979 resultados para cold-water corals
Low temperature, particularly during the reproductive stage of the development of rice, limits productivity in the Riverina region of New South Wales (NSW). This study primarily examined genotypic differences in cold damage that are associated with low temperature during reproductive development. Results from experiments in temperature-controlled rooms and the cold water facility were combined with four years of field experiments, which used natural exposure to low temperature to examine the response of over 50 cultivars from diverse origins. Plants were exposed to day/night air temperatures of 27°/13°C in temperature-controlled rooms and to a constant temperature of 19°C in the cold water facility. Low temperature treatments were imposed from panicle initiation (PI) to 50% heading. In field experiments several techniques were used to increase the likelihood of inducing cold damage such as sequential sowing dates (five to eight sowing dates each year), shallow water depths (5cm) and high nitrogen rates (e.g. 300kgN ha-1). Several cultivars were identified that were more cold tolerant than Australia’s commercial cultivars.
The cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa is one of the few species able to build reef-like structures and a 3-dimensional coral framework in the deep oceans. Furthermore, deep cold-water coral bioherms may be among the first marine ecosystems to be affected by ocean acidification. Colonies of L. pertusa were collected during a cruise in 2006 to cold-water coral bioherms of the Mingulay reef complex (Hebrides, North Atlantic). Shortly after sample collection onboard these corals were labelled with calcium-45. The same experimental approach was used to assess calcification rates and how those changed due to reduced pH during a cruise to the Skagerrak (North Sea) in 2007. The highest calcification rates were found in youngest polyps with up to 1% d-1 new skeletal growth and average rates of 0.11±0.02% d-1±S.E.). Lowering pH by 0.15 and 0.3 units relative to the ambient level resulted in calcification being reduced by 30 and 56%. Lower pH reduced calcification more in fast growing, young polyps (59% reduction) than in older polyps (40% reduction). Thus skeletal growth of young and fast calcifying corallites suffered more from ocean acidification. Nevertheless, L. pertusa exhibited positive net calcification (as measured by 45Ca incorporation) even at an aragonite saturation state below 1.
The longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction and microstructure of polycrystalline Fe(100-x)Ge(x) (x= 8, 12, 15, 20) alloys were investigated in order to correlate the magnetostriction with microstructure. In order to obtain different microstructures in the Fe(100-x)Ge(x) alloys, the samples were annealed at 600 degrees C during 2 h and at 1150 degrees C for half hour and then quenched in cold water. For Ge concentrations lower than 14 at.%, the longitudinal magnetostriction is positive and increases positively up to 22 ppm at 12 at.% Ge then decreases and vanishes at about 14 at.% Ge. For further Ge concentration increase the longitudinal magnetostriction is negative and reaches -30 ppm for Fe(80)Ge(20). This behavior, that is very similar to that reported for Fe-Si alloys, is explained by the structural changes caused by different thermal histories of the alloys. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B. V.
All textile uses of cellulose acetate involve acetone recovery, which, because of safety issues, results in large installations, in order to work with dilute streams. This compromises the efficiency of all of the involved unit operations, in this case, acetone absorption in cold water, acetone distillation, and water chilling, making them more expensive. The present article proposes the improvement of the absorption of acetone in water, traditionally performed with sieve trays, by using structured packing instead. The advantageous implementation was enabled through the utilization of a calculation methodology based on concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium of the binary acetone/water system and empirical relations that allow the evaluation of the hydrodynamics of the proposed modification.
