996 resultados para University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus)


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Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) offers a solution to the problem of exploiting the large bandwidth on optical links; it is the current favorite multiplexing technology for optical communication networks. Due to the high cost of an optical amplifier, it is desirable to strategically place the amplifiers throughout the network in a way that guarantees that all the signals are adequately amplified while minimizing the total number amplifiers being used. Previous studies all consider a star-based network. This paper demonstrates an original approach for solving the problem in switch-based WDM optical network assuming the traffic matrix is always the permutation of the nodes. First we formulate the problem by choosing typical permutations which can maximize traffic load on individual links; then a GA (Genetic Algorithm) is used to search for feasible amplifier placements. Finally, by setting up all the lightpaths without violating the power constaints we confirm the feasibility of the solution.


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Sparse traffic grooming is a practical problem to be addressed in heterogeneous multi-vendor optical WDM networks where only some of the optical cross-connects (OXCs) have grooming capabilities. Such a network is called as a sparse grooming network. The sparse grooming problem under dynamic traffic in optical WDM mesh networks is a relatively unexplored problem. In this work, we propose the maximize-lightpath-sharing multi-hop (MLS-MH) grooming algorithm to support dynamic traffic grooming in sparse grooming networks. We also present an analytical model to evaluate the blocking performance of the MLS-MH algorithm. Simulation results show that MLSMH outperforms an existing grooming algorithm, the shortest path single-hop (SPSH) algorithm. The numerical results from analysis show that it matches closely with the simulation. The effect of the number of grooming nodes in the network on the blocking performance is also analyzed.


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The Cedar River alluvial aquifer is the primary source of municipal water in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area. Since 1992, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the City of Cedar Rapids, has investigated the hydrogeology and water quality of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer. This report describes a detailed analysis of the ground-water flow system in the alluvial aquifer, particularly near well field areas. The ground-water flow system in the Cedar Rapids area consists of two main components, the unconsolidated Quaternary deposits and the underlying carbonate bedrock that has a variable fracture density. Quaternary deposits consist of eolian sand, loess, alluvium, and glacial till. Devonian and Silurian bedrock aquifers overlie the Maquoketa Shale (Formation) of Ordovician age, a regional confining unit. Ground-water and surface-water data were collected during the study to better define the hydrogeology of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer and Devonian and Silurian aquifers. Stream stage and discharge, ground-water levels, and estimates of aquifer hydraulic properties were used to develop a conceptual ground-water flow model and to construct and calibrate a model of the flow system. This model was used to quantify the movement of water between the various components of the alluvial aquifer flow system and provide an improved understanding of the hydrology of the alluvial aquifer.


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In 2001, the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program began an intensive study of nutrient enrichment—elevated concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus— in streams in five agricultural basins across the Nation (see map, p. 2). This study is providing nationally consistent and comparable data and analyses of nutrient conditions, including how these conditions vary as a result of natural and human-related factors, and how nutrient conditions affect algae and other biological communities. This information will benefit stakeholders, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and its partners, who are developing nutrient criteria to protect the aquatic health of streams in different geographic regions.


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Each spring approximately 500,000 sandhill cranes and some endangered whooping cranes use the Central Platte River Valley in Nebraska as a staging habitat during their migration north to breeding and nesting grounds in Canada, Alaska, and the Siberian Arctic. Over the last century changes in the flow of the river have altered the river channels and the distribution of roost sites. USGS researchers studied linkages between water flow, sediment supply, channel morphology, and preferred sites for crane roosting. These results are useful for estimating crane populations and for providing resource managers with techniques to understand crane habitats.


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The distinguishing feature of a polymer brush at equilibrium is the stretched configuration of the chains that results from tethering the polymer chains by one end at the solid-fluid interface. The stretched configuration of the chains and the crowded nature of the interfacial layer is the origin of many of the useful properties of polymer brushes: these layers resist compression and aggregation, effectively dissipate shear stresses, and respond reversibly to changes in their solution environment.


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Surface modification of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) through covalent functionalization is vital for the development of high-performance composite materials, chemosensors, nanoelectronics, photovoltaic devices, as well as for a range of biomedical applications. Several methods have been developed to functionalize CNTs. The introduction of acid groups by acid digestion disrupts the structural integrity of CNTs. Apart from shortening the tubes, oxidatively generated acid groups are inhomogenously located at the tips of broken CNTs and, hence, functionalization using acid groups as precursors does not give a statistical distribution of functional groups throughout the surface of the CNTs.


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We report the component E ┴ c of the pseudodielectric-function tensor <ε(E)> = <ε1(E)> + i< ε2(E)> of γ-phase single-crystal InSe, obtained from 1.5 to 9.2 eV by vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometry with the sample at room temperature. Overlayer artifacts were reduced as far as possible by measuring fresh surfaces prepared by cleavage. Accurate critical-point energies of observed structures were obtained by a combined method of spectral analysis.


