697 resultados para Torsti, Pilvi: Divergent stories, convergent attitudes


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ABSTRACT: Identification of small polymorphisms from next generation sequencing short read data is relatively easy, but detection of larger deletions is less straightforward. Here, we analyzed four divergent Arabidopsis accessions and found that intersection of absent short read coverage with weak tiling array hybridization signal reliably flags deletions. Interestingly, individual deletions were frequently observed in two or more of the accessions examined, suggesting that variation in gene content partly reflects a common history of deletion events.


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Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia del uso auto informado del preservativo en la última relación sexual, así como algunas actitudes, creencias y percepciones sobre su uso para la prevención de la transmisión del VIH por vía heterosexual, en jóvenes de las ciudades de Nampula, Bemba y Lichinga, en Mozambique. Diseño: Estudio transversal de encuesta. Participantes: Seiscientos treinta y dos estudiantes de secundaria (56,8% varones), con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 24 años, seleccionados mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado proporcional. El porcentaje de participación es del 79%. Mediciones principales: Mediante un cuestionario, se evalúan en una escala de 0 a 10 las actitudes hacia el uso del preservativo, expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia y aceptación percibida sobre su utilización. Asimismo se evalúa el uso auto informado del preservativo en la última relación sexual. Resultados: Sólo un 47,4% (IC 0,95 = 42,0:52,8) de los jóvenes sexualmente activos utilizó el preservativo en la última relación sexual. En general las mujeres tienen una actitud más favorable respecto a su uso y creen más en su eficacia que los hombres, pero lo utilizan menos y se sienten poco capaces de pedir su uso al varón, principalmente si se trata de su actual pareja. La autoeficacia percibida para utilizar o pedir el uso del preservativo aumenta en el caso de una pareja ocasional tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Conclusiones: Se requieren acciones institucionales y sociales que promocionen el uso del preservativo entre los jóvenes de Mozambique. Los programas preventivos deberían insistir en el cambio de actitudes y creencias, y enfatizar los beneficios que se derivan de su uso adecuado y sistemático desde la primera relación coital


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BACKGROUND: The Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) is a self reported questionnaire for patients with foot and ankle disorders available in English, German, and Persian. This study plans to translate the FAAM from English to French (FAAM-F) and assess the validity and reliability of this new version.METHODS: The FAAM-F Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and sports subscales were completed by 105 French-speaking patients (average age 50.5 years) presenting various chronic foot and ankle disorders. Convergent and divergent validity was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficients between the FAAM-F subscales and the SF-36 scales: Physical Functioning (PF), Physical Component Summary (PCS), Mental Health (MH) and Mental Component Summary (MCS). Internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach's Alpha (CA). To assess test re-test reliability, 22 patients filled out the questionnaire a second time to estimate minimal detectable changes (MDC) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC).RESULTS: Correlations for FAAM-F ADL subscale were 0.85 with PF, 0.81 with PCS, 0.26 with MH, 0.37 with MCS. Correlations for FAAM-F Sports subscale were 0.72 with PF, 0.72 with PCS, 0.21 with MH, 0.29 with MCS. CA estimates were 0.97 for both subscales. Respectively for the ADL and Sports subscales, ICC were 0.97 and 0.94, errors for a single measure were 8 and 10 points at 95% confidence and the MDC values at 95% confidence were 7 and 18 points.CONCLUSION: The FAAM-F is valid and reliable for the self-assessment of physical function in French-speaking patients with a wide range of chronic foot and ankle disorders.


