999 resultados para SPECTRAL SUM-RULES


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Varying the spatial distribution of applied nitrogen (N) fertilizer to match demand in crops has been shown to increase profits in Australia. Better matching the timing of N inputs to plant requirements has been shown to improve nitrogen use efficiency and crop yields and could reduce nitrous oxide emissions from broad acre grains. Farmers in the wheat production area of south eastern Australia are increasingly splitting N application with the second timing applied at stem elongation (Zadoks 30). Spectral indices have shown the ability to detect crop canopy N status but a robust method using a consistent calibration that functions across seasons has been lacking. One spectral index, the canopy chlorophyll content index (CCCI) designed to detect canopy N using three wavebands along the "red edge" of the spectrum was combined with the canopy nitrogen index (CNI), which was developed to normalize for crop biomass and correct for the N dilution effect of crop canopies. The CCCI-CNI index approach was applied to a 3-year study to develop a single calibration derived from a wheat crop sown in research plots near Horsham, Victoria, Australia. The index was able to predict canopy N (g m-2) from Zadoks 14-37 with an r2 of 0.97 and RMSE of 0.65 g N m-2 when dry weight biomass by area was also considered. We suggest that measures of N estimated from remote methods use N per unit area as the metric and that reference directly to canopy %N is not an appropriate method for estimating plant concentration without first accounting for the N dilution effect. This approach provides a link to crop development rather than creating a purely numerical relationship. The sole biophysical input, biomass, is challenging to quantify robustly via spectral methods. Combining remote sensing with crop modelling could provide a robust method for estimating biomass and therefore a method to estimate canopy N remotely. Future research will explore this and the use of active and passive sensor technologies for use in precision farming for targeted N management.


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Images from cell biology experiments often indicate the presence of cell clustering, which can provide insight into the mechanisms driving the collective cell behaviour. Pair-correlation functions provide quantitative information about the presence, or absence, of clustering in a spatial distribution of cells. This is because the pair-correlation function describes the ratio of the abundance of pairs of cells, separated by a particular distance, relative to a randomly distributed reference population. Pair-correlation functions are often presented as a kernel density estimate where the frequency of pairs of objects are grouped using a particular bandwidth (or bin width), Δ>0. The choice of bandwidth has a dramatic impact: choosing Δ too large produces a pair-correlation function that contains insufficient information, whereas choosing Δ too small produces a pair-correlation signal dominated by fluctuations. Presently, there is little guidance available regarding how to make an objective choice of Δ. We present a new technique to choose Δ by analysing the power spectrum of the discrete Fourier transform of the pair-correlation function. Using synthetic simulation data, we confirm that our approach allows us to objectively choose Δ such that the appropriately binned pair-correlation function captures known features in uniform and clustered synthetic images. We also apply our technique to images from two different cell biology assays. The first assay corresponds to an approximately uniform distribution of cells, while the second assay involves a time series of images of a cell population which forms aggregates over time. The appropriately binned pair-correlation function allows us to make quantitative inferences about the average aggregate size, as well as quantifying how the average aggregate size changes with time.


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This study highlights the formation of an artifact designed to mediate exploratory collaboration. The data for this study was collected during a Finnish adaptation of the thinking together approach. The aim of the approach is to teach pulps how to engage in educationally beneficial form of joint discussion, namely exploratory talk. At the heart of the approach lies a set of conversational ground rules aimed to promote the use of exploratory talk. The theoretical framework of the study is based on a sociocultural perspective on learning. A central argument in the framework is that physical and psychological tools play a crucial role in human action and learning. With the help of tools humans can escape the direct stimulus of the outside world and learn to control ourselves by using tools. During the implementation of the approach, the classroom community negotiates a set of six rules, which this study conceptualizes as an artifact that mediates exploratory collaboration. Prior research done about the thinking together approach has not extensively researched the formation of the rules, which give ample reason to conduct this study. The specific research questions asked were: What kind of negotiation trajectories did the ground rules form during the intervention? What meanings were negotiated for the ground rules during the intervention The methodological framework of the study is based on discourse analysis, which has been specified by adapting the social construction of intertextuality to analyze the meanings negotiated for the created rules. The study has town units of analysis: thematic episode and negotiation trajectory. A thematic episode is a stretch of talk-in-interaction where the participants talk about a certain ground rule or a theme relating to it. A negotiation trajectory is a chronological representation of the negotiation process of a certain ground rule during the intervention and is constructed of thematic episodes. Thematic episodes were analyzed with the adapted intertextuality analysis. A contrastive analysis was done on the trajectories. Lastly, the meanings negotiated for the created rules were compared to the guidelines provided by the approach. The main result of the study is the observation, that the meanings of the created rules were more aligned with the ground rules of cumulative talk, rather than exploratory talk. Although meanings relating also to exploratory talk were negotiated, they clearly were not the dominant form. In addition, the study observed that the trajectories of the rules were non identical. Despite connecting dimensions (symmetry, composition, continuity and explicitness) none of the trajectories shared exactly the same features as the others.


