655 resultados para characterizations
The efficiency of solar-energy-conversion devices depends on the absorption region and intensity of the photon collectors. Organic chromophores, which have been widely stabilized on inorganic semiconductors for light trapping, are limited by the interface between the chromophore and semiconductor. Herein we report a novel orange zinc germanate (Zn-Ge-O) with a chromophore-like structure, by which the absorption region can be dramatically expanded. Structural characterizations and theoretical calculations together reveal that the origin of visible-light response can be attributed to the unusual metallic Ge-Ge bonds which act in a similar way to organic chromophores. Benefiting from the enhanced light harvest, the orange Zn-Ge-O demonstrates superior capacity for solar-driven hydrogen production.
We used glycine betaine (5–20% w/v) for blanching green peas (100°C, 60 s), and their subsequent freezing and storage (–20°C, 90 days). Blanching after the addition of glycine betaine at ≥10% (w/v) followed by a 90 day storage period which resulted in the most desirable outcome: higher vitamin C levels, a superior green color, enhanced organoleptic quality and texture, and improved retention of peroxidase and lipoxygenase activity relative to control peas (no glycine betaine added). Microscopic characterizations of control and treated peas revealed that glycine betaine acts as a cryoprotectant which maintains cellular integrity. Glycine betaine (10% w/v) could be used commercially for production of frozen peas with better quality attributes.
MCF, NbMCF and TaMCF Mesostructured Cellular Foams were used as supports for platinum and silver (1 wt%). Metallic and bimetallic catalysts were prepared by grafting of metal species on APTMS (3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane) and MPTMS (2-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane) functionalized supports. Characterizations by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, and in situ Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy allowed to monitor the oxidation state of metals and surface properties of the catalysts, in particular the formation of bimetallic phases and the strong metal–support interactions. It was evidenced that the functionalization agent (APTMS or MPTMS) influenced the metals dispersion, the type of bimetallic species and Nb/Ta interaction with Pt/Ag. Strong Nb–Ag interaction led to the reduction of niobium in the support and oxidation of silver. MPTMS interacted at first with Pt to form Pt–Ag ensembles highly active in CH3OH oxidation. The effect of Pt particle size and platinum–silver interaction on methanol oxidation was also considered. The nature of the functionalization agent strongly influenced the species formed on the surface during reaction with methanol and determined the catalytic activity and selectivity.
Os resultados apresentados aqui foram alcançados no âmbito do programa de doutoramento intitulado “Impurezas Magnéticas em Materiais Nanoestruturados”. O objectivo do estudo foi a síntese e caracterização de óxido contendo impurezas magnéticas. Durante este trabalho, sínteses de sol-gel não-aquoso têm sido desenvolvidos para a síntese de óxidos dopados com metais de transição (ZnO e ZrO2). A dopagem uniforme é particularmente importante no estudo de semicondutores magnéticos diluídos (DMSs) e o ponto principal deste estudo foi verificar o estado de oxidação e a estrutura local do dopante e para excluir a existência de uma fase secundária como a origem do ferromagnetismo. Para alargar o âmbito da investigação e explorar plenamente o conceito de "impurezas magnéticas em materiais nanoestruturados" estudamos as propriedades de nanopartículas magnéticas dispersas em uma matriz de óxido. As nanopartículas (ferrita de cobalto) foram depositadas como um filme e cobertas com um óxido metálico semicondutor ou dielétrico (ZnO, TiO2). Estes hetero-sistemas podem ser considerados como a dispersão de impurezas magnéticas em um óxido. As caracterizações exigidas por estes nanomateriais têm sido conduzidas na Universidade de Aveiro e Universidade de Montpellier, devido ao equipamento complementar.
