913 resultados para Orpheus myth


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What is the use of representing in performance the image of the cave from book VII of Plato’s Republic? Josep Palau i Fabre considers that in Plato’s dialogues the speakers are mere instruments at the service of his dialectical purpose. The aim of this article is to show how, by turning the myth into a tragedy and relying on Heraclitus’s conflict or war of opposites, the playwright succeeds in favouring a sort of thought which is not one-sided or univocal. On the contrary, in Palau i Fabre’s La Caverna, the tragic hero, the released prisoner transformed by the light of Reality and finally killed by his “cavemates” –after having been imprisoned again and having tried to rescue them from their ignorance or shadows– still leaves them his powerful experience of the agonistikós thought, which might bear fruit in their life to come.


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Los griegos crearon su religión con tanta riqueza imaginativa que los mitos que la forman se han convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales de nuestra cultura; se han recreado en todas las artes y seguirá haciéndose...


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El cáliz “de San Segundo” atestigua cómo un mismo objeto puede aportar información sobre sus orígenes y sobre su trascendencia en la cultura material de un lugar y época que lo recibieron con posterioridad; desde las manos del platero Andrea Petrucci en la Siena del Trecento hasta su hallazgo en la ciudad de Ávila en 1519 y sus implicaciones en la construcción del mito de San Segundo.


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Los griegos crearon su religión con tanta riqueza imaginativa que los mitos que la forman se han convertido en uno de los pilares fundamentales de nuestra cultura; se han recreado en todas las artes y seguirá haciéndose...


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[cat] Les traduccions dels primers capítols del llibre VII de la República de Plató on apareix la famosa imatge de la caverna, εἰκών, presenten una sorprenent i intrigant varietat interpretativa: “al·legoria”, “mite”, “faula”, “paràbola”, “símil”, “comparació”... Aquest article, prenent com a exemple la notable fidelitat al text del traductor victorià de Plató, B. Jowett, i mitjançant una anàlisi rigorosa dels termes que acompanyen la imatge, manté la necessitat de no interpretar ni corregir en aquest cas el gran filòsof idealista o “ideocèntric”, assenyalant alhora, si el capteniment filològic és un altre, les contradiccions resultants i l’ús d’algun terme aliè al lèxic platònic com ara “al·legoria”.


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La tesina analitza com Anne Brontë desafia el mite del casament romàntic a la novel·la The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Argumento que aquesta crítica es fa mostrant les conseqüències nefastes d’un matrimoni (entre l’Arthur i l’Helen) basat en l’atracció i en la idea que una dona pot salvar un home de mala vida. Malgrat que la novel·la acaba amb un altre casament (entre l’Helen i en Gilbert), si s’analitza en detall es pot veure que presenta elements subversius. Per exemple, la seva unió està basada en igualtat intel·lectual i compatibilitat de caràcters, enlloc d’igualtat econòmica i social


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Finno-ugric contribution to international research on folklore, myth and cultural identity: Fifth International Symposium on Finno-Ugric Languages in Groningen, Groningenin yliopisto 7.- 9. 6. 2011.


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The future of privacy in the information age is a highly debated topic. In particular, new and emerging technologies such as ICTs and cognitive technologies are seen as threats to privacy. This thesis explores images of the future of privacy among non-experts within the time frame from the present until the year 2050. The aims of the study are to conceptualise privacy as a social and dynamic phenomenon, to understand how privacy is conceptualised among citizens and to analyse ideal-typical images of the future of privacy using the causal layered analysis method. The theoretical background of the thesis combines critical futures studies and critical realism, and the empirical material is drawn from three focus group sessions held in spring 2012 as part of the PRACTIS project. From a critical realist perspective, privacy is conceptualised as a social institution which creates and maintains boundaries between normative circles and preserves the social freedom of individuals. Privacy changes when actors with particular interests engage in technology-enabled practices which challenge current privacy norms. The thesis adopts a position of technological realism as opposed to determinism or neutralism. In the empirical part, the focus group participants are divided into four clusters based on differences in privacy conceptions and perceived threats and solutions. The clusters are fundamentalists, pragmatists, individualists and collectivists. Correspondingly, four ideal-typical images of the future are composed: ‘drift to low privacy’, ‘continuity and benign evolution’, ‘privatised privacy and an uncertain future’, and ‘responsible future or moral decline’. The images are analysed using the four layers of causal layered analysis: litany, system, worldview and myth. Each image has its strengths and weaknesses. The individualistic images tend to be fatalistic in character while the collectivistic images are somewhat utopian. In addition, the images have two common weaknesses: lack of recognition of ongoing developments and simplistic conceptions of privacy based on a dichotomy between the individual and society. The thesis argues for a dialectical understanding of futures as present images of the future and as outcomes of real processes and mechanisms. The first steps in promoting desirable futures are the awareness of privacy as a social institution, the awareness of current images of the future, including their assumptions and weaknesses, and an attitude of responsibility where futures are seen as the consequences of present choices.