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In this volume, the recommended rules for nomenclature and gene symbolization in barley are reprinted. The current lists of new and revised barley genetic stock descriptions are presented by BGS number order and by locus symbol in alphabetical order.


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Some continuity and differentiability properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of finite section normal integral operators are proved. These are the extension of corresponding results for symmetric operators ([4.], 554–566; K. B. Athreya and R. Vittal Rao, to appear; [10.], 463–471.


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A detailed analysis of the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of C-2 aryl and alkyl/desalkyl substituted isomeric exo- and endo-5-methylbicyclo[3.2.1]octane-6,8-diones is presented. The chemical shift of the C-5 angular methyl, the C-2 alkyl/olefinic (C-10)/C-2 methine protons, the aromatic proton shieldings and the characteristic AMX and ABX spectral pattern of the ketomethylene and bridgehead protons were found to be sensitive to the phenyl ring orientation (anisotropy). These distinctive features could be used for configurational distinction for this class of compounds. With increasing ortho-methoxy substitution on the phenyl ring, considerable deshilelding of the bridgehead proton was observed (ca. 0.6 ppm). Absence of the C-2 alkyl group in the desalkyl isomers resulted in substantial changes in the chemical shifts of different protons. A study of the NMR spectra of the corresponding bicyclic compounds with C-2 methoxy/hydroxy substitution instead of the aryl group revealed that the anisotropy of the phenyl ring and the electronegative oxygen substituents have opposite effects. The 13C NMR spectral assignment of each carbon resonance of C-2 aryl and alkyl/desalkyl substituted isomeric exo- and endo-5-methylbicyclo[3.2.1]octane-6,8-diones and the corresponding C-2 methoxy/hydroxy/chloro and methyl bicyclic compounds are reported. Additional ortho-methoxy substitution on the phenyl ring was found to produce considerable high field shifts of the C-10 and C-1 carbon resonances. A high-field shift was observed for the C-6 and C-8 carbonyl carbons, presumably due to 1,3-dicarbonyl interactions. The chemical shifts of C-1 aromatic, C-10 alkyl and C-2 carbons, which are sensitive to exo/endo isomerism, could be utilized in differentiating a pair of isomers.


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We compare two popular methods for estimating the power spectrum from short data windows, namely the adaptive multivariate autoregressive (AMVAR) method and the multitaper method. By analyzing a simulated signal (embedded in a background Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process) we demonstrate that the AMVAR method performs better at detecting short bursts of oscillations compared to the multitaper method. However, both methods are immune to jitter in the temporal location of the signal. We also show that coherence can still be detected in noisy bivariate time series data by the AMVAR method even if the individual power spectra fail to show any peaks. Finally, using data from two monkeys performing a visuomotor pattern discrimination task, we demonstrate that the AMVAR method is better able to determine the termination of the beta oscillations when compared to the multitaper method.


