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A method to reduce the bruise susceptibility of apples by controlling the moisture loss of the fruit was evaluated. Previous research indicates that reduction of the relative humidity of the storage air leads to an immediate effect on the weight loss and on skin properties and to a lower bruise susceptibility of apples. The diffusion equation is used to determine the waterpotential profile inside the fruit during storage. Characteristics of the waterpotential distribution in the fruit are related to measured bruise volumes. The results indicate how /this model can be used to control bruise susceptibility.
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) was first characterized as a trophic factor for motor neurons in the ciliary ganglion and spinal cord, leading to its evaluation in humans suffering from motor neuron disease. In these trials, CNTF caused unexpected and substantial weight loss, raising concerns that it might produce cachectic-like effects. Countering this possibility was the suggestion that CNTF was working via a leptin-like mechanism to cause weight loss, based on the findings that CNTF acts via receptors that are not only related to leptin receptors, but also similarly distributed within hypothalamic nuclei involved in feeding. However, although CNTF mimics the ability of leptin to cause fat loss in mice that are obese because of genetic deficiency of leptin (ob/ob mice), CNTF is also effective in diet-induced obesity models that are more representative of human obesity, and which are resistant to leptin. This discordance again raised the possibility that CNTF might be acting via nonleptin pathways, perhaps more analogous to those activated by cachectic cytokines. Arguing strongly against this possibility, we now show that CNTF can activate hypothalamic leptin-like pathways in diet-induced obesity models unresponsive to leptin, that CNTF improves prediabetic parameters in these models, and that CNTF acts very differently than the prototypical cachectic cytokine, IL-1. Further analyses of hypothalamic signaling reveals that CNTF can suppress food intake without triggering hunger signals or associated stress responses that are otherwise associated with food deprivation; thus, unlike forced dieting, cessation of CNTF treatment does not result in binge overeating and immediate rebound weight gain.
Os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer são um apelo irresistível para quem procura uma forma de perder peso “sem sacrifícios” e “sem esforço”. Com efeito, estamos perante um mercado sazonal em expansão em que a menção “natural” parece tranquilizar os consumidores esquecendo que a eficácia e segurança destes produtos necessita ser avaliada. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo efetuar a caraterização dos consumidores de suplementos alimentares para emagrecer, da zona centro de Portugal, avaliar o seu grau de satisfação com os produtos e ainda o possível risco que envolve o consumo destes produtos sobretudo quando ingeridos concomitantemente com medicamentos. Recorreu-se a um questionário anónimo, confidencial e de preenchimento voluntário, distribuído em farmácias, parafarmácias e dietéticas e/ou ervanárias maioritariamente do concelho de Viseu e Figueira da Foz. A recolha dos dados decorreu entre os meses de abril e julho de 2014. E tinha como critérios de inclusão ser maior de 18 anos, ambos os sexos e saber ler e escrever. Acorreram 304 indivíduos. A análise dos dados foi feita recorrendo a testes estatísticos adequados a cada caso. O presente estudo ao caracterizar o perfil de consumidores de suplementos alimentares encontrou uma população, maioritariamente feminina (88,5%) com grau de instrução elevado, secundário e superior, nas faixas etária dos 25-44 anos (59,4%), casados ou em união de facto. Apresentavam excesso de peso e obesidade (54%), sem hábitos de prática de exercício físico e com alimentação desequilibrada. Estes preferem adquirir os suplementos alimentares para emagrecer nas farmácias embora a decisão de consumir estes produtos seja pessoal (32,7%). Para aconselhamento preferem o farmacêutico (17,6%) e apenas 4,2% recorrem ao médico. Revelaram ainda consumir estes produtos por um período de tempo limitado, entre 1-3 meses e estarem satisfeitos com os resultados obtidos após o consumo de suplementos alimentares (63,1%). Constituindo os efeitos secundários dos suplementos alimentares uma preocupação legítima verificamos que a maioria dos inquiridos (93,3%) não refere qualquer efeito indesejável, os restantes indivíduos que revelaram aparecimento de ações indesejáveis disseram ter-se dirigido ao farmacêutico para reportar a situação. As patologias com maior prevalência entre os consumidores foram doenças endócrinas, nutricionais e metabólicas, seguida das perturbações mentais e comportamentais e por fim as doenças cardiovasculares a que correspondem os principais grupos terapêuticos encontrados: psicofármacos, medicamentos usados em patologias do sistema endócrino e antihipertensores. Cerca de 25,8% dos inquiridos que consumiam suplementos alimentares para emagrecer utilizavam concomitantemente estes fármacos. A análise dos cinco suplementos alimentares para emagrecer maioritariamente consumidos pela amostra (57,8%) evidenciou a existência de possíveis interações com os grupos de fármacos mais utilizados. Os resultados obtidos mostram por um lado, a necessidade de esclarecer o conceito de que nem tudo o que é natural é inócuo e por outro lado, ressaltam a importância no ato de venda do aconselhamento individual, adaptado a cada consumidor (com ou sem medicação), por um profissional de saúde com conhecimentos no âmbito da gestão e fisiologia de peso corporal e conhecimento sólido sobre a eficácia e segurança destes suplementos.
