972 resultados para Mobile telelavoro Tecnologia device BYOD
To reduce the amount of time needed to solve the most complex Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) usually multi-core CPUs are used. There are already many applications capable of harnessing the parallel power of these devices to speed up the CSPs solving process. Nowadays, the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) possess a level of parallelism that surpass the CPUs, containing from a few hundred to a few thousand cores and there are much less applications capable of solving CSPs on GPUs, leaving space for possible improvements. This article describes the work in progress for solving CSPs on GPUs and CPUs and compares results with some state-of-the-art solvers, presenting already some good results on GPUs.
Con il termine "crowdsensing" si intende una tecnica in cui un folto gruppo di individui aventi dispositivi mobili acquisiscono e condividono dati di natura diversa in maniera collettiva, al fine di estrarre informazioni utili. Il concetto di Mobile Crowdsensing è molto recente e derivante dalle ultime innovazioni tecnologiche in materia di connettività online e cattura di dati di vario genere; pertanto non si trova attualmente una vera e propria applicazione in campo reale, la modellazione solo teorica e fin troppo specifica pone un limite alla conoscenza di un ambito che può rivelarsi molto utile ai fini di ricerca. YouCrowd è un piattaforma web che va ad implementare un sistema di crowdsourcing completo, in grado di leggere dati dai numerosi sensori di uno smartphone e condividerli, al fine di ottenere una remunerazione per gli utenti che completano una campagna. La web application vede la sua implementazione di base supportata da NodeJS e si configura come una piattaforma dinamica che varia la propria interfaccia con l'utente in base alle richieste di dati da parte degli administrators. Il test di YouCrowd ha coinvolto un buon numero di partecipanti più o meno esperti nell'utilizzo degli strumenti informatici, rivelando delle buone prestazioni in relazione alla difficoltà del task e alle prestazioni del device in test.
Short messaging service (SMS) is perhaps the most popular mobile technology prevalent among students in higher education due to its ubiquitous nature and the capability of two-way communication. However, a major limitation in two-way text messaging is sending back a part of received data with the reply message. This limitation results in users of a mobile learning environment being unable to reply back to the correct destination. This article presents a two-way text messaging system that can be integrated into a learning management system (LMS) to provide an interactive learning experience to the user community. Initially, a database is integrated into the LMS that holds message information such as recipient's phone number, message body and user data header. A specific port associated with the SMS is used to conceal and exchange data of a particular course unit. Subsequently, software in the student's mobile device captures this message and sends back the reply message to the appropriate course unit allowing both teachers and students to view messages sent and replies received pertaining to a particular course. Results indicate the educational impact of the proposed system in improving the learning environment and benefits it offers to the community in a campus-wide implementation.
I vantaggi dell’Industria 4.0 hanno stravolto il manufacturing. Ma cosa vuol dire "Industria 4.0"? Essa è la nuova frontiera del manufacturing, basata su princìpi che seguono i passi avanti dei sistemi IT e della tecnologia. Dunque, i suoi pilastri sono: integrazione, verticale e orizzontale, digitalizzazione e automazione. L’Industria 4.0 coinvolge molte aree della supply chain, dai flussi informativi alla logistica. In essa e nell’intralogistica, la priorità è sviluppare dei sistemi di material handling flessibili, automatizzati e con alta prontezza di risposta. Il modello ideale è autonomo, in cui i veicoli fanno parte di una flotta le cui decisioni sono rese decentralizzate grazie all'alta connettività e alla loro abilità di collezionare dati e scambiarli rapidamente nel cloud aziendale.Tutto ciò non sarebbe raggiungibile se ci si affidasse a un comune sistema di trasporto AGV, troppo rigido e centralizzato. La tesi si focalizza su un tipo di material handlers più flessibile e intelligente: gli Autonomous Mobile Robots. Grazie alla loro intelligenza artificiale e alla digitalizzazione degli scambi di informazioni, interagiscono con l’ambiente per evitare ostacoli e calcolare il percorso ottimale. Gli scenari dell’ambiente lavorativo determinano perdite di tempo nel tragitto dei robot e sono queste che dovremo studiare. Nella tesi, i vantaggi apportati dagli AMR, come la loro decentralizzazione delle decisioni, saranno introdotti mediante una literature review e poi l’attenzione verterà sull’analisi di ogni scenario di lavoro. Fondamentali sono state le esperienze nel Logistics 4.0 Lab di NTNU, per ricreare fisicamente alcuni scenari. Inoltre, il software AnyLogic sarà usato per riprodurre e simulare tutti gli scenari rilevanti. I risultati delle simulazioni verranno infine usati per creare un modello che associ ad ogni scenario rilevante una perdita di tempo, attraverso una funzione. Per questo saranno usati software di data analysis come Minitab e MatLab.
