture is a highly charged social arena: The question is how, and in particular, which aspects of it support learning? Theoretical models of situated learning and communities of practice models have informed the analysis, with Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and his interrelated concepts of habitus, field and capital providing a means of relating individually acquired habits and modes of working to social contexts. Bourdieu’s model of habitus involves the externalisation through the social realm of habits and knowledge previously internalised. It is therefore a useful model for considering whole individual learning activities; shared repertoires and practices located in the social realm. The social milieu of the studio provides a scene for the exercise and display of ‘practicing’ and the accumulation of a form of ‘practicing-capital’. This capital is a property of the social milieu rather than the space, so working or practicing in the company of others (in space and through social media) becomes a more valued aspect of studio than space or facilities alone. This practicing-capital involves the acquisition of a habitus of studio culture, with the transformation of physical practices or habits into social dispositions, acquiring social capital (driving the social milieu) and cultural capital (practicing-knowledge) in the process. The research drew on students’ experiences, and their practicing ‘getting a feel for the game’ by exploring the limits or boundaries of the field of studio culture. The research demonstrated that a notional studio community was in effect a social context for supporting learning; a range of settings to explore and test out newly internalised knowledge, demonstrate or display ideas, modes of thinking and practicing. The study presents a nuanced interpretation of how students relate to a studio culture that involves a notional community, and a developing habitus within a field of practicing that extends beyond teaching scenarios.


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The first Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures (CIHF) roundtable, held in April 2016, brought together senior-level executives, educators, and leaders in senior housing and care to share experiences and exchange ideas. CIHF roundtables are purposely limited to approximately 25 to 30 participants “at the table” to foster discussion on a more intimate basis than traditional conferences. In addition to the formal participants, students, faculty, and guests observed and interacted during the event and attended a separate panel discussion, and reception the evening before. Students, faculty, and industry leaders also met together at a working luncheon session to brainstorm ideas for recruiting and training young talent for careers in the senior housing and care industry.


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Les besoins toujours croissants en terme de transfert de données numériques poussent au développement de nouvelles technologies pour accroître la capacité des réseaux, notamment en ce qui concerne les réseaux de fibre optique. Parmi ces nouvelles technologies, le multiplexage spatial permet de multiplier la capacité des liens optiques actuels. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à une forme de multiplexage spatial utilisant le moment cinétique orbital de la lumière comme base orthogonale pour séparer un certain nombre de canaux. Nous présentons d’abord les notions d’électromagnétisme et de physique nécessaires à la compréhension des développements ultérieurs. Les équations de Maxwell sont dérivées afin d’expliquer les modes scalaires et vectoriels de la fibre optique. Nous présentons également d’autres propriétés modales, soit la coupure des modes, et les indices de groupe et de dispersion. La notion de moment cinétique orbital est ensuite introduite, avec plus particulièrement ses applications dans le domaine des télécommunications. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons la carte modale comme un outil pour aider au design des fibres optiques à quelques modes. Nous développons la solution vectorielle des équations de coupure des modes pour les fibres en anneau, puis nous généralisons ces équations pour tous les profils de fibres à trois couches. Enfin, nous donnons quelques exemples d’application de la carte modale. Dans la troisième partie, nous présentons des designs de fibres pour la transmission des modes avec un moment cinétique orbital. Les outils développés dans la seconde partie sont utilisés pour effectuer ces designs. Un premier design de fibre, caractérisé par un centre creux, est étudié et démontré. Puis un second design, une famille de fibres avec un profil en anneau, est étudié. Des mesures d’indice effectif et d’indice de groupe sont effectuées sur ces fibres. Les outils et les fibres développés auront permis une meilleure compréhension de la transmission dans la fibre optique des modes ayant un moment cinétique orbital. Nous espérons que ces avancements aideront à développer prochainement des systèmes de communications performants utilisant le multiplexage spatial.


