277 resultados para Rewriting


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Geometric frustration occurs in the rare earth pyrochlores due to magnetic rare earth ions occupying the vertices of the network of corner-sharing tetrahedra. In this research, we have two parts. In the first one we study the phase transition to the magnetically ordered state at low temperature in the pyrochlore Er₂Ti₂O₇. The molecular field method was used to solve this problem. In the second part, we analyse the crystal electric field Hamiltonian for the rare earth sites. The rather large degeneracy of the angular momentum J of the rare earth ion is lifted by the crystal electric field due to the neighboring ions in the crystal. By rewriting the Stevens operators in the crystal electric field Hamiltonian ᴴCEF in terms of charge quadruple operators, we can identify unstable order parameters in ᴴCEF . These may be related to lattice instabilities in Tb₂Ti₂O₇.


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This PhD thesis provides a detailed analysis of the role and significance of Irish drama in the Galician cultural context, from the early twentieth century onwards, through scrutiny of key works translated, adapted and mediated for the Galician stage. Drawing primarily on the theoretical framework of Descriptive Translation Studies, informed by Polysystems theory (Toury), Post-colonial Translation, research on processes of cultural translation (Bassnett, Lefevere, Venuti, Aaltonen), as well as careful comparative attention to the specificities of literary, theatrical and cultural context, I examine the factors governing the incorporation, reshaping and reception of twentieth century Irish plays in Galicia in order to produce a cultural history of the representation of Ireland on the Galician stage. Focusing on the five key periods I have identified in the translation/reception of Irish drama in Galicia, as represented in specific versions of plays by Yeats, Synge, O’Casey and McDonagh, my thesis examines in detail the particular linguistic, sociopolitical, theatrical and cultural dimensions of each rewriting and/or restaging in order to uncover the ways in which Irish identity is perceived, constructed and performed in a Galician context. Moving beyond the literary, historical and philological focus of existing studies of the reception of Irish literature and foreign dramatic texts in the Galician system, my own approach draws on Theatre and Performance Studies to attend also to the performative dimension of these processes of cultural adaptation and reception, giving full account of the different agents involved in theatre translation as a rich and complex process of multivalent cultural mediation.


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.


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Dentro del conjunto de comedias dedicadas a la historia de Hungría, Lope de Vega cuenta con tres comedias con numerosas similitudes: El príncipe melancólico, El cuerdo loco y La sortija del olvido. Este trabajo examina las relaciones de intertextualidad y reescritura en las tres obras, así como algunos aspectos del desarrollo de la comedia palatina lopesca.


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Este trabajo presenta la reelaboración de un modelo de producción de textos escritos, publicado por el Grupo Didactext en 2003. Se sitúa en un marco sociocognitivo, lingüístico y didáctico, y está concebido desde la interacción de tres dimensiones simbolizadas por círculos concéntricos recurrentes. El primer círculo corresponde al ámbito cultural: las diversas esferas de la praxis humana en las que está inmersa toda actividad de composición escrita. El segundo se refiere a los contextos de producción, de los que forman parte el contexto social, el situacional, el físico, la audiencia y el medio de composición. El tercer círculo corresponde al individuo, en el que se tiene en cuenta el papel de la memoria en la producción de un texto desde el enfoque sociocultural, la motivación, las emociones y las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas, dentro de las cuales se conciben seis unidades funcionales que actúan en concurrencia: acceso al conocimiento, planificación, redacción, revisión y reescritura, edición, y presentación oral. La orientación didáctica se interesa por la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la escritura académica en las aulas, así como por la investigación de la escritura en contextos de educación.


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En general, España es un país que no tiene una tradición sólida en la sinología. La traducción de la literatura china en España todavía no llega a un nivel satisfactorio y muchas obras originales todavía siguen sumidas en el desconocimiento. En comparación con los flujos de traducción de las obras occidentales, sobre todo las obras literarias de Gran Bretaña, Francia y Estados Unidos, la traducción de aquellas todavía ocupa una cuota reducida. En la recepción de la narrativa china en España, la traducción indirecta ha desempeñado un papel de suma importancia, lo que se debe en gran medida a la dependencia del círculo editorial español de las culturas europeas de poder. Esta situación desequilibrada pone de manifiesto las relaciones asimétricas entre lenguas y culturas.


