887 resultados para Sexually transmitted diseases.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
BACKGROUND Prisoners represent a vulnerable population for blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections which can potentially lead to liver fibrosis and ultimately cirrhosis. However, little is known about the prevalence of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors among inmates in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS Screening of liver fibrosis was undertaken in a randomly selected sample of male inmates incarcerated in Lome, Togo and in Dakar, Senegal using transient elastography. A liver stiffness measurement ≥9.5 KPa was retained to define the presence of a severe liver fibrosis. All included inmates were also screened for HIV, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. Substances abuse including alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use were assessed during face-to-face interviews. Odds Ratio (OR) estimates were computed with their 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) to identify factors associated with severe liver fibrosis. RESULTS Overall, 680 inmates were included with a median age of 30 years [interquartile range: 24-35]. The prevalence of severe fibrosis was 3.1 % (4.9 % in Lome and 1.2 % in Dakar). Infections with HIV, HBV and HCV were identified in 2.6 %, 12.5 % and 0.5 % of inmates, respectively. Factors associated with a severe liver fibrosis were HIV infection (OR = 7.6; CI 1.8-32.1), HBV infection (OR = 4.8; CI 1.8-12.8), HCV infection (OR = 52.6; CI 4.1-673.8), use of traditional medicines (OR = 3.7; CI 1.4-10.1) and being incarcerated in Lome (OR = 3.3; CI 1.1-9.8) compared to Dakar. CONCLUSIONS HIV infection and viral hepatitis infections were identified as important and independent determinants of severe liver fibrosis. While access to active antiviral therapies against HIV and viral hepatitis expands in Africa, adapted strategies for the monitoring of liver disease need to be explored, especially in vulnerable populations such as inmates.
Patterns of first sexual activity among Australians born between the 1940s and 1980s were analysed using data from a national telephone survey of 1784 adults (876 males; 908 females). Sixty-one percent of those randomly selected from the Australian electoral roll and contactable by telephone responded. Many trends, including earlier first intercourse - from 20 to 18 years (females) and 18.8 to 17.8 years (males) - were established with the 40-49 year cohort, whose sexual debut was in the late 1960s-70s. Significant age-cohort effects saw women in the contemporary (18-29 year) cohort draw level with males for age at first intercourse and first sex before age 16 and before leaving school. First intercourse contraceptive use climbed from 30% to 80'%. Condom use quadrupled to 70%. Australian age-cohort effects are remarkably consistent with those in similar western cultures: gender convergence in sexual experience and increasing avoidance of sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy. If such trends continue, positive long-term outcomes for health and social wellbeing should result.
Multi-problem youth undergoing treatment for substance use problems are at high behavioral risk for exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Specific risk factors include childhood adversities such as maltreatment experiences and subsequent forms of psychopathology. The current study used a person-centered analytical approach to examine how childhood maltreatment experiences were related to patterns of psychiatric symptoms and HIV/STI risk behaviors in a sample of adolescents (N = 408) receiving treatment services. Data were collected in face-to-face interviews at two community-based facilities. Descriptive statistics and Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) were used to (a) classify adolescents into groups based on past year psychiatric symptoms, and (b) examine relations between class membership and forms of childhood maltreatment experiences, as well as past year sexual risk behavior (SRB). ^ LPA results indicated significant heterogeneity in psychiatric symptoms among the participants. The three classes generated via the optimal LPA solution included: (a) a low psychiatric symptoms class, (b) a high alcohol symptoms class and (c) a high internalizing symptoms class. Class membership was associated significantly with adolescents’ self-reported scores for childhood sexual abuse and emotional neglect. ANOVAs documented significant differences in mean scores for multiple indices of SRB indices by class membership, demonstrating differential risk for HIV/STI exposure across classes. The two classes characterized by elevated psychiatric symptom profiles and more severe maltreatment histories were at increased behavioral risk for HIV/STI exposure, compared to the low psychiatric symptoms class. The high internalizing symptoms class reported the highest scores for most of the indices of SRB assessed. The heterogeneity of psychiatric symptom patterns documented in the current study has important implications for HIV/STI prevention programs implemented with multi-problem youth. The results highlight complex relations between childhood maltreatment experiences, psychopathology and multiple forms of health risk behavior among adolescents. The results underscore the importance of further integration between substance abuse treatment and HIV/STI risk reduction efforts to improve morbidity and mortality among vulnerable youth. ^
