784 resultados para Web-based security
In modem hitec industry Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems provide the basis for e-business solutions towards the suppliers and the customers. One objective of this thesis was to clarify the modem supply chain management with the APS systems and especially concentrate on the area of Collaborative Planning. In order Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems to be complete and usable, user interfaces are needed. Current Visual Basic user interfaces have faced many complaints and arguments from the users as well as from the development team. This thesis is trying to analyze the reasons and causes for the encountered problems and also provide ways to overcome them. The decision has been made to build the new user interfaces to be Web-enabled. Therefore another objective of this thesis was to research and find suitable technologies for building the Web-based user interfaces for Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems in Nokia Demand/Supply Planning business area. Comparison between the most suitable technologies is made. Usability issues of Web-enabled user interfaces are also covered. The empirical part of the thesis includes design and implementation of a Web-based user interface with the chosen technology for a particular APS module that enables Collaborative Planning with suppliers.
Taking the maximum advantage of technological innovations and the investment in them is of key importance for businesses. The IT industry offers a wide range of innovative high-technology solutions to manage information processing and distribution. However for end-user businesses to make informed decisions in this area is challenging. The aim of this research is to identify the key differences in principal solutions, and what the selection criteria should be for those involved. Existing methodologies for software development are classified, and some key criteria are described to help IT system developers and users determine what are the most important factors in system selection, development and deployment. Statistical data is researched and analysed, a theoretical basis is developed and reviewed, key issues from case studies are identified and generalized to be presented along with the conclusions in the current study. The results give a good basis for corporate consideration and provide overall support to the key decisions in developing web-based software. The conclusion is that new web developments should be considered the stakeholders as an evolution of existing business systems, but they should then pay particular attention to the new advantages that web-based software offers in terms of standardised interfaces and procedures, universal deployment opportunities, and a range of other benefits the study highlights.
Article About the Authors Metrics Comments Related Content Abstract Introduction Functionality Implementation Discussion Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract Despite of the variety of available Web services registries specially aimed at Life Sciences, their scope is usually restricted to a limited set of well-defined types of services. While dedicated registries are generally tied to a particular format, general-purpose ones are more adherent to standards and usually rely on Web Service Definition Language (WSDL). Although WSDL is quite flexible to support common Web services types, its lack of semantic expressiveness led to various initiatives to describe Web services via ontology languages. Nevertheless, WSDL 2.0 descriptions gained a standard representation based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). BioSWR is a novel Web services registry that provides standard Resource Description Framework (RDF) based Web services descriptions along with the traditional WSDL based ones. The registry provides Web-based interface for Web services registration, querying and annotation, and is also accessible programmatically via Representational State Transfer (REST) API or using a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language. BioSWR server is located at http://inb.bsc.es/BioSWR/and its code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/bioswr/under the LGPL license.
BACKGROUND: Available methods to simulate nucleotide or amino acid data typically use Markov models to simulate each position independently. These approaches are not appropriate to assess the performance of combinatorial and probabilistic methods that look for coevolving positions in nucleotide or amino acid sequences. RESULTS: We have developed a web-based platform that gives a user-friendly access to two phylogenetic-based methods implementing the Coev model: the evaluation of coevolving scores and the simulation of coevolving positions. We have also extended the capabilities of the Coev model to allow for the generalization of the alphabet used in the Markov model, which can now analyse both nucleotide and amino acid data sets. The simulation of coevolving positions is novel and builds upon the developments of the Coev model. It allows user to simulate pairs of dependent nucleotide or amino acid positions. CONCLUSIONS: The main focus of our paper is the new simulation method we present for coevolving positions. The implementation of this method is embedded within the web platform Coev-web that is freely accessible at http://coev.vital-it.ch/, and was tested in most modern web browsers.
This paper presents a prototype of an interactive web-GIS tool for risk analysis of natural hazards, in particular for floods and landslides, based on open-source geospatial software and technologies. The aim of the presented tool is to assist the experts (risk managers) in analysing the impacts and consequences of a certain hazard event in a considered region, providing an essential input to the decision-making process in the selection of risk management strategies by responsible authorities and decision makers. This tool is based on the Boundless (OpenGeo Suite) framework and its client-side environment for prototype development, and it is one of the main modules of a web-based collaborative decision support platform in risk management. Within this platform, the users can import necessary maps and information to analyse areas at risk. Based on provided information and parameters, loss scenarios (amount of damages and number of fatalities) of a hazard event are generated on the fly and visualized interactively within the web-GIS interface of the platform. The annualized risk is calculated based on the combination of resultant loss scenarios with different return periods of the hazard event. The application of this developed prototype is demonstrated using a regional data set from one of the case study sites, Fella River of northeastern Italy, of the Marie Curie ITN CHANGES project.
