963 resultados para Social Tools


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Social media tools are bringing a new dimension to dialogue and feedback for learners on a level 3 BTEC extended diploma in creative media production at Basingstoke College of Technology. Not only do blogging, networking and video-sharing tools engage their attention, learners find sharing their work on a public platform helps them achieve a higher standard of work through the continuous engagement with feedback from peers and industry professionals made possible by social media.


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Esta investigación parte de las diferentes iniciativas que se presentan en el escenario nacional e internacional en torno a la intención por consolidar y mejorar la función de control social a la gestión pública que ejercen por mandato constitucional las veedurías ciudadanas, a partir de referentes que orienten la labor de sus integrantes, en el caso concreto del municipio de Envigado dadas sus características y la cultura de participación ciudadana que ha implementado. En ese sentido, se indaga acerca de ¿Cómo fortalecer el control social, a través del mejoramiento en la función de seguimiento a la gestión pública que desarrollan las veedurías ciudadanas en el municipio de Envigado? En este trabajo se propone un modelo para el fortalecimiento del control social a la gestión pública que ejercen las veedurías ciudadanas, como herramienta de consulta para el desarrollo de actividades de seguimiento real y efectivo a las diferentes actuaciones que enmarcan la gestión pública; desde la formulación misma de la Política de Participación Ciudadana y su nuevo marco normativo en Colombia, el análisis e identificación de otras publicaciones que buscan facilitar la labor del veedor ciudadano con guías, instructivos, entre otros; así como un análisis de los principales obstáculos que se presentan en su función, conforme algunos referentes de investigaciones al respecto.


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Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem de uma ferramenta baseada em SMA para a simulação da produção e gestão social de um ecossistema urbano, a organização social do Projeto da Horta San Jeronimo(SJVG), localizado no Parque San Jeronimo Sevilha, Espanha, que e coordenado pela confederação Ecologistas en Accion . Estes processos sociais observados no projeto do SJVG são caracterizados pela ocorrência de uma serie de interações e trocas sociais entre os participantes. Além disso, os comportamentos periódicos, interações e comunicações são regulados pelo Regimento de Normas Internas, estabelecidos pela comunidade em assembleia, sob a supervisão e coordenação da confederação EA. O SMA foi concebido como um sistema JaCaMo multidimensional, composto por cinco dimensões integradas: a população de agentes, os artefatos normativos (a organização), os artefatos físicos (o ambiente dos agentes), artefatos de comunicação (o conjunto de interações) e os artefatos normativos (política normativa interna). A ferramenta utilizada no projeto e o framework JaCaMo, uma vez que apresenta suporte de alto nível e modularidade para o desenvolvimento das três primeiras dimensões acima mencionadas. Mesmo tendo enfrentado alguns problemas importantes que surgiram adotando o framework JaCaMo para desenvolvimento do Projeto SJVG-SMA, como: (i) a impossibilidade de especificação da periodicidade no modelo MOISE, (II) a impossibilidade de definir normas, seus atributos básicos (nome, periodicidade, papel a que se aplica) e as sanções, e (III) a inexistência de uma infraestrutura modular para a definição de interações através da comunicação, foi possível adotar soluções modulares interessantes para manter a ideia de um SMA de 5 dimensões, desenvolvidos na plataforma JaCaMo. As soluções apresentadas neste trabalho são baseadas principalmente no âmbito do Cartago, apontando também para a integração de artefatos organizacionais, normativos, físicos e de comunicação.


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Well-designed marine protected area (MPA) networks can deliver a range of ecological, economic and social benefits, and so a great deal of research has focused on developing spatial conservation prioritization tools to help identify important areas. However, whilst these software tools are designed to identify MPA networks that both represent biodiversity and minimize impacts on stakeholders, they do not consider complex ecological processes. Thus, it is difficult to determine the impacts that proposed MPAs could have on marine ecosystem health, fisheries and fisheries sustainability. Using the eastern English Channel as a case study, this paper explores an approach to address these issues by identifying a series of MPA networks using the Marxan and Marxan with Zones conservation planning software and linking them with a spatially explicit ecosystem model developed in Ecopath with Ecosim. We then use these to investigate potential trade-offs associated with adopting different MPA management strategies. Limited-take MPAs, which restrict the use of some fishing gears, could have positive benefits for conservation and fisheries in the eastern English Channel, even though they generally receive far less attention in research on MPA network design. Our findings, however, also clearly indicate that no-take MPAs should form an integral component of proposed MPA networks in the eastern English Channel, as they not only result in substantial increases in ecosystem biomass, fisheries catches and the biomass of commercially valuable target species, but are fundamental to maintaining the sustainability of the fisheries. Synthesis and applications. Using the existing software tools Marxan with Zones and Ecopath with Ecosim in combination provides a powerful policy-screening approach. This could help inform marine spatial planning by identifying potential conflicts and by designing new regulations that better balance conservation objectives and stakeholder interests. In addition, it highlights that appropriate combinations of no-take and limited-take marine protected areas might be the most effective when making trade-offs between long-term ecological benefits and short-term political acceptability.