In this thesis we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with Fourier symbols in the class of almost periodic, semi-almost periodic and piecewise almost periodic functions. In the first place, we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2 Lebesgue spaces with possibly different Fourier matrix symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators. In the second place, we consider these operators with equal Fourier symbols and acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces Lp(R;w), where 1 < p < 1 and w belongs to a subclass of Muckenhoupt weights. In addition, singular integral operators with Carleman shift and almost periodic coefficients are also object of study. The main purpose of this thesis is to obtain regularity properties characterizations of those classes of operators. By regularity properties we mean those that depend on the kernel and cokernel of the operator. The main techniques used are the equivalence relations between operators and the factorization theory. An invertibility characterization for the Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with symbols belonging to the Wiener subclass of almost periodic functions APW is obtained, assuming that a particular matrix function admits a numerical range bounded away from zero and based on the values of a certain mean motion. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces and with possibly different AP symbols, criteria for the semi-Fredholm property and for one-sided and both-sided invertibility are obtained and the inverses for all possible cases are exhibited. For such results, a new type of AP factorization is introduced. Singular integral operators with Carleman shift and scalar almost periodic coefficients are also studied. Considering an auxiliar and simpler operator, and using appropriate factorizations, the dimensions of the kernels and cokernels of those operators are obtained. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with (possibly different) SAP and PAP matrix symbols and acting between L2-spaces, criteria for the Fredholm property are presented as well as the sum of the Fredholm indices of the Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel and Wiener-Hopf minus Hankel operators. By studying dependencies between different matrix Fourier symbols of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces, results about the kernel and cokernel of those operators are derived. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces, Lp(R;w), a study is made considering equal scalar Fourier symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators and belonging to the classes of APp;w, SAPp;w and PAPp;w. It is obtained an invertibility characterization for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators with APp;w symbols. In the cases for which the Fourier symbols of the operators belong to SAPp;w and PAPp;w, it is obtained semi-Fredholm criteria for Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators as well as formulas for the Fredholm indices of those operators.
Estabelecemos uma condição suficiente para a preservação dos produtos finitos, pelo reflector de uma variedade de álgebras universais numa subvariedade, que é, também, condição necessária se a subvariedade for idempotente. Esta condição é estabelecida, seguidamente, num contexto mais geral e caracteriza reflexões para as quais a propriedade de ser semi-exacta à esquerda e a propriedade, mais forte, de ter unidades estáveis, coincidem. Prova-se que reflexões simples e semi-exactas à esquerda coincidem, no contexto das variedades de álgebras universais e caracterizam-se as classes do sistema de factorização derivado da reflexão. Estabelecem-se resultados que ajudam a caracterizar morfismos de cobertura e verticais-estáveis em álgebras universais e no contexto mais geral já referido. Caracterizam-se as classes de morfismos separáveis, puramente inseparáveis e normais. O estudo dos morfismos de descida de Galois conduz a condições suficientes para que o seu par kernel seja preservado pelo reflector.
Niobium oxides have been pointed as an alternative to tantalum in the production of solid electrolytic capacitors, with advantages regarding the dielectric constant, density and price. In this work, it is intended to create a new family of niobium oxides based capacitors, adapting the technology and production line currently used with tantalum. Despite the known potentialities of niobium oxides, and many types of niobates, in several technological applications, the understanding of these oxide systems is still noticeably insufficient. Hence, a careful bibliographic review is shown, which evidences the complexity of these materials, the difficulty in identifying of their different phases and polymorphs, as well as in the interpretation of their properties. In this context, several fundamental studies on niobium oxides are presented, namely structural, microstructural, optical and electrical characterizations, which allow not only to contribute in an important way for the general knowledge of the physical properties of these materials, but also to advance to a sustained development of the niobium oxides based solid electrolytic capacitors. Several processing parameters were studied, clearing the way towards the creation of a prototype. It was also decided to perform a preliminary study on the synthesis and characterization of other oxide systems based in niobium, namely rare-earth orthoniobates (RENbO4), which interest has been related to their optical properties and protonic conductivity. Hence, single and polycrystalline samples of RENbO4 were synthesized and characterized structural, optical and electrically, leaving open an interesting future work.
