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The alloy, Ti-6Al-4V is an alpha + beta Ti alloy that has large prior beta grain size (similar to 2 mm) in the as cast state. Minor addition of B (about 0.1 wt.%) to it refines the grain size significantly as well as produces in-situ TiB needles. The role played by these microstructural modifications on high temperature deformation processing maps of B-modified Ti64 alloys is examined in this paper.Power dissipation efficiency and instability maps have been generated within the temperature range of 750-1000 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3)-10(+1) s(-1). Various deformation mechanisms, which operate in different temperature-strain rate regimes, were identified with the aid of the maps and complementary microstructural analysis of the deformed specimens. Results indicate four distinct deformation domains within the range of experimental conditions examined, with the combination of 900-1000 degrees C and 10(-3)-10(-2) s(-1) being the optimum for hot working. In that zone, dynamic globularization of alpha laths is the principle deformation mechanism. The marked reduction in the prior beta grain size, achieved with the addition of B, does not appear to alter this domain markedly. The other domains, with negative values of instability parameter, show undesirable microstructural features such as extensive kinking/bending of alpha laths and breaking of beta laths for Ti64-0.0B as well as generation of voids and cracks in the matrix and TiB needles in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An electron-beam melting and centrifugal splat-quenching technique for the production of microflakes of Ti-6A1-4V (wt%) alloy quenched at an average cooling rate of about 105 K sec–1 is described. The effect of substrate angle on the shape, size, microstructure and average cooling rate of the flakes of major sieve fractions is discussed. Morphologies of particles of minor sieve fractions are dealt with briefly.
Inhibitors of heme biosynthesis such as CoCl2, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, and thioacetamide block the 3-methylcholanthrene-mediated induction of cytochrome P-450 (c + d) messenger RNAs and their transcription in rat liver. This effect is specific, since the messenger RNA levels for albumin and glutathione transferase (Ya + Yc) and their transcription are not significantly influenced under conditions of heme depletion. Exogenous administration of heme at very low doses (50 μg/100 g body wt) is able to completely counteract the effects of the heme biosynthetic inhibitors on cytochrome P-450 (c + d) messenger RNA levels and their transcription. This constitutes a direct proof for the role of heme as a positive regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene transcription.
This study provides insights into the composition and origin of ferropicrite dikes (FeOtot = 13 17 wt. %; MgO = 13 19 wt. %) and associated meimechite, picrite, picrobasalt, and basalt dikes found at Vestfjella, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The dikes crosscut Jurassic Karoo continental flood basalts (CFB) that were emplaced during the early stages of the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent ~180 Ma ago. Selected samples (31 overall from at least eleven dikes) were analyzed for their mineral chemical, major element, trace element, and Sr, Nd, Pb, and Os isotopic compositions. The studied samples can be divided into two geochemically distinct types: (1) The depleted type (24 samples from at least nine dikes) is relatively depleted in the most incompatible elements and exhibits isotopic characteristics (e.g., initial εNd of +4.8 to +8.3 and initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1256 0.1277 at 180 Ma) similar to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB); (2) The enriched type (7 samples from at least two dikes) exhibits relatively enriched incompatible element and isotopic characteristics (e.g., initial εNd of +1.8 to +3.6 and initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1401 0.1425 at 180 Ma) similar to those of oceanic island basalts. Both magma types have escaped significant contamination by the continental crust. The depleted type is related to the main phase of Karoo magmatism and originated as highly magnesian (MgO up to 25 wt. %) partial melts at high temperatures (mantle potential temperature >1600 °C) and pressures (~5 6 GPa) from a sublithospheric, water-bearing, depleted peridotite mantle source. The enriched type sampled pyroxene-bearing heterogeneities that can be traced down to either recycled oceanic crust or melt-metasomatized portions of the sublithospheric or lithospheric mantle. The source of the depleted type represents a sublithospheric end-member source for many Karoo lavas and has subsequently been sampled by the MORBs of the Indian Ocean. These observations, together with the purported high temperatures, indicate that the Karoo CFBs were formed in an extensive melting episode caused mainly by internal heating of the upper mantle beneath the Gondwana supercontinent. My research supports the view that ferropicritic melts can be generated in several ways: the relative Fe-enrichment of mantle partial melts is most readily achieved by (1) relatively low degree of partial melting, (2) high pressure of partial melting, and (3) melting of enriched source components (e.g., pyroxenite and metasomatized peridotite). Ferropicritic whole-rock compositions could also result from accumulation, secondary alteration, and fractional crystallization, however, and caution is required when addressing the parental magma composition.
