916 resultados para Razão instrumental
Background: Studies on functional capacity in community-dwelling older people have shown associations between declines in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and several factors. Among these, age has been the most consistently related to functional capacity independent of other variables. We aimed at evaluating the performance of a sample of healthy and cognitively intact Brazilian older people on activities of daily living and to analyze its relation to social-demographic variables. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data collected for previous epidemiological studies with community-dwelling subjects aged 60 years or more. We selected subjects who did not have dementia or depression, and with no history of neurological diseases, heart attack, HIV, hepatitis or arthritis (n = 1,111). Functional capacity was assessed using the Brazilian version of the Older American Resources and Services Questionnaire (BOMFAQ). ADL performance was analyzed according to age, gender, education, and marital status (Pearson's chi(2), logistic regression). Results: IADL difficulties were present in our sample, especially in subjects aged 80 years or more, with lower levels of education, or widowed. The logistic regression analysis results indicated that "higher age" and "lower education" (p <= 0.001) remained significantly associated with IADL difficulty. Conclusions: Functional decline was present in older subjects even in the absence of medical conditions and cognitive impairment. Clinicians and researchers could benefit from knowing what to expect from older people regarding IADL performance in the absence of medical conditions.
OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de quedas em idosos e sua relação com a capacidade funcional. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, com uma amostra por conglomerado de duplo estágio de 240 sujeitos, com idade acima de 60 anos, de ambos os sexos, residentes em Ribeirão Preto, SP. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011 e utilizaram-se os questionários: perfil social, avaliação de quedas, Medida de Independência Funcional e Escala de Lawton e Brody. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 0,05. Para a identificação da ocorrência das quedas e sua relação com a capacidade funcional, foram utilizadas razão de prevalência e de chances de prevalência e regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 73,5 anos (±8,4), 25% com 80 anos ou mais, predomínio do sexo feminino; 48,8% estudaram de 1 a 4 anos. Média de 1,33 quedas (±0,472); com maior prevalência em mulheres e idosos mais jovens; o local mais frequente foi o quintal e o banheiro. Houve forte correlação entre o nível de independência funcional e as atividades instrumentais com a idade, e não houve relação entre os idosos que sofreram queda e as variáveis sexo e idade. CONCLUSÃO: houve predomínio de mulheres que sofreram quedas relacionadas à independência funcional, podendo-se prevenir com estratégias de promoção à saúde ao idoso, política essa para oferecer condição de vida à pessoa no processo de envelhecer.
Na perspectiva de que a Comunicação que ocorre no dia a dia nas organizações assume, entre outras, três principais dimensões (humana, instrumental e estratégica), o principal objetivo desta pesquisa empírica foi verificar, junto a uma amostra representativa de empresas atuantes no território brasileiro, como essas dimensões estão presentes nas práticas cotidianas de Comunicação. Aplicou-se questionário junto a 36 empresas a partir de uma a mostra de 258. Os dados obtidos mostram que a Comunicação vem sendo praticada nessas três dimensões. As organizações evoluíram gradativamente dos modelos mecânicos da transmissão unilateral de informações para a implantação de processos comunicativos mais interativos. No entanto, ainda falta uma Comunicação que permita a abertura de canais dialógicos de fato e que possibilite maior valorização das pessoas.
Este artigo trata da interelação entre justiça, razão comunicativa e emancipação social. Ao referir-se à justiça e à injustiça, retorna a um tema de fundamental importância para a história da Filosofia do Direito, sem com isto assumir os riscos das teorias metafísicas da justiça. É a partir da teoria do discurso, de Jürgen Habermas, que as condições e os pressupostos para o desenvolvimento de uma noção de justiça pós-metafísica se torna possível. Investigar a tarefa da Filosofia do Direito, e o desafio do conceito de justiça, são tarefas desdobradas nos estudos e debates envolvidos neste texto.
Este artigo avalia o efeito da "orientação molecular" nas propriedades mecânicas do PVC Rígido. Introduz-se o tema associando-o à aplicação do PVC Orientado em sistemas de tubulações, considerando a importância do nível de gelificação na qualidade desses produtos. É descrito e testado um método experimental de orientação mono-axial em um extrudado e materiais com diferentes razões de estiramento são produzidos para avaliação de propriedades mecânicas. Aumentando a razão de estiramento, há ganhos principalmente no limite de resistência à tração, além do módulo elástico sob tração e tenacidade. Por outro lado, a deformação na ruptura é reduzida.
O uso de radionuclídeos em hidrologia, como a concentração de urânio e a razão de atividades (234U/238U), tornou-se ultimamente uma ferramenta de grande importância nas pesquisas relacionadas à água subterrânea. Estes parâmetros têm sido usados para identificar os principais mecanismos de mobilização, precipitação e transporte dos isótopos de um aquífero, ou seja, esses isótopos têm sido empregados como traçadores para água. A área de estudo deste trabalho compreende os corpos graníticos fraturados da Suíte Intrusiva de Itu, que afloram a leste do Estado de São Paulo junto à Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, fazendo parte da Bacia Hidrográfica do Médio Tietê. Os poços de onde foram coletadas as águas subterrâneas investigadas foram perfurados nos granitos desta Suíte, localizados nos municípios de Salto (poço YVC), Itu (HND), Itupeva (poço ITUP) e Indaiatuba (poços BDN 1 e BDN 2), sendo estes utilizados no abastecimento residencial ou para irrigação. As coletas foram mensais e o tempo de amostragem foi de um ano e meio com o objetivo de avaliar a sazonalidade destas águas. A técnica utilizada, para discriminar os isótopos de urânio dissolvidos, bem como para determinar sua razão de atividade (234U/238U), nas amostras das águas subterrâneas, foi a de espectrometria alfa. Os resultados mostram que os parâmetros físico-químicos e composição química da água exercem um papel muito importante no comportamento dos isótopos analisados. As importantes variações observadas tanto entre as águas de um mesmo poço, como também entre poços diferentes, mostram que os processos de recarga e/ou de interação rocha – água ocorrem de maneira distinta.
Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado
This PhD thesis describes the application of some instrumental analytical techniques suitable to the study of fundamental food products for the human diet, such as: extra virgin olive oil and dairy products. These products, widely spread in the market and with high nutritional values, are increasingly recognized healthy properties although their lipid fraction might contain some unfavorable components to the human health. The research activity has been structured in the following investigations: “Comparison of different techniques for trans fatty acids analysis” “Fatty acids analysis of outcrop milk cream samples, with particular emphasis on the content of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and trans Fatty Acids (TFA), by using 100m high-polarity capillary column” “Evaluation of the oxidited fatty acids (OFA) content during the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese seasoning” “Direct analysis of 4-desmethyl sterols and two dihydroxy triterpenes in saponified vegetal oils (olive oil and others) using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry” “Quantitation of long chain poly-unsatured fatty acids (LC-PUFA) in base infant formulas by Gas Chromatography, and evaluation of the blending phases accuracy during their preparation” “Fatty acids composition of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese samples, with emphasis on trans isomers (TFA)”
The consumer demand for natural, minimally processed, fresh like and functional food has lead to an increasing interest in emerging technologies. The aim of this PhD project was to study three innovative food processing technologies currently used in the food sector. Ultrasound-assisted freezing, vacuum impregnation and pulsed electric field have been investigated through laboratory scale systems and semi-industrial pilot plants. Furthermore, analytical and sensory techniques have been developed to evaluate the quality of food and vegetable matrix obtained by traditional and emerging processes. Ultrasound was found to be a valuable technique to improve the freezing process of potatoes, anticipating the beginning of the nucleation process, mainly when applied during the supercooling phase. A study of the effects of pulsed electric fields on phenol and enzymatic profile of melon juice has been realized and the statistical treatment of data was carried out through a response surface method. Next, flavour enrichment of apple sticks has been realized applying different techniques, as atmospheric, vacuum, ultrasound technologies and their combinations. The second section of the thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the discrimination and quantification of phenol compounds in vegetable matrix, as chestnut bark extracts and olive mill waste water. The management of waste disposal in mill sector has been approached with the aim of reducing the amount of waste, and at the same time recovering valuable by-products, to be used in different industrial sectors. Finally, the sensory analysis of boiled potatoes has been carried out through the development of a quantitative descriptive procedure for the study of Italian and Mexican potato varieties. An update on flavour development in fresh and cooked potatoes has been realized and a sensory glossary, including general and specific definitions related to organic products, used in the European project Ecropolis, has been drafted.
Food suppliers currently measure apple quality considering basic pomological descriptors. Sensory analysis is expensive, does not permit to analyse many samples, and cannot be implemented for measuring quality properties in real time. However, sensory analysis is the best way to precisely describe food eating quality, since it is able to define, measure, and explain what is really perceivable by human senses and using a language that closely reflects the consumers’ perception. On the basis of such observations, we developed a detailed protocol for apple sensory profiling by descriptive sensory analysis and instrumental measurements. The collected sensory data were validated by applying rigorous scientific criteria for sensory analysis. The method was then applied for studying sensory properties of apples and their changes in relation to different pre- and post-harvest factors affecting fruit quality, and demonstrated to be able to discriminate fruit varieties and to highlight differences in terms of sensory properties. The instrumental measurements confirmed such results. Moreover, the correlation between sensory and instrumental data was studied, and a new effective approach was defined for the reliable prediction of sensory properties by instrumental characterisation. It is therefore possible to propose the application of this sensory-instrumental tool to all the stakeholders involved in apple production and marketing, to have a reliable description of apple fruit quality.
An extensive study of the morphology and the dynamics of the equatorial ionosphere over South America is presented here. A multi parametric approach is used to describe the physical characteristics of the ionosphere in the regions where the combination of the thermospheric electric field and the horizontal geomagnetic field creates the so-called Equatorial Ionization Anomalies. Ground based measurements from GNSS receivers are used to link the Total Electron Content (TEC), its spatial gradients and the phenomenon known as scintillation that can lead to a GNSS signal degradation or even to a GNSS signal ‘loss of lock’. A new algorithm to highlight the features characterizing the TEC distribution is developed in the framework of this thesis and the results obtained are validated and used to improve the performance of a GNSS positioning technique (long baseline RTK). In addition, the correlation between scintillation and dynamics of the ionospheric irregularities is investigated. By means of a software, here implemented, the velocity of the ionospheric irregularities is evaluated using high sampling rate GNSS measurements. The results highlight the parallel behaviour of the amplitude scintillation index (S4) occurrence and the zonal velocity of the ionospheric irregularities at least during severe scintillations conditions (post-sunset hours). This suggests that scintillations are driven by TEC gradients as well as by the dynamics of the ionospheric plasma. Finally, given the importance of such studies for technological applications (e.g. GNSS high-precision applications), a validation of the NeQuick model (i.e. the model used in the new GALILEO satellites for TEC modelling) is performed. The NeQuick performance dramatically improves when data from HF radar sounding (ionograms) are ingested. A custom designed algorithm, based on the image recognition technique, is developed to properly select the ingested data, leading to further improvement of the NeQuick performance.