968 resultados para Transport System Fuctionality


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The Brazilian government has convinced the world that ethanol deriving from sugar cane is a promissory means of sustainable fuel for vehicles. There is a great growth of ex vehicles , i.e, run both by ethanol and gasoline, due to competent automotive industries and e cient alcohol production technology. In 2009 and 2010 the ethanol production was 25.7 billion liters and 53.8% of sugar cane production was destined to alcohol production. Nevertheless, the sugar production also derived from sugar cane should increase in 2011. Brazil produced 33 million tons of sugar in the last harvest. With sugar cane on the rise production is arising new environmental problems. The harvest using mechanized cut besides improving the logistic transportation system leaves the generating residue in the eld. This residue is a mixture of straw, leavings and scrap of sugar cane named sugar cane crop residue and corresponds to 30% of biomass and can be burned and produce electricity by cogeneration. But the transport the sugar cane crop from the eld is expensive due costs involved in the transport system. This work aims to propose a formulation for the bales collecting problem from sugar cane eld to mill that minimize the costs involved in the transport system. The computational tests use the C++ language and an algorithm based on genetic algorithms techniques


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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NADPH oxidase (Nox) is a unique, multi-protein, electron transport system that produces large amounts of superoxide via the reduction of molecular oxygen. Nox-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to be involved in a variety of physiological processes, including host defense and signal transduction. However, over the past decade, the involvement of (Nox)-dependent oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of several neurodegenerative diseases has been increasingly recognized. ROS produced by Nox proteins contribute to neurodegenerative diseases through distinct mechanisms, such as oxidation of DNA, proteins, lipids, amino acids and metals, in addition to activation of redox-sensitive signaling pathways. In this review, we discuss the recent literature on Nox involvement in neurodegeneration, focusing on Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases.


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To shed light on the interactions occurring in fermented milks when using co-cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus with Lactobacillus bulgaricus (StLb) or Lactobacillus acidophilus (StLa), a new co-metabolic model was proposed and checked either in the presence of Inulin as a prebiotic or not. For this purpose, the experimental data of concentrations of substrates and fermented products were utilized in balances of carbon, reduction degree and ATP. S. thermophilus exhibited always quicker growth compared to the other two microorganisms, while the percentage of lactose fermented to lactic acid, that of galactose metabolized, and the levels of diacetyl and acetoin formed strongly depended on the type of co-culture and the presence of inulin. The StLb co-culture led to higher acetoin and lower diacetyl levels compared to StLa, probably because of more reducing conditions or limited acetoin dehydrogenation. Inulin addition to StLa suppressed acetoin accumulation and hindered that of diacetyl, suggesting catabolite repression of alpha-acetolactate synthase expression in S. thermophilus. Both co-cultures showed the highest ATP requirements for biomass growth and maintenance at the beginning of fermentation, consistently with the high energy demand of enzyme induction during lag phase. Inulin reduced these requirements making biomass synthesis and maintenance less energy-consuming. Only a fraction of galactose was released from lactose, consistently with the galactose-positive phenotype of most dairy strains. The galactose fraction metabolized without inulin was about twice that in its presence, which suggests inhibition of the galactose transport system of S. thermophilus by fructose released from partial inulin hydrolysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rickettsia rickettsii is an obligate intracellular tick-borne bacterium that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), the most lethal spotted fever rickettsiosis. When an infected starving tick begins blood feeding from a vertebrate host, R. rickettsii is exposed to a temperature elevation and to components in the blood meal. These two environmental stimuli have been previously associated with the reactivation of rickettsial virulence in ticks, but the factors responsible for this phenotype conversion have not been completely elucidated. Using customized oligonucleotide microarrays and high-throughput microfluidic qRT-PCR, we analyzed the effects of a 10 degrees C temperature elevation and of a blood meal on the transcriptional profile of R. rickettsii infecting the tick Amblyomma aureolatum. This is the first study of the transcriptome of a bacterium in the genus Rickettsia infecting a natural tick vector. Although both stimuli significantly increased bacterial load, blood feeding had a greater effect, modulating five-fold more genes than the temperature upshift. Certain components of the Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) were up-regulated by blood feeding. This suggests that this important bacterial transport system may be utilized to secrete effectors during the tick vector's blood meal. Blood feeding also up-regulated the expression of antioxidant enzymes, which might correspond to an attempt by R. rickettsii to protect itself against the deleterious effects of free radicals produced by fed ticks. The modulated genes identified in this study, including those encoding hypothetical proteins, require further functional analysis and may have potential as future targets for vaccine development.