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En este artículo se presenta el diseño de la nueva formación en intervención social para todas las personas desde la accesibilidad universal, en concreto el caso de las profesiones sociales, a través de la metodología del design thinking curricular. En el mismo se trata la relación íntima que surge de vincular dos conceptos, por un lado la inclusión –que responde positivamente a la diversidad de las personas y a las diferencias individuales, entendiendo que la diversidad no es un problema, sino una oportunidad para el enriquecimiento de la sociedad, a través de la participación activa en la vida familiar, en la educación, en el trabajo y en general en todos los procesos sociales, culturales y en las comunidades (UNESCO, 2005)– y, por otro, la accesibilidad, como nuevo paradigma de la integralidad en la intervención de los/as nuevos/as profesionales dedicados al sector social, haciendo realidad el concepto de ciudadanía en sentido amplio.


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Daniel Bromley argues against Oran Young’s FIT model as a basis for environmental governance, on the grounds that humans cannot manage nature and that attempts to do so are based on a scientistic, modernist conceit. At issue is the role of natural and social scientists in adjudicating questions about what we ought to do to close governance gaps and address unsustainable behaviors. If Bromley is right, then the lessons of the American pragmatist tradition recommend against attempts to “fit” social institutions to the natural world. The first objective of this paper is to argue that Bromley’s view is not in keeping with the pragmatism of C. S. Peirce and John Dewey, which actually places a high value on natural and social scientific modes of inquiry in the service of social ends. I argue that Young’s proposal is in fact a development of the pragmatist idea that social institutions must be fit in the sense of fitness, i.e., resilient and able to navigate uncertainty. Social institutions must also evolve to accommodate the emerging values of the agents who operate within them. The second objective of this paper is to examine the role of social science expertise in the design of social policies. Governance institutions typically rely on the testimony of natural scientists, at least in part, to understand the natural systems they operate within. However, natural systems are also social systems, so it seems pertinent to ask whether there is a role for social systems experts to play in helping to design environmental governance institutions. I argue that social scientists can make a unique contribution as experts on social institutions, and as such, are necessary to bring about a transformation of the unsustainable institutions that are preventing us from achieving stated sustainable development goals.


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The power of computer game technology is currently being harnessed to produce “serious games”. These “games” are targeted at the education and training marketplace, and employ various key game-engine components such as the graphics and physics engines to produce realistic “digital-world” simulations of the real “physical world”. Many approaches are driven by the technology and often lack a consideration of a firm pedagogical underpinning. The authors believe that an analysis and deployment of both the technological and pedagogical dimensions should occur together, with the pedagogical dimension providing the lead. This chapter explores the relationship between these two dimensions, and explores how “pedagogy may inform the use of technology”, how various learning theories may be mapped onto the use of the affordances of computer game engines. Autonomous and collaborative learning approaches are discussed. The design of a serious game is broken down into spatial and temporal elements. The spatial dimension is related to the theories of knowledge structures, especially “concept maps”. The temporal dimension is related to “experiential learning”, especially the approach of Kolb. The multi-player aspect of serious games is related to theories of “collaborative learning” which is broken down into a discussion of “discourse” versus “dialogue”. Several general guiding principles are explored, such as the use of “metaphor” (including metaphors of space, embodiment, systems thinking, the internet and emergence). The topological design of a serious game is also highlighted. The discussion of pedagogy is related to various serious games we have recently produced and researched, and is presented in the hope of informing the “serious game community”.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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2016 is the outbreak year of the virtual reality industry. In the field of virtual reality, 3D surveying plays an important role. Nowadays, 3D surveying technology has received increasing attention. This project aims to establish and optimize a WebGL three-dimensional broadcast platform combined with streaming media technology. It takes streaming media server and panoramic video broadcast in browser as the application background. Simultaneously, it discusses about the architecture from streaming media server to panoramic media player and analyzing relevant theory problem. This paper focuses on the debugging of streaming media platform, the structure of WebGL player environment, different types of ball model analysis, and the 3D mapping technology. The main work contains the following points: Initially, relay on Easy Darwin open source streaming media server, built a streaming service platform. It can realize the transmission from RTSP stream to streaming media server, and forwards HLS slice video to clients; Then, wrote a WebGL panoramic video player based on Three.js lib with JQuery browser playback controls. Set up a HTML5 panoramic video player; Next, analyzed the latitude and longitude sphere model which from Three.js library according to WebGL rendering method. Pointed out the drawbacks of this model and the breakthrough point of improvement; After that, on the basis of Schneider transform principle, established the Schneider sphere projection model, and converted the output OBJ file to JS file for media player reading. Finally implemented real time panoramic video high precision playing without plugin; At last, I summarized the whole project. Put forward the direction of future optimization and extensible market.


