983 resultados para Testicular main ducts


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Many of the reproductive disorders that emerge in adulthood have their origin during fetal development. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can permanently affect the reproductive health of experimental animals. In mammals, male sexual differentiation and development are androgen-dependent processes. In rat, the critical programming window for masculinization occurs between embryonic days (EDs) 15.5 and 19.5. Disorders in sex steroid balance during fetal life can disturb the development of the male reproductive tract. In addition to the fetal testis, the adrenal cortex starts to produce steroid hormones before birth. Glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex are essential for preparing the fetus for birth. In the present study, the effects of exposure to endocrine disrupters on fetal male rat testicular and adrenal development were investigated. To differentiate the systemic and direct testicular effects of endocrine disrupters, both in vivo and in vitro experiments were performed. The present study also clarified the role of desert hedgehog signalling (Dhh) in the development of the testis. The results indicate that endocrine disrupters, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and flutamide, are able to induce rapid steroidogenic changes in fetal rat testis under in vitro conditions. Although in utero exposure to these chemicals did not show overt effects in fetal testis, they can induce permanent changes in the developing testis and accessory sex organs later in life. We also reported that exposure to antiandrogens can interfere with testicular Dhh signalling and result in impaired differentiation of the fetal Leydig cells and subsequently lead to abnormal testicular development and sexual differentiation. In utero exposure to tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) caused direct testicular and pituitary effects on the fetal male rat but with different dose responses. In a study in which the effects of developmental exposure to environmental antiandrogens, di-isononylphthalate and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p-DDE), on fetal male rat steroidogenesis were investigated, chemicals did not down-regulate testicular or adrenal steroid hormone synthesis or production in 19.5-day-old fetal rats. However, p,p-DDE-treatment caused clear histological and ultrastructural changes in the prenatal testis and adrenal gland. These structural alterations can disturb the development and function of fetal testis and adrenal gland that may become evident later in life. Exposure to endocrine disrupters during fetal life can cause morphological abnormalities and alter steroid hormone production by fetal rat Leydig cells and adrenocortical cells. These changes may contribute to the maldevelopment of the testis and the adrenal gland. The present study highlights the importance of the fetal period as a sensitive window for endocrine disruption.


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Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofuranes (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are types of persistent and bioaccumulating organic pollutants with enhanced chronic toxicity and carcinogenic properties and can be considered as environmental indicators of anthropogenic activities since their occurrence in the environment can always be linked to anthropogenic activities. The present paper reviews the main sources and behaviour of these compounds in the environment as well as the risks they represent to man and biota.


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Chlorambucil is an anticancer agent used in the treatment of a variety of cancers, especially in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, chlorambucil is potentially mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic. The high antitumor activity and high toxicity of chlorambucil and its main metabolite, phenylacetic acid mustard, to normal tissues have been known for a long time. Despite this, no detailed chemical data on their reactions with biomolecules in aqueous media have been available. The aim of the work described in this thesis was to analyze reactions of chlorambucil with 2’-deoxyribonucleosides and calf thymus DNA in aqueous buffered solution, at physiological pH, and to identify and characterize all adducts by using modern analyzing methods. Our research was also focused on the reactions of phenylacetic acid mustard with 2’-deoxynucleosides under similar conditions. A review of the literature consisting of general background of nucleic acids, alkylating agents and ultraviolet spectroscopy used to identify the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides, as well as the results from experimental work are presented and discussed in this doctoral thesis.


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...


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In the search for new larvicides from plants, we have investigated the potential activity of the rotenoids deguelin (1), 12a-hydroxy-α-toxicarol (2) and tephrosin (3), isolated from the bioactive ethanol extract of roots of Tephrosia toxicaria Pers., against Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue. The absolute configuration of these compounds was determined by circular dichroism (CD) spectra. The LC50 values of the compounds evaluated justify the potential of T. toxicaria as a new natural larvicide.


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Coal, natural gas and petroleum-based liquid fuels are still the most widely used energy sources in modern society. The current scenario contrasts with the foreseen shortage of petroleum that was spread out in the beginning of the XXI century, when the concept of "energy security" emerged as an urgent agenda to ensure a good balance between energy supply and demand. Much beyond protecting refineries and oil ducts from terrorist attacks, these issues soon developed to a portfolio of measures related to process sustainability, involving at least three fundamental dimensions: (a) the need for technological breakthroughs to improve energy production worldwide; (b) the improvement of energy efficiency in all sectors of modern society; and (c) the increase of the social perception that education is a key-word towards a better use of our energy resources. Together with these technological, economic or social issues, "energy security" is also strongly influenced by environmental issues involving greenhouse gas emissions, loss of biodiversity in environmentally sensitive areas, pollution and poor solid waste management. For these and other reasons, the implementation of more sustainable practices in our currently available industrial facilities and the search for alternative energy sources that could partly replace the fossil fuels became a major priority throughout the world. Regarding fossil fuels, the main technological bottlenecks are related to the exploitation of less accessible petroleum resources such as those in the pre-salt layer, ranging from the proper characterization of these deep-water oil reservoirs, the development of lighter and more efficient equipment for both exploration and exploitation, the optimization of the drilling techniques, the achievement of further improvements in production yields and the establishment of specialized training programs for the technical staff. The production of natural gas from shale is also emerging in several countries but its production in large scale has several problems ranging from the unavoidable environmental impact of shale mining as well as to the bad consequences of its large scale exploitation in the past. The large scale use of coal has similar environmental problems, which are aggravated by difficulties in its proper characterization. Also, the mitigation of harmful gases and particulate matter that are released as a result of combustion is still depending on the development of new gas cleaning technologies including more efficient catalysts to improve its emission profile. On the other hand, biofuels are still struggling to fulfill their role in reducing our high dependence on fossil fuels. Fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel) from vegetable oils and ethanol from cane sucrose and corn starch are mature technologies whose market share is partially limited by the availability of their raw materials. For this reason, there has been a great effort to develop "second-generation" technologies to produce methanol, ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, biogas (methane), bio-oils, syngas and synthetic fuels from lower grade renewable feedstocks such as lignocellulosic materials whose consumption would not interfere with the rather sensitive issues of food security. Advanced fermentation processes are envisaged as "third generation" technologies and these are primarily linked to the use of algae feedstocks as well as other organisms that could produce biofuels or simply provide microbial biomass for the processes listed above. Due to the complexity and cost of their production chain, "third generation" technologies usually aim at high value added biofuels such as biojet fuel, biohydrogen and hydrocarbons with a fuel performance similar to diesel or gasoline, situations in which the use of genetically modified organisms is usually required. In general, the main challenges in this field could be summarized as follows: (a) the need for prospecting alternative sources of biomass that are not linked to the food chain; (b) the intensive use of green chemistry principles in our current industrial activities; (c) the development of mature technologies for the production of second and third generation biofuels; (d) the development of safe bioprocesses that are based on environmentally benign microorganisms; (e) the scale-up of potential technologies to a suitable demonstration scale; and (f) the full understanding of the technological and environmental implications of the food vs. fuel debate. On the basis of these, the main objective of this article is to stimulate the discussion and help the decision making regarding "energy security" issues and their challenges for modern society, in such a way to encourage the participation of the Brazilian Chemistry community in the design of a road map for a safer, sustainable and prosper future for our nation.