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[EN]Respiratory electron transport system (ETS) activities have been used, in the past, to study respiration in many marine organisms and many different environments. The methodology follows standard practices of enzymology, by attempting to measure the maximum velocity of the enzyme reaction (Vmax) sensu Michaelis-Menten. Under controlled conditions of nutritional state the ETS method is well correlated with in situ respiration. In the interdisciplinary Expedition MALASPINA 2010, that circumnavigated the planet, we had the chance in three of seven transects (Cape Town to Perth; Perth to Sydney and Cartagena de Indias to Cartagena) to take zooplankton samples from the southern Indian Ocean and from North Atlantic Ocean. From these samples we measured protein and 150 ratios between in vivo respiration and potential respiration (ETS activity) in three size-classes of zooplankton between 100?m to > 1000?m, in the upper 150 meters of the water column. Normally, the measurements were made on fresh naturally nourished zooplankton (in situ). When biomass permitted, measurements were also made on zooplankton starved for 24 h. With this data we are investigating the variations in the R/ETS ratio and Kleiber?s law under different nutritional conditions, different oceanographic conditions, and different oceanographic regions. This analysis will help our ongoing investigation of ETS activity as an index of both respiration and of living biomass. The information acquired will facilitate the calculation of zooplankton respiration for some relatively unexplored areas of the Indian and Atlantic oceans. This data will then be available for integration with results of other Malaspina research programs


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Máster en Oceanografía


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[EN] Zooplankton metabolism in terms of oxygen consumption and ñutrient reléase (ammonia, phosphate) were measiu'ed in the Baltic Sea, a températe área with high envirormiental changes both in space and in time. Plankton of the surface layer were analysed with balance measurements in 4 size classes between 50 and 1000 nm during spring in 1988, 1990 and 1991, in summer 19^8 and 1990 as well. The use of electrón transport system (ETS), and the Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH) activity as indicators for respiration and ammonia reléase respectively, enlarged the data density and made a three dimensional resolution available (May 1990, 1991). Data are in the range of the latitudinal dependend magnitude. They reflect slight interannual, more seasonal and regional aspects. Animáis size, temperature, food concentration, and species composition influence the specific rates


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[EN] This seminar will report the latest activities of the ULPGC»s Plankton Ecophysiology group (PEG). This group studies respiration, growth, nitrogen metabolism, oceanic carbon flux, deep ocean metabolism, and plankton cultivation. It works with zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria, and macroalgae. The premise behind the group»s investigations is that enzyme biochemistry controls an organism»s physiology that, in turn, has a strong impact on ocean chemistry and ecology. This research team (PEG) uses as foils, the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) and Kleiber»s law to argue the fact that respiratory metabolism is controlled not by biomass, but by the respiratory electron transport system (R-ETS). It has pointed out that the reason, zooplankton respiration statistically correlates with biomass, is because biomass packages mitochondria and mitochondria package the R-ETS. It has demonstrated, experimentally with Artemia salina, the superiority of using ETS as a respiration proxy rather than using biomass. Working with bacteria it has shown the inadequacy of the MTE in describing respiration in different growth phases of bacteria and has shown that a rival model based on enzyme kinetics works much better.


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[EN] Today, science is difficult to pursue because funding is so tenuous. In such a financial climate, researchers need to consider parallel alternatives to ensure that scientific research can continue. Based on this thinking, we created BIOCEANSolutions, a company born of a research group. A great variety of environmental regulations and standards have emerged over recent years with the purpose of protecting natural ecosystems. These have enabled us to link our research to the market of environmental management. Marine activities can alter environmental conditions, resulting in changes in physiological states, species diversity, abundance, and biomass in the local biological communities. In this way, we can apply our knowledge, to plankton ecophysiology and biochemical oceanography. We measure enzyme activities as bio-indicators of energy metabolism and other physiological rates and biologic-oceanographic processes in marine organisms. This information provides insight into the health of marine communities, the stress levels of individual organisms, and potential anomalies that may be affecting them. In the process of verifying standards and complying with regulations, we can apply our analytic capability and knowledge. The main analyses that we offer are: (1) the activity of the electron transport system (ETS) or potential respiration (Φ), (2) the physiological measurement of respiration (oxygen consumption), (3) the activity of Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), (4) the respiratory CO2 production, and (5) the activity of Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and (6) the physiological measurement of ammonium excretion. In addition, our experience in a productive research group allows us to pursue and develop technical-experimental activities such as marine and freshwater aquaculture, oceanographic field sampling, as well as providing guidance, counseling, and academic services. In summary, this new company will permit us to create a symbiosis between public and private sectors that serve clients and will allow us to grow and expand as a research team.


