985 resultados para Redcastle-Graytown State Forest


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Neste artigo, o esforço de investigação ornitológica no estado de Roraima será investigado utilizando abordagens de análises de lacunas. Basicamente, apresentaremos uma síntese sobre todo o esforço ornitológico feito até o momento em Roraima, visando responder as seguintes questões: (a) quais os locais bem amostrados para aves? (b) quais são as lacunas geográficas de investigação? (c) em que estágio de descobertas está o inventário das espécies de aves em Roraima? (d) quais são os macro-hábitats prioritários para investigação? (e) quais os tipos de vegetação bem investigados e quais os que podem ser classificados como prioritários para investigação? Como resultados, detectamos Oitenta e duas localidades com algum tipo de informação ornitológica. Dentre essas, a Estação Ecológica de Maracá (442 sp), seguido pelo Parque Nacional do Viruá (420 sp), Colônia do Apiaú (320 sp), Mucajaí (267 sp), e Pacaráima (212 sp), são as cinco localidades com maior grau de conhecimento ornitológico dentro do estado. Nos últimos 20 anos apenas duas localidades ornitológicas em Roraima podem ser acrescidas à lista de sítios bem estudados de acordo com o critério de pelo menos 100 espécies registradas (peles, gravações de voz e observações visuais): Parque Nacional do Viruá e a Fazenda Paraense. Cinco áreas são aqui apontadas como lacunas de amostragem da avifauna de Roraima e devem receber prioridade para novos inventários e estudos sobre a avifauna dessa região, são elas: Noroeste do estado, nas áreas junto à fronteira com a Venezuela e divisa com o Estado do Amazonas; Baixo Rio Branco, desde a cidade de Caracaraí à sua foz; Florestas de terra firme no sudeste do Estado; As savanas do nordeste junto à fronteira com a Guiana e as regiões de floresta montana e os tepuis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The largest area of preserved Atlantic forest is located in the southern portion of Brazil. The region of Paranapiacaba is depicted in Brazilian zoological studies as one of the first and most intensely sampled areas of the state of São Paulo.We provide a concise list of reptiles and amphibians from the Paranapiacaba Municipal Park. It represents the first comprehensive survey of the group in the area. We recorded 136 species of reptiles and amphibians from field surveys, museum collections and the literature. The anuran diversity of Paranapiacaba is greater than that of Estação Ecológica de Boracéia, which has been considered the most distinctive areas in São Paulo in terms of amphibian diversity. The rich history of herpetological research in the region, including the occurrence of the two most threatened species in Brazil, converts the area to an important conservation landmark for the Brazilian herpetofauna.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).


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Larvae of Periphoba hircia (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) defoliated Acacia mangium in the state of Roraima, Brazil. This is the first report of this species defoliating A. mangium in Brazil. The damage to the foliage was substantial and P. hircia should be monitored to ascertain its significance as pest of this plant. The larval stage of this species had 6 instars. Its cocoons were woven either on A. mangium leaves or in the soil. The pupal period of P. hiricia reared on A. mangium lasted 6 months. Its adults were dimorphic with females larger and having more prominent abdomens than males.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to identify the Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) associated to Brazilian savannah and gallery forest, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The sampling was carried every two weeks at Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) in Divinopolis and at gallery forest in Pedra do Indaia, both in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Collecting was carried out between November 2003 and October 2004, with Malaise traps. A total of 181 specimens of five species of Hemerobiidae were collected. The species Nusalala tessellata, Megalomus impudicus, Hemerobius bolivari and Notiobiella sp. were collected in the two sites; the fifth species Sympherobius sp. was found only in Pedra do Indaia. The species of diversity (index of Shannon-Wiener) and the equitability (J) of Hemerobiidae were similar in the areas of Brazilian savannah and gallery forest (H'=0.47-0.49, respectively, and J=0.78-0.69, respectively), and the differences observed between the two locations were not significant.


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This paper introduces the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier for static video summarization, being its results comparable to the ones obtained by some state-of-the-art video summarization techniques. The experimental section has been conducted using several image descriptors in two public datasets, followed by an analysis of OPF robustness regarding one ad-hoc parameter. Future works are guided to improve OPF effectiveness on each distinct video category.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)