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Företag inom industri och handel väljer allt oftare att låta ett logistikföretag sköta stora delar av sina logistiska processer. Logistikföretagen i sin tur överlåter utförandet av enskilda tjänster, som t.ex. olika typer av transport, till olika samarbetspartners inom branschen. I avhandlingen studeras hur logistikföretag går till väga då de väljer vilka av deras samarbetspartners som ska engageras för att delta i utförandet av ett logistiktjänstepaket, en arbetsprocess som här kallas aktivering. Fokus ligger på aktiveringens innehåll och de faktorer som inverkar på hur den går till och vilka samarbetsparter som kommer att engageras. Arbetet bygger på nätverksansatsen för studier av företagsrelationer på industriella marknader. Aktiveringsprocessen uppfattas som en rätt ordinär, rutinmässig verksamhet i företaget, men den kan också förväntas inverka på hur företagets samarbetsnätverk utvecklas över tiden, genom att vissa relationer förstärks medan andra försvagas. I den empi riska undersökningen deltog 29 logistikföretag i Åboregionen som utgående från ett diskussionsunderlag fick berätta om hur de går till väga vid aktivering.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the K2O distribution uniformity by surface drip irrigation at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain (39º 29′ N, 0º 23′ W, 20 m). The irrigation was performed by drip lines with not-compensated emitters, spaced 0.3 m. The fertigation was realized using a fertilizer injector pump of electric action with injection of 0.25 h. The experimental design used completely randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of injection in five distances, located at 10; 20; 30; 40; 50 m of the first drip line. Samples were collected in emitters located at the start, at 1/3, at 2/3 and at the end of the drip lines. The nutrient concentration was determined by flame spectrophotometry. The Christiansen's uniformity coefficients (CUC), of distribution (DUC), of statistical (SUC) and of emission (eUC) were estimated. The K2O concentration and distribution decreased linearly with the increase of the injection distance. In all treatments, the CUC, SUC and DUC were described as 'excellent'. The eUC was described as 'recommended' only at smaller injection distances.


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Konecranes Corporation manufactures huge steel structures in 16 factories worldwide, in which the environment and quality varies. The company has a desire to achieve the same weld quality in each factory, regardless of the manufacturing place. The main subject of this master’s thesis was to develop the present box girder crane welding process, submerged arc welding and especially the fillet welding. Throughput time and manufacturing costs can be decreased by welding the full penetration fillet weld without a bevel, changing present groove types for more appropriate ones and by achieving the desired weld quality on the first time. Welding experiments of longitudinal fillet welding were made according to the present challenges, which the manufacturing process is facing. In longitudinal fillet welding tests the main focus was to achieve full penetration fillet weld for 6, 8 and 10 millimeters thick web plates with single and twin wire submerged arc welding. Full penetration was achieved with all the material thicknesses, both with single and twin wire submerged arc welding processes. The main problem concerning the weld was undercutting and shape of the weld bead. The question about insufficiency of presently used power sources with twin wire was risen up during testing, due to the thicknesses that require high welding current. Bigger power source is required when box girders are welded nonstop, if twin wire is used. For single wire process the penetration was achieved with significantly less amperage than with twin wire.


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Testicular and paratesticular prepuberal tumors are rare. They represent around 1% of the total of tumors of infancy. They subdivide in 2 groups: germ cells tumors and non germ cells tumors, being able to occur in all the ages, and about 75% are malignant, and about 19% of these they present metastasis. The tumors of germ cells tumors represent 60 75% of the tumors testiculars in infancy, having as main example the yolk sac tumor (65% of the neoplasms), followed for teratomas (14%); although some works to exist where teratoma, if presents as most common .The non germ cells tumors include the Leydig cell tumor and Sertoli cell tumor. The Leydig cell tumor, are most frequent between the non germ cells tumors testicular. This review article on epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of to testicular and to paratesticular tumors in child.


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Sarcoidosis is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas in multiple organs. We present a case of testicular sarcoidosis in a white, 55-year-old man who has come to our department complaining of bilateral testicular discomfort and weight loss.