963 resultados para corporal punishment (CP)
Hoy en día la apariencia física juega un papel muy importante en nuestra sociedad, siendo considerado por muchos como un instrumento básico para alcanzar el éxito social y laboral. Sin embargo, el concepto de imagen corporal, a veces confundido con el de apariencia física, es un término que significa el sentimiento que cada persona tiene en relación a su propio cuerpo. Por ello, cualquier alteración en esta imagen influye en la autoestima de las personas comportando un gran impacto psicológico y emocional y colocando a la persona en una situación de crisis con una alta vulnerabilidad psicológica. Entre las diversas causas que pueden ocasionar dicha alteración, destacan la cirugía, las incapacidades y un amplio abanico de enfermedades degenerativas. Si bien todas tienen su importancia, en el siguiente trabajo se han querido destacar aquellas enfermedades consideradas como “raras” debido a su baja prevalencia y por tanto, con gran desconocimiento por parte de la sociedad. Además, otra de las características de estas enfermedades es que más que alterar el aspecto físico, lo que se produce es una separación entre el cuerpo y la mente, provocando sentimientos de gran incertidumbre debido al desconocimiento acerca de cuál será el siguiente aspecto de su vida que se verá cambiado debido a su enfermedad. De todas ellas, es la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica o ELA la escogida como motivo principal de estudio; es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa minoritaria, poco conocida, de causa desconocida y que actualmente no tiene cura por lo que genera a los pacientes y a las familias sentimientos de soledad, desamparo y exclusión social y económica. La enfermedad evoluciona rápidamente provocando parálisis generalizada y afectando por tanto, a la movilidad, al habla, la deglución, la respiración y al grado de dependencia; por lo tanto, el paciente necesitará un cuidador las 24 horas del día. Por el contrario, los sentidos y la capacidad cognitiva no se ven afectados de modo que el paciente es consciente en todo momento de la evolución de su enfermedad y de la pérdida progresiva de sus funciones.
We calculate the production of two b-quark pairs in hadron collisions. Sources of multiple pairs are multiple interactions and higher order perturbative QCD mechanisms. We subsequently investigate the competing effects of multiple b-pair production on measurements of CP violation: (i) the increase in event rate with multiple b-pair cross sections which may reach values of the order of 1 b in the presence of multiple interactions and (ii) the dilution of b versus b tagging efficiency because of the presence of events with four B mesons. The impact of multiple B-meson production is small unless the cross section for producing a single pair exceeds 1 mb. We show that even for larger values of the cross section the competing effects (i) and (ii) roughly compensate so that there is no loss in the precision with which CP-violating CKM angles can be determined.
Measurements of CP-violating observables in neutrino oscillation experiments have been studied in the literature as a way to determine the CP-violating phase in the mixing matrix for leptons. Here we show that such observables also probe new neutrino interactions in the production or detection processes. Genuine CP violation and fake CP violation due to matter effects are sensitive to the imaginary and real parts of new couplings. The dependence of the CP asymmetry on the source-detector distance is different from the standard one and, in particular, enhanced at short distances. We estimate that future neutrino factories will be able to probe in this way new interactions that are up to four orders of magnitude weaker than the weak interactions. We discuss the possible implications for models of new physics.
New results on the theory of constrained systems are applied to characterize the generators of Noethers symmetry transformations. As a byproduct, an algorithm to construct gauge transformations in Hamiltonian formalism is derived. This is illustrated with two relevant examples.
Describing promising technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices.
Describing promising technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices.
Describing promising technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices.
Describing promising technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices
L'obesitat es una malaltia mal coneguda queafecta un nombre creixent de persones arreu del mon. L'increment de la incidencia de l'obesitat en alguns paisos s'ha atribu 'it a un increment del consurn de determinats aliments i, sobretot, de les disponibilitats energetiques, malgrat haver-se produit durant els ultims anys un descens significatiu en el consum energetic, en disminuir la ingestio de greixos i de sucre. Aquesta contradiccio es explicada per alguns com una consequencia del sedentarisme, per d'altres per la incidencia de gens que regulen l'obesitat i encara uns altres I'atribueixen a causes desconegudes complementades per tots aquests factors. Sigui com sigui, la morbiditat Iligada a I'obesitat es considerable i tambe ho es la mortalitat addicional que genera.
Human cooperation is often based on reputation gained from previous interactions with third parties. Such reputation can be built on generous or punitive actions, and both, one's own reputation and the reputation of others have been shown to influence decision making in experimental games that control for confounding variables. Here we test how reputation-based cooperation and punishment react to disruption of the cognitive processing in different kinds of helping games with observers. Saying a few superfluous words before each interaction was used to possibly interfere with working memory. In a first set of experiments, where reputation could only be based on generosity, the disruption reduced the frequency of cooperation and lowered mean final payoffs. In a second set of experiments where reputation could only be based on punishment, the disruption increased the frequency of antisocial punishment (i.e. of punishing those who helped) and reduced the frequency of punishing defectors. Our findings suggest that working memory can easily be constraining in reputation-based interactions within experimental games, even if these games are based on a few simple rules with a visual display that provides all the information the subjects need to play the strategies predicted from current theory. Our findings also highlight a weakness of experimental games, namely that they can be very sensitive to environmental variation and that quantitative conclusions about antisocial punishment or other behavioral strategies can easily be misleading.
El presente artículo tiene como finalidad la creación de un plano de composición pedagógica de la Educación Corporal teniendo como marco de análisis el pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze, filosofía que tiene actualmente relevancia para las pedagogías contemporáneas que se ocupan de resignificar el lugar del cuerpo en la educación. El estudio de la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze en clave pedagógica se realiza desde el método rizomático desde el cual se reflexionan concepciones de cuerpo y educación ligados al acontecimiento, las intensidades, la potencia y la actividad creadora. Del encuentro con la filosofía deleuziana se desprenden algunas líneas pedagógicas que dan vida al pensamiento de una Educación Corporal a partir de los afectos, el devenir y la creación.
Labile or mutation-sensitised proteins may spontaneously convert into aggregation-prone conformations that may be toxic and infectious. This hazardous behavior, which can be described as a form of "molecular criminality", can be actively counteracted in the cell by a network of molecular chaperone and proteases. Similar to law enforcement agents, molecular chaperones and proteases can specifically identify, apprehend, unfold and thus neutralize "criminal" protein conformers, allowing them to subsequently refold into harmless functional proteins. Irreversibly damaged polypeptides that have lost the ability to natively refold are preferentially degraded by highly controlled ATP-consuming proteases. Damaged proteins that escape proteasomal degradation can also be "incarcerated" into dense amyloids, "evicted" from the cell, or internally "exiled" to the lysosome to be hydrolysed and recycled. Thus, remarkable parallels exist between molecular and human forms of criminality, as well as in the cellular and social responses to various forms of crime. Yet, differences also exist: whereas programmed death is the preferred solution chosen by aged and aggregation-stressed cells, collective suicide is seldom chosen by lawless societies. Significantly, there is no cellular equivalent for the role of familial care and of education in general, which is so crucial to the proper shaping of functional persons in the society. Unlike in the cell, humanism introduces a bias against radical solutions such as capital punishment, favouring crime prevention, reeducation and social reinsertion of criminals.
En aquest article es realitza una descripció històrica i una crítica de les diferents tendències que ha seguit l'estudi i desenvolupament de les teoríes psicomotrius en la infància, així com una proposta que enfoca la psicomotricitat des d'un plantejament bàsicament preventiu i educador.