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A presente investigação reflete um estudo que investiga o impacto da música na melhoria da qualidade de vida de uma população de adultos com deficiência mental e/ou sensorial e/ou motora, ao nível dos comportamentos individuais e sociais, e das capacidades de comunicação e expressão interpessoal. Com ele, tenciona-se trilhar um caminho na aceitação e valorização de cada indivíduo enquanto ser individual e social, encarando os seus aspetos singulares, biológicos e sociais como oportunidades de exploração de capacidades e particularidades, e investigando a concretização destes ideais através da música. Neste sentido, durante o ano letivo de 2014/2015, conduziu-se uma intervenção prática semanal junto de uma comunidade com multideficiência que frequenta um Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais de uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social do concelho de Ílhavo. Após terem sido delineados objetivos específicos para o grupo e objetivos individuais para cada um dos elementos da amostra, realizaram-se dois períodos de experimentação, entre os quais se procedeu à aferição de ferramentas. Os resultados das sessões implementadas foram avaliados através de uma escala de avaliação e de questionários. Provou-se que todos os objetivos foram concretizados e concluiu-se que a música pode proporcionar melhorias significativas na qualidade de vida de uma população com deficiência ou incapacidade. A proposta não é de inclusão, mas sim de não exclusão, sendo o projeto musical um agente dinamizador e consciencializador de princípios éticos de uma cidadania mais participativa.


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It is important to identify groups of people vulnerable to a disease condition. Aim: To determine the association between social vulnerability to caries and caries status of children in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Methods: A composite vulnerability index for caries was developed using data generated for 992 children. Wilks’ Lambda test to verify relationship between vulnerability and its variables. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine if the social vulnerability for caries index was a good predictor for caries status. Results: The social vulnerability to caries index could not predict caries status. The study found that sex, age and number of siblings were the significant predictors of caries status in the study population. Females (AOR: 1.63; 95%CI: 1.08 – 2.46; p=0.02) and children with more than two siblings had higher odds of having caries (AOR: 2.61; 95%CI: 1.61 – 4.24; p<0.001) while children below 5 years had lower odds of having caries (AOR: 0.62; 95%CI: 0.39 – 1.00; p=0.05) Conclusions: The social vulnerability index for caries could not predict the caries status of children in the study population. Sensitive tools to identify children with caries in the study population should be developed.


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(ESPAÑOL) La moda es un fenómeno social y cultural que genera un elevado interés entre muchos colectivos. Es también un sector económico generador de actividad y empleo, que influye además en otros sectores y es capaz de crear imagen de país. La llegada de internet y la explosión de la conectividad han desencadenado importantes cambios, de los que el sector de la moda no es ajeno. Así, se han generado nuevos modos de visibilidad para la moda, se han creado nuevos perfiles profesionales, y se han desarrollado nuevos modelos de negocio. Los prescriptores y marcadores de tendencias han dejado de estar en manos de las marcas y los grupos editoriales, para pasar a manos de los propios consumidores, que crean tendencias con la exhibición de sus propios looks. Blogs, bloggers y redes sociales, entre las que destaca Instagram, se han convertido en instrumentos imprescindibles en las estrategias de marketing de las empresas del sector, desencadenándose una gran transformación. Este es precisamente el eje central del presente trabajo: el análisis del proceso de evolución del sector de la moda, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como social.


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A partir del movimiento estudiantil que surge en Chile en 2011 el artículo reflexiona sobre la escuela como espacio de aprendizaje situado de tecnologías digitales audiovisuales y el modo en que este proceso puede impactar sobre la dimensión político-comunicacional de un movimiento social. Para ello, se describe y analiza el caso de una escuela donde la educación formal en lenguajes y tecnologías digitales se imbrica con el uso que hacen, estudiantes secundarias que se convierten en dirigentas estudiantiles, de aplicaciones y recursos de la web social y los llamados “social media” (youtube, blogs, redes sociales). Se trabaja con datos generados a través de entrevistas a informantes claves y una selección de videos creados por el estudiantado y subidos a internet. El contenido de las entrevistas es abordado desde el concepto de aprendizaje situado (Lave y Wenger, 1991) y los videos desde el concepto de videoactivismo (Askanius, 2013; Mateos y Rajas, 2014). Los resultados muestran que el uso concreto de herramientas digitales obtenidas en contextos educativos formales y dentro de procesos de movilización, genera a su vez nuevas experiencias de aprendizaje no-formal, que permiten tanto a estudiantes como docentes reflexionar sobre sus prácticas y mejorar su potencial comunicativo. Asimismo, muestran un uso acrítico de las herramientas digitales, lo cual constituye un llamado de atención respecto a la necesidad de incorporar los tópicos de privacidad y autocuidado en internet dentro de los contenidos a desarrollar por la escuela como espacio de aprendizaje digital.


