970 resultados para New state records


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Carbon-isotope stratigraphy has proven to be a powerful tool in the global correlation of Cretaceous successions. Here we present new, high-resolution carbon-isotope records for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Maastrichtian stage at Tercis les Bains (France), the Bottaccione and Contessa sections at Gubbio (Italy), and the coastal sections at Norfolk (UK) to provide a global d13C correlation between shelf-sea and oceanic sites. The new d13C records are correlated with d13C-stratigraphies of the boreal chalk sea (Trunch borehole, Norfolk, UK, Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor-Hemmoor section, northern Germany, Stevns-1 core, Denmark), the tropical Pacific (ODP-Hole 1210B, Shatsky Rise) and the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean (DSDP Hole 525A, ODP Hole 690C) by using an assembled Gubbio d13C record as a reference curve. The global correlation allows the identification of significant high-frequency d13C variations that occur superimposed on prominent Campanian-Maastrichtian events, namely the Late Campanian Event (LCE), the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Event (CMBE), the mid-Maastrichtian Event (MME), and the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition (KPgE). The carbon-isotope events are correlated with the geomagnetic polarity scale recalculated using the astronomical 40Ar/39Ar calibration of the Fish Canyon sanidine. This technique allows the evaluation of the relative timing of base occurrences of stratigraphic index fossils such as ammonites, planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Furthermore, the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary, as defined in the stratotype at Tercis, can be precisely positioned relative to carbon-isotope stratigraphy and the geomagnetic polarity timescale. The average value for the age of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary is 72.1 ± 0.1 Ma, estimated by three independent approaches that utilize the Fish Canyon sanidine calibration and Option 2 of the Maastrichtian astronomical timescale. The CMBE covers a time span of 2.5 Myr and reflects changes in the global carbon cycle probably related to tectonic processes than to glacioeustasy. The duration of the high-frequency d13C variations instead coincides with the frequency band of long eccentricity, indicative of orbital forcing of changes in climate and the global carbon cycle.


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The upper branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation predominantly enters the Atlantic Ocean through the southeast, where the subtropical gyre is exposed to the influence of the Agulhas leakage (AL). To understand how the transfer of Indian Ocean waters via the AL affected the upper water column of this region, we have generated new proxy records of planktic foraminifera from a core on the central Walvis Ridge, on the eastern flank of the South Atlantic Gyre (SAG). We analyzed the isotopic composition of subsurface dweller Globigerinoides ruber sensu lato, and thermocline Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral, spanning the last five Pleistocene glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles. The former displays a response to obliquity, suggesting connection with high latitude forcing, and a warming tendency during each glacial termination, in response to the interhemispheric seesaw. The d18O difference between the two species, interpreted as a proxy for upper ocean stratification, reveals a remarkably regular sawtooth pattern, bound to G-IG cyclicity. It rises from interglacials until glacial terminations, with fast subsequent decrease, appearing to promptly respond to deglacial peaks of AL. Stratification, however, bears a different structure during the last cycle, being minimal at Last Glacial Maximum, and peaking at Termination I. We suggest this to be the result of the intensified glacial wind field over the SAG and/or of the invasion of the South Atlantic thermocline by Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Waters. The d13C time series of the two species have similar G-IG pattern, whereas their difference is higher during interglacials. We propose that this may be the result of the alternation of intermediate water masses in different circulation modes, and of a regionally more efficient biological pump at times of high pCO2.


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An investigation of stable isotope (d13C TOC and d15N TN) and elemental parameters (TOC, TN contents and TOC/TN ratios) of bulk organic matter (<200 µm) from sediment cores recovered from the Patagonian lake Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) in the framework of the ICDP deep drilling project PASADO provided insights into past changes in lake primary productivity and environmental conditions in South Patagonia throughout the last Glacial-Interglacial transition. Stratigraphically constrained cluster analyses of all proxy parameters suggest four main phases. From ca 26,100 to 17,300 cal. years BP, lacustrine phytoplankton was presumably the predominant organic matter source in an aquatic environment with low primary productivity rates. At around 17,300 cal. years BP, abrupt and distinct shifts of isotopic and elemental values indicate that the lacustrine system underwent a rapid reorganization. Lake primary productivity (phytoplankton and aquatic macrophytes) shows higher levels albeit with large variations during most of the deglaciation until 13,000 cal. years BP. The main causes for this development can be seen in improved growing conditions for primary producers because of deglacial warming in combination with expedient availability of nutrients and likely calm wind conditions. After 13,000 cal. years BP, decreased d13C TOC values, TOC, TN contents and TOC/TN ratios indicate that the lake approached a new state with reduced primary productivity probably induced by unfavourable growing conditions for primary producers like strengthened winds and reduced nutrient availability. The steady increase in d15N TN values presumably suggests limitation of nitrate supply for growth of primary producers resulting from a nutrient shortage after the preceding phase with high productivity. Nitrate limitation and consequent decreased lacustrine primary productivity continued into the early Holocene (10,970-8400 cal. years BP) as reflected by isotopic and elemental values.