This work analysed the influence of storage in the quality of forest biomass for energy generation in the region of Lages, Brazil. Logs of Pinus taeda L. and Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden were harvested and piled during the four different seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. The analyses were performed immediately after harvesting (without being stored), after two, four and six months of storage. The evaluated properties were: moisture content, gross and net calorific value, ash content and solubility in cold water, hot water and sodium hydroxide. The species composition, storage span, harvesting season and storage season influenced the forest biomass characteristics. In general, eucalyptus presented better results than pine, losing moisture faster, having less alteration in the chemical composition and producing greater energetic gain over storage time. For both species, the ideal storage time was four months. Furthermore, spring and summer were the best harvesting seasons. Thus, if the forest biomass is harvested at the end of winter or beginning of spring with subsequent storage during the summer, this biomass will have the best performance for energy production. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pagurus exilis (Benedict, 1892) is an endemic South Atlantic hermit crab with a distribution ranging from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, to Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The present study analyzed the reproduction of two populations at the extremes of this geographical distribution, and compared their reproductive period, fecundity, and changes in egg size and egg volume during the incubation period in order to assess the variability over this latitudinal range. Hermit crabs were collected monthly over a 2-year period. In total, 108 females were analyzed for Brazil (44 non-ovigerous and 64 ovigerous), and 141 for Argentina (87 non-ovigerous and 54 ovigerous). Reproduction in Brazil occurs year-round, with peaks in the fall and winter seasons; in Argentina reproduction occurs only in spring and summer. The Brazilian ovigerous females were significantly larger than the Argentina ones (Brazil: SL = 5.33 +/- 1.45 mm; Argentina: SL = 4.15 +/- 0.52 mm; P < 0.001). The fecundity was 1447 +/- 831 eggs (317 to 2885) in Brazil and 987 +/- 711 eggs (114 to 2665) in Argentina, with a trend towards higher fecundity in Brazil. Eggs in the Argentina population were larger than those in Brazil for all the three stages investigated, and no changes in egg volume were found during egg development for both populations. The reproductive traits of the two populations showed some important differences, which may reflect adaptations to local environmental conditions, demonstrating a high plasticity of reproductive features of the species in Brazilian and Argentine waters. The strategy adopted by the Argentina population involves a lower production of larger eggs compared to the population in Brazil; this lower production is associated with reproduction in cold-water regions.
The southern Australian marine macroalgal flora has the highest levels of species richness and endemism of any regional macroalgal flora in the world. Analyses of species composition and distributions for the southern Australian flora have identified four different floristic elements, namely the southern Australian endemic element, the widely distributed temperate element, the tropical element and a cold water element. Within the southern Australian endemic element, four species distribution patterns are apparent, thought to largely result from the Jurassic to Oligocene fragmentation of East Gondwana, the subsequent migration of Tethyan ancestors from the west Australian coast and the later invasion of high latitude Pacific species. Climatic deterioration from the late Eocene to the present is thought responsible for the replacement of the previous tropical south coast flora by an endemic temperate flora which has subsequently diversified in response to fluctuating environmental conditions, abundant rocky substrata and substantial habitat heterogeneity. High levels of endemism are attributed to Australia's long isolation and maintained, as is the high species richness, by the lack of recent mass extinction events. The warm water Leeuwin Current has had profound influence in the region since the Eocene, flowing to disperse macroalgal species onto the south coast as well as ameliorating the local environment. It is now evident that the high species richness and endemism we now observe in the southern Australian marine macroalgal flora can be attributed to a complex interaction of biogeographical, ecological and phylogenetic processes over the last 160 million years.
The increasing need for starches with specific characteristics makes it important to study unconventional starches and their modifications in order to meet consumer demands. The aim of this work was to study physicochemical characteristics of native starch and phosphate starch of S. lycocarpum. Native starch was phosphated with sodium tripolyphosphate (5-11%) added with stirring. Chemical composition, morphology, density, binding ability to cold water, swelling power and solubility index, turbidity and syneresis, rheological and calorimetric properties were determined. Phosphorus was not detected in the native sample, but the phosphating process produced modified starches with phosphorus contents of 0.015, 0.092 and 0.397%, with the capacity of absorbing more water, either cold or hot. Rheological data showed the strong influence of phosphorus content on viscosity of phosphate starch, with lower pasting temperature and peak viscosity higher than those of native starch. Enthalpy was negatively correlated with the phosphorus content, requiring 9.7; 8.5; 8.1 and 6.4 kJ g-1 of energy for the transition from the amorphous to the crystalline state for the starch granules with phosphorus contents of 0; 0.015; 0.092 and 0.397%, respectively. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis showed that starches with 0.015 and 0.092% phosphorus have similar characteristics and are different from the others. Our results show that the characteristics of phosphate modified S. lycocarpum starch have optimal conditions to meet the demands of raw materials, which require greater consistency in stickiness, combined with low rates of retrogradation and syneresis.