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Composites are engineered materials that take advantage of the particular properties of each of its two or more constituents. They are designed to be stronger, lighter and to last longer which can lead to the creation of safer protection gear, more fuel efficient transportation methods and more affordable materials, among other examples. This thesis proposes a numerical and analytical verification of an in-house developed multiscale model for predicting the mechanical behavior of composite materials with various configurations subjected to impact loading. This verification is done by comparing the results obtained with analytical and numerical solutions with the results found when using the model. The model takes into account the heterogeneity of the materials that can only be noticed at smaller length scales, based on the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. This model can potentially reduce or eliminate the need of costly and time consuming experiments that are necessary for material characterization since it relies strictly upon the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. The results from simulations using the multiscale model were compared against results from direct simulations using over-killed meshes, which considered all heterogeneities explicitly in the global scale, indicating that the model is an accurate and fast tool to model composites under impact loads. Advisor: David H. Allen


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New records of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus in Sciuridae, from specimens collected in central Ohio, including those from the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger rufiventer) and the chipmunk (Tamias striatus).


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The mammal fauna of arctic Alaska is comprised of about thirty species, most of which are widely distributed. A few of these are essentially nearctic species, having extended their range northwestward during post-Pleistocene time. The majority, however, consists of forms which are either circumboreal in their distribution, or which have closely-related palearctic counterparts-considered specifically distinct hy most North American mammalogists. Sorne of the foremost Old World workers, however, do not agree that Bering Strait constitutes a barrier which effectively separates the Old World fauna from the New.


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Poplars consist of all species of the genus Populus, including cottonwoods, aspens, and the many interspecies hybrids in common use (Dickmann and Stuart 1983). Our working group focused on the fungal pathogens, arthropod herbivores, and weed competitors of Populus in the United States. However, bacterial and viral diseases of Populus are significant in Europe, and genetic engineering approaches toward their control or management are being studied. The key aspects of poplar biology important to understanding the use of pest resistance genes are described below.


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Micellar solutions of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene and polystyrene-block-polyisoprene in propane are found to exhibit significantly lower cloud pressures than the corresponding hypothetical nonmicellar solutions. Such a cloud-pressure reduction indicates the extent to which micelle formation enhances the apparent diblock solubility in near-critical and hence compressible propane. Concentration-dependent pressure-temperature points beyond which no micelles can be formed, referred to as the micellization end points, are found to depend on the block type, size, and ratio. The cloud-pressure reduction and the micellization end point measured for styrene-diene diblocks in propane should be characteristic of all amphiphilic diblock copolymer solutions that form micelles in compressible solvents.


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Morphology and deformation mechanisms and tensile properties of tetrafunctional multigraft (MG) polystrene-g-polyisoprene (PS-g-PI) copolymers were investigated dependent on PS volume fraction and number of branch points. The combination of various methods such as TEM, real time synchrotron SAXS, rheo-optical FTIR, and tensile tests provides comprehensive information at different dimension levels.TEMand SAXS studies revealed that the number of branch points has no obvious influence on the microphase-separated morphology of tetrafunction MG copolymers with 16 wt % PS. But for tetrafunctional MG copolymers with 25 wt % PS, the size and integrity of PS microdomains decrease with increasing number of branch point. The deformation mechanisms ofMGcopolymers are highly related to the morphology. Dependent on the microphase-separated morphology and integrity of the PS phase, the strain-induced orientation of the PS phase is at different size scales. Polarized FT-IR spectra analysis reveals that, for all investigated MG copolymers, the PI phase shows strain-induced orientation along SD at molecular scale. The proportion of the PI block effectively bridging PS domains controls the tensile properties of the MGcopolymers at high strain, while the stress-strain behavior in the low-mediate strain region is controlled by the continuity of PS microdomains. The special molecular architecture, which leads to the higher effective functionality of PS domains and the higher possibility for an individual PI backbone being tethered with a large number of PS domains, is proposed to be the origin of the superelasticity for MG copolymers.


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Recent experimental and theoretical studies have demonstrated that relative to singly tethered chains, the presence of polymer loops at interfaces significantly improves interfacial properties such as adhesion, friction, and wettability. In the present study, a simple system was studied to examine the formation of polymeric loops on a solid surface, where the grafting of carboxylic acid terminated telechelic polystyrene from the melt to an epoxy functionalized silicon is chosen. The impact of telechelic molecular weight, grafting temperature, and surface functionality on the telechelic attachment process is studied. It was found that grafting of the telechelic to the surface at both ends to form loops is the primary product of this grafting process. Moreover, examination of the kinetics of the grafting process indicates that it is reaction controlled. Fluorescence tagging of the dangling ends of singly bound chains provides a mechanism to monitor their time evolution during grafting, and these results indicate that the grafting process is accurately described by recent Monte Carlo simulation work. The results also provide a method to control the extent of loop formation at interfaces and therefore provide an opportunity to further understand the role of the loops in the interfacial properties in multicomponent polymer systems.