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La existencia de unidades fraseológicas (UF) supone un enriquecimiento en el seno de cada lengua. De cara a la traducción, sin embargo, las UF suelen plantear dificultades tanto en la fase de comprensión como en la de reescritura, a la hora de buscar equivalentes adecuados. En el caso de la combinación lingüística francés-español, la cercanía entre ambas lenguas facilita, en ocasiones, la comprensión, pero, a su vez, propicia fenómenos como los falsos amigos en el proceso traslativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar parte de un amplio estudio realizado a partir de la clasificación y el análisis de expresiones francesas que contienen el término coup y su traducción al español. Para ello, justificaremos la elección del tema y expondremos la metodología llevada a cabo; definiremos qué es una unidad fraseológica y qué tipos existen; ilustraremos con ejemplos parte de nuestro estudio, la relativa a las locuciones nominales; y esbozaremos las conclusiones más sobresalientes.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This paper reports a case study in the use of proof planning in the context of higher order syntax. Rippling is a heuristic for guiding rewriting steps in induction that has been used successfully in proof planning inductive proofs using first order representations. Ordinal arithmetic provides a natural set of higher order examples on which transfinite induction may be attempted using rippling. Previously Boyer-Moore style automation could not be applied to such domains. We demonstrate that a higher-order extension of the rippling heuristic is sufficient to plan such proofs automatically. Accordingly, ordinal arithmetic has been implemented in lambda-clam, a higher order proof planning system for induction, and standard undergraduate text book problems have been successfully planned. We show the synthesis of a fixpoint for normal ordinal functions which demonstrates how our automation could be extended to produce more interesting results than the textbook examples tried so far.


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Este trabalho se propõe estudar a obra do poeta cearense Antonio Gonçalves da Silva, conhecido como Patativa do Assaré. O estudo de tal obra encontra-se alicerçado na crítica literária, sobretudo no conceito de textos histórica e socialmente ancorados elaborado por Antonio Cândido, e na discussão do diálogo entre teologia e literatura, a partir da idéia de reescritura de um texto literário a partir de textos sagrados, de Eli Brandão. Dessa forma objetiva-se localizar, no contexto brasileiro, a partir do diálogo entre teologia e literatura, a plausibilidade de nossa pesquisa, ou seja: ao longo da produção literária de Patativa do Assaré, encontramos questões existenciais provocadoras de diversas aflições percebidas no cotidiano do povo sertanejo, as quais nos remetem a questionamentos e temas de cunho teológico, notados através da obra de um poeta, reveladora não somente da dura realidade do nordestino, mas também da fé e esperança deste em um Deus, visto ao longo da poética de Patativa do Assaré não como fonte de castigo, mas percebido como um Deus sensível aos sofrimentos, mazelas e marginalização dos nordestinos desamparados. Assim, acreditamos na proposta de estudar a poética patativana sob a perspectiva de “um olhar teológico”, a partir do qual se percebe “temas teológicos nordestinos”, elaborados a partir do contato do poeta com o catolicismo do sertão, mas que, na percepção e compreensão de mundo de Patativa assumem novos significados e novas interpretações.


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Since the 1990s, a number of scholars have sought to uncover ‘hidden histories’ of exploration, as Felix Driver and Lowri Jones have referred to it.1 Working against a conventional emphasis on the exploits and achievements of the singular heroic explorer, imperial and colonial exploration is recast as a collective enterprise involving a diverse labour force and upon which expeditions were dependent for their progress and success.2 Various approaches are pursued for writing a more representative history of exploration, such as recuperatingfrom the archives the stories of little- or lesser-known participants; rewriting histories of particular expeditions through the lens of their encounters and interactions with indigenous people; or giving greater prominence to the work of intermediaries of many kinds, including interpreters, brokers, guides, porters and other labourers.3 The result is a more complex and multivocal account of the practices and politics of European exploration, the social and historical contexts in which it occurred, and the relationships, networks and institutions it createdand on which it depended.


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The partial defence of provocation is one of the most controversial doctrines within the criminal law. It has now been abolished in a number of international jurisdictions. Addressing the trajectory of debates about reform of the provocation defence across different jurisdictions, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers the construction and representation of subjectivity and sexual difference in legal narrations of intimate partner homicide. Undeniably, the most vexing exculpatory cultural narrative of our times is that of a woman 'asking for it'. This book explores how the process of judgment in a criminal trial involves not only the drawing of inferences from the facts of a particular case, but also operates to deliver a narrative. Law, it is argued, constructs a narrative of how the female body incites male violence. And, pursuing an approach that is informed by socio-legal studies, literary theory and feminist theories of the body, Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation considers how this narrative is constructed via a range of discursive practices that position woman as a threat to masculine norms of propriety and autonomy. Once we have a clear understanding of the significance of narrative in legal decision-making, we can then formulate textual strategies of resistance to the violence of law's victim-blaming narratives by rewriting them.


