269 resultados para Osborn, Stellnova


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a long tradition as a raw material for the production of malt and beer. While breeding and cultivation efforts for barley have been highly successful in creating agronomically and brew- technical optimal specialty cultivars that have become well established as brewing barley varieties, the picture is completely different for brewing wheat. An increasing wheat beer demand results in a rising amount of raw material. Wheat has been - and still is – grown almost exclusively for the baking industry. It is this high demand that defines most of the wheat breeding objectives; and these objectives are generally not favourable in brewing industry. It is of major interest to screen wheat varieties for brewing processability and to give more focus to wheat as a brewing cereal. To obtain fast and reliable predications about the suitability of wheat cultivars a new mathematical method was developed in this work. The method allows a selection based on generally accepted quality characteristics. As selection criteria the parameters raw protein, soluble nitrogen, Kolbach index, extract and viscosity were chosen. During a triannual cultivation series, wheat varieties were evaluated on their suitability for brewing as well as stability to environmental conditions. To gain a fundamental understanding of the complex malting process, microstructural changes were evaluated and visualized by confocal laser scanning and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, changes observed in the micrographs were verified and endorsed by metabolic changes using established malt attributes. The degradation and formation of proteins during malting is essential for the final beer quality. To visualise fundamental protein changes taking place during malting, samples of each single process step were analysed and fractioned according their solubility. Protein fractions were analysed using a Lab-on-a-chip technique as well as OFFgel analysis. In general, a different protein distribution of wheat compared to barley or oat could be confirmed. During the malting process a degradation of proteins to small peptides and amino acids could be observed in all four Osborn fractions. Furthermore, in this study a protein profiling was performed to evaluate changes during the mashing process as well as the influence of grist composition. Differences in specific protein peaks and profile were detected for all samples during mashing. This study investigated the suitability of wheat for malting and brewing industry and closed the scientifical gap of amylolytic, cytolytic and proteolytic changes during malting and mashing.


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Early instrumental pressure measurements from Gibraltar and the Reykjavik area of Iceland have been used to extend to 1821 the homogeneous pressure series at the two locations. In winter the two sites are located close to the centres of action that comprise the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The extended 'winter half-year' record of the NAO enables recent changes in the record to be placed in the context of the period 1823-1996. The period since the early 1970s is the most prolonged positive phase of the oscillation and the late 1980s and early 1990s is the period with the highest values (strongest westerlies). The winter of 1995-1996 marked a dramatic switch in the index, with the change from 1994-1995 being the greatest change recorded from one year to the next since the series began in 1823. (The extended Gibraltar and Reykjavik monthly pressures and the NAO series can be found on the Climatic Research Unit home page, http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/).


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Compilation of figure recipes for all figures of Chapter 5 of IPCC Working Group I, Fifth Assessment Report. In addition to figure captions, figure recipes are supposed to serve as detailed figure creation info. If not publicly available elsewhere, processed data underlying the respective figures are also provided here.


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This paper examines the interrelationship between law and lifestyle sports, viewed through the lens of parkour. We argue that the literature relating to legal approaches to lifestyle sport is currently underdeveloped and so seek to partially fill this lacuna. Hitherto, we argue, the law has been viewed as a largely negative presence, seen particularly in terms of the ways in which counter-cultural activities are policed and regulated, and where such activities are viewed as transgressive or undesirable. We argue that this is a somewhat unsophisticated take on how the law can operate, with law constructed as an outcome of constraints to behaviour (where the law authorises or prohibits), distinct from the legal contexts, environments and spaces in which these relationships occur. We argue that the distinctive settings in which lifestyle sports are practiced needs a more fine-grained analysis as they are settings which bear, and bring to life, laws and regulations that shape how space is to be experienced. We examine specifically the interrelationship between risk and benefit and how the law recognises issues of social utility or value, particularly within the context of lifestyle sport. We seek to move from user-centred constructions of law as an imposition, to a more nuanced position that looks at parkour at the intersections of law, space and lifestyle sport, in order to reveal how law can be used to support and extend claims to space.


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The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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Los desahucios en España se han convertido en los últimos años en un fenómeno social emergente, de interés tanto para la investigación como para la intervención de los profesionales de la acción social. Aun así, no existen estudios suficientes relacionados con esta situación adversa, y menos aún centrados en las respuestas resilientes que las personas son capaces de ofrecer ante ella. Con el objetivo de identificar los factores internos y externos que se presentan en la experiencia de las familias que viven procesos de desahucios y que les están permitiendo desarrollar estrategias resilientes ante dicha adversidad, se lleva a cabo la presente investigación en la que participan 20 sujetos, pertenecientes a familias que acuden a la Plataforma de Afectados por las Hipotecas (PAH) de Málaga. A los participantes se les realiza una entrevista semi-estructurada y a través de ellas se han podido definir las características socio-familiares de las personas afectadas, las diferentes estrategias de afrontamiento desarrolladas, las principales fuentes de apoyo con las que han contado, así como las preocupaciones que les han acompañado. Los resultados muestran los principales factores internos y externos que están presenten en las estrategias resilientes que han desarrollado las familias afectadas por los desahucios durante el proceso vivido y destacan como fuente de apoyo informacional a la PAH. Se concluye con la necesidad de continuar con esta línea de investigación para tratar de diseñar intervenciones que refuercen y fomenten las estrategias de afrontamiento ante la situación adversa del desahucio.