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In the current Cambodian higher education sector, there is little regulation of standards in curriculum design of undergraduate degrees in English language teacher education. The researcher, in the course of his professional work in the Curriculum and Policy Office at the Department of Higher Education, has seen evidence that most universities tend to copy their curriculum from one source, the curriculum of the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Their programs fail to impose any entry standards, accepting students who pass the high school exam without any entrance examination. It is possible for a student to enter university with satisfactory scores in all subjects but English. Therefore, not many graduates are able to fulfil the professional requirements of the roles they are supposed to take. Neau (2010) claims that many Cambodian EFL teachers do not reach a high performance standard due to their low English language proficiency and poor background in teacher education. The main purpose of this study is to establish key guidelines for developing curricula for English language teacher education for all the universities across the country. It examines the content of the Bachelor‘s degree of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (B Ed in TEFL) and Bachelor‘s degree of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (BA in TESOL) curricula adopted in Cambodian universities on the basis of criteria proposed in current curriculum research. It also investigates the perspectives of Cambodian EFL teachers on the areas of knowledge and skill they need in order to perform their English teaching duties in Cambodia today. The areas of knowledge and skill offered in the current curricula at Cambodian higher education institutions (HEIs), the framework of the knowledge base for EFL teacher education and general higher education, and the areas of knowledge and skill Cambodian EFL teachers perceive to be important, are compared so as to identify any gaps in the current English language teacher education curricula in the Cambodian HEIs. The existence of gaps show what domains of knowledge and skill need to be included in the English language teacher education curricula at Cambodian HEIs. These domains are those identified by previous curriculum researchers in both general and English language teacher education at tertiary level. Therefore, the present study provides useful insights into the importance of including appropriate content in English language teacher education curricula. Mixed methods are employed in this study. The course syllabi and the descriptions within the curricula in five Cambodian HEIs are analysed qualitatively based on the framework of knowledge and skills for EFL teachers, which is formed by looking at the knowledge base for second language teachers suggested by the methodologists and curriculum specialists whose work is elaborated on the review of literature. A quantitative method is applied to analyse the perspectives of 120 Cambodian EFL teachers on areas of knowledge and skills they should possess. The fieldwork was conducted between June and August, 2014. The analysis reveals that the following areas are included in the curricula at the five universities: communication skills, general knowledge, knowledge of teaching theories, teaching skills, pedagogical reasoning and decision making skills, subject matter knowledge, contextual knowledge, cognitive abilities, and knowledge of social issues. Additionally, research skills are included in three curricula while society and community involvement is in only one. Further, information and communication technology, which is outlined in the Education Strategies Plan (2006-2010), forms part of four curricula while leadership skills form part of two. This study demonstrates ultimately that most domains that are directly and indirectly related to language teaching competence are not sufficiently represented in the current curricula. On the basis of its findings, the study concludes with a set of guidelines that should inform the design and development of TESOL and TEFL curricula in Cambodia.


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This paper presents the development and evaluation of PICTOAPRENDE, which is an interactive software designed to improve oral communication. Additionally, it contributes to the development of children and youth who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Ecuador. To fulfill this purpose initially analyzes the intervention area where the general characteristics of people with ASD and their status in Ecuador is described. Statistical techniques used for this evaluation constitutes the basis of this study. A section that presents the development of research-based cognitive and social parameters of the area of intervention is also shown. Finally, the algorithms to obtain the measurements and experimental results along with the analysis of them are presented.