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During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) about 56 million years ago, thousands of petagrams of carbon were released into the atmosphere and ocean in just a few thousand years, followed by a gradual sequestration over approximately 200,000 years. If silicate weathering is one of the key negative feedbacks that removed this carbon, a period of seawater calcium carbonate saturation greater than pre-event levels is expected during the event's recovery phase. In marine sediments, this should be recorded as a temporary deepening of the depth below which no calcite is preserved - the calcite compensation depth (CCD). Previous and new sedimentary records from sites that were above the pre-PETM calcite compensation depth show enhanced carbonate accumulation following the PETM. A new record from an abyssal site in the North Atlantic that lay below the pre-PETM calcite compensation depth shows a period of carbonate preservation beginning about 70,000 years after the onset of the PETM, providing the first direct evidence for an over-deepening of the calcite compensation depth. This record confirms an overshoot in ocean carbonate saturation during the PETM recovery. Simulations with two earth system models support scenarios for the PETM that involve both a large initial carbon release followed by prolonged low-level emissions, consistent with the timing of CCD deepening in our record. Our findings indicate that sequestration of these carbon emissions was most likely the result of both globally enhanced calcite burial above the calcite compensation depth and, at least in the North Atlantic, by a temporary over-deepening of the calcite compensation depth.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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no.1 The Railroad question. 1919?--no.2 Labor and reconstruction. 1919?--no.3 Education. 1919?--no.4 Buffer employment, land, housing. 1919?--no.5 New marketing systems, the farmer and reconstruction. 1919?--no.6 International. 1919?--no.7 Popular government. 1919?--no.8 Kent, William. Democracy and efficiency. 1913.--no.9 King, Judson. The state-wide initiative and referendum. 1917.--no.10 Vrooman, C.S. Initiative and referendum in Switzerland. 1913.--no.11 Haynes, J.R. Direct government in California. 1917.--no.12 Lewis, W.D. Recall of judicial decisions in state constitutional question.--no.13 American federation of labor. Executive council. Initiative, referendum and recall. [1913?]--no. 14 Thieme, T.F. A new state constitution for Indiana. 1914?--no.15 Montague, R.W. The Oregon system at work. 1914?--no. 16 Committee to inquire into the status of democracy. [1910?]--no. 17 National popular government league, Washington, D.C. The first year and a look ahead. 1915?--no. 18 Committee to inquire into the status of democracy. The confusion of property with privilege. [1910]--no. 19 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on privileges and elections. Publicity and control of campaign contributions and disbursements. [1917]--no. 20 Bettman, Alfred and Hale, Swinburne. Do we need more sedition laws? [1902]--no. 21 Johnson, L.J. The preferential ballot as a substitute for the direct primary. 1915.


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El presente artículo analiza la conflictividad política en La Rioja a partir del "movimiento de pueblo", encabezado por Javier Villafañe en abril de 1816, y que buscaba reemplazar al Gobernador Ramón Brizuela y Doria. Estos sucesos, que tuvieron lugar en simultáneo al inicio de las sesiones del Congreso de Tucumán, estuvieron vinculados a la expansión de las ideas federales y autonomistas en el interior de las Provincias Unidas y a las disputas que se produjeron en torno a la organización política del nuevo estado y en torno quien debía asumir la conducción del proceso revolucionario. Nos aproximamos a esta cuestión a partir del análisis de la documentación que generó la comisión del teniente coronel Alejandro Heredia, designado para restablecer el orden en La Rioja, pero también, a partir del análisis de las intervenciones de las autoridades centrales y del gobernador de Córdoba. Para eso, hemos trabajado con material existente en el Archivo General de la Nación, en el Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Córdoba y diversa documentación editada referida al Congreso de Tucumán