A empresa Petibol, S.A. – Embalagens de plástico centra-se na produção de embalagens de plástico a partir da matéria-prima Poliestireno Expandido (EPS) e Polipropileno Expandido (EPP). A empresa possui uma preocupação ao nível da qualidade da água e do aproveitamento energético, tendo desta forma surgido a realização do estudo na unidade industrial, com o objectivo de anular e/ou diminuir as possíveis lacunas existentes na unidade industrial. Numa primeira etapa foi realizada uma caracterização global à qualidade da água e à empresa, actualizando-se os esquemas já existentes, contabilizando-se os custos actuais relativamente aos processos no circuito da água (arrefecimento, aquecimento e pressurização), e por fim, efectuou-se um levantamento in loco do circuito de água, relativamente à pressão, temperatura e caudal. Numa fase posterior, foram propostos equipamentos e processos, tendo em vista a colmatação dos problemas identificados, realizando-se um subsequente estudo relativamente aos custos inerentes a esses novos processos. A caracterização à água foi avaliada em diferentes pontos do circuito industrial, tendo-se determinado na Sala de Bombagem que o filtro de areia não possuía as dimensões mais apropriadas, existindo também um problema a nível mecânico associado ao processo de contra-lavagem. Tais factos podem ser a causa da ocorrência de um aumento do teor de sólidos após a passagem na camada filtrante. Relativamente ao amaciador, este deveria amaciar de forma completa a água para alimentação à caldeira, embora se tenha registado à saída do amaciador uma dureza de 21,3 mg/L, denunciando problemas na troca iónica. No que toca à água de alimentação à caldeira, verifica-se a existência de parâmetros que não se encontram de acordo com os critérios enunciados para uma óptima qualidade, sendo eles o pH (10,14), condutividade (363 μS/cm), teor de ferro (1,21 mg/L) e a dureza (16 mg/L). De salientar que somente o teor de cobre, que se encontra em quantidades vestigiais, apresenta-se de acordo com os valores impostos. No que respeita à água da caldeira, esta apresenta parâmetros incompatíveis com os recomendados, sendo eles a condutividade (7350 μS/cm), teor de sólidos dissolvidos (5248 mg/L) e alcalinidade total (780 mg/L). De referir que o valor de pH (11,8) não se encontra de acordo com a aplicação do tratamento “fosfato-pH coordenado”. Em relação aos parâmetros com valores que se encontram dentro dos limites, estes correspondem à dureza (0 mg/L), ao teor de fosfatos (45 mg/L) e teor de sílica (0 mg/L). A água do circuito de arrefecimento foi sujeita a uma análise microbiológica, que corroborou a presença de um biofilme. Um dos problemas enunciados pela empresa, prendia-se com a impossibilidade de descarga, no colector municipal, dos condensados dos compressores, visto apresentarem uma quantidade de óleo de cerca de 43,3 mg/L, equivalente a quatro vezes o valor limite de emissão, de acordo com a legislação municipal. Por fim, o efluente de descarga industrial apresenta um valor de pH (10,3) acima do intervalo permitido por lei (6,0 – 9,0), sendo que a corrente que mais contribui para este acréscimo de pH corresponde à corrente proveniente da água de purga, visto esta apresentar um valor de pH de 12,22. De maneira a contornar os parâmetros enunciados, é proposto a substituição do filtro de areia da Sala de Bombagem, assim como a inserção de um conjunto de medidas de remoção de ferro e desinfecção, sendo a conjugação de arejamento, coagulação, filtração e desinfecção, por parte do hipoclorito, a proposta apresentada. Aos condensados dos compressores é apresentado um sistema de separação, que possibilita a remoção do óleo da água, e uma consequente descarga da mesma. Actualmente, não existe qualquer filtro de areia no circuito de arrefecimento da água, sendo proposto assim esse equipamento, de forma a minorar o desenvolvimento da população microbiana, bem como a permitir uma maior eficiência na transferência de calor na torre de arrefecimento. Relativamente à descarga industrial, é recomendável a colocação de um sistema de regularização automática de pH. A inserção de uma válvula de três vias permite um aproveitamento energético e de água, a partir da confluência da água oriunda dos furos com a água do tanque de água fria, sendo posteriormente alimentada à central de vácuo. No estudo da recuperação energética, um outro equipamento avaliado correspondeu à serpentina, no entanto, verificou-se que a poupança no consumo de gás natural era de apenas 0,005%, o que não se mostrou uma proposta viável. O orçamento de todos os equipamentos é de 11.720,76 €, possibilitando não só um melhor funcionamento industrial, como um menor impacto a nível ambiental. Os custos futuros de funcionamento aumentam em 3,36%, tendo a pressurização um aumento do seu custo em 3,4% em relação ao custo actual, verificando-se um custo anual de 10.781,21€, em relação aos processos de arejamento, coagulação e desinfecção.