L’antibiorésistance est un problème de santé publique majeur, causé principalement par l’usage abusif d’antibiotiques dans les élevages. Les probiotiques sont une alternative potentielle aux antibiotiques. Cependant, acheminer ces microorganismes vivants et fonctionnels jusqu’au côlon est un grand défi, à cause du pH et des sels biliaires à affronter lors du passage gastro-intestinal. L’objectif de ce travail était de développer une matrice prébiotique capable de maintenir la survie et l’activité des probiotiques pendant le transit gastro-intestinal et de permettre leur libération dans le côlon. Pour atteindre cet objectif, cinq types de matrices sphériques (A, AI5, AI10, AI15, AI20) à base d’inuline (0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 % et 20 %) et d’alginate (2 %) ont été préparés par la méthode d’extrusion/gélification ionotropique. Trois souches probiotiques ont été utilisées au cours du développement des billes : Pediococcus acidilactici UL5 (UL5), Lactobacillus reuteri (LR) et Lactobacillus salivarius (LS). Dans un premier temps, toutes les formulations ont été caractérisées d’un point de vue physicochimique et microbiologique. Ces analyses ont permis de révéler une distribution homogène de l’inuline et de l’alginate au sein des matrices et ont démontré que la viabilité et la capacité antimicrobienne des souches utilisées n’étaient pas affectées par l’encapsulation. À la lumière de ces résultats, trois formulations A, AI5 et AI20 ont été sélectionnées pour la suite de l’étude. Dans un deuxième temps, la mucoadhésion et le comportement des billes A, AI5 et AI20 ont été étudiés dans les parties supérieures du tractus gastro-intestinal. Ces études ont démontré que la présence de l’inuline améliore les propriétés mucoadhésives des billes. Elles ont également établi que seule la formulation AI5 résiste jusqu’à la fin de la digestion. Ce comportement est expliqué en partie par l’interaction alginate-inuline décelée par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR). Cette interaction était stable pour les billes AI5 au pH 6,8 mais instable pour la formulation AI20. Enfin, le comportement et la dynamique bactérienne de la formulation AI5 dans les milieux coliques fermenté et non fermenté ont été étudiés. Cette étude a révélé que les billes AI5 se dégradent et libèrent la totalité des bactéries après environ 4 heures d’incubation dans le milieu fermenté. Cette dégradation est due aux enzymes très abondantes dans ce milieu. En conclusion, la formulation AI5 s’est avérée être un très bon véhicule pour protéger les bactéries dans les parties supérieures du tube digestif et favoriser leur libération dans le côlon. Elle pourrait donc, être utilisée pour une application en alimentation animale.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015
The potential of online learning has long afforded the hope of providing quality education to anyone, anywhere in the world. The recent development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) heralded an exciting new breakthrough by providing free academic instruction and professional skills development from the world’s leading universities to anyone with the sufficient resources to access the internet. The research in Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative study was designed to analyze the MOOC landscape in developing countries and to better understand the motivations of MOOC users and afford insights on the advantages and limitations of MOOCs for workforce development outcomes. The key findings of this study challenge commonly held beliefs about MOOC usage in developing countries, defying typical characterizations of how people in resource constrained settings use technology for learning and employment. In fact, some of the findings are so contrary to what has been reported in the U.S. and other developed environments that they raise new questions for further investigation.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de dar a conhecer, de um modo mais pormenorizado, os diferentes tipos de sistemas de revestimento de fachadas em zinco. Numa primeira fase abordou-se as características do metal zinco, assim como uma breve explicação do seu processo produtivo e a sua aplicação no campo da engenharia civil. O tema da sustentabilidade é também desenvolvido no que respeita à utilização do metal zinco na construção. Posteriormente serão especificadas certas propriedades do zinco laminado. É este tipo de zinco que será aplicado na envolvente exterior de edifícios. Numa fase posterior desenvolve-se a caracterização dos diversos tipos de sistemas construtivos de fachadas, com a respetiva descrição dos sistemas. São vários os sistemas disponíveis no mercado, sendo os mais utilizados em Portugal, os sistemas de junta agrafada, sistema de encaixe e sistema Camarinha. São ainda abordados os diversos suportes deste tipo de revestimento, as patologias que podem surgir e também as vantagens e limitações do zinco como material de revestimento. Por último é apresentado o estudo de um caso concreto, baseado num projeto de um edifício de habitação multifamiliar, e serão desenvolvidos aspetos como o tipo de sistema de fachada aplicado e o seu modo de execução, para além do estudo do desempenho térmico e acústico das fachadas e o seu custo de execução.