Multi-problem youth undergoing treatment for substance use problems are at high behavioral risk for exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Specific risk factors include childhood adversities such as maltreatment experiences and subsequent forms of psychopathology. The current study used a person-centered analytical approach to examine how childhood maltreatment experiences were related to patterns of psychiatric symptoms and HIV/STI risk behaviors in a sample of adolescents (N = 408) receiving treatment services. Data were collected in face-to-face interviews at two community-based facilities. Descriptive statistics and Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) were used to (a) classify adolescents into groups based on past year psychiatric symptoms, and (b) examine relations between class membership and forms of childhood maltreatment experiences, as well as past year sexual risk behavior (SRB). LPA results indicated significant heterogeneity in psychiatric symptoms among the participants. The three classes generated via the optimal LPA solution included: (a) a low psychiatric symptoms class, (b) a high alcohol symptoms class and (c) a high internalizing symptoms class. Class membership was associated significantly with adolescents’ self-reported scores for childhood sexual abuse and emotional neglect. ANOVAs documented significant differences in mean scores for multiple indices of SRB indices by class membership, demonstrating differential risk for HIV/STI exposure across classes. The two classes characterized by elevated psychiatric symptom profiles and more severe maltreatment histories were at increased behavioral risk for HIV/STI exposure, compared to the low psychiatric symptoms class. The high internalizing symptoms class reported the highest scores for most of the indices of SRB assessed. The heterogeneity of psychiatric symptom patterns documented in the current study has important implications for HIV/STI prevention programs implemented with multi-problem youth. The results highlight complex relations between childhood maltreatment experiences, psychopathology and multiple forms of health risk behavior among adolescents. The results underscore the importance of further integration between substance abuse treatment and HIV/STI risk reduction efforts to improve morbidity and mortality among vulnerable youth.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) contributes to the most common sexually transmitted infections, with repeated and persistent infection with particular types causing disease in both men and women. Infection with low-risk HPV types can lead to genital warts and benign lesions of the oral cavity, while high-risk types can cause various HPV-related malignancies. The incidence of head and neck cancer has been rising in the past number of decades mostly due to oropharyngeal cancer linked to HPV infection. HPV vaccination has been shown to be effective for cervical and other anogenital HPV-related cancers, and there is significant potential for HPV vaccination to prevent oropharyngeal cancers, given that the HPV types implicated in this disease can be protected against by the HPV vaccine. Few countries have implemented a universal HPV vaccination programme for males and females, with many countries arguing that female only vaccination programmes protect males via herd immunity, and that men-who-have-sex-with-men will be protected via targeted vaccination programmes. We argue these may be limited in their effectiveness. We propose that the most effective, practical, ethical and potentially cost effective solution is universal HPV vaccination that might lead to control of HPV-related diseases in men and women alike.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease known to present with highly variable manifestations, especially when left untreated. Patients who present to Internal Medicine Departments with fever and a rash are always a diagnostic challenge since mild viral diseases and life-threatening bacterial infections may manifest themselves similarly. In the following case presentation, we describe a patient with 1 month’s duration of fever and rash on the palms of the hand and soles of the feet, in the form of erythema multiforme (EM)-like lesions. His disease was diagnosed as secondary syphilis, once again justifying its name: the “great masquerader".