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Community engagement on planning processes is traditionally adversarial,with residents reacting to a development proposal or local amenity impacts.With the significant increase in inner-urban medium-high density developments andsubsequent pressure on physical and social infrastructure, the City of Yarra embarked on anew approach to the rewrite of its Planning Scheme. This paper describes the process by whichthe City of Yarra involved the community to help address some of the dilemmas and trade-offswhich are necessarily part of planning in an inner-urban area.To hear from a broad range of voices and receive informed recommendations, a deliberativeprocess, the Liveable Yarra project was formed. It aimed to have an in-depth two-wayconversation with the community about how Yarra can adapt to the challenges andopportunities brought about by growth and change.A 60 member People’s Panel, comprising a cross section of Yarra’s community, came togetherto learn, debate and provide recommendations to Council on the topics of housing, transport,built form and the local economy. The Panel was supplemented by feedback from a householdbaseline survey, Council’s Advisory Committees and targeted workshops with hard-to-reachcommunities.This was the first time a deliberative approach has been undertaken for a topic as multifacetedand far-reaching as rewriting a Local Government Planning Scheme. It allowed participantsto gain an understanding of the complexity of planning issues and the challenges this presentsto Council decision making. It’s expected that the revised Planning Scheme will moreaccurately reflect community expectations, improve liveability and enhance communityunderstanding of the complex issues faced by Council in planning the city’s future.Furthermore, in describing this approach, along with reflections from those Councillors,planners and community members involved, we hope to provide a model which other councilscould embrace to enhance their existing planning processes.


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Ce mémoire interroge la posture d'adaptateur de Boris Vian, encore fort méconnue. En 1953, il a repris à son compte la littérature arthurienne afin d'écrire – en réponse à une commande de la part du Festival dramatique de Caen – une pièce de théâtre, Le Chevalier de Neige. Par la suite, cette pièce est devenue un opéra, produit à Nancy en 1957. Malgré le succès de ces deux spectacles, le souvenir de cette œuvre n'a pas dépassé la mort de son auteur. Il n'en reste aujourd'hui que les textes et les partitions musicales, puisqu'aucun des spectacles n'a été enregistré. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de mettre en lumière ce travail d'adaptation et de réécriture d'un auteur phare du XXème siècle, connu principalement pour ses romans et ses chansons, et qui a consacré ses dernières années à la création d'une œuvre globale alliant texte, musique et art de la scène. Qu'est-il possible de savoir sur l'entreprise du Chevalier de Neige? Quel est le poids de l'intertexte médiéval et contemporain dans ces deux réécritures? Quels furent les procédés d'adaptation mis en œuvre dans l'élaboration de cette pièce, puis de cet opéra? C'est à toutes ces questions que nous nous proposons de répondre, afin de découvrir l'importance et l'intérêt du Chevalier de Neige dans le parcours littéraire de Boris Vian.


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la réécriture par Vickie Gendreau, auteure québécoise contemporaine, de deux genres funèbres, le testament littéraire et le tombeau poétique. Dans ses deux récits, Testament et Drama Queens, Gendreau met en scène des narratrices qui s'apprêtent à mourir des suites d'une tumeur au cerveau, ce qui soulève plusieurs questions : de quelle manière tisse-t-elle des rapports intertextuels avec les genres évoqués plus haut ? Comment l'appropriation des genres funèbres permet-elle de vaincre l'angoisse associée à la mort proclamée par les médecins ? Comment penser l'écriture du corps et la fictionalisation de soi à l'aune de deux genres datant de l'époque médiévale ou de la Renaissance ? Dans le premier chapitre, nous nous attardons à la construction par Gendreau du testament littéraire dans sa forme médiévale dans Testament et à la reprise dans Drama Queens d'enjeux testamentaires ; l'héritage, la filiation et la transmission. La réécriture permet l'incorporation dans le récit de l'autodérision et de la mise en scène du devenir-cadavre. Dans le second chapitre, nous explorons le tombeau poétique, tant celui de la Renaissance que celui des poètes modernes. Ce faisant, nous abordons les discours de commémoration du défunt et surtout l'appropriation de la commémoration par les deux narratrices, et ultimement par Vickie Gendreau.