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Globalization and interconnectedness in the worldwide sphere have changed the existing and prevailing modus operandi of organizations around the globe and have challenged existing practices along with the business as usual mindset. There are no rules in terms of creating a competitive advantage and positioning within an unstable, constantly changing and volatile globalized business environment. The financial industry, the locomotive or the flagship industry of global economy, especially, within the aftermath of the financial crisis, has reached a certain point trying to recover and redefine its strategic orientation and positioning within the global business arena. Innovation has always been a trend and a buzzword and by many has been considered as the ultimate answer to any kind of problem. The mantra Innovate or Die has been prevailing in any organizational entity in a, sometimes, ruthless endeavour to develop cutting-edge products and services and capture a landmark position in the market. The emerging shift from a closed to an open innovation paradigm has been considered as new operational mechanism within the management and leadership of the company of the future. To that respect, open innovation has been experiencing a tremendous growth research trajectory by putting forward a new way of exchanging and using surplus knowledge in order to sustain innovation within organizations and in the level of industry. In the abovementioned reality, there seems to be something missing: the human element. This research, by going beyond the traditional narratives for open innovation, aims at making an innovative theoretical and managerial contribution developed and grounded on the on-going discussion regarding the individual and organizational barriers to open innovation within the financial industry. By functioning across disciplines and researching out to primary data, it debunks the myth that open innovation is solely a knowledge inflow and outflow mechanism and sheds light to the understanding on the why and the how organizational open innovation works by enlightening the broader dynamics and underlying principles of this fascinating paradigm. Little attention has been given to the role of the human element, the foundational pre-requisite of trust encapsulated within the precise and fundamental nature of organizing for open innovation, the organizational capabilities, the individual profiles of open innovation leaders, the definition of open innovation in the realms of the financial industry, the strategic intent of the financial industry and the need for nurturing a societal impact for human development. To that respect, this research introduces the trust-embedded approach to open innovation as a new insightful way of organizing for open innovation. It unveils the peculiarities of the corporate and individual spheres that act as a catalyst towards the creation of productive open innovation activities. The incentive of this research captures the fundamental question revolving around the need for financial institutions to recognise the importance for organizing for open innovation. The overarching question is why and how to create a corporate culture of openness in the financial industry, an organizational environment that can help open innovation excel. This research shares novel and cutting edge outcomes and propositions both under the prism of theory and practice. The trust-embedded open innovation paradigm captures the norms and narratives around the way of leading open innovation within the 21st century by cultivating a human-centricity mindset that leads to the creation of human organizations, leaving behind the dehumanization mindset currently prevailing within the financial industry.


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The myth of Vargas' economic populism. The Second Vargas Administration in Brazil (1951-1954) is commonly associated with the phenomenon of populism. However, based on the models of economic populism, it is clear that the economic policy of the period is not the one shown by those models. Besides, based on this historic experience, it is advocated that there is no incompatibility between developmentalism and the adoption of macroeconomic stability-oriented measures.