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O apoio social e o bem-estar são variantes importantes para a saúde mental, em particular, quando se trata da população idosa. O presente estudo visa avaliar o apoio social, o bem-estar e a saúde mental em idosos não institucionalizados e institucionalizados. O método utilizado é o quantitativo, tendo sido realizado um estudo descritivo-correlacional, comparativo, transversal, com uma amostra de 100 idosos: 50 institucionalizados em lar e 50 não institucionalizados, mas que frequentam o centro de dia. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados foram a Escala de Bem-Estar Mental de Warwick-Edimburgh (WEMWBS); a Escala Continuum de Saúde Mental (MHC-SF); a Escala de Rede de Apoio Social de Lubben (LSNS-6); Questionário Sociodemográfico. Genericamente, os resultados demonstram que a maioria dos participantes apresenta níveis elevados de bem-estar, nomeadamente bem-estar emocional, bem-estar psicológico e bem-estar social, encontrando-se maioritariamente em flourishing. Relativamente ao apoio social, este evidencia-se como razoável ao nível da família e baixo ao nível dos amigos. Na análise da relação entre bem-estar, saúde mental e apoio social nos idosos em estudo, foram encontradas correlações estatisticamente significativas positivas entre todas estas dimensões, quer nos indivíduos não institucionalizados e quer nos institucionalizados. Assim, a relação positiva encontrada entre a maioria das variáveis consideradas permite concluir que o bem-estar, a saúde mental e o suporte social se encontram relacionados. Os idosos mais velhos, em particular os institucionalizados, são os que apresentam resultados mais baixos ao nível do bem-estar mental, emocional e suporte social.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como finalidade primordial mapear a intervenção técnica com base processual, junto de uma família beneficiária de rendimento social de inserção. Mais especificamente aferir as problemáticas e vulnerabilidades da família ao longo do acompanhamento, confrontando com a avaliação diagnóstica e a elaboração de todo o acompanhamento. A investigação segue uma metodologia de estudo de caso com análise documental de um processo acompanhado há 18 anos, cruzando as evidências da intervenção aferindo avaliação diagnostica, a conceção do plano de intervenção e respetivo processo de monitorização, acompanhamento e avaliação. O presente estudo apresenta a necessidade de estruturação de instrumentos de monitorização de todo acompanhamento e uma reflexão sobre as implicações da medida relativamente ao comportamento das famílias beneficiária.


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Social tagging, as a particular type of indexing, has thrown into question the nature of indexing. Is it a democratic process? Can we all benefit from user-created tags? What about the value added by professionals? Employing an evolving framework analysis, this paper addresses the question: what is next for indexing? Comparing social tagging and subject cataloguing; this paper identifies the points of similarity and difference that obtain between these two kinds of information organization frameworks. The subsequent comparative analysis of the parts of these frameworks points to the nature of indexing as an authored, personal, situational, and referential act, where differences in discursive placement divide these two species. Furthermore, this act is contingent on implicit and explicit understanding of purpose and tools available. This analysis allows us to outline desiderata for the next steps in indexing.