A necessidade de diminuir os consumos de energia, não só por questões financeiras mas também por questões ambientais, faz com que sejam feitos esforços no sentido da implementação de energias renováveis bem como da melhoria e expansão das soluções técnicas já conhecidas. Uma das maiores fontes de energia renovável, senão mesmo a maior, é a energia solar que, no futuro, terá uma contribuição muito significativa, quer na satisfação dos consumos energéticos, quer na racionalização da sua utilização, isto é, na melhoria da eficiência do consumo. O presente trabalho focou-se na procura de um sistema solar térmico para o pré-aquecimento da água quente a ser utilizada numa fábrica de curtumes, a empresa Curtumes Aveneda, Lda. Em simultâneo, desenvolveram-se e optimizaram-se processos de produtos específicos que o mercado exige actualmente, visando uma economia de recursos (matérias-primas, água e energia), objectivando sempre a sua viabilidade económica. No que respeita à procura do sistema solar térmico, inicialmente foram realizados levantamentos relativos ao consumo de água, quente e fria, na respectiva empresa. Esta avaliação focou-se em todos os sectores consumidores intensivos de água, tais como a ribeira, curtume e a tinturaria, excluindo o sector de acabamento uma vez que o consumo aqui é insignificante relativamente aos sectores citados anteriormente. Com base no levantamento efectuado foi dimensionado um sistema solar térmico para o pré aquecimento da água quente que conduz a uma economia anual de 107.808,3 kWh de energia térmica, representativa de 29% do consumo anual de energia térmica de aquecimento de água. Foi efectuada análise económica deste investimento que mostrou um índice de rentabilidade superior à unidade e um tempo de retorno do investimento de 9 anos. Desenvolveu-se com sucesso um produto de couro a partir de wet-blue, designado por crispado, produto normalmente produzido a partir da pele em tripa e muito difícil de obter a partir de wet-blue. Este produto caracteriza-se pela sua forma granular irregular e firme da pele. O processo desenvolvido foi ainda optimizado no sentido da redução do consumo de água e de energia. Tendo em conta a necessidade da empresa também se tentou melhorar as características do couro wet-white, muito solicitado actualmente, com resultados positivos no que respeita à temperatura de contracção do couro e às propriedades físico-mecânicas mas sem se atingir o principal objectivo que seria tornar a cor mais clara e mais pura. Foram desta forma dados contributos importantes para a empresa que, assim, dimensionou um sistema mais económico para o aquecimento de água que vai adoptar e ficou com um processo disponível para produzir um produto até então não conseguido.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Among the Pleistocene and Holocene units recorded near the marine cliffs of Cape Mondego (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) stands out the Farol Deposit (Depósito do Farol), at an altitude of ±95 m above present sea level. It is a marine terrace with three exposures of interstratified conglomerates and sands, overlapped by calclititic-fanglomerates. This sedimentary setting indicates that deposition took place in a seashore environment influenced by the proximity of a marine palaeocliff. The deposit has an interesting subfossil fauna with abraded and fragmented shells of Nucella lapillus (LINNÉ, 1758), Patella vulgata (LINNÉ, 1758) and Littorina littorea (LINNÉ, 1758), suggesting the existence of an environment with colder surface seawater, when compared with the present day Portuguese seashore. These specimens belonged to marine communities adapted to live in intertidal rocky platforms, which have been exposed to the cyclic action of waves and tidal flows, on the swash and surf zones. The Farol Deposit can be related to an Early/Middle Pleistocene “cold-water” episode, earlier to the Isotopic Stages 7 and 11. This episode occurred before the deposition of the units Quiaios Sands (Areias de Quiaios) and Cantanhede Sands (Areias de Cantanhede) (Sicilian?), but later than the Arazede Sands (Areias de Arazede) and Marinha das Ondas Sands (Areias de Marinha das Ondas) (Early Pleistocene).
