352 resultados para contention


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Introduo: A formao dos profissionais da rea da sade fundamental para a transformao das prticas de cuidado e consolidao dos princpios e diretrizes do Sistema nico de Sade (SUS). Sendo um desafio do SUS, esta questo tambm est presente no campo da Sade Mental e necessria para a consolidao da Reforma Psiquitrica e construo e fortalecimento da Rede de Ateno Psicossocial. Proposio: Investigar e refletir sobre as experincias dos estudantes que realizaram estgio no Centro de Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS) III Itaim Bibi entre 2009 e 2014, no tocante formao profissional em Sade Mental na perspectiva da Reforma Psiquitrica. Materiais e Mtodos: Estudo qualitativo, com construo dos dados a partir da leitura de relatrios dos estudantes e de questionrios com perguntas referentes experincia dos estgios, que foram apresentadas aos participantes conforme orientaes do mtodo Delphi. As questes abordaram: motivos; expectativas; forma e qualidade de participao nas atividades; temas e estudos; trabalho em equipe; situaes vivenciadas; influncia na atuao profissional; apresentao do estgio e sugestes de alteraes. As informaes foram trabalhadas por meio de Anlise de Contedo Temtica. Resultados: Dos 52 convidados, 28 participaram da primeira rodada (53,85%), sendo: 14 terapeutas ocupacionais, 9 enfermeiros, 3 psiclogos e 2 estudantes de Servio Social. O segundo questionrio foi composto por afirmativas presentes nas respostas recebidas para que os participantes as avaliassem conforme grau de concordncia da escala Likert. Nesta fase foram recebidas 26 respostas. Concluses: Apesar das dificuldades vivenciadas, avaliou-se que a maior parte das experincias dos estgios foi positiva e possibilitou aprendizagens significativas sobre o modelo de ateno psicossocial, o funcionamento e dinmica da instituio, o trabalho em equipe interdisciplinar e as produes de convivncia, principalmente aos sujeitos que realizaram estgios com maior carga horria. Identificaram como importantes aprendizados as experincias de acompanhamento individual e grupal dos usurios, a construo de Projeto Teraputico Singular e de redes, o trabalho territorial e intersetorial. A participao em reunies, supervises clnico-institucionais, multiprofissionais e em oficinas de reflexo com as docentes das Universidades foi considerada importante para a formao. O aprendizado de manejo de situaes de crise e de conflitos e de tcnicas de conteno foi considerado superficial. Identificou-se que modelo de gesto e o trabalho da equipe influenciam no desenvolvimento de autonomia e protagonismo dos estagirios. O fortalecimento da integrao ensino-servio-comunidade necessrio e a flexibilizao das propostas institudas poderia facilitar a construo conjunta dos planos de estgios. Como produtos desta pesquisa foram elaboradas propostas de modificaes para melhor organizao dos estgios no CAPS e para a integrao ensino-servio e de Plano de Estgio Supervisionado em Terapia Ocupacional para os estgios extracurriculares. Realizou-se tambm uma Reviso Integrativa das publicaes cientficas brasileiras sobre a formao de estudantes de graduao em Sade Mental na perspectiva da Reforma Psiquitrica. Por fim, compreendeu-se que as experincias ressoam nas prticas profissionais dos graduados de modo positivo. Os participantes que no atuam neste campo, disseram levar consigo a experincia do trabalho em equipe e de formas ticas e humanizadas de cuidado.