E-learning, understood as the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies in mainly but not only) distance education, has radically changed the meaning of the latter. E-learning is an overused term which has been applied to any use of technology in education. Today, the most widely accepted meaning ofe-learning coincides with the fourth generation described by Taylor (1999), where there is an asynchronousprocess that allows students and teachers to interact in an educational process expressly designed in accordance with these principles. We prefer to speak of Internet-Based Learning or, better still, Web-Based Learning, for example, to explain the fact that distance education is carried out using the Internet, with the appearance of the virtual learning environment concept, a web space where the teaching and learning process is generated and supported (Sangrà, 2002). This entails overcoming the barriers of space and time of brickand mortar education (although we prefer the term face-to-face) or of classical distance education using broadcasting and adopting a completely asynchronous model that allows access to education by many more users, at any level (including secondary education, but primarily higher education and lifelong learning).
The paper presents the results of the piloting or pilot test in a virtual classroom. This e-portfolio was carried out in the 2005-2006 academic year, with students of the Doctorate in Information Society, at the Open University of Catalonia. The electronic portfolio is a strategy for competence based assessment. This experience shows the types of e-portfolios, where students show their work without interactions, and apply the competence-based learning theories in an interactive portfolio system. The real process of learning is developed in the competency based system, the portfolio not only is a basic bio document, has become a real space for learning with competence model. The paper brings out new ideas and possibilities: the competence-based learning promotes closer relationships between universities and companies and redesigns the pedagogic act.
Kuluttajat käyttävät sisältöpohjaisia digitaalisia palveluita jatkuvasti saadakseen lisää tietoa terveydestään. Samalla he arvioivat käyttämiensä palveluiden laatua. Jotta yritykset voisivat suunnitella ja tarjota parhaita mahdollisia digitaalisia palveluita kuluttajille, yritysten tulisi tunnistaa ja analysoida kuluttajien kokemuksia ja käyttötarkoituksia heidän palveluissaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvailla kuluttajien näkemyksiä Masennusinfo.fi:stä, joka on sisältöpohjainen digitaalinen palvelu, ja joka tarjoaa käyttäjilleen tietoa masennuksesta. Päämääränä on selvittää, kuinka kuluttajat kokevat lääkeyrityksen tarjoaman palvelun laadun ja mihin tarkoituksiin sitä käytetään. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus voidaan jakaa kolmeen osa-ongelmaan: Mihin tarkoituksiin kuluttajat käyttävät sisältöpohjaisia digitaalisia palveluita? Miten kuluttajat kokevat näiden palveluiden laadun? Kuinka käyttötarkoitus ja koettu laatu eroavat eri käyttäjäryhmissä? Tutkimus toteutetaan web-pohjaisella kyselytutkimuksella. Mittarit tehdään teoreettisen viitekehyksen pohjalta, joka perustuu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus suoritetaan pop-up tutkimuksella, joka sijoitetaan tutkittavalle sivustolle antaen näin kaikille palvelun käyttäjille mahdollisuuden vastata kyselyyn. Tulokset osoittavat, että palvelua käyttävät suurimmaksi osaksi naiset, suhteellisen nuoret 16−29- vuotiaat, tai yli keski-ikäiset 50−65-vuotiaat henkilöt, jotka ovat joko työssäkäyviä tai opiskelijoita ja korkeasti koulutettuja. Masennusinfo.fi nähdään laadukkaana palveluna kaikissa käyttäjäryhmissä sekä sen käytettävyyden että sisällön perusteella. Käyttötarkoituksetkin ovat jokseenkin samankaltaisia eri käyttäjäryhmissä. Yleensä palvelua käytetään tiedon hakemiseen sairauden alkuvaiheessa. Löydöksien perusteella esitetään, että palvelua muokataan vastaamaan yhä paremmin sen käyttötarkoituksia ja tyypillistä käyttäjäprofiilia. Koska muutamia pieniä eroja käyttäjäryhmien näkemyksissä havaittiin, palveluiden tuottaja päättää, minkä ryhmän mieltymyksiä se noudattaa.