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CONTEXT: Chitosan, a deacetylated chitin, is a widely available dietary supplement purported to decrease body weight and serum lipids through gastrointestinal fat binding. Although evaluated in a number of trials, its efficacy remains in dispute. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of chitosan for weight loss in overweight and obese adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: A 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, conducted at the University of Auckland between November 2001 and December 2002. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 250 participants (82% women; mean (s.d.) body mass index, 35.5 (5.1) kg/m(2); mean age, 48 (12) y). INTERVENTIONS: Participants were randomly assigned to receive 3 g chitosan/day (n = 125) or placebo (n = 125). All participants received standardised dietary and lifestyle advice for weight loss. Adherence was monitored by capsule counts. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was change in body weight. Secondary outcomes included changes in body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, blood pressure, serum lipids, plasma glucose, fat-soluble vitamins, faecal fat, and health-related quality of life. RESULTS: In an intention-to-treat analysis with the last observation carried forward, the chitosan group lost more body weight than the placebo group (mean (s.e.), -0.4 (0.2) kg (0.4% loss) vs +0.2 (0.2) kg (0.2% gain), P = 0.03) during the 24-week intervention, but effects were small. Similar small changes occurred in circulating total and LDL cholesterol, and glucose (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between groups for any of the other measured outcomes. CONCLUSION: In this 24-week trial, chitosan treatment did not result in a clinically significant loss of body weight compared with placebo.
Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with a number of secondary conditions including osteoporosis, which increases the risk of bone fracture. The cause of metabolic bone disease in this Population is believed to be multifactorial and may include the disease itself and associated inflammation, high-close corticosteroid use, weight loss and malabsorption, a lack of exercise and physical activity, and all underlying genetic predisposition to bone loss. Reduced bone mineral density has been reported in between 5% to 80% of CD sufferers, although it is generally believed that approximately 40% of patients suffer from osteopenia and 15% from osteoporosis. Recent studies Suggest a small but significantly increased risk of fracture compared with healthy controls and, perhaps, sufferers of other gastrointestinal disorders Such as ulcerative colitis. The role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of CD-related bone loss has received little attention, despite the benefits of specific exercises being well documented in healthy populations. This article reviews the prevalence of and risk factors for low bone mass in CD patients and examines various treatments for osteoporosis in these patients, with a particular focus on physical activity.
Objective: To establish the prevalence of weight change in mid-aged women over a 2-year period, and to assess the relationship between weight change and physical and mental well-being (SF36) in order to begin debate about the need for quantified standards of weight gain. Design: Prospective study of weight change and well-being over a 2-year period among mid-aged women participating in a large national survey. Subjects: Seven thousand two hundred and seventy women without surgical menopause aged between 45 and 50 years (termed mid-aged), enrolled in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Measurements: Weight change (self-reported weight at two time points) and physical and mental well-being (SF-36) explored using linear regression, while adjusting for potential confounders. Results: Only half the women maintained their weight within 2.25 kg, and one-third gained more than this amount in a 2-year period. While weight gain (>= 2.25 kg) was negatively associated with physical well-being, both weight loss and weight gain were associated with poorer mental well-being. Conclusion: This is the first prospective study using a large, population-based cohort to demonstrate that small changes in weight are associated with changes in well-being in mid-aged Australian women. It provides further evidence of the need for public health messages to specify the actual amount that constitutes weight gain, but further research is needed to establish these standards for the entire population.