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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There are very few data on trichodinids of freshwater fishes in Australia. 2003 fishes were surveyed across Eastern Australia to investigate the diversity of trichodinids present, to determine which species have been introduced with exotic fishes and to determine the extent to which these species have crossed into native fish Populations. Twenty-one putative trichodinid species were recovered from the 33 fish species examined. Trichodina heterodentata, T. mutabilis and T. reticulata were the exotic species recovered regularly; a single specimen matched a fourth exotic species, T acuta. All four exotic species are redescribed from Australian material. Trichodina heterodentata was recorded from 17 species of fishes, 15 of which were new host records; this species is identified as one of emerging importance in fish parasitology and a list of its known hosts is presented. Two new native species are also described based on silver stained specimens: T cribbi sp. n. from Hypseleotris galii, H. klunzingeri, and Hypseleotris sp. 5; and T. bassonae sp. n. from Selenotoca multifasciata. Trichodina cribbi is characterised by a large circular central inclusion and approximately 28 denticles, which have a blade length slightly greater than the ray length. Trichodina bassonae is characterised by a small, round, central inclusion and approximately 25 denticles, which have straight, non tapering rays that are in line with the leading edge of the denticle blade. It is estimated that the Australian trichodinid fauna may include up to 150 as yet undescribed species and represents a major source of unexplored biodiversity.


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At first glance, the nationalist ideology of the French Revolution seems to have had little impact on the Orthodox Church in Romanian-speaking territories. Romanians were the predominant inhabitants of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia and the neighboring territories of Transylvania (including Crişana, Maramureş and Banat), Bukovina, Bessarabia, and Dobrudja. The majority of ethnic Romanians belonged to the Orthodox faith while their communities were at the intersection of geopo liti cal interests of the Rus sian, Ottoman, and Habsburg empires. In 1859 the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia (known as the Old Kingdom between 1866 and 1918) united into a single state under the rule of a local prince. The term "Romania" began to be used by the new state in its of cial documents in 1862. Two years later, the state supported the declaration of a Romanian autocephalous (in de pen dent) church that was recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1885. As an integrative part of the Orthodox commonwealth, the church was situated between the competing jurisdictions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Rus sian Orthodox Church, while its declaration of autocephaly followed a pattern in the spread of national churches in Southeastern Europe. From the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainardji of 1774 to the beginning of the Greek War for In de pen dence in 1821, the Romanian principalities were under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire, which had full control of their po liti cal and economic affairs. The sultan appointed princes, and the Porte determined their po liti cal and judicial status. The princes were drawn from the "Phanariots," and were directly appointed by the Porte from preponderantly Greek elite rather than the Romanian local elite, the boyars (boieri).1 In each principality, the church was headed by a metropolitan who was under the direct jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. That religion mattered to local population as a means of social cohesion was suggestively depicted by Anatole de Demidoff, an En glish traveler in the region in 1837. Arriving in Bucharest, the capital of Wallachia, he claimed that: I know of no city in Europe in which it is possible to find more agreeable society, or in which there is a better tone, united with the most charming gaiety⋯. Religion, which is here of the schismatic Greek creed, does not, properly speaking, hold any great empire over the minds of the Wallachian people, but they observe its outward forms, and particularly the austerities of fasting, with scrupulous exactitude. The people are seen to attend divine ser vice with every sign of respect, and the great number of churches existing in Wallachia, bear witness to the ardent zeal with which outward worship is honored.2 The Romanian Orthodox Church was a national institution, closely linked to social, economic, and po liti cal structures. In most cases, Orthodox hierarchs were appointed from the families of boyars, thus ensuring a close relationship with the state authorities and its policies. As one of the largest landowners in the principalities, the church had a prime role in administrating healthcare and education. Although the majority of the clergy was uneducated, it dispensed both ecclesiastical and civil justice and in many cases worked closely with boyars in local administration.3 The lower clergy not only contributed directly to the economy but also benefited from tax privileges. Some small villages had an unusually high proportion of clergy in comparison to the overall population. For example, in 1810, Stənisləveşti, a village in the south of Wallachia, was composed of eleven houses and had two priests, five deacons, and three cantors; similarly, the Frəsinet village of nineteen houses had two priests and five deacons.4 Although these cases were exceptional, they indicate both the economic value of being a member of the clergy and the wider canonical dimension of church jurisdiction. The special status of the clergy was reflected not only at lower but also at higher levels. Bishops and metropolitans engaged with state policy and in many cases opposition to the authorities led to the loss of a spiritual seat. The metropolitan of each principality worked with the prince and was president of the divan, the gathering of all boyars. He held the right to be the first person to comment on state policy and to make recommendations when the prince was absent. The metropolitan replaced the prince when the principality had no political ruler, such as in the cases of Metropolitan Veniamin Costachi of Moldavia in 1806 and Metropolitan Dositei Filitti of Wallachia, while the bishops of Buzəu and Argeş were members of the provisional government during the Rus sian occupation of the principalities in 1808. The higher clergy had both religious and political prerogatives in relation to foreign powers as evident in their heading of the boyars' delegation to peace negotiation between the Rus sian and Ottoman empires at Focşani in 1772 and addressing memoranda to the Austrian and Rus sian governments in 1802.5 The primary role of the church in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia was paralleled by the national mobilization of Orthodox communities in the neighboring territories that had Romanian inhabitants. Although throughout the region Orthodox communities were incorporated into church structures as part of the Habsburg, Austrian or Rus sian empires, the nineteenth century was characterized by the leadership's search for political autonomy and the building of a Romanian national identity. The Orthodox communities outside the Old Kingdom maintained relations with the faithful in principalities across the Carpathian Mountains and the Dniester River and sought support in their struggle for political and religious rights.