As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) constituem um problema persistente de saúde pública, sendo os adolescentes e adultos jovens os que apresentam as taxas de prevalência mais elevadas para algumas IST. As IST não víricas nos países desenvolvidos incluem a Chlamydia Trachomatis, a Neisseria gonorrhoeae, o Treponema pallidume a Trichomonas vaginalis. A deteção precoce das IST não víricas tem impacto positivo a nível individual e na saúde pública: permite instituição atem- pada de tratamento adequado, a redução de transmissão entre parceiros, bem como reduzir as complicações a longo prazo, nomeadamente doença inflamatória pélvica, dor pélvica crónica, gravidez ectópica e infertilidade. Várias sociedades médicas internacionais publicaram recomendações para o rastreio de algumas IST não víricas em de- terminados grupos. Em Portugal, a Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS) atualizou em 2014 a norma sobre a notificação obrigatória de doenças transmissíveis, que inclui a gonorreia, a sífilis e a infeção por Chlamydia Trachomatis. Não obstante, os estudos sobre a epidemiologia de IST são parcos em Portugal e apenas recentemente foi contemplado o rastreio oportunístico de infeção genital por Chlamydia Trachomatis no Plano Nacional de Saúde 2011-2016. O médico de família através da sua abordagem holística centrada na pessoa, no seu contexto familiar e social (focando antecedentes pessoais / comportamentos de risco) tem necessariamente um papel determinante na prevenção primária e no rastreio das IST.
Objetivo: Determinar un modelo predictivo para uso del condón y consumo de alcohol como conductas de riesgo relacionadas el contagio de VIH/Sida en mujeres trabajadoras sexuales de la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2015. Métodos Estudio de tipo transversal con diseño observacional, se tomaron 255 mujeres trabajadoras sexuales de la ciudad de Bogotá; La información analizada fue tomada del estudio realizado en cinco ciudades de Colombia en el año 2015, las hipótesis planteadas se soportaron en la asociación entre las condiciones sociodemográficas, de conocimiento, practicas, hábitos, apoyo social y de ocupación propia de las mujeres trabajadoras sexuales que podían explicar y predecir la adopción de conductas riesgosas para VIH/sida como son el uso del condón y el consumo de alcohol en ejercicio de su ocupación. Resultados El promedio de edad de inicio en el trabajo sexual fue 22,1±7,1 años, tres cuartas partes son solteras y residen en estrato dos y tres; el 96,5% dijo usar el condón con el último cliente y el 27,8% de ellas consumió alcohol durante su último servicio. En la conducta de riesgo uso del condón, se encontraron asociados entre otras, la edad [OR=1,10(1,03-1,17)], vivir en estrato dos [OR=7,7(1,5-39,5)], el ingreso por trabajo sexual [OR=1,0(1,0-1,0)], la disponibilidad del condón para el servicio [OR=0,03(0,008-0,16)] y contar con otro método de planificación (ligadura de trompas) [OR=4,47(1,0-18,3)]. En la conducta de riesgo consumo de alcohol, se encontró asociado ente otros: estrato socioeconómico dos [OR=5,8(1,54-22,3)], nivel de escolaridad secundaria [OR=0,12(0,16-0,96)], vivir con otros familiares [OR=3,45(1,7-7,02)], ingreso por trabajo sexual [OR=1,0(1,0-1,0)] y el sitio donde se ofrece el servicio [OR=0,07(0,04-0,15)]. Después de ajustar, se encontró que las variables que mejor explican el uso del condón fueron edad [OR=1,1(1,02-1,17)] y disponibilidad del condón [OR=0,04(0,008-0,024)], el modelo tuvo poca sensibilidad 33,3% y buena capacidad predictiva (84,6%). Las variables que mejor explicaron el consumo de alcohol durante el servicio fueron edad [OR= 0,95(0,91-0,98)], Número de clientes por semana [OR=0,9(0,90-0,98)], sitio donde ofrece el servicio [OR=7,1(3,45-14,8)], y estrato socioeconómico [OR=1,8 (0,90-3,83)], resultando un modelo con buena sensibilidad (71,8%) y buena capacidad