Reduction in levels of sex hormones at menopause in women is associated with two common, major outcomes, the accumulation of white adipose tissue, and the progressive loss of bone because of excess osteoclastic bone resorption exceeding osteoblastic bone formation. Current antiresorptive therapies can reduce osteoclastic activity but have only limited capacity to stimulate osteoblastic bone formation and restore lost skeletal mass. Likewise, the availability of effective pharmacological weight loss treatments is currently limited. Here we demonstrate that conditional deletion of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y2 receptors can prevent ongoing bone loss in sex hormone-deficient adult male and female mice. This benefit is attributable solely to activation of an anabolic osteoblastic bone formation response that counterbalances persistent elevation of bone resorption, suggesting the Y2-mediated anabolic pathway to be independent of sex hormones. Furthermore, the increase in fat mass that typically occurs after ovariectomy is prevented by germ line deletion of Y2 receptors, whereas in male mice body weight and fat mass were consistently lower than wild-type regardless of sex hormone status. Therefore, this study indicates a role for Y2 receptors in the accumulation of adipose tissue in the hypogonadal state and demonstrates that hypothalamic Y2 receptors constitutively restrain osteoblastic activity even in the absence of sex hormones. The increase in bone formation after release of this tonic inhibition suggests a promising new avenue for osteoporosis treatment.
Up to 50% of cancer patients suffer from a progressive atrophy of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, called cachexia, resulting in weight loss, a reduced quality of life, and a shortened survival time. Anorexia often accompanies cachexia, but appears not to be responsible for the tissue loss, particularly lean body mass. An increased resting energy expenditure is seen, possibly arising from an increased thermogenesis in skeletal muscle due to an increased expression of uncoupling protein, and increased operation of the Cori cycle. Loss of adipose tissue is due to an increased lipolysis by tumor or host products. Loss of skeletal muscle in cachexia results from a depression in protein synthesis combined with an increase in protein degradation. The increase in protein degradation may include both increased activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and lysosomes. The decrease in protein synthesis is due to a reduced level of the initiation factor 4F, decreased elongation, and decreased binding of methionyl-tRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit through increased phosphorylation of eIF2 on the a-subunit by activation of the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase, which also increases expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway through activation of NF?B. Tumor factors such as proteolysis-inducing factor and host factors such as tumor necrosis factor-a, angiotensin II, and glucocorticoids can all induce muscle atrophy. Knowledge of the mechanisms of tissue destruction in cachexia should improve methods of treatment. Copyright © 2009 the American Physiological Society
Previous studies suggest that the activation (autophosphorylation) of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) can stimulate protein degradation, and depress protein synthesis in skeletal muscle through phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) on the alpha-subunit. To understand whether these mediators are important in muscle wasting in cancer patients, levels of the phospho forms of PKR and eIF2alpha have been determined in rectus abdominus muscle of weight losing patients with oesophago-gastric cancer, in comparison with healthy controls. Levels of both phospho PKR and phospho eIF2alpha were significantly enhanced in muscle of cancer patients with weight loss irrespective of the amount and there was a linear relationship between phosphorylation of PKR and phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.76, P=0.005). This suggests that phosphorylation of PKR led to phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Myosin levels decreased as the weight loss increased, and there was a linear relationship between myosin expression and the extent of phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.77, P=0.004). These results suggest that phosphorylation of PKR may be an important initiator of muscle wasting in cancer patients.