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Ideas of childhood and citizenship stood at the center of the Soviet Union's empire-building project during the 1920s and 1930s. After the 1917 Revolution the Bolsheviks were faced with the challenge of establishing a new state structure and governing a vast territory inherited from its tsarist predecessor. In the early years of the Soviet project, new leaders enlisted a cadre of professionals tasked with not only creating the norms of childhood and the everyday, but also implementing policies to modernize habits and values of the empire's younger citizens. ^ To understand how children became a prime focus of Soviet imperial and ethno-cultural politics, my dissertation employs discourse analysis and compares the ways in which Soviet imperial policies were implemented in two ethnically different regions: the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia as the colonial case study and Moscow as the Metropole. The current project examines newspapers, treatises, and inspectors' reports over the span of twenty years. It finds that the Bolsheviks' initial values and discourses in the realm of children's education, health, leisure and nutrition, all which were scientifically designed to transform children into ideal Soviet and modern citizens, changed over time as a result of the competing ideologies among local elites and the challenges they faced while intervening in children's everyday lives. ^ The most significant conclusion in this dissertation reveals that, contrary to previous scholarly arguments, the modernization projects that took place in Moscow and Kalmykia were more similar in the challenges and outcomes that local officials faced when implementing state policies.^


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The present study on “organization education on Amapá’s Federal Territory (1943-1958)”, looked forward to answering the following questions: Was there an educational policy, in a systemic way, on the former Amapá’s federal territory? On the other hand, what were the main initiatives of the first intervenors for the education dissemination? After facing these questions, we established, as hypothesis, that the developed actions in the education’s scope on that territory back in the 40’s and 50’s were not able to implant an educational project in Amapá, since there was no preoccupation to understanding the sociocultural reality of Amapá’s population. Given this hypothesis, we analyzed the relation between the political practices developed by the first intervenor on the territory and the brazilian political scenario, from the legal-administrative nature of the federal entities and political conjuncture of the “New State” (1937-1945). To achieve that, we sought some similarities between Janary Gentil Nunes’s ways of governing and Getúlio Vargas’s political actions. To make this happen, it was necessary to check official documents out, as well as unofficial ones, especially the old articles published by “Amapá”, the local newspaper, official press tool back then, which disseminated the beliefs and values of the constituted authorities, with the purpose of “strengthen” the “modernization” ideal on the people. Such practice was based on the attempt of breaking off sociocultural economic backwardness of the territory, hiding out the reality of the Amapá’s population, marked by poverty, a high illiteracy rate and the typical tropical diseases from Amazon (Malaria). During the rupture’s process between the old and the modern, the education takes on a major role in the official speech, being used as political advertisement and as essential element to the modernization and to the development of a “new man”: now “civilized”. However, the investigation on the expansion of the elementary education in Amapá, showed us the presence of a significant number of rural schools, in contradiction to the disseminated urban modernization promise around there. In this sense, we can affirm that educational policy on Amapá’s territory failed by reasons of being based on the “transplantation” of the Federal District’s educational project, and it is important to recall that, back then, the brazilian Federal District was Rio de Janeiro. Despite the public agents had established uncountable schools on rural areas, these were not carried out from a more systemic process, this is, considering the reality of the Amazon’s "cabloco". So, we observed the existence of the separation between the modern speech and the maintenance of old oligarchic practices by that time.


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El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.


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El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.


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El presente trabajo indaga las dinámicas de transformación de las políticas sanitarias en la provincia de Santa Fe en la primera mitad del siglo XX, focalizando tres coyunturas: en primer lugar, el contexto previo y la sanción de la ley de sanidad en 1932; en segundo término, los cambios sostenidos durante la segunda mitad de la década de 1930 que darían lugar a la creación del Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo en 1941; finalmente las innovaciones proyectadas desde la intervención de 1943 y los posteriores gobiernos peronistas. A partir de los debates parlamentarios, las memorias ministeriales, la prensa y las publicaciones especializadas, nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunos aspectos de este proceso de transformación en las políticas sanitarias locales en diálogo con el plano nacional.