273 resultados para descriptor
In computer vision, training a model that performs classification effectively is highly dependent on the extracted features, and the number of training instances. Conventionally, feature detection and extraction are performed by a domain-expert who, in many cases, is expensive to employ and hard to find. Therefore, image descriptors have emerged to automate these tasks. However, designing an image descriptor still requires domain-expert intervention. Moreover, the majority of machine learning algorithms require a large number of training examples to perform well. However, labelled data is not always available or easy to acquire, and dealing with a large dataset can dramatically slow down the training process. In this paper, we propose a novel Genetic Programming based method that automatically synthesises a descriptor using only two training instances per class. The proposed method combines arithmetic operators to evolve a model that takes an image and generates a feature vector. The performance of the proposed method is assessed using six datasets for texture classification with different degrees of rotation, and is compared with seven domain-expert designed descriptors. The results show that the proposed method is robust to rotation, and has significantly outperformed, or achieved a comparable performance to, the baseline methods.
AIRES, Kelson R. T. ; ARAÚJO, Hélder J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. . Plane Detection from Monocular Image Sequences. In: VISUALIZATION, IMAGING AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Proceedings..., Palma de Mallorca: VIIP, 2008
Estudo de caso único exploratório e descritivo voltado a analisar a indexação em uma das bibliotecas universitárias do SIB/FURG. Os objetivos específicos, delimitados a partir do contexto já citado, foram: a) Identificar e analisar, através de mapeamento cognitivo, os procedimentos metodológicos empregados na indexação nas atividades de análise, síntese e representação da informação; b) Identificar os conceitos/noções com maior importância na percepção da indexadora quanto ao processo de indexação e as relações entre tais conceitos de forma a construir o mapa cognitivo do processo a partir da percepção da indexadora; e c) Descrever e analisar a indexação de livros na unidade em estudo sob aspecto da análise, síntese e representação destes através da aplicação do Protocolo Verbal. As técnicas utilizadas para a coleta de informação no estudo de caso único foram a Self-Q e o Protocolo Verbal, ambas centradas na abordagem qualitativa. Conclui-se, a partir da construção do mapa cognitivo da indexadora, que as noções/conceitos que sustentam sua prática voltam-se, em sua maioria, a aspectos de caráter procedimental. Percebeu-se também que a prática de indexação ocorre desconectada dos princípios de especificidade e exaustividade. Sobre a indexação de livros conclui-se que, na unidade sob estudo, as operações de análise são desenvolvidas de modo empírico através da leitura e interpretação de partes do documento indexado. Identificou-se que o enfoque da prática não recai apenas no documento mas também, no usuário. A análise e síntese ocorrem de forma integrada, sendo que, em alguns momentos, a síntese é desenvolvida a partir do conhecimento dos descritores do tesauro. A delimitação dos conceitos, por sua vez, foi influenciada, por vezes, pelo(a): uso de termos já empregados na unidade em que atua/sistema, presença do descritor no sumário, conhecimento das demandas dos usuários, área de domínio em que indexa e percepção enquanto profissional. Percebeu-se que não existem níveis definidos quanto a exaustividade e especificidade na indexação. Na representação dos conceitos foram identificadas dificuldades ocasionadas pela ausência de relacionamentos entre termos e/ou ausência de termos voltados a área indexada no tesauro empregado. Conclui-se que faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de uma política de indexação formalizada para basilar a prática desenvolvida no SIB/FURG.
For some years now the Internet and World Wide Web communities have envisaged moving to a next generation of Web technologies by promoting a globally unique, and persistent, identifier for identifying and locating many forms of published objects . These identifiers are called Universal Resource Names (URNs) and they hold out the prospect of being able to refer to an object by what it is (signified by its URN), rather than by where it is (the current URL technology). One early implementation of URN ideas is the Unicode-based Handle technology, developed at CNRI in Reston Virginia. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a specific URN naming convention proposed just over 5 years ago and is now administered by the International DOI organisation, founded by a consortium of publishers and based in Washington DC. The DOI is being promoted for managing electronic content and for intellectual rights management of it, either using the published work itself, or, increasingly via metadata descriptors for the work in question. This paper describes the use of the CNRI handle parser to navigate a corpus of papers for the Electronic Publishing journal. These papers are in PDF format and based on our server in Nottingham. For each paper in the corpus a metadata descriptor is prepared for every citation appearing in the References section. The important factor is that the underlying handle is resolved locally in the first instance. In some cases (e.g. cross-citations within the corpus itself and links to known resources elsewhere) the handle can be handed over to CNRI for further resolution. This work shows the encouraging prospect of being able to use persistent URNs not only for intellectual property negotiations but also for search and discovery. In the test domain of this experiment every single resource, referred to within a given paper, can be resolved, at least to the level of metadata about the referred object. If the Web were to become more fully URN aware then a vast directed graph of linked resources could be accessed, via persistent names. Moreover, if these names delivered embedded metadata when resolved, the way would be open for a new generation of vastly more accurate and intelligent Web search engines.