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Anti-angiogenic therapies are currently in cancer clinical trials, but to date there are no established tests for evaluating the angiogenic status of a patient. We measured 11 circulating angiogenesis-associated molecules in cancer patients before and after local treatment. The purpose of our study was to screen for possible relationships among the different molecules and between individual molecules and tumor burden. We measured VEGF-A, PlGF, SCF, MMP-9, EDB+ -fibronectin, sVEGFR-2, sVEGFR-1, salphaVbeta3, sTie-2, IL-8 and CRP in the blood of 22 healthy volunteers, 17 early breast, 17 early colorectal, and 8 advanced sarcoma/melanoma cancer patients. Breast cancer patients had elevated levels of VEGF-A and sTie-2, colorectal cancer patients of VEGF-A, MMP-9, sTie-2, IL-8 and CRP, and melanoma/sarcoma patients of sVEGFR-1. salphaVbeta3 was decreased in colorectal cancer patients. A correlation between VEGF-A and MMP-9 was found. After tumor removal, MMP-9 and salphaVbeta3 significantly decreased in breast and CRP in colorectal cancer, whereas sVEGFR-1 increased in colorectal cancer patients. In sarcoma/melanoma patients treated regionally with TNF and chemotherapy we observed a rise in VEGF-A, SCF, VEGFR-2, MMP-9, Tie-2 and CRP, a correlation between CRP and IL-8, and a decreased in sVEGFR-1 levels. In conclusion, among all factors measured, only VEGF-A and MMP-9 consistently correlated to each other, elevated CRP levels were associated with tumor burden, whereas sVEGF-R1 increased after tumor removal in colorectal cancer. Treatment with chemotherapy and TNF induced changes consistent with an angiogenic switch. These results warrant a prospective study to compare the effect of surgical tumor removal vs. chemotherapy on some of these markers and to evaluate their prognostic/predictive value.


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PURPOSE: To explore detainees and staff's attitudes towards tobacco use, in order to assist prison administrators to develop an ethically acceptable tobacco control policy based on stakeholders' opinion. DESIGN: Qualitative study based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 31 prisoners and 27 staff prior (T1) and after the implementation (T2) of a new smoke-free regulation (2009) in a Swiss male post-trial prison consisting of 120 detainees and 120 employees. RESULTS: At T1, smoking was allowed in common indoor rooms and most working places. Both groups of participants expressed the need for a more uniform and stricter regulation, with general opposition towards a total smoking ban. Expressed fears and difficulties regarding a stricter regulation were increased stress on detainees and strain on staff, violence, riots, loss of control on detainees, and changes in social life. At T2, participants expressed predominantly satisfaction. They reported reduction in their own tobacco use and a better protection against second-hand smoke. However, enforcement was incomplete. The debate was felt as being concentrated on regulation only, leaving aside the subject of tobacco reduction or cessation support. CONCLUSION: Besides an appropriate smoke-free regulation, further developments are necessary in order to have a comprehensive tobacco control policy in prisons.


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1. We compared the changes in binding energy generated by two mutations that shift in divergent directions the constitutive activity of the human beta(2) adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR). 2. A constitutively activating mutant (CAM) and the double alanine replacement (AA mutant) of catechol-binding serines (S204A, S207A) in helix 5 were stably expressed in CHO cell lines, and used to measure the binding affinities of more than 40 adrenergic ligands. Moreover, the efficacy of the same group of compounds was determined as intrinsic activity for maximal adenylyl cyclase stimulation in wild-type beta(2)AR. 3. Although the two mutations had opposite effects on ligand affinity, the extents of change were in both cases largely correlated with the degree of ligand efficacy. This was particularly evident if the extra loss of binding energy due to hydrogen bond deletion in the AA mutant was taken into account. Thus the data demonstrate that there is an overall linkage between the configuration of the binding pocket and the intrinsic equilibrium between active and inactive receptor forms. 4. We also found that AA mutation-induced affinity changes for catecholamine congeners gradually lacking ethanolamine substituents were linearly correlated to the loss of affinity that such modifications of the ligand cause for wild-type receptor. This indicates that the strength of bonds between catechol ring and helix 5 is critically dependent on the rest of interactions of the beta-ethanolamine tail with other residues of the beta(2)-AR binding pocket.


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The present study constitutes an investigation of tobacco consumption, related attitudes and individual differences in smoking or non-smoking behaviors in a sample of adolescents of different ages in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. We investigated three school-age groups (7th-grade, 9th-grade, and the second-year of high school) for differences in attitude and social and cognitive dimensions. We present both descriptive and inferential statistics. On an inferential level, we present a binary logistic regression-based model predicting risk of smoking. The resulting model most importantly suggests a strong relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption (both regular and sporadic). We interpret this result in terms of both the impact of the actual campaigns and the cognitive processes associated with adolescence.


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Important theoretical controversies remain unresolved in the literatire on occupational sex-segregation and the gender wage-gap. A useful way of summarising these controversies is viewing them as a debate between - cultural -socialisation. The paper discusses these theories in detail and carries out a preliminary test of the relative explanatory performance of some of their most consequential predictions. This is done by drawing on the Spanish sample of the second wave of the European Social Survey, ESS. The empirical analysis of ESS data illustrates the notable analytical pay-offs that can stem from using rich individual-level indicators, but also exemplifies the statistical llimitations generated by small sample size and high rates of non-response. Empirical results should, therefore, be taken as preliminary. They seem to suggest that the effect of occupational sex-segregation on wages could be explicable by workers' sex-role attitutes, their relative input in domestic production and the job-specific human capital requirements of their jobs. Of these three factors, job-specialisation seeems clearly the most important one.