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The Region comprises three sub-regions (FAO Statistical Areas) with very different characteristics. The South Pacific includes the vast and virtually unpopulated Southern Ocean surrounding the Antarctic. It has the world’s largest fisheries off Peru and Chile and some of the world’s best managed fisheries in Australia and New Zealand. The Region has over 27% of the world’s ocean area and over 98% of the Region’s total area of 91 million km2 is ‘open ocean’. The Region contains less than 5% of the global continental shelf area and only a fraction of this area is covered by three large marine ecosystems (the New Zealand Shelf, the Humboldt Current and the Antarctic large marine ecosystems (LMEs). The Humboldt Current System (HCS) is the world’s largest upwelling which provides nutrients for the world’s largest fisheries. The Region also has a high number of seamounts. The marine capture fisheries of the Region produce over 13 million tons annually and an expanding aquaculture industry produces over 1.5 million tons. Peru’s anchoveta fishery provides about half the world’s supply of fish meal and oil, key ingredients of animal and fish feeds. El Niño Southern Oscillations (ENSOs), known more generally as El Niños, can substantially change the species composition of the key small pelagic catches (anchovy, sardine, horse mackerel and jack mackerel) causing production to fluctuate from about 4-8 million tons. Partly due to the lack of upwelling and shelf areas, fisheries production in the Southern Ocean and Area 81 is relatively small but supports economically important commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture in New Zealand and in New South Wales (Australia). Krill remains a major underexploited resource, but is also a keystone species in the Antarctic food web. The Region is home to numerous endangered species of whales, seals and seabirds and has a high number of seamounts, vulnerable ecosystems fished for high-value species such as orange roughy.


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The Region comprises three sub-regions (FAO Statistical Areas) with very different characteristics. The South Pacific includes the vast and virtually unpopulated Southern Ocean surrounding the Antarctic. It has the world’s largest fisheries off Peru and Chile and some of the world’s best managed fisheries in Australia and New Zealand. The Region has over 27% of the world’s ocean area and over 98% of the Region’s total area of 91 million km2 is ‘open ocean’. The Region contains less than 5% of the global continental shelf area and only a fraction of this area is covered by three large marine ecosystems (the New Zealand Shelf, the Humboldt Current and the Antarctic large marine ecosystems (LMEs). The Humboldt Current System (HCS) is the world’s largest upwelling which provides nutrients for the world’s largest fisheries. The Region also has a high number of seamounts. The marine capture fisheries of the Region produce over 13 million tons annually and an expanding aquaculture industry produces over 1.5 million tons. Peru’s anchoveta fishery provides about half the world’s supply of fish meal and oil, key ingredients of animal and fish feeds. El Niño Southern Oscillations (ENSOs), known more generally as El Niños, can substantially change the species composition of the key small pelagic catches (anchovy, sardine, horse mackerel and jack mackerel) causing production to fluctuate from about 4-8 million tons. Partly due to the lack of upwelling and shelf areas, fisheries production in the Southern Ocean and Area 81 is relatively small but supports economically important commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture in New Zealand and in New South Wales (Australia). Krill remains a major underexploited resource, but is also a keystone species in the Antarctic food web. The Region is home to numerous endangered species of whales, seals and seabirds and has a high number of seamounts, vulnerable ecosystems fished for high-value species such as orange roughy.


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The mandate for policy action on ocean acidification falls under the remit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) since, like climate change, ocean acidification is a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The international community dealing with climate change must play a decisive role in encouraging national and local governments to scale-up efforts to mitigate CO2 emissions thereby reducing the impact of both climate change and ocean acidification. The annual UNFCCC meeting, Conference of the Parties (COP) represent pivotal opportunities for the ocean science community to provide the international community dealing with climate change with information and recommendations leading to informed solutions and policy guidelines that address ocean acidification. The objective is to develop a comprehensive message about the relevance of ocean acidification in current and future governance agendas. The target audiences include the international community dealing with climate change, climate negotiators, national leaders, UN agencies and Non-governmental Organisations, as well as the parties involved in the UNFCCC process.