AIRES, Kelson R. T.; ARAÚJO, Hélder J.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Plane Detection Using Affine Homography. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2008, Juiz de Fora, MG: Anais... do CBA 2008.
Context: Mobile applications support a set of user-interaction features that are independent of the application logic. Rotating the device, scrolling, or zooming are examples of such features. Some bugs in mobile applications can be attributed to user-interaction features. Objective: This paper proposes and evaluates a bug analyzer based on user-interaction features that uses digital image processing to find bugs. Method: Our bug analyzer detects bugs by comparing the similarity between images taken before and after a user-interaction. SURF, an interest point detector and descriptor, is used to compare the images. To evaluate the bug analyzer, we conducted a case study with 15 randomly selected mobile applications. First, we identified user-interaction bugs by manually testing the applications. Images were captured before and after applying each user-interaction feature. Then, image pairs were processed with SURF to obtain interest points, from which a similarity percentage was computed, to finally decide whether there was a bug. Results: We performed a total of 49 user-interaction feature tests. When manually testing the applications, 17 bugs were found, whereas when using image processing, 15 bugs were detected. Conclusions: 8 out of 15 mobile applications tested had bugs associated to user-interaction features. Our bug analyzer based on image processing was able to detect 88% (15 out of 17) of the user-interaction bugs found with manual testing.
One of the most significant research topics in computer vision is object detection. Most of the reported object detection results localise the detected object within a bounding box, but do not explicitly label the edge contours of the object. Since object contours provide a fundamental diagnostic of object shape, some researchers have initiated work on linear contour feature representations for object detection and localisation. However, linear contour feature-based localisation is highly dependent on the performance of linear contour detection within natural images, and this can be perturbed significantly by a cluttered background. In addition, the conventional approach to achieving rotation-invariant features is to rotate the feature receptive field to align with the local dominant orientation before computing the feature representation. Grid resampling after rotation adds extra computational cost and increases the total time consumption for computing the feature descriptor. Though it is not an expensive process if using current computers, it is appreciated that if each step of the implementation is faster to compute especially when the number of local features is increasing and the application is implemented on resource limited ”smart devices”, such as mobile phones, in real-time. Motivated by the above issues, a 2D object localisation system is proposed in this thesis that matches features of edge contour points, which is an alternative method that takes advantage of the shape information for object localisation. This is inspired by edge contour points comprising the basic components of shape contours. In addition, edge point detection is usually simpler to achieve than linear edge contour detection. Therefore, the proposed localization system could avoid the need for linear contour detection and reduce the pathological disruption from the image background. Moreover, since natural images usually comprise many more edge contour points than interest points (i.e. corner points), we also propose new methods to generate rotation-invariant local feature descriptors without pre-rotating the feature receptive field to improve the computational efficiency of the whole system. In detail, the 2D object localisation system is achieved by matching edge contour points features in a constrained search area based on the initial pose-estimate produced by a prior object detection process. The local feature descriptor obtains rotation invariance by making use of rotational symmetry of the hexagonal structure. Therefore, a set of local feature descriptors is proposed based on the hierarchically hexagonal grouping structure. Ultimately, the 2D object localisation system achieves a very promising performance based on matching the proposed features of edge contour points with the mean correct labelling rate of the edge contour points 0.8654 and the mean false labelling rate 0.0314 applied on the data from Amsterdam Library of Object Images (ALOI). Furthermore, the proposed descriptors are evaluated by comparing to the state-of-the-art descriptors and achieve competitive performances in terms of pose estimate with around half-pixel pose error.