Polypyrrole (PPy) - multiwalled carbonnanotubes (MWCNT) nanocomposites with various MWCNT loading were prepared by in situ inversion emulsion polymerization technique. High loading of the nano filler were evaluated because of available inherent high interface area for charge separation in the nanocomposites. Solution processing of these conducting polymer nanocomposites is difficult because, most of them are insoluble in organic solvents. Device quality films of these composites were prepared by using pulsed laser deposition techniques (PLD). Comparative study of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of bulk and film show that there is no chemical modification of polymer on ablation with laser. TEM images indicate PPy layer on MWCNT surface. SEM micrographs indicate that the MWCNT's are distributed throughout the film. It was observed that MWCNT in the composite held together by polymer matrix. Further more MWCNT diameter does not change from bulk to film indicating that the polymer layer remains intact during ablation. Even for very high loadings (80 wt.% of MWCNT's) of nanocomposites device quality films were fabricated, indicating laser ablation is a suitable technique for fabrication of device quality films. Conductivity of both bulk and films were measured using collinear four point probe setup. It was found that overall conductivity increases with increase in MWCNT loading. Comparative study of thickness with conductivity indicates that maximum conductivity was observed around 0.2 mu m. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The microstructural evolution on aging a Co-3 wt pct Ti-2 wt pct Nb alloy has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction to show that the solid solution decomposed by the spinodal mode. The strengthening observed has been correlated with the differences in lattice parameters of the coexisting phases. The several stages of coarsening have been documented to yield information about their kinetics and morphological changes.Formerly Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, is with .
Soilla on merkittävä rooli ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä suuren hiilivarastonsa sekä ekosysteemin ja ilmakehän välisen kaasunvaihdon ansiosta. Ilmastonmuutoksen ennustetaan vaikuttavan suokasvillisuuteen ja suon toimintaan epäsuorasti. Vedenpinnan ennustetaan laskevan 14–21 cm johtuen kasveista ja avoimilta pinnoilta tapahtuvan haihdunnan lisääntymisestä lämpötilan noustessa, mikäli sadanta ei lisäänny. Aiemmat vedenpinnan laskun jälkeistä kasvillisuutta seuranneet tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että putkilokasvit hyötyvät alhaisemmasta vedenpinnan tasosta ja että kuljuun sopeutuneet rahkasammalet kärsivät kuivuneista oloista. Kasvillisuuden runsaussuhteiden muuttumisen lisäksi kasviyhteisöjen monimuotoisuus vähenee. Erityisen herkkiä vedenpinnan laskulle ovat olleet välipinta- ja kuljurahkasammalet ja sarat. Funktionaalisten kasviryhmien vasteiden selvittämiksesi käytettiin BACI (before-after-control-impact) –tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksessa oli kolme verrokkialaa ja kolme käsittelyalaa, joissa vedenpintaa oli laskettu 14–21 senttimetriin. Lisäksi vertailukohdaksi tutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme alaa, joissa oli tehty metsäojitus n. 50 vuotta sitten. Nämä toistot sijaitsivat meso-, oligo ombrotrofisilla suotyypeillä Oriveden Lakkasuolla. Kasvillisuus kartoitettiin ja vedenpinnat mitattiin aloilta ennen käsittelyä vuonna 2000 sekä vuosina 2001–2003 ja 2009. Aineisto analysoitiin TWINSPAN- (PC-Ord), PRC ja DCA (CANOCO)-monimuuttujamenetelmillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että verrokki- ja käsittelyalat olivat samanlaisia lähtökohdiltaan, joten niitä voitiin käsittelyn jälkeen verrata toisiinsa. Kasvillisuuden rakenne vaihteli vuosien välillä myös verrokkialoilla, mikä osoittaa kasvien sopeutumiskyvyn muuttuviin sääoloihin (lämpötila, sademäärä). Vuosi 2003 erottui tutkimuksessa alhaisella vedenpinnantasolla, mutta toisaalta myös ainavihantien varpujen suuren peittävyyden osalta. Vuoteen 2009 mennessä kasvillisuuden erityisesti sarojen peittävyys väheni. Ravinteikkaimmilla toistoilla kasvillisuuden vasteet vaikuttivat olevan vahvemmat kuin vähäravinteisilla toistoilla. Kasviryhmistä kulju- ja välipintasammalilla oli vahvimmat vasteetvedenpinnan laskuun ja mätäslajeilla heikoimmat. Tulosten mukaan kasviryhmien vasteet vaihtelevat riippuen tarkasteltavasta aikajaksosta: ensimmäiset kolme vuotta käsittelyn jälkeen suo oli häiriötilassa ja vasta sen jälkeen kasvillisuus sopeutui muuttuneisiin oloihin.