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The present dissertation focuses on an unfinished project for the construction of an inland waterway between Padua and Venice, in northern Italy. The history of this channel is analysed in the context of the general debate for the development of a waterway network in the Padanian plain. The project of reconstructing and enlarging the existing ancient channels for the development of a modern river transport system was born at the beginning of the 20th century as an attempt to withstand the railway’s concurrency. The main project aimed at transforming the Po river and other small rivers and channels in a big waterway for the connection of the most important northern industrial cities with Venice’s harbour and the Adriatic sea. Even if the idea of restoring the historical channel between Padua and Venice arose at the end of the First World War, it was only during the years 50s that a new project was conceived and the waterway was included in a global project for the construction of a whole new channel from Venice to Milan. The new project, strongly supported by the local Christian Democratic Party, was managed for more than twenty years causing a huge expenditure of money. After a great investment by both the central State and the local bodies (more than 100 millions euro) the project was finally abandoned. This research reconstructs the historical process and the economical motivations that sustained that project until its failure. Moreover, with the aim of understanding the reasons and the differences of such a failure, the history of inland waterway transport in Italy is compared with contemporary developments in Germany.


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The aim of this research is to analyze the transport system and its subcomponents in order to highlight which are the design tools for physical and/or organizational projects related to transport supply systems. A characteristic of the transport systems is that the change of their structures can recoil on several entities, groups of entities, which constitute the community. The construction of a new infrastructure can modify both the transport service characteristic for all the user of the entire network; for example, the construction of a transportation infrastructure can change not only the transport service characteristics for the users of the entire network in which it is part of, but also it produces economical, social, and environmental effects. Therefore, the interventions or the improvements choices must be performed using a rational decision making approach. This approach requires that these choices are taken through the quantitative evaluation of the different effects caused by the different intervention plans. This approach becomes even more necessary when the decisions are taken in behalf of the community. Then, in order to understand how to develop a planning process in Transportation I will firstly analyze the transport system and the mathematical models used to describe it: these models provide us significant indicators which can be used to evaluate the effects of possible interventions. In conclusion, I will move on the topics related to the transport planning, analyzing the planning process, and the variables that have to be considered to perform a feasibility analysis or to compare different alternatives. In conclusion I will perform a preliminary analysis of a new transit system which is planned to be developed in New York City.


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Die für Metazoen einzigartige Fähigkeit, hochdifferenzierte Silikatstrukturen herzustellen und als Gerüstsubstanz zu verwenden, steht bei den Porifera in einem scheinbaren Gegensatz zu der niedrigen Konzentration an Silizium in dem die Schwämme umgebenden Medium. In der zweiten bedeutenden silikatpolymerisierenden Species, den einzelligen Kieselalgen (Diatomeen), konnte bereits ein Silikattransporter identifiziert werden, dessen Sequenzdaten jedoch aufgrund der phylogenetisch geringen Verwandtschaft der Demospongien mit den Diatomeen keine Verwendung finden konnte Im Zuge der Suche nach einem Silikat-Transportsystem im Schwamm Suberites domuncula wurde ein potentielles Kandidatengen mittels molekularbiologischer Techniken aus einer cDNA Bank des Instituts isoliert, vervollständigt und analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass dieser Transporter durch seine Sequenzdaten der Familie der Bikarbonattransporter angehörte, und somit membranständig war. Seine Transportfunktion zeigte sich mittels spezifischer Inhibitoren hemmbar. Damit der Schwamm in der Lage ist, eine regulierbare und schnelle Anreicherung von Silikat durchführen zu können, lag eine Annahme einer Induzierbarkeit der Transportergene durch das Substrat Silikat nahe. Mittels Northern-Blot Analyse konnte in einem Primmorphensystem des Schwammes eine Hochregulation der Transkription der Transportergene festgestellt werden. Die Lokalisation der Exprimierung des Transporters innerhalb des Schwammgewebes konnte mittels In situ Hybridisierung untersucht werden und zeigte eine direkte Nähe zu den Polysilikatstrukturen des Schwammes. Um Hinweise auf eine Bifunktionalität des Transporters aufgrund der Ähnlichkeit von Carbonat und Silikat zu erhärten, wurden fluoreszenzmikroskopische Studien an isolierten Zellkulturen des Schwammes durchgeführt. Es kam zu einer intensive Reaktion der Zellen auf Silikat als Substrat. Dieser Effekt konnte nicht nur durch einen spezifischen Transportinhibitor (DIDS) gehemmt werden, sondern zeigt auch eine deutliche Temperaturabhängigkeit. Um den potentiellen Silikattransporter in Zusammenhang mit dem Gesamtmechanismus der Silikatnadelherstellung in Schwämmen zu bringen, wurden zusätzliche elektronenmikroskopische Studien angestellt. Hier konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, wie sich das die Polykondensation auslösende und dirigierende Proteinfilament des Schwammes bei der Nadelbildung entwickelt. Mittels einer darauf folgenden Immunogold-Markierung des Hauptaxialfilamentproteins des Schwammes in elektronenmikroskopischen Gewebepräparaten, konnte dessen Vorkommen nicht nur im Zentrum der Silikatnadel, sondern auch in den die Nadel umgebenden Strukturen nachgewiesen werden