The discussion of possible scenarios for the future of Quality is on the priority list of major Quality Practitioners Societies. EOQ – European Organization for Quality (EOQ, 2014) main team for its 58th EOQ-Congress held June 2014 in Göteborg was “Managing Challenges in Quality Leadership” and ASQ - American Society for Quality (ASQ, 2015) appointed “the Future of Quality” for Quality Progress Magazine November 2015 issue. In addition, the ISO 9001:2008 revision process carried by ISO/TC 176 aims to assure that ISO 9001:2015 International Standard remains stable for the next 10 years (ISO, 2014) contributing to an increased discussion on the future of quality. The purpose of this research is to review available Quality Management approaches and outline, adding an academic perspective, expected developments for Quality within the 21st Century. This paper follows a qualitative approach, although data from international organizations is used. A literature review has been undertaken on quality management past and potential future trends. Based on these findings a model is proposed for organization quality management development and propositions for the future of quality management are advanced. Firstly, a state of the art of existing Quality Management approaches is presented, for example, like Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality Gurus, ISO 9000 International Standards Series (with an outline of the expected changes for ISO 9001:2015), Six Sigma and Business Excellence Models.Secondly, building on theoretical and managerial approaches, a two dimensional matrix – Quality Engineering (QE - technical aspects of quality) and Quality Management (QM: soft aspects of quality) - is presented, outlining five proposed characterizations of Quality maturity levels and giving insights for applications and future developments. Literature review highlights that QM and QE may be addressing similar quality issues but their approaches are different in terms of scope breadth and intensity and they ought to complement and reciprocally reinforce one another. The challenges organizations face within the 21st century have stronger uncertainty, complexity, and differentiation. Two main propositions are advanced as relevant for 21st Century Quality: - QM importance for the sustainable success of organizations will increase and they should be aware of the larger ecosystem to be managed for improvement, possibly leading to the emergence of a new Quality paradigm, The Civilizacional Excellence paradigm. - QE should get more attention from QM and the Quality professionals will have to: a) Master and apply in wider contexts and in additional depth the Quality Tools (basic, intermediate and advanced); b) Have the soft skills needed for its success; c) Be results oriented and better understand and demonstrate the relationships between approaches and results These propositions challenge both scholars and practitioners for a sustained and supported discussion on the future of Quality. “All things are ready, if our mind be so.” (Shakespeare, Henry V, circa 1599).
Based on bibliographical research and the analysis of court rulings, this study investigates the characterization of slave-like labor by Brazilian courts. After the alteration of article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code, introduced by Law nº 10.803/2003, which typifies the practice of contemporary slavery in Brazil, divergent characterizations of this practice remain. The courts currently employ the broadest concept of contemporary slave labor, in which the crime is characterized by the engagement in one of the following conducts established as a criminal offense: labor with the restriction of freedom, submission to exhaustive working conditions, degrading working conditions, and debt bondage. The engagement in one of the above is therefore enough to constitute a crime. Contemporary slave labor in Brazil is not characterized only by the restriction of the worker’s freedom, as in the case of forced labor or debt bondage, but also through the submission of the workers to situations that offend their human dignity. Individual freedom and the dignity of the human person, fundamental tenets of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, are juridical resources safeguarded by law. Contemporary slavery is not limited to the mere infringement of labor laws, but represents a severe violation of the human rights of the workers involved.
Aluminosilicate catalysts containing supported ZnCl2 and metal fluoride salts have been prepared using a sol-gel based route, tested and characterized. The activities of these ZnCl2 + metal fluoride catalysts, while greater than "Clayzic" (ZnCI2 supported on montmorillonite KIO) are not as good as supported ZnCl2 only supported on aluminosilicate. Alumina supports have also been prepared via a sol-gel route using various chemical additives to generate a mesoporous structure, loaded with ZnCl2 and tested for activity. The activities for these alumina-supported catalysts are also significantly higher than that of "Clayzic", an effective Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Characterizations of these two types of catalysts were done by magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR, diffuse reflectance infrared (DRIFT) spectroscopy and additionally for the alumina nitrogen adsorption studies were done. Supported aluminum trichloride was also investigated as an alternative to the traditional use of aluminum trichloride.