In EHV and UHV power transmission lines, corona could occur even on well designed transmission line hardware and insulators especially under wet conditions. Corona if allowed to occur continuously can significantly damage the polymeric insulators used in such lines in the long run. This paper presents the experimental results of corona aging studies conducted on unfilled silicone rubber as well as filled silicone rubber nanocomposites. Corona aging studies were conducted on silicone rubber samples with filler concentrations of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % by wt of nanosilica for 25 h and 50 h. Needle-plane electrode geometry has been used to create the corona on the samples. Different characterization techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis, Hydrophobicity, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and Optical Profilometry have been used to assess the relative performance of the samples with respect to corona aging. Results indicate that at 3 wt %, the performance of the nanocomposite is much better than the unfilled silicon rubber which can be attributed to the modifications in the material caused by the size factor of the filler.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Remodelling in asthma is defined as the structural changes seen in the airways of asthmatics in comparison to healthy controls. Progressive loss of lung function also seen in asthma might be caused by remodelling. The research aims of this thesis were to investigate inflammation and remodelling in the airways of different types of asthmatics and smokers. The association between inflammation and remodelling was also examined in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation. Healthy smokers showed increased numbers of macrophages in the BAL with no changes in the inflammatory cells in biopsies. Macrophages seemed to be quite quiescent, since mRNA expression for a wide variety of inflammatory mediators, especially chemokines CCL3, CCL4, CCL5 and CCL20, secreted by macrophages was significantly lower than in healthy non-smokers. Attenuated macrophage activity in the airway lumen may render smokers more susceptible to airway infections and have an impact on the development of other airway pathology. Patients with diisocyanate-induced asthma (DIA) on inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) who still had non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity (NSBHR) at the end of the follow-up showed increased expression of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-15 mRNA in BAL cells compared to those without NSBHR. In addition to being markers for poor prognosis and possible slight glucocorticoid resistance, these cytokines might aid in guiding the treatment of DIA. The increase in the thickness of tenascin-C layer in the bronchial basement membrane (BM) was much less than usually seen in other types of asthma, which might not make tenascin-C a good marker for DIA. OVA-induced tenascin-C expression in the lung was attenuated in STAT4-/- mice with impaired Th1-type immunity compared to WT mice. Interestingly, STAT6-/- mice with impaired Th2-type immunity showed tenascin-C expression levels similar to those of WT mice. The clearest difference between these two knockout strains in response to OVA was that STAT4-/- mice exhibited no upregulation of IFN-γ and TNF-α mRNA expression. Thus, tenascin-C expression was unexpectedly more related to Th1 type reactions. In vitro studies confirmed the results. Human fibroblasts stimulated by TNF-α and IFN-γ showed increased expression of tenascin-C. Patients with newly diagnosed asthma showed increased expression of laminin α2 in the bronchial BM in comparison to patients with asthma symptoms only and healthy controls. Both patients with asthma and those with only asthma symptoms showed increased expression of the laminin β2 chain in comparison to controls. Thus, laminin α2 expression differentiated patients with clinical asthma from patients with symptoms only. Furthermore, the expression of laminin α2 and β2 was associated with NSBHR, linking very specific remodelling events to clinical findings.
C9H10ClNO2, Mol · wt = 199.69, monoclinic, C2/c, Z = 8, a = 15.782(2) Å, b = 3.958(1) Å, c = 29.448(2) Å, β = 92.08°, ν = 1838.35 Å3, ϱc = 1.443 g cm−3, ϱ0 = 1.438(2) g cm−3. The structure of (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) acetamide (2M4ClPA) was determined by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to R = 0.079. The molecules dimerize about a centre of symmetry and the N – H⋯O distance is = 2.909(3) Å.