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Choy sum (Brassica rapa subsp. parachinensis) is a dark green leafy vegetable that contains high folate (vitamin B9) levels comparable to spinach. Folate is essential for the maintenance of human health and is obtained solely through dietary means. Analysis of the edible portion of choy sum by both microbiological assay and LC-MS/MS indicated that total folate activity remained significantly unchanged over 3 weeks storage at 4 degrees C. Inedible fractions consisted primarily of outer leaves, which showed signs of rotting after 14d, and a combination of rotting and yellowing after 21 d, contributing to 20% and 40% of product removal, respectively. Following deconjugation of the folate present in choy sum to monoglutamate and diglutamate derivatives, the principal forms (vitamers) of folate detected in choy sum were 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate, followed by tetrahydrofolate (THF), 5,10-methenyl-THF, and 10-formyl folic acid. During storage, a significant decline in 5-formyl-THF was observed, with a slight but not significant increase in the combined 5-methyl-THF derivatives. The decline in 5-formyl-THF in relation to the other folate vitamers present may indicate that 5-formyl-THF is being utilised as a folate storage reserve, being interconverted to more metabolically active forms of folate, such as 5-methyl-THF. Although folate vitamer profile changed over the storage period, total folate activity did not significantly change. From a human nutritional perspective this is important, as while particular folate vitamers (e.g. 5-methyl-THF) are necessary for maintaining vital aspects of plant metabolism, it is less important to the human diet, as humans can absorb and interconvert multiple forms of folate. The current trial indicates that it is possible to store choy sum for up to 3 weeks at 4 degrees C without significantly affecting total folate concentration of the edible portion. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.


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Inadvertent climate modification has led to an increase in urban temperatures compared to the surrounding rural area. The main reason for the temperature rise is the altered energy portioning of input net radiation to heat storage and sensible and latent heat fluxes in addition to the anthropogenic heat flux. The heat storage flux and anthropogenic heat flux have not yet been determined for Helsinki and they are not directly measurable. To the contrary, turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat in addition to net radiation can be measured, and the anthropogenic heat flux together with the heat storage flux can be solved as a residual. As a result, all inaccuracies in the determination of the energy balance components propagate to the residual term and special attention must be paid to the accurate determination of the components. One cause of error in the turbulent fluxes is the fluctuation attenuation at high frequencies which can be accounted for by high frequency spectral corrections. The aim of this study is twofold: to assess the relevance of high frequency corrections to water vapor fluxes and to assess the temporal variation of the energy fluxes. Turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat have been measured at SMEAR III station, Helsinki, since December 2005 using the eddy covariance technique. In addition, net radiation measurements have been ongoing since July 2007. The used calculation methods in this study consist of widely accepted eddy covariance data post processing methods in addition to Fourier and wavelet analysis. The high frequency spectral correction using the traditional transfer function method is highly dependent on relative humidity and has an 11% effect on the latent heat flux. This method is based on an assumption of spectral similarity which is shown not to be valid. A new correction method using wavelet analysis is thus initialized and it seems to account for the high frequency variation deficit. Anyhow, the resulting wavelet correction remains minimal in contrast to the traditional transfer function correction. The energy fluxes exhibit a behavior characteristic for urban environments: the energy input is channeled to sensible heat as latent heat flux is restricted by water availability. The monthly mean residual of the energy balance ranges from 30 Wm-2 in summer to -35 Wm-2 in winter meaning a heat storage to the ground during summer. Furthermore, the anthropogenic heat flux is approximated to be 50 Wm-2 during winter when residential heating is important.


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Assignments of the infrared frequencies of methyl and ethyl xanthato complexes of nickel(II) have been made with the aid of normal coordinate analyses. The assignments are discussed in relation to those in related molecules.


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The i.r. frequencies of ethylthioxanthate complexes of some transition metals have been interpreted on the basis of normal coordinate treatments of the 1:1 molecular models. The band assignments are disscussed in comparison with those in closely related xanthate molecules.


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It is shown that the effect of adsorption of inert molecules on electrode reaction rates is completely accounted for, by introducing into the rate equation, adsorption-induced changes in both the effective electrode area as well as in the electrostatic potential at the reaction site with an additional term for the noncoulombic interaction between the reactant and the adsorbate. The electrostatic potential at the reaction site due to the adsorbed layer is calculated using a model of discretely-distributed molecules in parallel orientation when adsorbed on the electrode with an allowance for thermal agitation. The resulting expression, which is valid for the limiting case of low coverages, is used to predict the types of molecular surfactants that are most likely to be useful for acceleration and inhibition of electrode reactions.


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The complexes of thiophene 2-thiocarboxamide (TTCA) with some metal chlorides and bromides [M = Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Cu(I)] are described. Elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibilities and conductance studies, electronic, IR, proton and 13C magnetic resonance spectra are reported. The results suggest exclusive coordination of TTCA through the thiocarbonyl sulfur. The influence of the thiophene ring on the donor properties of the thioamide are discussed.