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Abstract : Information and communication technologies (ICTs, henceforth) have become ubiquitous in our society. The plethora of devices competing with the computer, from iPads to the Interactive whiteboard, just to name a few, has provided teachers and students alike with the ability to communicate and access information with unprecedented accessibility and speed. It is only logical that schools reflect these changes given that their purpose is to prepare students for the future. Surprisingly enough, research indicates that ICT integration into teaching activities is still marginal. Many elementary and secondary schoolteachers are not making effective use of ICTs in their teaching activities as well as in their assessment practices. The purpose of the current study is a) to describe Quebec ESL teachers’ profiles of using ICTs in their daily teaching activities; b) to describe teachers’ ICT integration and assessment practices; and c) to describe teachers’ social representations regarding the utility and relevance of ICT use in their daily teaching activities and assessment practices. In order to attain our objectives, we based our theoretical framework, principally, on the social representations (SR, henceforth) theory and we defined most related constructs which were deemed fundamental to the current thesis. We also collected data from 28 ESL elementary and secondary school teachers working in public and private sectors. The interview guide used to that end included a range of items to elicit teachers’ SR in terms of ICT daily use in teaching activities as well as in assessment practices. In addition, we carried out our data analyses from a textual statistics perspective, a particular mode of content analysis, in order to extract the indicators underlying teachers’ representations of the teachers. The findings suggest that although almost all participants use a wide range of ICT tools in their practices, ICT implementation is seemingly not exploited to its fullest potential and, correspondingly, is likely to produce limited effects on students’ learning. Moreover, none of the interviewees claim that they use ICTs in their assessment practices and they still hold to the traditional paper-based assessment (PBA, henceforth) approach of assessing students’ learning. Teachers’ common discourse reveals a gap between the positive standpoint with regards to ICT integration, on the one hand, and the actual uses of instructional technology, on the other. These results are useful for better understanding the way ESL teachers in Quebec currently view their use of ICTs, particularly for evaluation purposes. In fact, they provide a starting place for reconsidering the implementation of ICTs in elementary and secondary schools. They may also be useful to open up avenues for the development of a future research program in this regard.


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ResumenEn el presente artículo se analiza cuáles son las restricciones que impone la Convención Americanade Derechos Humanos en la construcción de un sistema de elección de representantes populares.Para ello, se tomarán herramientas de Social Choice Theory, que nos permitirán depurar y encontrarprecisamente cuales sistemas electorales no pueden ser tolerados en el Sistema Interamericano deDerechos Humanos.Palabras clave: Social Choice Theory, Derechos Políticos, Teorema de la Imposibilidad de Arrow,Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.AbstractThis article analyzes which are the restrictions that the American Convention of Human Rights imposeson the construction of an electoral system for popular representation. To do so, tools from Social ChoiceTheory will be taken which will allow us to precise and find which exact electoral systems cannot be toleratedin the Inter-American Human Rights System.Keywords: Social Choice Theory, Political Rights, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, Inter-AmericanHuman Rights System.


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The porpoise of this study was to implement research methodologies and assess the effectiveness and impact of management tools to promote best practices for the long term conservation of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Different methods were included in the project framework to investigate and expand the applicability of these methodologies to free-ranging African wild dogs in the southern African region: ethology, behavioural endocrinology and ecology field methodologies were tested and implemented. Additionally, research was performed to test the effectiveness and implication of a contraceptive implant (Suprenolin) as a management tool for the species of a subpopulation hosted in fenced areas. Attention was especially given to social structure and survival of treated packs. This research provides useful tools and advances the applicability of these methods for field studies, standardizing and improving research instruments in the field of conservation biology and behavioural endocrinology. Results reported here provide effective methodologies to expand the applicability of non-invasive endocrine assessment to previously prohibited fields, and validation of sampling methods for faecal hormone analysis. The final aim was to fill a knowledge gap on behaviours of the species and provide a common ground for future researchers to apply non-invasive methods to this species research and to test the effectiveness of the contraception on a managed metapopulation.


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Sustainability encompasses the presence of three dimensions that must coexist simultaneously, namely the environmental, social, and economic ones. The economic and social dimensions are gaining the spotlight in recent years, especially within food systems. To assess social and economic impacts, indicators and tools play a fundamental role in contributing to the achievements of sustainability targets, although few of them have deepen the focus on social and economic impacts. Moreover, in a framework of citizen science and bottom-up approach for improving food systems, citizen play a key role in defying their priorities in terms of social and economic interventions. This research expands the knowledge of social and economic sustainability indicators within the food systems for robust policy insights and interventions. This work accomplishes the following objectives: 1) to define social and economic indicators within the supply chain with a stakeholder perspective, 2) to test social and economic sustainability indicators for future food systems engaging young generations. The first objective was accomplished through the development of a systematic literature review of 34 social sustainability tools, based on five food supply chain stages, namely production, processing, wholesale, retail, and consumer considering farmers, workers, consumers, and society as stakeholders. The second objective was achieved by defining and testing new food systems social and economic sustainability indicators through youth engagement for informed and robust policy insights, to provide policymakers suggestions that would incorporate young generations ones. Future food systems scenarios were evaluated by youth through focus groups, whose results were analyzed through NVivo and then through a survey with a wider platform. Conclusion addressed the main areas of policy interventions in terms of social and economic aspects of sustainable food systems youth pointed out as in need of interventions, spanning from food labelling reporting sustainable origins to better access to online food services.