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In the background of the thematic The Eldest – life is acquiring one finds both previews and myths. Wisdom belongs to these myths. The hermeneutical philosophy refers to thinking as o movement from myth to logos in a dialogical oneness. The research uncovers dimensions in the element wisdom as empowered. The experiences of older are saved for further learning and transformation to younger with reference to vulnerable situations where common regulations are no more usefull. The interest goes to an Eldest. The Eldest in the study is pictorial in accordance to the main literature in the study.The Eldest is etymological, fictive and symbolic: – a man who understands higher matters of life, even Gods holy matters. She will set the fulfillment of others as the highest endowment out of an innermost ethos and an innermost wisdom. The innermost is wisdom. The aim is to discover a meaningful message in life is acquiring. In order to see and to learn from the experiences the study aim to uncover the innermost, an innermost wisdom out of a caritative approach. This innermost is anticipated as a longing for unity and health in dayly matters and in a caring ability for the other. The main overstatement is: What will this most meaningfull and innermost by the Eldest out of a living in factual life mirrored in a caring perspective be? Two questions expired; what will the meaningful message in the acquiring be? What will the innermost wisdom in serving the good be? This message and its innermost wisdom will get an expanded meaning out of a caring sentence: Man who dare – seeing back with gratitude, seeing forward in confidence, seeing aside with love and upward in fate wear that dignity, that holiness and that mercy and empathy which belong to life in its basics. The persons attending the research are situated in two contexts. One group has roots in the Lutheran church and the other in a caring profession. The datamaterial is formed out of the usages from these persons, from the spoken (conversation) and the written word (a guestbook). The usages as particular and common are continually integrated in the leading caring sentence from the beginning of the study to the end. The usages stand by the methodological for the final message and wisdom and at the same they form the operative dimension in the study, the evident and the validity. The overarching methodological approach is in the hermeneutic philosophy in accordance with the abductive logic. The usages out of two research groups are most significant in this deductive, inductive and abductive strategy. The usages from the research groups are confronted with the caring sentence in dialogical spaces, halts. The meaning and the innermost searched for will be pictured through the abductive and hermeneutic interpretation and will stand for an articulation of and a successively expansion of meaning. A twine of horizons out of the entire dissemination, the deductive and the inductive, creates the result, as the final message as the ground for an understanding of an even more embracing meaning in an innermost wisdom. The identified bearing movement in the groups in accordance with the caring sentence goes for something higher, something higher than me, to the wellbeing of the other. A conclusion is made and a thesis is identified. This thesis is out from the usages: What can I do in a creating of this caritative? An antithesis is also identified, is a man able to look outside one own and go to something higher, something greater? The synthesis is articulated as a dialogical movement from something … to something higher. The bridge could be maturation, transcendence, the divine or wisdom. The statement finds its root in the attending groups but a difference is also identified. This higher matter is different. The contexts and their meaningfulness decide. A final statement is: learn to see man and her matters hold in life.


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This paper examines the relation between intuition and concept in Kant in light of John McDowell's neo-Kantian position that intuitions are concept-laden.2 The focus is on Kant's twofold pronouncement that thoughts without content are empty and that intuitions without concepts are blind. I show that intuitions as singular representations are not instances of passive data intake but the result of synthetic unification of the given manifold of the senses by the power of the imagination under the guidance of the understanding. Against McDowell I argue that the amenability of intuitions to conceptual determination is not due some pre-existing, absolute conceptuality of the real but to the "work of the subject."3 On a more programmatic level, this paper seeks to demonstrate the limitations of a selective appropriation of Kant and the philosophical potential of a more comprehensive and thorough consideration of his work. Section 1 addresses the unique balance in Kant's philosophy between the work on particular problems and the orientation toward a systematic whole. Section 2 outlines McDowell's take on the Kantian distinction between intuition and concept in the context of the Kant readings by Sellars and Strawson. Section 3 exposes McDowell's relapse into the Myth of the Given. Section 4 proposes a reading of Kant's theoretical philosophy as an epistemology of metaphysical cognition. Section 5 details Kant's original account of sensible intuition in the Inaugural-Dissertation of 1770. Section 6 presents the transition from the manifold of the senses to the synthesis in the imagination and the unification through the categories in the Critique of pure reason (1781 and 1787). Section 7 addresses Kant's formalism in epistemology and metaphysics.