El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una instalación solar térmica para producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) en un edificio de nueva construcción en la localidad de Mollerussa (Lleida). Se han estudiado las necesidades térmicas de ACS en atención a las características constructivas y funcionales del edificio, dando cumplimiento a la normativa vigente. Conocida la demanda energética esperada, se han analizado los datos climatológicos y de temperatura de red de agua fría propios del emplazamiento, y se ha propuesto un campo de captación compuesto por captadores planos y los distintos subconjuntos que componen la instalación: acumulación, transferencia térmica, trazado hidráulico, regulación y control, y energía auxiliar. Con ello se ha llevado a cabo una simulación energética mediante la herramienta TSOL, software de simulación solar recomendado por entidades de reconocido prestigio, para comprobar que se han alcanzado los objetivos del sistema propuesto. Por último, se ha realizado un estudio del beneficio medioambiental que supone la instalación proyectada, indicando el ahorro energético para el usuario y las toneladas equivalentes de dióxido de carbono evitadas.
Résumé : Emotion et cognition sont deux termes généralement employés pour désigner des processus psychiques de nature opposée. C'est ainsi que les sciences cognitives se sont longtemps efforcées d'écarter la composante «chaude »des processus «froids »qu'elles visaient, si ce n'est pour montrer l'effet dévastateur de la première sur les seconds. Pourtant, les processus cognitifs (de collecte, maintien et utilisation d'information) et émotioAnels (d'activation subjective, physiologique et comportementale face à ce qui est attractif ou aversif) sont indissociables. Par l'approche neuro-éthologique, à l'interface entre le substrat biologique et les manifestations comportementales, nous nous sommes intéressés à une fonction cognitive essentielle, la fonction mnésique, classiquement exprimée chez le rongeur par l'orientation spatiale. Au niveau du substrat, McDonald et White (1993) ont montré la dissociation de trois systèmes de mémoire, avec les rôles de l'hippocampe, du néostriatum et de l'amygdale dans l'encodage des informations respectivement épisodiques, procédurales et émotionnelles. Nous nous sommes penchés sur l'interaction entre ces systèmes en fonction de la dimension émotionnelle par l'éclairage du comportement. L'état émotionnel de l'animal dépend de plusieurs facteurs, que nous avons tenté de contrôler indirectement en comparant leurs effets sur l'acquisition, dans diverses conditions, de la tâche de Morris (qui nécessite la localisation dans un bassin de la position d'une plate-forme submergée), ainsi que sur le style d'exploration de diverses arènes, ouvertes ou fermées, plus ou moins structurées par la présence de tunnels en plexiglas transparent. Nous avons d'abord exploré le rôle d'un composant du système adrénergique dans le rapport à la difficulté et au stress, à l'aide de souris knock-out pour le récepteur à la noradrénaline a-1 B dans un protocole avec 1 ou 4 points de départ dans un bassin partitionné. Ensuite, nous nous sommes penchés, chez le rat, sur les effets de renforcement intermittent dans différentes conditions expérimentales. Dans ces conditions, nous avons également tenté d'analyser en quoi la situation du but dans un paysage donné pouvait interférer avec les effets de certaines formes de stress. Finalement, nous avons interrogé les conséquences de perturbations passées, y compris le renforcement partiel, sur l'organisation des déplacements sur sol sec. Nos résultats montrent la nécessité, pour les souris cont~ô/es dont l'orientation repose sur l'hippocampe, de pouvoir varier les trajectoires, ce qui favoriserait la constitution d'une carte cognitive. Les souris a->B KO s'avèrent plus sensibles au stress et capables de bénéficier de la condition de route qui permet des réponses simples et automatisées, sous-tendues par l'activité du striatum. Chez les rats en bassin 100% renforcé, l'orientation apparaît basée sur l'hippocampe, relayée par le striatum pour le développement d'approches systématiques et rapides, avec réorientation efficace en nouvelle position par réactivation dépendant de l'hippocampe. A 50% de renforcement, on observe un effet du type de déroulement des sessions, transitoirement atténué par la motivation Lorsque les essais s'enchaînent sans