Many maritime countries in Europe have implemented marine environmental monitoring programmes which include the measurement of chemical contaminants and related biological effects. How best to integrate data obtained in these two types of monitoring into meaningful assessments has been the subject of recent efforts by the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Expert Groups. Work within these groups has concentrated on defining a core set of chemical and biological endpoints that can be used across maritime areas, defining confounding factors, supporting parameters and protocols for measurement. The framework comprised markers for concentrations of, exposure to and effects from, contaminants. Most importantly, assessment criteria for biological effect measurements have been set and the framework suggests how these measurements can be used in an integrated manner alongside contaminant measurements in biota, sediments and potentially water. Output from this process resulted in OSPAR Commission (www.ospar.org) guidelines that were adopted in 2012 on a trial basis for a period of 3 years. The developed assessment framework can furthermore provide a suitable approach for the assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) for Descriptor 8 of the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
Spasticity is a common disorder in people who have upper motor neuron injury. The involvement may occur at different levels. The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) is the most used method to measure involvement levels. But it corresponds to a subjective evaluation. Mechanomyography (MMG) is an objective technique that quantifies the muscle vibration during the contraction and stretching events. So, it may assess the level of spasticity accurately. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between spasticity levels determined by MAS with MMG signal in spastic and not spastic muscles. In the experimental protocol, we evaluated 34 members of 22 volunteers, of both genders, with a mean age of 39.91 ± 13.77 years. We evaluated the levels of spasticity by MAS in flexor and extensor muscle groups of the knee and/or elbow, where one muscle group was the agonist and one antagonist. Simultaneously the assessment by the MAS, caught up the MMG signals. We used a custom MMG equipment to register and record the signals, configured in LabView platform. Using the MatLab computer program, it was processed the MMG signals in the time domain (median energy) and spectral domain (median frequency) for the three motion axes: X (transversal), Y (longitudinal) and Z (perpendicular). For bandwidth delimitation, we used a 3rd order Butterworth filter, acting in the range of 5-50 Hz. Statistical tests as Spearman's correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis test and linear correlation test were applied. As results in the time domain, the Kruskal-Wallis test showed differences in median energy (MMGME) between MAS groups. The linear correlation test showed high linear correlation between MAS and MMGME for the agonist muscle as well as for the antagonist group. The largest linear correlation occurred between the MAS and MMG ME for the Z axis of the agonist muscle group (R2 = 0.9557) and the lowest correlation occurred in the X axis, for the antagonist muscle group (R2 = 0.8862). The Spearman correlation test also confirmed high correlation for all axes in the time domain analysis. In the spectral domain, the analysis showed an increase in the median frequency (MMGMF) in MAS’ greater levels. The highest correlation coefficient between MAS and MMGMF signal occurred in the Z axis for the agonist muscle group (R2 = 0.4883), and the lowest value occurred on the Y axis for the antagonist group (R2 = 0.1657). By means of the Spearman correlation test, the highest correlation occurred between the Y axis of the agonist group (0.6951; p <0.001) and the lowest value on the X axis of the antagonist group (0.3592; p <0.001). We conclude that there was a significantly high correlation between the MMGME and MAS in both muscle groups. Also between MMG and MAS occurred a significant correlation, however moderate for the agonist group, and low for the antagonist group. So, the MMGME proved to be more an appropriate descriptor to correlate with the degree of spasticity defined by the MAS.
As estradas e tráfego inerente surgem como a criação antrópica mais conspícua e penetrante na paisagem natural, sendo considerados os principais agentes causadores de fragmentação e destruição de habitats, assim como representam um obstáculo físico sem precedentes, limitando as relações directas entre os indivíduos, por diminuição da frequência de dispersão e aumento da mortalidade por atropelamento, impedindo o fluxo natural de genes e suscitando o aumento de fenómenos de inbreeding e perda de heterozigotia. Todos os impactes deletérios associados às rodovias são claramente perceptíveis em vertebrados, onde as aves de rapinas nocturnas não são excepção. Uma vez que estas rapaces beneficiam das suas bermas e orlas, como locais de poiso, nidificação ou como corredores de dispersão através da paisagem, são frequentemente vítimas de mortalidade por atropelamento em estradas, sendo esta problemática considerada actualmente uma das mais recentes e importantes formas de mortalidade não natural em rapinas nocturnas e vinculada como um dos maiores problemas de conservação que afecta este grupo. Não obstante, esse mútuo efeito de atracção/repulsa das estradas a estas rapaces, as rodovias criam uma barreira específica que limita a dinâmica, comportamento e densidade populacional das espécies residentes, reconhecendo-se que o isolamento daí resultante, pode comprometer a viabilidade populacional a longo prazo, podendo mesmo conduzir a altos riscos de extinção das populações locais devido a efeitos