Avec la montée en popularité d’Internet et des médias sociaux, de plus en plus d’organismes sociaux et publics, notamment, intègrent des plateformes Web à leurs volets traditionnels. La question d’Internet demeure toutefois peu étudiée eu égard à la publicité sociale. Ce mémoire porte donc sur la question du Web en relation avec les campagnes sociales adressées aux jeunes Québécois de 18 à 25 ans, une population particulièrement réceptive aux nouvelles technologies. Plus exactement, dans cette étude, nous avons analysé trois sites Web rattachés à des campagnes sociales (La vitesse, ça coûte cher de la SAAQ, Les ITSS se propagent du MSSS et 50 000 adeptes, 5 000 toutous de la Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine) dans l’objectif de déterminer leurs forces et leurs faiblesses pour ensuite proposer des pistes pour leur optimisation. C’est à l’aide d’une analyse critique de contenu suivie d’entrevues et d’observations individuelles auprès de 19 participants que nous sommes parvenue à suggérer des pistes pour l’optimisation des sites Web de campagnes sociales destinées aux jeunes adultes québécois. Une des plus grandes difficultés en ce qui a trait à leur conception consiste à choisir les stratégies les plus appropriées pour provoquer un changement d’attitude ou de comportement, a fortiori chez ceux qui adoptent des comportements à risque (fumer, conduire en état d’ébriété, avoir des relations sexuelles non protégées); des stratégies qui, pour être plus efficaces, devraient être adaptées en fonction des caractéristiques propres aux publics cibles et aux médias de diffusion. Afin d’analyser adéquatement les campagnes sociales, nous avons fait appel aux théories de la persuasion et aux théories sur l’influence des médias jugées pertinentes dans notre contexte puisqu’elles sont propres à ce type d’étude. Ces approches combinées nous ont permis d’intégrer à l’analyse d’une campagne donnée les contextes qui l’entourent et les pratiques dans lesquelles elle s’inscrit. Cette étude nous a, entre autres, permis de démontrer qu’il existait d’importants écarts entre les attentes et les besoins des internautes et l’offre des sites Web étudiés.
Learning contents adaptation has been a subject of interest in the research area of the adaptive hypermedia systems. Defining which variables and which standards can be considered to model adaptive content delivery processes is one of the main challenges in pedagogical design over e-learning environments. In this paper some specifications, architectures and technologies that can be used in contents adaptation processes considering characteristics of the context are described and a proposal to integrate some of these characteristics in the design of units of learning using adaptation conditions in a structure of IMS-Learning Design (IMS-LD) is presented. The key contribution of this work is the generation of instructional designs considering the context, which can be used in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and diverse mobile devices
This work shows the use of adaptation techniques involved in an e-learning system that considers students' learning styles and students' knowledge states. The mentioned e-learning system is built on a multiagent framework designed to examine opportunities to improve the teaching and to motivate the students to learn what they want in a user-friendly and assisted environment
This lecture introduces UX theory and focusses on applying this to web based design.
Medical universities and teaching hospitals in Iraq are facing a lack of professional staff due to the ongoing violence that forces them to flee the country. The professionals are now distributed outside the country which reduces the chances for the staff and students to be physically in one place to continue the teaching and limits the efficiency of the consultations in hospitals. A survey was done among students and professional staff in Iraq to find the problems in the learning and clinical systems and how Information and Communication Technology could improve it. The survey has shown that 86% of the participants use the Internet as a learning resource and 25% for clinical purposes while less than 11% of them uses it for collaboration between different institutions. A web-based collaborative tool is proposed to improve the teaching and clinical system. The tool helps the users to collaborate remotely to increase the quality of the learning system as well as it can be used for remote medical consultation in hospitals.
This paper presents a new approach to achieving interoperability between Web-based construction products catalogues. It first introduces the current development of electronic catalogues of construction products. The common system architecture of Web-based electronic products catalogues is discussed, which is followed by a discussion on construction products information standardization and the latest distributed-systems technologies for the communication and exchange of construction products information. The latter part of this paper presents a model of interoperable Web-based construction products catalogue and an implementation of Web services in E-commerce systems to enable the sharing of construction products information.