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Backbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology broadly adopted by the industry is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). WDM networks enable one single ber to operate with multiple high capacity channels, drastically increasing the ber capacity. In WDM networks each channel is associated with an individual wavelength. Therefore a whole wavelength capacity is assigned to a connection, causing waste of bandwidth in case the connection bandwidth requirement is less than the channel total capacity. In the last half decade, Elastic Optical Networks (EON) have been proposed and developed based on the fexible use of the optical spectrum known as the exigrid. EONs are adaptable to clients requirements and may enhance optical networks performance. For these reasons, research community and data transport providers have been demonstrating increasingly high interest in EONs which are likely to replace WDM as the universally adopted technology in backbone networks in the near future. EONs have two characteristics that may limit its ecient resources use. The spectrum fragmentation, inherent to the dynamic EON operation, decrease the network capacity to assign resources to connection requests increasing network blocking probability. The spectrum fragmentation also intensifides the denial of service to higher rate request inducing service unfairness. Due to the fact EONs were just recently developed and proposed, the aforementioned issues were not yet extensively studied and solutions are still being proposed. Furthermore, EONs do not yet provide specific features as differentiated service mechanisms. Differentiated service strategies are important in backbone networks to guarantee client\'s diverse requirements in case of a network failure or the natural congestion and resources contention that may occur at some periods of time in a network. Impelled by the foregoing facts, this thesis objective is three-fold. By means of developing and proposing a mechanism for routing and resources assignment in EONs, we intend to provide differentiated service while decreasing fragmentation level and increasing service fairness. The mechanism proposed and explained in this thesis was tested in a EON simulation environment and performance results indicated that it promotes beneficial performance enhancements when compared to benchmark algorithms.


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This article is the English version of Traductoras gallegas del siglo XX: Reescribiendo la historia de la traduccin desde el gnero y la nacin by Olga Castro. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.


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Sampling may promote prolonged engagement in sport by limiting physical injuries (Fraser-Thomas et al., 2005). Overtraining injuries are a concern for young athletes who specialize in one sport and engage in high volumes of deliberate practice (Hollander, Meyers, & Leunes, 1995; Law, Ct, & Ericsson, 2007). For instance, young gymnasts who practice for over 16 hours a week have been shown to have higher incidences of back injuries (Goldstein, Berger, Windier, & Jackson, 1991). A sampling approach in child-controlled play (e.g. deliberate play) rather than highly adult-controlled practice (e.g. deliberate practice) has been proposed as a strategy to limit overuse and other sport-related injuries (Micheli, Glassman, & Klein, 2000). In summary, sampling may protect against sport attrition by limiting sport related injuries and allowing children to have early experiences in sport that are enjoyable. Psychosocial Benefits of Sampling Only a small percentage of children who participate in school sports ever become elite athletes. Therefore, the psychosocial outcomes of sport participation are particularly important to consider. Recent studies with youth between the ages of 11 to 17 have found that those who are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities (e.g. sports, volunteer, arts) score more favourably on outcome measures such as Grade Point Average (GPA; Fredricks & Eccles, 2006a) and positive peer relationships (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b) than youth who participate in fewer activities. These patterns are thought to exist due to each extracurricular activity bringing its own distinct pattern of socialization experiences that reinforce certain behaviours and/or teach various skills (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b; Rose-Krasnor, Bussen, Willoughby, & Chambers, 2006). This contention is corroborated by studies of children and youths' experiences in extracurricular activities indicating that youth have unique experiences in each activity that contribute to their development (Hansen, Larson, & Dworkin, 2003; Larson, Hansen, & Moneta, 2006). This has led Wilkes and Ct (2007) to propose that children who sample different activities (through their own choice or by virtue of parental direction), have a greater chance of developing the following five developmental outcomes compared to children who specialize in one activity: 1) life skills, 2) prosocial behaviour, 3) healthy identity, 4) diverse peer groups and 5) social capital.


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This paper sets out to examine the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union from its inception to present day 1. Specifically, this paper seeks to answer the following questions: (1) What long-term effects, if any, did the circumstances surrounding, and leading up to the formation of the CAP have; (2) What have internal and external responses been to the CAP; (3) How has the CAP responded to major events both internally (within the European Union), and externally (internationally); (4) What affect does the recently implemented Lisbon Treaty2 have on the CAP, and (5) What is the future of the CAP and CAP reform? In order to answer these questions this paper begins with the contention that the CAP is in fact the largest and strongest driving force of EU expansion. In support of this proposition, this paper first examines the circumstances and events leading to the creation of the CAP in the European Community. Second, this paper examines what long-term effects the circumstances surrounding the CAPs inception have had on the policy, particularly calling attention to the disproportionate Franco-German CAP benefits. Third, the paper then examines how the CAP has responded to historical events that have had significant effects on the European community, particularly EU expansion, the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, and the recent worldwide economic crisis. Finally, this paper examines common criticisms of and conflicts surrounding the CAP, both internally and externally, and argues that CAP reform, at least within the current institutional framework of the European Union, can never truly occur.