estocásticos. Mediante esta problemática, este trabalho debruçou-se sobre um único objectivo principal: a avaliação do impacte das rodovias e do tráfego, na densidade das aves de rapina nocturnas. Este estudo foi efectuado na região Alentejana, abrangendo uma área de cariz tipicamente mediterrânico, delimitada pelas localidades de Montemor-o-Novo, Arraiolos e Évora, sendo seccionada por 143 quilómetros de estradas, divididas em autoestrada, rodovias com elevada e reduzida densidade de tráfego. A monitorização das rapinas nocturnas foi conduzida em dois anos amostrais (2005 e 2007), tendo sido focalizada sobretudo em duas espécies de Strigiformes, a Coruja do-mato Strix aluco e o Mocho-galego Athene noctua, recorrendo ao uso de playbacks com reprodução de vocalizações de indivíduos conspecíficos. Foram usadas 32 variáveis explicativas integradas em três grandes grupos: variáveis de estrada, métricas da paisagem, uso do solo, tendo sido analiticamente testadas, recorrendo à aplicação de Modelos Lineares Generalizados. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que as variáveis de estrada, aliadas à densidade de tráfego e ruído inerente à sua circulação, são provavelmente, responsáveis por um comportamento de repulsa das espécies de aves de rapina nocturnas em estudo, apresentando estas densidades mais elevadas longe de áreas antropicamente perturbadas e, portanto, de menor qualidade que se encontram adjacentes às rodovias. Todavia a presença de habitat favorável a estas rapaces é provavelmente o descritor com maior poder estatístico no que concerne à sua distribuição e densidade, sendo os montados densos e a presença de zonas agrícolas de sequeiro, positivamente correlacionadas, respectivamente com a densidade de casais reprodutores de Coruja-do-mato e Mocho-galego. Mediante a observação dos resultados será veemente a aplicação de medidas de mitigação específicas, que fundamentalmente considerem o afastamento dos efectivos populacionais longe das estradas e tráfego, conservando e assegurando as características estruturais, requisitos e qualidade dos habitats, de modo a incrementar e garantir a viabilidade e densidade das populações, fidelizando a territorialidade e permanência destas aves nestas áreas. Adicionalmente deverá investir-se na conectividade das manchas de paisagem fragmentada pelas rodovias, criando opções de conservação estratégicas, em zonas ecologicamente mais sensíveis, que não somente minimizem o efeito de repulsa reconhecido nestas aves, mas também os níveis de mortalidade por atropelamento, tornando os ecossistemas mais funcionais para a sobrevivência destes rapaces. ABSTRACT; Roads and traffic are the most conspicuous and pervasive human creation, being the great responsible for fragmentation and habitats destruction, reducing animal movement through landscape, which implies decrease of gene flow and loss of variability that can fragmented populations, thus reducing their sizes and densities. All deleterious impacts associated with roads are clearly visible in vertebrates, where owls aren't exception, being frequent victims of road mortality, since they can use roadside habitats and edges for hunting, nesting or dispersal corridors through the landscape, being nowadays one of the most recent and important causes of nonnatural mortality in owls and has been recognized as one of the largest conservation problems affecting this group. However, the attractive and avoidance effect of roads and his edges on owls creates a barrier effect that limits dynamics, behaviour and breeding density of resident species, recognizing that possible isolation, could compromise populations survival, make them more vulnerable to high risks of local extinction due to stochastic effects. Despite that, several authors suggest that owls use roads to hunt, as marginal habitats, or for navigation corridors through the landscape ln this context, the major aims of this study was to verify if there are negative effects of roads on the density of owls, considering traffic as an influencing factor. This study was conducted in Alentejo, covering a typical Mediterranean area, including three main localities Montemor-o-Novo, Évora and Arraiolos, being sectioned by 143 km of roads, including highway, roads with high traffic density, and the remaining with low traffic density. The owl census was conducted in two sampling years (2005 and 2007) and was focused mainly on Little owl Athene noctua and Tawny Owl Strix aluco species, using the playback technique, with conspecific calls. We used 32 explanatory variables, mainly included in three groups: road variables, landscape metrics and land use, having been analytically tested, with application of Generalised Linear Models. The main results show that noisy roads with high traffic density are probably the most responsible for the avoidance behaviour of owls, under the study area, showing density depression near high anthropogenic disturbed areas adjacent to roads. However, the presence of habitat quality to these birds is probably the descriptor with greater statistical power, considering its distribution and density, with the dense oak woodland and croplands and arable lands, positively correlated, respectively with Tawny owl and Little owl density. ln consequence, the great conservation effort should be done in order to keep breeding populations away from roads and traffic, ensuring the structural features, requirements and quality of its habitats in order to enhance and ensure the viability and density of owl's populations in these areas. ln addition, it is important to invest in connectivity between roadside fragmented patches, creating strategic conservation options, in sensitive areas, which minimize the avoidance effect, recognized in owls, but also road-kill levels, making ecosystems more functional to survival of these top predators.