pause intrasession, les latences diminuent régulièrement, ce qui suggère une prise en charge possible par des routines S-R dépendant du striatum. L'organisation des mouvements exploratoires apparaît dépendante du niveau d'insécurité, avec différents profils intermédiaires entre la différentiation maximale et la thigmotaxie, qui peuvent être mis en relation avec différents niveaux d'efficacité de l'hippocampe. Ainsi, notre travail encourage à la prise en compte de la dimension émotionnelle comme modulatrice du traitement d'information, tant en phase d'exploration de l'environnement que d'exploitation des connaissances spatiales. Abstract : Emotion and cognition are terms widely used to refer to opposite mental processes. Hence, cognitive science research has for a long time pushed "hot" components away from "cool" targeted processes, except for assessing devastating effects of the former upon the latter. However, cognitive processes (of information collection, preservation, and utilization) and emotional processes (of subjective, physiological, and behavioral activation roue to attraction or aversion) are inseparable. At the crossing between biological substrate and behavioral expression, we studied a chief cognitive function, memory, classically shown in animals through spatial orientation. At the substrate level, McDonald et White (1993) have shown a dissociation between three memory systems, with the hippocampus, neostriatum, and amygdala, encoding respectively episodic, habit, and emotional information. Through the behavior of laboratory rodents, we targeted the interaction between those systems and the emotional axis. The emotional state of an animal depends on different factors, that we tried to check in a roundabout way by the comparison of their effects on acquisition, in a variety of conditions, of the Morris task (in which the location of a hidden platform in a pool is required), as well as on the exploration profile in different apparatus, open-field and closed mazes, more or less organized by clear Plexiglas tunnels. We first tracked the role, under more or less difficult and stressful conditions, of an adrenergic component, with knock-out mice for the a-1 B receptor in a partitioned water maze with 1 or 4 start positions. With rats, we looked for the consequences of partial reinforcement in the water maze in different experimental conditions. In those conditions, we further analyzed how the situation of the goal in the landscape could interfere with the effect of a given stress. At last, we conducted experiments on solid ground, in an open-field and in radial mazes, in order to analyze the organization of spatial behavior following an aversive life event, such as partial reinforcement training in the water maze. Our results emphasize the reliance of normal mice to be able to vary approach trajectories. One of our leading hypotheses is that such strategies are hippocampus-dependent and are best developed for of a "cognitive map like" representation. Alpha-1 B KO mice appear more sensitive to stress and able to take advantage of the route condition allowing simple and automated responses, most likely striatum based. With rats in 100% reinforced water maze, the orientation strategy is predominantly hippocampus dependent (as illustrated by the impairment induced by lesions of this structure) and becomes progressively striatum dependent for the development of systematic and fast successful approaches. Training towards a new platform position requires a hippocampus based strategy. With a 50% reinforcement rate, we found a clear impairment related to intersession disruption, an effect transitorily minimized by motivation enhancement (cold water). When trials are given without intrasession interruption, latencies consistently diminish, suggesting a possibility for striatum dependent stimulus-response routine to occur. The organization of exploratory movements is shown to depend on the level of subjective security, with different intermediary profiles between maximum differentiation and thigmotaxy, which can be considered in parallel with different efficiency levels of the hippocampus dependent strategies. Thus, our work fosters the consideration of emotion as a cognitive treatment modulator, during spatial exploration as well as spatial learning. It leads to a model in which the predominance of hippocampus based exploration is challenged by training conditions of various nature.