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On July 15, 2014 the European Parliament confirmed the new European Commission President. An absolute majority was needed for this purpose, and the 422 votes For cleared the 376-vote threshold in the legislative body of 751 members. A Grand Coalition has been formed among the three largest political parties: the European Peoples Party (EPP), the Progressive Alliances of Socialists Democrats (S&D), and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). Considering policy decisions going forward, the European Union (EU) faces the pressing question: Will there be more, less, or similar power from the EU? There are a greater number voices from across the political spectrum contributing to the democratic plurality. European leaders may regain trust by acknowledging that future governance will not be business as usual as the reform agenda gets underway. 2014 has been an exciting and important year in European politics. This time is different was the motto for the European Parliaments election campaign. This essay analyzes recent EU political trends with the new Commission leadership and the Parliamentary elections results. The Parliamentary elections, held in late May, and the new European Commission, planned to be in place in the autumn, influence the leadership direction of the 28-member bloc. Additionally, this year on July 1 Croatia celebrated the first anniversary of joining the EU in 2013. Leading the way for candidate countries, Croatia embraces the democratic politics and capitalist market economics embodied by the EU. The greater number of seats held by newer political parties in the European Parliament demonstrates increasing plurality in the EU democracy. The Parliamentary elections have taken place every 5 years since 1979. In this eighth legislative session, the EPP and the S&D remain the largest parties represented, with 221 and 191 seats respectively. As the EU has evolved, a greater number of voices influence politics. The ongoing point of contention on a host of policies is national sovereignty in relation to pooled sovereignty in the EU. The European Parliament is important for democracy in EU governance since it is the direct link from the national citizens to their elected leaders at the supranational level. The representatives of the European Commission are appointed by the national governments of Member States, and their heads of government are the representatives to the European Council. These three political institutions the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Council together with other important institutions, including the European Court of Justice Luxembourg, form the EU. The new European Commission President is Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Luxembourg (1995-2013). After being nominated by the European Council on June 27, his candidacy was voted on by the European Parliament on July 15, according to the guidelines of the Lisbon Treaty. The leadership for the President of the European Commission has been an important issue, considering Britains deliberations on whether or not to stay in the EU in the face of a future national referendum. Voting on June 27, among the European Council on the nomination of Commission President-Designate Juncker, was 26 in favor and 2 opposed. Only Viktor Orbn, the prime minister of Hungary, joined David Cameron, the prime minister of the United Kingdom (UK), with a negative vote (Spiegel and Parker 2014). The UK had not been supportive, being concerned that Juncker embraces the policies of a federalist, prioritizing an ever-closer union above the interests of individual Member States. Historically, since joining the predecessor institution of the European Economic Community in 1973, the UK has had a relatively independent attitude about participation in the EU.


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O tratamento de eleio para uma mobilizao precoce nos casos de fratura trocantrica do fmur cirrgico, em que se usam tradicionalmente placas laterais e parafusos ou cavilhas intramedulares. O principal objetivo deste trabalho o de criao e desenvolvimento de uma nova placa trocantrica de conteno (TPC - Trochanteric Plate of Contention), sistema para fixao de fraturas trocantricas e especialmente vocacionada para as fraturas de obliquidade reversa. Nesta dissertao apresenta-se um conceito de tratamento de fraturas trocantricas. Este estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema alternativo de fixao interna que dever permitir a eliminao, ou pelo menos reduzir, os problemas de cut-out. Mais, nos casos em que o cut-out no pode ser evitado, o sistema foi desenvolvido para permitir a substituio da cabea do fmur, preservando a placa e o parafuso do colo do fmur, o que o tornar numa prtese total. A especificidade da sua geometria foi desenhada para ultrapassar as falhas de sistemas alternativos especialmente em pacientes com fragilidade ssea, resultante da perda da sua densidade, anisometria e desorganizao da microestrutura trabecular, associada osteoporose. As propriedades biomecnicas deste novo sistema, TPC, dever cumprir as linhas de orientao da norma ASTM (American Standard Specifications and Test Methods) F384-12.


