854 resultados para Quartz microstructures
As optical coherence tomography (OCT) becomes widespread, validation and characterization of systems becomes important. Reference standards are required to qualitatively and quantitatively measure the performance between difference systems. This would allow the performance degradation of the system over time to be monitored. In this report, the properties of the femtosecond inscribed structures from three different systems for making suitable OCT characterization artefacts (phantoms) are analyzed. The parameter test samples are directly inscribed inside transparent materials. The structures are characterized using an optical microscope and a swept-source OCT. The high reproducibility of the inscribed structures shows high potential for producing multi-modality OCT calibration and characterization phantoms. Such that a single artefact can be used to characterize multiple performance parameters such the resolution, linearity, distortion, and imaging depths. © 2012 SPIE.
The purpose of this investigation was to interpret the bitumen-aggregate adhesion based on the dielectric spectroscopic response of individual material components utilizing their dielectric constants, refractive indices and average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent). Dielectric spectroscopy of bitumen binders at room temperature was performed in the frequency range of 0.01–1000 Hz. Dielectric spectroscopy is an experimental method for characterizing the dielectric permittivity of a material as a function of frequency. Adhesion data has been determined using the Rolling bottle method. The results show that the magnitude of the average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent) depends on bitumen type. The average loss tangent in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz is introduced as a potential indicator for predicting polarizability and, thereby, adhesion potential of bitumen binders to quartz aggregates when using Portland cement. In order to obtain acceptable adhesion of 70/100 penetration grade bitumen binders and quartz aggregates when using Portland cement, it is suggested that the binder have an average tan δ > 0.035 in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz.
In this paper we proposed a demodulation scheme based on tunable FP filter for the WDM/FDM sensing system of the microstructure mentioned in the previous work. Simulation is done to prove the feasibility of demodulating the microstructure with the tunable FP filter. The experiments result showed high consistence with the simulation. And with the help of the high speed FPGA module and a high resolution AD/DA card, the system has achieved a very high resolution, up to 2.5 pm, and wavelength ranges 1520nm to 1590 nm.
A 100 cm long sediment sequence was recovered from Beaver Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, using gravity and piston corers. Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses and the absence of micro and macrofossils indicate that the sediments at the base of the sequence formed under glacial conditions, probably prior to c. 12 500 cal. yr BP. The sediments between c. 81 and 31 cm depth probably formed under subaerial conditions, indicating that isostatic uplift since deglaciation has been substantially less than eustatic sea-level rise and that large areas of the present-day floor of Beaver Lake must have been subaerially exposed following deglaciation. The upper 31 cm of the sediment sequence were deposited under glaciomarine conditions similar to those of today, supporting geomorphic observations that the Holocene was a period of relative sea-level highstand in Amery Oasis.
The distribution patterns of opal and quartz on the ocean floor of the subtropical southeastern Pacific have been defined by analyzing 59 surface-sediment samples. The opal distribution resembles that of primary productivity in the surface waters, except along the Peruvian and northern Chilean coasts, where dilution reduces opal values. The distribution pattern of quartz represents both eolian and fluvial transport. Quartz distribution extends out as a tongue in the same direction and position as the prevailing southeast trade winds. Along the South American coast, high quartz concentrations are found in patches near shore and decrease rapidly seaward.
Trace-element content in igneous quartz from granitoids of different geochemical types from Bohemian Massif (Central Evrope) was investigated using the laser ablation ICP-MS technique. Two laboratories (Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, and Institute of Geology of the Academy of Science of Czech Republic, Praha) were involved in the trace-element (Li, Be, B, Mn, Ge, Rb, Ba, Pb, Mg, Al, P, Ca, Ti, Fe, and Sn) analyses of quartz (altogether, ~300 analyses of 17 rock samples). About 200 representative analyses of quartz are given in Tables 1 and 2.