predictiva (86,4%). Conclusiones Aspectos como la edad, el estrato socioeconómico, escolaridad, estado civil, ingreso económico por trabajo sexual, edad de inicio en el trabajo sexual, número de clientes antiguos en la última semana, disponibilidad del condón para prestar el servicio y ligadura de trompas como método diferente de planificación, se asociaron estadísticamente con el uso del condón. Sin embargo al ajustar las variables solo la edad y la disponibilidad del condón se mantuvieron como variables explicativas. Cabe anotar, que aunque el modelo mostró buena capacidad predictiva (84,6%), la precisión en sus estimaciones fue baja debido a la poca frecuencia del no uso del condón con el ultimo cliente (3,5%), y la sensibilidad del modelo apenas fue del 33,3%. Por otro lado, factores como la edad, el estrato socioeconómico, nivel educativo, ingreso económico, sitio de oferta del servicio, composición familiar, número de hijos, número de clientes atendidos en la última semana y número de clientes antiguos mostraron asociación estadística con el consumo de alcohol. Sin embargo, al ajustar las variables solo edad, estrato socioeconómico, sitio donde se ofrece el servicio y número de clientes por semana mantuvieron asociación estadística; observándose además que el estrato socioeconómico (uno y dos) y sitio donde se ofrece el servicio (establecimiento), son factores de riesgo para el consumo de alcohol en ejercicio de la ocupación y la poca edad y un número reducido de clientes por semana se comportan como factores de protección para el consumo de alcohol. El modelo predictivo que se desarrolló para la conducta de riesgo de consumo de alcohol, con una sensibilidad del 71,8% y un poder predictivo del 86,4%. .
Objetivos Determinar si existe asociación entre la exposición a violencia, experimentada a nivel individual o municipal, y el embarazo adolescente en mujeres Colombianas entre 13 y 19 años de edad que contestaron la Encuesta de Demografía y Salud en el año 2010. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal, nacional y multinivel. Se tomaron datos de dos niveles jerárquicos: Nivel- 1: Datos individuales de una muestra representativa de 13.313 mujeres entre 13 y 19 años de edad provenientes de La Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud del año 2010 y Nivel- 2: Datos municipales de 258 municipios provenientes de las estadísticas vitales del DANE. Resultados La prevalencia del embarazo adolescente fue del 16.8% IC 95% [16.2-17.4]. El análisis mostró que la asociación entre embarazo adolescente y violencia tanto individual, representada como violencia sexual [OR= 6.99 IC99% 4.80-10.10] y violencia física [OR= 1.74 IC99% 1.47-2.05] así como la violencia municipal medida con tasas de homicidios altas [OR= 1.99 IC99% 1.29-3.07] y muy altas [OR= 2.10 IC99% 1.21-3.61] se mantuvo estadísticamente significativa después de ajustar por las variables: Edad [OR= 1.81 IC99% 1.71-1.91], ocupación [OR= 1.62 IC99% 1.37-1.93], educación primaria o sin educación [OR= 2.20 IC99% 1.47-3.30], educación secundaria [OR= 1.70 IC99% 1.24-2.32], asistir al colegio [OR= 0.18 IC99% 0.15-0.21], conocimiento en la fisiología reproductiva [OR= 1.28 IC99% 1.06-1.54], el índice de riqueza Q1, Q2, Q3 [OR= 2.18 IC99% 1.42-3.34], [OR= 2.00 IC99% 1.39-2.28], [OR= 1.82 IC99% 1.92-2.25] y alto porcentaje de Necesidades básicas insatisfechas a nivel municipal [OR= 2.34 IC99% 1.55-3.52]. Conclusiones Este estudio mostró una relación significativamente estadística entre la violencia sexual y física con el inicio de relaciones sexuales y embarazo adolescente después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos en reproducción sexual en mujeres colombianas de 13 a 19 años en el año 2010. Esta asociación debe continuar siendo estudiada para lograr optimizar las estrategias de prevención y disminuir la tasa actual de embarazos adolescentes en el país y sus consecuencias.
Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection initially establishes in the endocervix in females, but if the infection ascends the genital tract, significant disease, including infertility, can result. Many of the mechanisms associated with chlamydial infection kinetics and disease ascension are unknown. We attempt to elucidate some of these processes by developing a novel mathematical model, using a cellular automata–partial differential equation model. We matched our model outputs to experimental data of chlamydial infection of the guinea-pig cervix and carried out sensitivity analyses to determine the relative influence of model parameters. We found that the rate of recruitment and action of innate immune cells to clear extracellular chlamydial particles and the rate of passive movement of chlamydial particles are the dominant factors in determining the early course of infection, magnitude of the peak chlamydial time course and the time of the peak. The rate of passive movement was found to be the most important factor in determining whether infection would ascend to the upper genital tract. This study highlights the importance of early innate immunity in the control of chlamydial infection and the significance of motility-diffusive properties and the adaptive immune response in the magnitude of infection and in its ascension.
Infertility is a worldwide health problem with one in six couples suffering from this condition and with a major economic burden on the global healthcare industry. Estimates of the current global infertility rate suggest that 15% of couples are infertile (Zegers-Hochschild et al 2009) defined as: (1) failure to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse (i.e. infertility); (2) repeated implantation failure following ART cycles; or (3) recurrent miscarriage without difficulty conceiving (natural conceptions). Tubal factor infertility is among the leading causes of female factor infertility accounting for 7-9.8% of all female factor infertilities. Tubal disease directly causes from 36% to 85% of all cases of female factor infertility in developed and developing nations respectively and is associated with polymicrobial aetiologies. One of the leading global causes of tubal factor infertility is thought to be symptomatic (and asymptomatic in up to 70% cases) infection of the female reproductive tract with the sexually transmitted pathogen, Chlamydia trachomatis. Infection-related damage to the Fallopian tubes caused by Chlamydia accounts for more than 70% of cases of infertility in women from developing nations such as sub-Saharan Africa (Sharma et al 2009). Bacterial vaginosis, a condition associated with increased transmission of sexually transmitted infections including those caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma genitalium is present in two thirds of women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This review will focus on (1) the polymicrobial aetiologies of tubal factor infertility and (2) studies involved in screening for, and treatment and control of, Chlamydial infection to prevent PID and the associated sequelae of Fallopian tube inflammation that may lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
Genitourinary (GU) problems are a common complaint in the community and to the emergency department (ED). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common bacterial disease. UTIs rank as the sixteenth most frequently reported problem to general practitioners in Australia1 and between 10% and 20% of women will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime. Over 1,000,000 Australians are currently suffering with nephrolithiasis (renal calculi) and it is hy-pothesised that Australia’s hot, dry climate causes more stone formation than many other coun-tries in the world. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication of any trauma. Hypovol-aemia results in severe hypotension and this precipitates the development of acute tubular necrosis and subsequent AKI. The incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is rising across the world. CKD is classified into five stages with those in stage 5 being classified as being in end stage kidney disease (ESKD). It is estimated that there are over 1.5 million people in Australia with CKD and there were over 16,000 Australians and over 2900 individuals in New Zealand with ESKD.2 Indigenous populations from both countries (Aboriginals, Torres Strait Islanders, Maoris, and Pacific Islanders) are over-represented in the number of people with all stages of CKD in both countries. Patients with compromised renal function often require the assistance of paramedics and will arrive at the ED with life-threatening fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Spe-cific GU emergencies discussed in this chapter are acute renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, chronic kidney disease, UTIs, acute urinary retention, urinary calculi, testicular torsion, epididymitis, and priapism. Refer to Chapter 31 for discussion of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in women and to Chapter X for discussion of genitourinary trauma.
Research has shown that people with a mental illness are an at-risk group for sexually transmitted infections. A programme for preventing risk behaviours for sexually transmitted infections among people with psychiatric disorder was designed and implemented by mental health occupational therapists. This programme used an interactive didactic approach to provide education and awareness of sexual health issues to acute psychiatric inpatients. Twenty-four participants completed a sexual health questionnaire, which was designed for this study, both before and after attending the programme. They had a higher than expected knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and safe sex practices at pre-test. The education programme resulted in a statistically significant but modest increase in sexual health knowledge. These findings indicate that there are benefits in providing sexual health education to clients with a mental illness. Further programme development should be directed towards sexual health decision-making and behaviour change.