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Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse einer in dieser Zeitschrift erschienen Studie von Skarbek-Kozietulska, Preisendrfer & Wolter (2012) ber die Validitt der Antworten straffllig gewordener Befragter aufgegriffen. Die Autoren stellten einen negativen Effekt der Antwortlatenz fest, demzufolge spt Antwortende eher dazu neigen, ihre Straftaten zu leugnen. Die Grnde hierfr vermuten die Autoren in den Eigenheiten der TDM (tailored design method), speziell in wiederholten Nachfassaktionen. Wir untersuchen im Rahmen eines Methodenexperimentes, ob ebenfalls monetre Anreize als weiterer zentraler Bestandteil der TDM diesen negativen Latenzeffekt fr die Antwortbereitschaft verursachen knnen. Die These, dass der Zusammenhang von Latenz und Validitt selbstberichteter Delinquenz ber monetre Anreize moderiert wird, wird dabei empirisch widerlegt.


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We present detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results of rock samples recovered during Leg 173. The Leg 173 cores display a multicomponent magnetization nature. Variations in magnetic properties correlate with changes in lithology that result from differences in the abundance and size of magnetic minerals. The combined investigation suggests that the magnetic properties of the "fresher" peridotite samples from Site 1070 are controlled mainly by titanomagnetite, with a strong Verwey transition in the vicinity of 110 K, and with field- and frequency-dependent susceptibility curves that resemble those of titanomagnetites. These results are in excellent agreement with thermomagnetic characteristics where titanomagnetites with Curie temperature ~580C were identified from the "fresher" peridotites. In contrast to the magnetic properties observed from the "fresher" peridotites, the low-temperature curves for the "altered" peridotites did not show any Verwey transition. Thermomagnetic analysis using the high-temperature vibrating sample magnetometer also failed to show evidence for titanomagnetites. The remanent magnetization is carried by a thermally unstable mineral that breaks down at ~420C, probably maghemite. The field- and frequency-dependent relationships are also directly opposite to those in the reversal zone, with no signs of titanomagnetite characteristics. Altogether, these rock magnetic data seem to be sensitive indicators of alteration and support the contention that maghemite is responsible for the magnetic signatures displayed in the altered peridotites of the upper section. The magnetic minerals of the basement rocks from Sites 1068, 1069, and 1070 are of variable particle size but fall within the pseudo-single-domain size range (0.2-14 m). The average natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity of recovered serpenitinized peridotite is typically on the order of 20 mA/m for samples from Site 1068, but ~120 mA/m for samples from Site 1070. The much stronger magnetization intensity of Site 1070 is apparently in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic anomaly high. Nearly half of the NRM intensity remained after 400C demagnetization, suggesting that the remanence can contribute significantly to the marine magnetic anomaly.


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A discussion about French and English contention over this island of strategic and commercial importance until the siege of Louisburg in 1745 when the English gained temporary supremacy.


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--v. 25 Romeo and Juliet; the 1st quarto, 1597.--v. 26 Romeo and Juliet; the 2nd quarto, 1599.--v. 27 King Henry V; the 1st quarto, 1600.--v. 28 King Henry V; the 3rd quarto, 1608.--v. 29 Titus Andronicus; the 1st quarto, 1600.--v. 30 Sonnets; the 1st quarto, 1609.--v. 31 Othello; the 1st quarto, 1622.--v. 32 Othello, the 2nd quarto, 1630.--v. 33 King Lear; the 1st quarto, 1608.--v. 34 King Lear; the 2nd quarto, 1608.--v. 35 Lucrece; the 1st quarto, 1594.--v. 36 Romeo and Juliet; the undated quarto.--v. 37 First part of the Contention; the 1st quarto, 1594.--v. 38 True tragedy; the 1st quarto, 1595.--v. 39 Famous victories of Henry the fifth; the earliest known quarto, 1598.--v. 40-41 The troublesome raigne of John, king of England; the 1st quarto, 1591.--v. 42 Richard the third; the 3rd quarto 1602.--v. 43 Richard the third; the 6th quarto, 1622.