Sind in einem Sediment, das unter dem Einfluß einer Strömung abgelagert wurde, richtungsanzeigende Indikatoren vorhanden, so werden sie je nach den momentanen Bedingungen, die zur Zeit der Sedimentation herrschten, ein mehr oder weniger gutes Abbild der Strömungsverhältnisse liefern. Zahlreich sind Strömungsanzeiger organischen Ursprungs, wie z. B. Molluskenschalen u. a. Doch auch anorganische Partikel in Psephiten und Psammiten lassen häufig in ihrer Lagerung eine Abhängigkeit von der Strömungsrichtung erkennen: sie sind "geregelt". Die Autoren der verschiedenen Arbeiten, in denen Regelungen in klastischen Sedimenten untersucht wurden, gingen von der Tatsache aus, daß viele Sedimentpartikel statistisch gesehen keine Kugelform, sondern eine längliche Gestalt besitzen. Die langen Achsen dieser länglich geformten Sedimentkörner werden im folgenden als "Langachsen" bezeichnet. In Sanden sind es vor allem Quarzkörner von annähernd zylindrischer oder ellipsoidischer Form ("Langquarze"), die geeignet sind, durch die Lage ihrer Langachsen strömungsbedingte Regelungen anzuzeigen. Mit der Orientierung solcher Langquarze in marinen und fluviatilen Sanden haben sich bisher vorwiegend amerikanische Autoren befaßt. So untersuchten z. B. Dapples & Rominger (1945) die Sandsohle eines künstlichen Gerinnes. Sie stellten fest, daß die Hauptorientierungsrichtung der Langquarze mit der Strömungsrichtung des fließenden Wassers zusammenfiel. Dabei zeigte das spitze Ende tropfenförmiger ("polarer") Quarze stromab und das stumpfe Ende stromauf. Nanz (1955) maß die Langachsenrichtungen von Langquarzen in Sanden des nassen und trockenen Strandes von Texas und Florida und fand, daß sich diese Achsen vorwiegend parallel zur Auf- und Ablaufrichtung der Wellen und damit senkrecht zum Streichen der Strandlinie einregeln. Curray (1956 b) beobachtete die gleiche Regelung. Er wies ferner darauf hin, daß in Strandwällen und Strandhaken die bevorzugte Richtung der Langquarze senkrecht zum Streichen des Sedimentkörpers liegt. Zahlreiche weitere Autoren beschäftigten sich ebenfalls mit den Fragen der Langquarzregelung, so Schwarzacher (1951), Griffith & Rosenfeld (1953), Vollbrecht (1953), Rusnak (1956), Wendler (1956), Sriramadas (1957). Ganz allgemein war das Ergebnis aller dieser Untersuchungen, daß die aus einer Strömung abgelagerten Langquarze eine Regelung parallel zur Strömungsrichtung zeigen. Eigene Untersuchungen und Überlegungen ergaben, daß die bisher veröffentlichten Ergebnisse und die an sie angeschlossenen Vorstellungen z. T. bestätigt werden können, jedoch z. T. auch erheblich modifiziert werden müssen.
The Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range is one of the most famous formerly-glaciated areas of Japan. Many glacial landforms remain in three neighbouring U-shaped valleys, named Yarisawa, Yokoo and Migimata. Moraines and outwash terraces can be classified into four groups according to their location and to the amount of glacial quartz grains contained in the deposits. A glaciation is proved for other parts of the Northern Japanese Alps before 100 000 years B.P., but not for the Yari-Hotaka Mountain Range, because the corresponding glacial landforms cannot be found here. The oldest known Ichinomata stage before and after 60 000 years B.P. corresponds to the Yokoo glacial which is proved wirhin the whole Japanese Alps. The three younger stages, Babadaira stage (before 30 000 years B.P.), Yarisawa stage I (about 30000 years B.P.) and Yarisawa stage II (about 15000 years B.P.), belong to the Karasawa glacial. About 10 000 years B.P. the glaciers melted away. At all times the relief-influence was especially important for Ihe mass-balances of Japanese glaciers. Wind-drifted snow from the west-exposed windward slopes to the slopes in eastern (lee) exposition, and a voluminous snow accumulation by avalanches from the high rocky walls onto the glacier surfaces beneath, caused very low situated glaciers as well as low equilibrium-lines. In most cases the snow-lines were situated 100 m or more above the equilibrium-lines. During the Ichinomata stage the snow-line reached an altitude of 2400-2450 m. It rose about 100 m to the Babadaira stage, 300 m to Yarisawa stage I and about 450 m to Yarisawa stage II. At present the snow-line is situated above the Northern Japanese Alps at over 4000 m. Therefore only perennial snow-patches exist. If the snow-line would go down by a few hundred meters, this region would be highly interesting Ifor studies on the beginning of mountain glaciation.