Loss of skeletal muscle is an important determinant of survival in patients with cancer-induced weight loss. The effect of the leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on the reduction of body weight loss and protein degradation in the MAC16 model of cancer-induced weight loss has been compared with that of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a recognized inhibitor of protein degradation. HMB was found to attenuate the development of weight loss at a dose greater than 0.125 g/kg accompanied by a small reduction in tumor growth rate. When EPA was used at a suboptimal dose level (0.6 g/kg) the combination with HMB seemed to enhance the anticachectic effect. Both treatments caused an increase in the wet weight of soleus muscle and a reduction in protein degradation, although there did not seem to be a synergistic effect of the combination. Proteasome activity, determined by the "chymotrypsin-like" enzyme activity, was attenuated by both HMB and EPA. Protein expression of the 20S alpha or beta subunits was reduced by at least 50%, as were the ATPase subunits MSS1 and p42 of the 19S proteasome regulatory subunit. This was accompanied by a reduction in the expression of E2(14k) ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. The combination of EPA and HMB was at least as effective or more effective than either treatment alone. Attenuation of proteasome expression was reflected as a reduction in protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle of cachectic mice treated with HMB. In addition, HMB produced a significant stimulation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. These results suggest that HMB preserves lean body mass and attenuates protein degradation through down-regulation of the increased expression of key regulatory components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway, together with stimulation of protein synthesis.
Weight loss in advanced cancer patients is refractory to conventional nutritional support. This may be due to metabolic changes mediated by proinflammatory cytokines, hormones, and tumor-derived products. We previously showed that a nutritional supplement enriched with fish oil will reverse weight loss in patients with pancreatic cancer cachexia. The present study examines the effect of this supplement on a number of mediators thought to play a role in cancer cachexia. Twenty weight-losing patients with pancreatic cancer were asked to consume a nutritional supplement providing 600 kcal and 2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid per day. At baseline and after 3 wk, patients were weighed and samples were collected to measure serum concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6 and its soluble receptor tumor necrosis factor receptors I and II, cortisol, insulin, and leptin, peripheral blood mononuclear cell production of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor, and urinary excretion of proteolysis inducing factor. After 3 wk of consumption of the fish oil-enriched nutritional supplement, there was a significant fall in production of IL-6 (from median 16.5 to 13.7 ng/ml, P = 0.015), a rise in serum insulin concentration (from 3.3 to 5.0 mU/l, P = 0.0064), a fall in the cortisol-to-insulin ratio (P = 0.0084), and a fall in the proportion of patients excreting proteolysis inducing factor (from 88% to 40%, P = 0.008). These changes occurred in association with weight gain (median 1 kg, P = 0.024). Various mediators of catabolism in cachexia are modulated by administration of a fish oil-enriched nutritional supplement in pancreatic cancer patients. This may account for the reversal of weight loss in patients consuming this supplement.
Weight loss normally stimulates hunger, through mechanisms that include falls in circulating leptin and insulin, leading to stimulation of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY). Here, we investigated the leptin, insulin and NPY to clarify why hunger is suppressed in mice with severe cachexia due to the MAC16 adenocarcinoma. MAC16-bearing mice progressively lost weight (19% below controls) and fat (-61%) over 16 days after tumour transplantation, while total food intake fell by 10%. Pair-fed mice showed less wasting, with final weight being 9% and fat mass 25% below controls. Plasma leptin fell by 85% in MAC16 and 51% in pair-fed mice, in proportion to loss of fat. Plasma insulin was also reduced by 49% in MAC16 and 53% in pair-fed groups. Hypothalamic leptin receptor (OB-Rb) mRNA was significantly increased in both MAC16 (+223%) and pair-fed (+192%) mice. Hypothalamic NPY mRNA was also significantly raised in MAC16 (+152%) and pair-fed (+99%) groups, showing negative correlations with plasma leptin and insulin, and a positive association with OB-Rb mRNA. In MAC16-induced cachexia, leptin production and hypothalamic OB-Rb and NPY expression are regulated appropriately in response to fat depletion. Therefore, suppression of hunger is probably due to tumour products that inhibit NPY transport or release, or that interfere with neuronal targets downstream of NPY.