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v. 1. Some account of Shirley and his writings. Commendatory verses on Shirley. Love tricks, or, The school of complement. The maid's revenge. The brothers. The witty fair one. The wedding.--v. 2. The grateful servant. The traitor. Love's cruelty. Love in a maze. The bird in a cage. Hyde park.--v. 3. The ball. The young admiral. The gamester. The example. The opportunity. The coronation.--v. 4. The lady of pleasure. The royal master. The duke's mistress. The doubtful heir. St. Patrick for Ireland. The constant maid. The humorous courtier.--v. 5. The gentleman of Venice. The politician. The imposture. The cardinal. The sisters. The court secret.--v. 6. Honoria and Mammon. Chabot, admiral of France. The Arcadia. The triumph of peace. A contention for honour and riches. The triumph of beauty. Cupid and death. The contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the armour of Achilles. Poems.


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The reliability of measurement refers to unsystematic error in observed responses. Investigations of the prevalence of random error in stated estimates of willingness to pay (WTP) are important to an understanding of why tests of validity in CV can fail. However, published reliability studies have tended to adopt empirical methods that have practical and conceptual limitations when applied to WTP responses. This contention is supported in a review of contingent valuation reliability studies that demonstrate important limitations of existing approaches to WTP reliability. It is argued that empirical assessments of the reliability of contingent values may be better dealt with by using multiple indicators to measure the latent WTP distribution. This latent variable approach is demonstrated with data obtained from a WTP study for stormwater pollution abatement. Attitude variables were employed as a way of assessing the reliability of open-ended WTP (with benchmarked payment cards) for stormwater pollution abatement. The results indicated that participants' decisions to pay were reliably measured, but not the magnitude of the WTP bids. This finding highlights the need to better discern what is actually being measured in VVTP studies, (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite a century's knowledge that soluble aluminum (Al) is associated with acid soils and poor plant growth, it is still uncertain how Al exerts its deleterious effects. Hypotheses include reactions of Al with components of the cell wall, plasmalemma, or cytoplasm of cells close to the root tip, thereby reducing cell expansion and root growth. Digital microscopy was used to determine the initial injuries of soluble Al to mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) roots. Roots of young seedlings were marked with activated carbon particles and grown in 1 mm CaCl2 solution at pH 6 for ca. 100 min (control period), and AlCl3 solution was added to ensure a final concentration of 50 muM Al (pH 4). Further studies were conducted on the effects of pH 4 with and without 50 muM Al. Four distinct, but possibly related, initial detrimental effects of soluble Al were noted. First, there was a 56-75% reduction in the root elongation rate, first evident 18-52 min after the addition of Al, root elongation continuing at a decreased rate for ca. 20 It. Decreasing solution pH from 6 to 4 increased the root elongation rate 4-fold after 5 min, which decreased to close to the original rate after 130 min. The addition of Al during the period of rapid growth at pH 4 reduced the root elongation rate by 71% 14 min after the addition of Al. The activated carbon marks on the roots showed that, during the control period, the zone of maximum root growth occurred at 2,200-5,100 mum from the root tip (i.e. the cell elongation zone). It was there that Al first exerted its detrimental effect and low pH increased root elongation. Second, soluble Al prevented the progress of cells from the transition to the elongation phase, resulting in a considerable reduction of root growth over the longer term. The third type of soluble Al injury occurred after exposure for ca. 4 h to 50 mum Al when a kink developed at 2,370 mum from the root tip. Fourth, ruptures of the root epidermal and cortical cells at 1,900-2,300 mum from the tip occurred greater than or equal to4.3 h after exposure to soluble Al. The timing and location of Al injuries support the contention that Al initially reduces cell elongation, thus decreasing root growth and causing damage to epidermal and cortical cells.