This paper presents the results of the scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of quartz grains from a selection of samples at Site 1166. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188 drilled Site 1166 on the Prydz Bay continental shelf, Antarctica, to document onset and fluctuations of East-Antarctic glaciation. This site recovered Upper Pliocene-Holocene glacial sediments directly above Cretaceous through Lower Oligocene sediments recording the transition from preglacial to early glacial conditions. SEM analysis of quartz grains at Site 1166 was used to characterize the glacial and preglacial sediments by their diagnostic textures. Angular edges, edge abrasion as well as arcuate to straight steps, are the most frequent features in glacial deposits. The highest frequency of grains with round edges is present in Middle-Late Eocene fluvio-deltaic sands. However, angular outlines, fractured plates with subparallel linear fractures and edge abrasion indicating glacier influence are also present. Preglacial carbonaceous mudstone and laminated gray claystone show distinctive high relief quartz grains and some chemical weathering on grain surfaces. The results of the microtextural analysis of quartz grains are used to verify some critical periods of ice sheet evolution, such as the transition from the East Antarctic preglacial to glacial conditions on the continental shelf from Middle/Late Eocene to Late Eocene/Early Oligocene time.
Sediment drifts on the continental rise are located proximal to the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and recorded changes in glacial volume and thermal regime over the last ca. 15 m.y. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1101 (Leg 178), which recovered sediments back to 3.1 Ma, glacial-interglacial cyclicity was identified based on the biogenic component and sedimentary structures observed in X-radiographs, magnetic susceptibility and lithofacies descriptions. Glacial intervals are dominated by fine-grained laminated mud and interglacial units consist of bioturbated muds enriched in biogenic components. From 2.2 to 0.76 Ma, planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils dominate in the interglacials suggesting a shift of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) to the south near the drifts. Prior to 2.2 Ma, cyclicity cannot be identified and diatoms dominate the biogenic component and high percent opal suggests warmer conditions south of the APF and reduced sea ice over the drifts. Analyses of the coarse-grained terrigenous fraction (pebbles and coarse sand) from Sites 1096 and 1101 record glaciers at sea-level releasing iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) throughout the last 3.1 m.y. Analyses of quartz sand grains in IRD with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) show an abrupt change in the frequency of occurrence of microtextures at ~1.35 Ma. During the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, the population of quartz grains included completely weathered grains and a low frequency of crushing and abrasion, suggesting that glaciers were small and did not inundate the topography. Debris shed from mountain peaks was transported supraglacially or englacially allowing weathered grains to pass through the glacier unmodified. During glacial periods from 1.35-0.76 Ma, glaciers expanded in size. The IRD flux was very high and dropstones have diverse lithologies. Conditions resembling those at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) have been episodically present on the Antarctic Peninsula since ~0.76 Ma. Quartz sand grains show high relief, fracture and abrasion common under thick ice and the IRD flux is low with a more restricted range of dropstone lithologies.
Zr-Excel alloy (Zr-3.5Sn-0.8Nb-0.8Mo) is a dual phase (α + β) alloy in the as-received pressure tube condition. It has been proposed to be the pressure tube candidate material for the Generation-IV CANDU-Supercritical Water Reactor (CANDU-SCWR). In this dissertation, the effects of heavy ion irradiation, deformation and heat treatment on the microstructures of the alloy were investigated to enable us to have a better understanding of the potential in-reactor performance of this alloy. In-situ heavy ion (1 MeV) irradiation was performed to study the nucleation and evolution of dislocation loops in both α- and β-Zr. Small and dense type dislocation loops form under irradiation between 80 and 450 °C. The number density tends to saturate at ~ 0.1 dpa. Compared with the α-Zr, the defect yield is much lower in β-Zr. The stabilities of the metastable phases (β-Zr and ω-Zr) and the thermal-dynamically equilibrium phase, fcc Zr(Mo, Nb)2, under irradiation were also studied at different temperatures. Chemi-STEM elemental mapping was carried out to study the elemental redistribution caused by irradiation. The stability of these phases and the elemental redistribution are strongly dependent on irradiation temperature. In-situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction tensile and compressive tests were carried out at different temperatures to monitor lattice strain evolutions of individual grain families during these tests. The β-Zr is the strengthening phase in this alloy in the as-received plate material. Load is transferred to the β-Zr after yielding of the α-Zr grains. The temperature dependence of static strain aging and the yielding sequence of the individual grain families were discussed. Strong tensile/compressive asymmetry was observed in the {0002} grain family at room temperature. The microstructures of the sample deformed at 400 °C and the samples only subjected to heat treatment at the same temperature were characterized with TEM. Concentration of β phase stabilizers in the β grain and the morphology of β grain have significant effect on the stability of β- and ω-Zr under thermal treatment. Applied stress/strain enhances the decomposition of isothermal ω phase but suppresses α precipitation inside the β grains at high temperature. An α → ω/ZrO phase transformation was observed in the thin foils of Zr-Excel alloy and pure Zr during in-situ heating at 700 °C in TEM.