Sempre più negli ultimi anni si interagisce con i chatbot, software che simulano una conversazione con un essere umano utilizzando il linguaggio naturale. L’elaborato di tesi mira ad uno studio più approfondito della tematica, a partire da come tale tecnologia si è evoluta nel corso degli anni. Si procede analizzando le principali applicazioni dei bot, soffermandosi anche sui cambiamenti apportati dalla pandemia di Covid-19, ed evidenziando le principali ragioni che portano aziende e singoli al loro utilizzo. Inoltre, vengono descritti i diversi tipi di bot esistenti e viene analizzato il Natural Language Processing, ramo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale che mira alla comprensione del linguaggio naturale. Nei capitoli successivi viene descritto il progetto CartBot, un’applicazione di chat mobile per l’e-grocery, implementata come un chatbot che guida il cliente all’acquisto della spesa online. Vengono descritte le tecnologie utilizzate, con particolare riferimento al software di Google Dialogflow, che permette di sviluppare bot; inoltre viene analizzata come è stata effettuata la progettazione, sia lato front-end che back-end, allegando il flowchart, un diagramma di flusso realizzato per definire la sequenza di azioni e passaggi richiesti dal bot per effettuare l’acquisto. Infine, sono descritte le varie sottosezioni di CartBot, che riguardano la visualizzazione dei prodotti e il completamento dell’ordine, allegando screenshot dell’interfaccia finale ottenuta e inserendo il codice di alcune funzioni rilevanti.
La tecnologia gioca un ruolo importante nella vita della maggior parte delle persone, ma come possiamo assicurarci che migliori effettivamente la vita piuttosto che distrarci da essa? Con gli smartphone di oggi, i social media e i flussi infiniti di contenuti, molte persone sono pronte a condannare la tecnologia sulla base della loro convinzione che questi prodotti siano dannosi per la salute mentale e il benessere. Ma concentrarsi solo su questi effetti potenzialmente dannosi non ci aiuta a raccogliere tutti i vantaggi che questi strumenti hanno da offrire, gestendo anche i loro rischi. Da qui nasce il digital wellbeing: un termine utilizzato per descrivere l’impatto delle tecnologie e dei servizi digitali sulla salute mentale, fisica, sociale ed emotiva delle persone. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di aumentare la consapevolezza sul reale utilizzo dei dispositivi e sulle proprie abitudini salutari attraverso la sonificazione, un processo di traduzione dei dati in suono, a volte in un contesto musicale utilizzato come metodo per superare le barriere della comunicazione scientifica. Questo metodo è particolarmente vantaggioso per la sua capacità di rappresentare i dati scientifici per le persone con disabilità visive, che spesso non sono in grado di interagire con le tradizionali visualizzazioni dei dati. Per raggiungere l'obiettivo della tesi viene preso in esame una solo tipologia di dispositivi, gli iPhone, per la quale verrà creata un'applicazione che riesca ad ottenere i dati sulla salute, sulla forma fisica e di utilizzo dello smartphone.
The idea of Grid Computing originated in the nineties and found its concrete applications in contexts like the SETI@home project where a lot of computers (offered by volunteers) cooperated, performing distributed computations, inside the Grid environment analyzing radio signals trying to find extraterrestrial life. The Grid was composed of traditional personal computers but, with the emergence of the first mobile devices like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), researchers started theorizing the inclusion of mobile devices into Grid Computing; although impressive theoretical work was done, the idea was discarded due to the limitations (mainly technological) of mobile devices available at the time. Decades have passed, and now mobile devices are extremely more performant and numerous than before, leaving a great amount of resources available on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, untapped. Here we propose a solution for performing distributed computations over a Grid Computing environment that utilizes both desktop and mobile devices, exploiting the resources from day-to-day mobile users that alternatively would end up unused. The work starts with an introduction on what Grid Computing is, the evolution of mobile devices, the idea of integrating such devices into the Grid and how to convince device owners to participate in the Grid. Then, the tone becomes more technical, starting with an explanation on how Grid Computing actually works, followed by the technical challenges of integrating mobile devices into the Grid. Next, the model, which constitutes the solution offered by this study, is explained, followed by a chapter regarding the realization of a prototype that proves the feasibility of distributed computations over a Grid composed by both mobile and desktop devices. To conclude future developments and ideas to improve this project are presented.