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With each passing election, U.S. political campaigns have renewed their efforts in courting the “Latino vote,” yet the Latino population is not a culturally homogenous voting bloc. This study examined how cultural identifications and acculturation attitudes in U.S. born Mexican Americans interacted with socioeconomic status (SES) to predict political orientation. Individuals who held stronger Mexican identity and supported biculturalism as an acculturation strategy had a more liberal orientation, while belonging to a higher SES group and holding stronger assimilation attitudes predicted a less liberal orientation. Mexican cultural identification interacted with SES such that those who held a weaker Mexican identity, but came from a higher social class were less liberal and more moderate in their political orientation. Weak Mexican identification and higher SES also predicted weaker endorsement of bicultural acculturation attitudes, which in turn, mediated the differences in political orientation. The acceptance of one’s ethnic identity and endorsement of bicultural attitudes predicted a more liberal political orientation. In light of these findings, political candidates should be cautious in how they pander to Latino constituents—referencing the groups’ ethnic culture or customs may distance constituents who are not strongly identified with their ethnic culture.


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As atitudes que os enfermeiros adotam em relação à família condicionam o processo de cuidar. Nosso propósito com este estudo foi nesse sentido: dispor de um instrumento que nos permitisse conhecer esta variável. Assim, nossa proposta foi efetuar a adaptação transcultural e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do instrumento Families' Importance in Nursing Care - Nurses Attitudes (FINC-NA), que visa avaliar as atitudes dos enfermeiros acerca da importância de envolver a família nos cuidados de enfermagem. Foi seguido o método preconizado pela literatura. A amostra foi constituída por 136 enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Os resultados obtidos nos testes de confiabilidade revelam uma boa consistência interna para o total dos itens (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,87). O estudo psicométrico permite-nos afirmar que a versão em português da FINC-NA, que denominamos A importância das famílias nos cuidados de enfermagem - atitudes dos enfermeiros (IFCE-AE), é um instrumento fidedigno e válido.


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The present study aims to analyze attitudes and beliefs of the French-speaking general Swiss population (n = 2500; female n = 1280; mean age = 43 years) as regards gambling, which are to date almost exclusively studied in the North American and Australian contexts. Beliefs related to gambling include the perception of the effectiveness of preventive measures toward gambling, the comparative risk assessment of different addictive behaviors, the perceived risks of different types of gambling and attitudes are related to the gambler's personality. The general population perceived gambling rather negatively and was conscious of the potential risks of gambling; indeed, 59.0% of the sample identified gambling as an addictive practice. Slot machines were estimated to bear the highest risk. Compared with women and older people, men and young people indicated more positive beliefs about gambling; they perceived gambling as less addictive, supported structural preventive measures less often, and perceived gambling as a less serious problem for society. Gamblers were more likely to put their practices into perspective, perceiving gambling more positively than non-gamblers. General population surveys on such beliefs can deliver insights into preventive actions that should be targeted to young men who showed more favorable views of gambling, which have been shown to be associated with increased risk for problematic gambling.


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OBJECTIVE: When potentially dangerous patients reveal criminal fantasies to their therapists, the latter must decide whether this information has to be transmitted to a third person in order to protect potential victims. We were interested in how medical and legal professionals handle such situations in the context of prison medicine and forensic evaluations. We aimed to explore the motives behind their actions and to compare these professional groups. METHOD: A mail survey was conducted among medical and legal professionals using five fictitious case vignettes. For each vignette, participants were asked to answer questions exploring what the professional should do in the situation and to explain their justification for the chosen response. RESULTS: A total of 147 questionnaires were analysed. Agreement between participants varied from one scenario to another. Overall, legal professionals tended to disclose information to a third party more easily than medical professionals, the latter tending to privilege confidentiality and patient autonomy over security. Perception of potential danger in a given situation was not consistently associated with actions. CONCLUSION: Professionals' opinions and attitudes regarding the confidentiality of potentially dangerous patients differ widely and appear to be subjectively determined. Shared discussions about clinical situations could enhance knowledge and competencies and reduce differences between professional groups.