Esta tesis se centra en la identificación de personas a través de la forma de caminar. El problema del reconocimiento del paso ha sido tratado mediante diferentes enfoques, en los dominios 2D y 3D, y usando una o varias vistas. Sin embargo, la dependencia con respecto al punto de vista, y por tanto de la trayectoria del sujeto al caminar sigue siendo aún un problema abierto. Se propone hacer frente al problema de la dependencia con respecto a la trayectoria por medio de reconstrucciones 3D de sujetos caminando. El uso de reconstrucciones varias ventajas que cabe destacar. En primer lugar, permite explotar una mayor cantidad de información en contraste con los métodos que extraen los descriptores de la marcha a partir de imágenes, en el dominio 2D. En segundo lugar, las reconstrucciones 3D pueden ser alineadas a lo largo de la marcha como si el sujeto hubiera caminado en una cinta andadora, proporcionando así una forma de analizar el paso independientemente de la trayectoria seguida. Este trabajo propone tres enfoques para resolver el problema de la dependencia a la vista: 1. Mediante la utilización de reconstrucciones volumétricas alineadas. 2. Mediante el uso de reconstrucciones volumétricas no alineadas. 3. Sin usar reconstrucciones. Se proponen además tres tipos de descriptores. El primero se centra en describir el paso mediante análisis morfológico de los volúmenes 3D alineados. El segundo hace uso del concepto de entropa de la información para describir la dinámica del paso humano. El tercero persigue capturar la dinámica de una forma invariante a rotación, lo cual lo hace especialmente interesante para ser aplicado tanto en trayectorias curvas como rectas, incluyendo cambios de dirección. Estos enfoques han sido probados sobre dos bases de datos públicas. Ambas están especialmente diseñadas para tratar el problema de la dependencia con respecto al punto de vista, y por tanto de la dependencia con respecto a la trayectoria. Los resultados experimentales muestran que para el enfoque basado en reconstrucciones volumétricas alineadas, el descriptor del paso basado en entropa consigue los mejores resultados, en comparación con métodos estrechamente relacionados del Estado del Arte actual. No obstante, el descriptor invariante a rotación consigue una tasa de reconocimiento que supera a los métodos actuales sin requerir la etapa previa de alineamiento de las reconstrucciones 3D.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Prueba de 1.4 Descripción
En este trabajo se propone un método que combina descriptores de imágenes de intensidad y de profundidad para detectar de manera robusta el problema de cierre de bucle en SLAM. La robustez del método, proporcionada por el empleo conjunto de información de diversa naturaleza, permite detectar lugares revisitados en situaciones donde m´etodos basados solo en intensidad o en profundidad presentan dificultades (p.e. condiciones de iluminación deficientes, o falta de geometría). Además, se ha diseñado el métod cuenta su eficiencia, recurriendo para ello al detector FAST para extraer las características de las observaciones y al descriptor binario BRIEF. La detección de bucle se completa con una Bolsa de Palabras binarias. El rendimiento del método propuesto se ha evaluado en condiciones reales, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios.
Laplacian-based descriptors, such as the Heat Kernel Signature and the Wave Kernel Signature, allow one to embed the vertices of a graph onto a vectorial space, and have been successfully used to find the optimal matching between a pair of input graphs. While the HKS uses a heat di↵usion process to probe the local structure of a graph, the WKS attempts to do the same through wave propagation. In this paper, we propose an alternative structural descriptor that is based on continuoustime quantum walks. More specifically, we characterise the structure of a graph using its average mixing matrix. The average mixing matrix is a doubly-stochastic matrix that encodes the time-averaged behaviour of a continuous-time quantum walk on the graph. We propose to use the rows of the average mixing matrix for increasing stopping times to develop a novel signature, the Average Mixing Matrix Signature (AMMS). We perform an extensive range of experiments and we show that the proposed signature is robust under structural perturbations of the original graphs and it outperforms both the HKS and WKS when used as a node descriptor in a graph matching task.