Patients with myofascial pain experience impaired mastication, which might also interfere with their sleep quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the jaw motion and sleep quality of patients with myofascial pain and the impact of a stabilization device therapy on both parameters. Fifty women diagnosed with myofascial pain by the Research Diagnostic Criteria were enrolled. Pain levels (visual analog scale), jaw movements (kinesiography), and sleep quality (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were evaluated before (control) and after stabilization device use. Range of motion (maximum opening, right and left excursions, and protrusion) and masticatory movements during Optosil mastication (opening, closing, and total cycle time; opening and closing angles; and maximum velocity) also were evaluated. Repeated-measures analysis of variance in a generalized linear mixed models procedure was used for statistical analysis (α=.05). At baseline, participants with myofascial pain showed a reduced range of jaw motion and poorer sleep quality. Treatment with a stabilization device reduced pain (P<.001) and increased both mouth opening (P<.001) and anteroposterior movement (P=.01). Also, after treatment, the maximum opening (P<.001) and closing (P=.04) velocities during mastication increased, and improvements in sleep scores for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (P<.001) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (P=.04) were found. Myofascial pain impairs jaw motion and quality of sleep; the reduction of pain after the use of a stabilization device improves the range of motion and sleep parameters.
Data on record regarding weight variation in depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) users are controversial. To date, no studies have yet evaluated weight variation in DMPA and LNG-IUS users in up to ten years of use compared to non-hormonal contraceptive users. A retrospective study analysed weight variations in 2138 women using uninterruptedly DMPA (150 mg intramuscularly, three-monthly; n = 714), the LNG-IUS (n = 701) or a copper-intrauterine device (Cu-IUD; n = 723). At the end of the first year of use, there was a mean weight increase of 1.3 kg, 0.7 kg and 0.2 kg among the DMPA-, LNG-IUS- and Cu-IUD users, respectively, compared to weight at baseline (p < 0.0001). After ten years of use, the mean weight had risen by 6.6 kg, 4.0 and 4.9 kg among the DMPA-, LNG-IUS- and Cu-IUD users, respectively. DMPA-users had gained more weight than LNG-IUS- (p = 0.0197) and than Cu-IUD users (p = 0.0294), with the latter two groups not differing significantly from each other in this respect (p = 0.5532). Users of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptive methods gained a significant amount of weight over the years. DMPA users gained more weight over the treatment period of up to ten years than women fitted with either a LNG-IUS or a Cu-IUD.
The use of poorly water soluble molecules in pharmaceutical area has grown. Since these molecules exhibit low oral bioavailability, they are not used in intravenous administrations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop their new formulations with the aim to increase their oral bioavailabilities as to enable intravenous applications. One of the few possibilities in achieving this is a nanonization process that can produce crystals smaller than 1 μm by high pressure homogenization and without use of organic solvents. This mini-review describes technical aspects of the nanocrystal production, morphological aspects (polymorphisms), the market relevance of the nanocrystals products that are already in clinical phase or at the market, as well as, perspectives for the near future.
Different brands and batches of brazilian regular and instant coffee were purchased in supermarkets of Campinas? city and analysed for caffeine content. The method used involved extraction with boiling water, clarification with saturated basic acetate and determination by high performance liquid cromatography. Analysis was carried out using a Model 6000 A solvent delivery system (Waters associates), and a Model 7125 sample injector system (Reodyne, Inc.) with a 5µl sample loop. The system was also equipped with a Waters Model M440 absorbance detector set at 254 nm. A Merck ODS 5µm column (15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.) was used to separate the caffeine. The mobile phase was methanol:water (25:75, v/v). The caffeine content varied for different brands and types of coffee and according to the beverage preparation technique. Values in the range of 0.43 to 0.85 mg/ml and 0.61 to 0.82 mg/ml were determined in regular and instant coffee, respectively.
The aim of this research was to optimize osmotic dehydration of pineapple, according to two criteria: maximize water loss and minimize solid gain. The process was made as an application to Combined Methods Technology, in which three preservation factors were combined: water activity, pH and chemical preservatives, all being applied at low levels, in order to get a product resembling non-processed fruit. The experiment was divided into three treatments, being: non-coated pineapple pieces (A), pieces coated with alginate (B) and coated with low-methoxyl pectin (C). Process involved the following main steps: enzymatic inactivation of fruit pieces; in treatments B and C, incorporation of their respective coatings; and osmotic dehydration, in sucrose syrup containing potassium sorbate and citric acid. Optimum conditions, determined from Response Surface Methodology, were the following: dehydration of fruit pieces coated by alginate, at 42-47° C, in sucrose syrup at 66-69° Brix, for 220 to 270 minutes. Results indicated that both coatings significantly affected the mass transfers of the process, reducing solid incorporation and increasing water loss; therefore, increasing weight loss and performance ratio (water loss: solid incorporation) took place. Water activity was not significantly affected by the coatings. The product obtained under optimum conditions was submitted to sensorial evaluation, and presented a good general acceptance. Moulds and yeasts countings indicated good microbiological stability of the product for at least 60 days at 30ºC.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.
The information and communication technologies, to suggest new ways of production circulation and reception of symbolic products, contributing together with the aesthetic discussion related to post-modernity to make the current cultural scene becoming increasingly complex. Multiple layers of information are added to the cultural products, signalling the formation of a new type of knowledge necessary for the critical and understanding of the works. The article reflects on this process, focusing on cultural information present on the Internet.