D’abord, nous présentons les principes physiques nous permettant de modéliser et comprendre le phénomène de propagation linéaire des impulsions lumineuses dans un milieu homogène, dans les guides d’ondes planaires et enfin dans les fibres optiques microstructurées. Ensuite, nous faisons une analyse mathématique rigoureuse des équations linéaires de propagation et posons le problème comme celui de la recherche de valeurs propres d’opérateurs auto-adjoints dans un espace de Hilbert. On verra que ces résultats théoriques s’appliquent aux équations simulées dans le logiciel Comsol Multiphysics. Enfin, nous recensons et proposons différentes façons de prédire les valeurs de dispersion chromatique et d’atténuation dans les fibres microstructurées à coeur suspendu en utilisant les notions et équations discutés dans les deux premiers chapitres. Le choix de la géométrie, du matériau et de la longueur d’onde de la lumière transmise sont parmi les variables étudiées numériquement. Nous ferons également un exemple détaillé d’utilisation du logiciel Comsol Multiphysics pour construire un modèle de fibre optique microstructurée.
Layered structures, known as micro structures in marine environments are common features of which their formation mechanisms are first reviewed. Some methods of measuring such features based on the measurements and theories are presented for the Persian Gulf. This includes determination of layers with temperature inversion (TI) associated with double diffusive convection (DDC). The relevant associated parameters are estimated from ROPME CTD data for late winter and early summer of 1992. Only in certain parts temperature inversion and DDC are observed which seem to produce layered structures. Observations show that the places with TI and DDC are mainly confined to the frontal regions where the water entering the Persian Gulf and water exiting it meet, nearly along the axis of the Gulf. TI and DDC is mainly observer in the northern bound of the front. Typical density ratio for regions with TI and DDC is 0.7 to 0.2 and the mean depth is at about 37 ± 3 m for the Persian Gulf. TI and DDC are also found in the outflow from the Persian Gulf to the Oman Gulf which is found to be at a depth of about 250 m. Horizontal addiction and reduction of solar heating seem to be the main reasons in producing layers with TI and DDC. It is also found that the regime of DDC in the Persian Gulf is more diffusive and the flow associated with intrusion layers with TI is non-isopycnal (more unstable). However for the Oman sea both diffusive and finger regime are observed and the flow is inferred to be isopycnal (more stable statically). Typical heat and salt fluxes due to DDC are found to be 6 W/m2 and 0.36 W/m2 respectively. Effective salinity diffusivity, Ks and heat diffusivity, Kr have been estimated for the places with DDC in the Persian Gulf and Oman Gulf (Ks=1.1 *10-7 m2/s, KT= 1.88*10-6 m2/s). Their values are within the values obtained by others. The buoyancy frequency for the Persian Gulf with typical mean value of 0.05s-1 is much higher than these of the free Oceans. Such large values of N (typically 0.05 s-1) indicate that processes such as tide can produce strong internal waves which may be another factor in producing layered structures. This requires separate study.
Based on the relationship Zener parameter (Z=second-phase size/second-phase volume fraction) vs. calcite grain size (dg), second-phase controlled aggregates and microstructures that are weakly affected by second-phases are discriminated. The latter are characterized by large but constant grain sizes, high calcite grain boundary fractions and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO), while calcite grain size and calcite grain boundary fraction decrease continuously and CPO weakens with decreasing Z in second-phase controlled microstructures. These observations suggest that second-phase controlled microstructures predominantly deform via granular flow because pinning of calcite grain boundaries reduces the efficiency of dynamic recrystallization favoring mass transfer processes and grain boundary sliding. In contrast, the balance of grain size reduction and growth by dynamic recrystallization maintains a steady state grain size in microstructures that are only weakly affected by second-phases promoting a predominance of dislocation creep. With increasing temperature, the relationship between Z and dg persists but the calcite grain size increases continuously. Based on microstructures, the energy of each modifying process is calculated and its relative contribution is compared with energies of the competing processes (surface energy, dragging energy, dynamic recrystallization energy). The steady state microstructures result from a temperature-dependent energy minimization procedure of the system.