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The mandate for policy action on ocean acidification falls under the remit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) since, like climate change, ocean acidification is a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The international community dealing with climate change must play a decisive role in encouraging national and local governments to scale-up efforts to mitigate CO2 emissions thereby reducing the impact of both climate change and ocean acidification. The annual UNFCCC meeting, Conference of the Parties (COP) represent pivotal opportunities for the ocean science community to provide the international community dealing with climate change with information and recommendations leading to informed solutions and policy guidelines that address ocean acidification. The objective is to develop a comprehensive message about the relevance of ocean acidification in current and future governance agendas. The target audiences include the international community dealing with climate change, climate negotiators, national leaders, UN agencies and Non-governmental Organisations, as well as the parties involved in the UNFCCC process.


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Durante el siglo XIII se produjo una sucesión de revueltas que supuso la desaparición del Imperio almohade y su sustitución por poderes regionales en al-Andalus, el Magreb y el Magreb al-Aqsà. La historiografía ha presentado el surgimiento y pugna entre estos poderes como un fenómeno social, político e, incluso, cultural y religioso, con el que se ha podido explicar su aniquilación o marginalización. Este trabajo pretende contextualizar los hechos desde una perspectiva medioambiental, de forma que la desintegración del califato almohade, el surgimiento de aquellos poderes y la progresión de los reinos cristianos en la península ibérica puedan entenderse desde una visión global de cambio climático y una posible crisis agrícola.


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We present the discovery and characterisation of the exoplanets WASP-113b and WASP-114b by the WASP survey, SOPHIE and CORALIE. The planetary nature of the systems was established by performing follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations. The follow-up data were combined with the WASP-photometry and analysed with an MCMC code to obtain system parameters. The host stars WASP-113 and WASP-114 are very similar. They are both early G-type stars with an effective temperature of ~5900K, [Fe/H] ~0.12 and T_{eff} ~4.1 dex. However, WASP-113 is older than WASP-114. Although the planetary companions have similar radii, WASP-114b is almost 4 times heavier than WASP-113b. WASP-113b has a mass of 0.48 M_{Jup} and an orbital period of ~4.5 days; WASP-114b has a mass of 1.77 M_{Jup} and an orbital period of ~1.5 days. Both planets have inflated radii, in particular WASP-113 with a radius anomaly of Re=0.35. The high scale height of WASP-113b (~950 km ) makes it a good target for follow-up atmospheric observations.


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Excess deaths from cardiovascular disease are a major contributor to the significant reduction in life expectancy experienced by people with schizophrenia. Important risk factors in this are smoking, alcohol misuse, excessive weight gain and diabetes. Weight gain also reinforces service users’ negative views of themselves and is a factor in poor adherence with treatment. Monitoring of relevant physical health risk factors is frequently inadequate, as is provision of interventions to modify these. These guidelines review issues surrounding monitoring of physical health risk factors and make recommendations about an appropriate approach. Overweight and obesity, partly driven by antipsychotic drug treatment, are important factors contributing to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in people with schizophrenia. There have been clinical trials of many interventions for people experiencing weight gain when taking antipsychotic medications but there is a lack of clear consensus regarding which may be appropriate in usual clinical practice. These guidelines review these trials and make recommendations regarding appropriate interventions. Interventions for smoking and alcohol misuse are reviewed, but more briefly as these are similar to those recommended for the general population. The management of impaired fasting glycaemia and impaired glucose tolerance (‘pre-diabetes’), diabetes and other cardiovascular risks, such as dyslipidaemia, are also reviewed with respect to other currently available guidelines. These guidelines were compiled following a consensus meeting of experts involved in various aspects of these problems. They reviewed key areas of evidence and their clinical implications. Wider issues relating to primary care/secondary care interfaces are discussed but cannot be resolved within guidelines such as these.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer las diferentes tendencias de la investigación sobre el Liderazgo en las organizaciones colombianas, mediante un estudio bibliométrico donde se analizaron 21 artículos publicados en revistas de Publindex, dentro de las categorías a1, a2, b y c. Para el análisis de los artículos se realizó una matriz en Excel que permitió registrar variables como estilos de liderazgo, resultados, años de publicación, revistas y autores. De acuerdo con los resultados se evidenció que el tema ha sido estudiado de forma significativa pero aún son pocas las conclusiones que permiten esclarecer el liderazgo como concepto en Colombia. Sin embargo, hay hallazgos importantes como los estilos de liderazgo predominantes: transformacional y transaccional; se encuentran variables psicológicas asociadas al estudio de liderazgo más comunes como inteligencia emocional, clima organizacional, cultura organizacional y los instrumentos más utilizados: entrevistas y cuestionarios. Se concluye que Colombia es un país que si investiga sobre esta temática, sin embargo, no hay acuerdos y hallazgos unificados. Se espera que en el futuro se continúe promoviendo una co-contrucción del concepto.