Using first principles calculations, we show the high hydrogen storage capacity of metallacarboranes, where the transition metal (TM) atoms can bind up to 5 H-2-molecules. The average binding energy of similar to 0.3 eV/H favorably lies within the reversible adsorption range. Among the first row TM atoms, Sc and Ti are found to be the optimum in maximizing the H-2 storage (similar to 8 wt %) on the metallacarborane cluster. Being an integral part of the cage, TMs do not suffer from the aggregation problem, which has been the biggest hurdle for the success of TM-decorated graphitic materials for hydrogen storage. Furthermore, the presence of carbon atom in the cages permits linking the metallacarboranes to form metal organic frameworks, which are thus able to adsorb hydrogen via Kubas interaction, in addition to van der Waals physisorption.
In-situ EXAFS studies of sulphided Mo/TiO2 catalysts have shown that at low Mo loadings (2–4 wt%), an active species with a short Mo-S distance of 2.25 Å is formed, while on Mo/TiO2 with high Mo loadings as well as on Mo/gamma-Al2O3, bulk MoS2 (Mo-S, 2.42 Å) is formed. The species with the short Mo-S distance has Mo in an oxidation state close to 6 + and is likely to result from the sulphidation of the tetrahedral molybdate species present in the oxidic precursor at low Mo loadings. The calcination temperature of the oxidic precursor appears crucial, a high calcination temperature of 973 K favouring the formation of MoS3 on sulphidation, and a low calcination temperature of 623 K favouring MoS2.
The oxidation of liquid Al–Mg–Si alloys at 900–1400 °C was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The development of a semi-protective surface layer of MgO/MgAl2O4 allows the continuous formation of an Al2O3-matrix composite containing an interpenetrating network of metal microchannels at 1000–1350 °C. An initial incubation period precedes bulk oxidation, wherein Al2O3 grows from a near-surface alloy layer by reaction of oxygen supplied by the dissolution of the surface oxides and Al supplied from a bulk alloy reservoir through the microchannel network. The typical oxidation rate during bulk growth displays an initial acceleration followed by a parabolic deceleration in a regime apparently limited by Al transport to the near-surface layer. Both regimes may be influenced by the Si content in this layer, which rises due to preferential Al and Mg oxidation. The growth rates increase with temperature to a maximum at ~1300 °C, with a nominal activation energy of 270 kJ/mole for an Al-2.85 wt. % Mg-5.4 wt. % Si alloy in O2 at furnace temperatures of 1000–1300 °C. An oscillatory rate regime observed at 1000–1075 °C resulted in a banded structure of varying Al2O3-to-metal volume fraction.
A minor addition of B to the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, by similar to 0.1 wt pct, reduces its as-cast prior beta grain size by an order of magnitude, whereas higher B content leads to the presence of in situ formed TiB needles in significant amounts. An experimental investigation into the role played by these microstructural modifications on the high-temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V-xB alloys, with x varying between 0 wt pct and 0.55 wt pct, was conducted. Uniaxial compression tests were performed in the temperature range of 1023 K to 1273 K (750 degrees C to 1000 degrees C) and in the strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10(+1) s(-1). True stress-true strain responses of all alloys exhibit flow softening at lower strain rates and oscillations at higher strain rates. The flow softening is aided by the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization through lath globularization in high temperature (1173 K to 1273 K 900 degrees C to 1000 degrees C]) and a lower strain rate (10(-2) to 10(-3) s(-1)) regime. The grain size refinement with the B addition to Ti64, despite being marked, had no significant effect on this. Oscillations in the flow curve at a higher strain rate (10(0) to 10(+1) s(-1)), however, are associated with microstructural instabilities such as bending of laths, breaking of lath boundaries, generation of cavities, and breakage of TiB needles. The presence of TiB needles affected the instability regime. Microstructural evidence suggests that the matrix cavitation is aided by the easy fracture of TiB needles.
Hypo-eutectic Ti-6.5 wt % Si alloy modified by separate additions of misch metal and low surface tension elements (Na, Sr, Se and Bi) has been examined by microscopic study and thermal analysis. Addition of third element led to modification of microstructure with apparently no significant enhancement of tensile ductility, with the exception of bismuth. Bismuth enhanced the ductility of the alloy by a factor of two and elastic-plastic fracture toughness to 9 MPa m–1/2 from a value of almost zero. The improved ductility of bismuth modified alloy is attributed to the reduced interconnectivity of the eutectic suicide, absence of significant suicide precipitation in the eutectic region and increase in the volume fraction of uniformly distributed dendrites. These changes are accompanied by a decrease in the temperature of eutectic solidification.