779 resultados para Matrimonial property regimes
Government report in congress discussing property lost, captured, or destroyed by the British during the War of 1812.
Government report in congress discussing payment for property during the War of 1812.
Handwritten description of Mr. Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff’s property on Ontario Street which was sent by E. Gardiner to the Railway Company. This is a 1 page handwritten document. The land consisted of parts of Lots 20 and 21 in the 5th Concession of Grantham, June 26, 1901.
Calculations regarding S.D. Woodruff’s property on Ontario Street. 1 page of rough penciled calculations, n.d.
Description of Edward Dell’s property in Willoughby which consists of part of Lot no.9. This includes a hand-drawn map and 1 ½ page handwritten description. The edges of this document are slightly burned. This does not affect the text, n.d.
Notice of sale regarding the late Ezekiel Cudney’s property including the dwelling, barn and fruit trees. The land contains 39 acres of parts of Lots 9 and 10 on the Welland River in the Township of Willoughby. The notice states that you must apply to S.D. Woodruff of St. Catharines. This is handwritten on a small piece of paper, Dec. 5, 1892.
List of instruments which are the property of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway in the possession of F. Laler. This document is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Dec. 4, 1856.
Memorandum (1 page, handwritten) of S.D. Woodruff’s property on Ontario Street, Jul. 25, 1901.
Letter of agreement to Welland D. Woodruff to pay Hamilton K. Woodruff $27, 500 for the property known as DeVeaux Hall.
Insurance policy made to Henry Nelles of Grimsby covering a property in Grimsby, Upper Canada from the Phoenix Fire Office of Montreal, July 15, 1831.
This thesis describes two different approaches for the preparation of polynuclear clusters with interesting structural, magnetic and optical properties. Firstly, exploiting p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (TBC4) macrocycles together with selected Ln(III) ions for the assembly of emissive single molecule magnets, and secondly the preparation and coordination of a chiral mpmH ligand with selected 3d transition metal ions, working towards the discovery of chiral polynuclear clusters. In Project 1, the coordination chemistry of the TBC4 macrocycle together with Dy(III) and Tb(III) afforded two Ln6[TBC4]2 complexes that have been structurally, magnetically and optically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that both complexes contain an octahedral core of Ln6 ions capped by two fully deprotonated TBC4 macrocycles. Although the unit cells of the two complexes are very similar, the coordination geometries of their Ln(III) ions are subtly different. Variable temperature ac magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that both complexes display single molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour in zero dc field and the energy barriers and associated pre-exponential factors for each relaxation process have been determined. Low temperature solid state photoluminescence studies reveal that both complexes are emissive; however, the f-f transitions within the Dy6 complex were masked by broad emissions from the TBC4 ligand. In contrast, the Tb(III) complex displayed green emission with the spectrum comprising four sharp bands corresponding to 5D4 → 7FJ transitions (where J = 3, 4, 5 and 6), highlighting that energy transfer from the TBC4 macrocycle to the Tb(III) ion is more effective than to Dy. Examples of zero field Tb(III) SMMs are scarce in the chemical literature and the Tb6[TBC4]2 complex represents the first example of a Tb(III) dual property SMM assembled from a p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene macrocycle with two magnetically derived energy barriers, Ueff of 79 and 63 K. In Project 2, the coordination of both enantiomers of the chiral ligand, α-methyl-2-pyridinemethanol (mpmH) to Ni(II) and Co(II) afforded three polynuclear clusters that have been structurally and magnetically characterized. The first complex, a Ni4 cluster of stoichiometry [Ni4(O2CCMe3)4(mpm)4]·H2O crystallizes in a distorted cubane topology that is well known in Ni(II) cluster chemistry. The final two Co(II) complexes crystallize as a linear mixed valence trimer with stoichiometry [Co3(mpm)6]·(ClO4)2, and a Co4 mixed valence complex [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2], whose structural topology resembles that of a defective double cubane. All three complexes crystallize in chiral space groups and circular dichroism experiments further confirm that the chirality of the ligand has been transferred to the respective coordination complex. Magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that for all three complexes, there are competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2] complex represents the first example of a chiral mixed valence Co4 cluster with a defective double cubane topology.
Tesis (Maestría en Psicología Clínica con Orientación Psicoanalítica) U.A.N.L.
This paper proposes a model of natural-resource exploitation when private ownership requires costly enforcement activities. For a given wage rate, it is shown how enforcement costs can increase with labor's average productivity on a resource site. As a result, it is never optimal for the site owner to produce at the point where marginal productivity equals the wage rate. It may even be optimal to exploit at a point exhibiting negative marginal returns. An important parameter in the analysis is the prevailing wage rate. When wages are low, further decreases in the wage rates can reduce the returns from resource exploitation. At sufficiently low wages, positive returns can be rendered impossible to achieve and the site is abandoned to a free-access exploitation. The analysis provides some clues as to why property rights may be more difficult to delineate in less developed countries. It proposes a different framework from which to address normative issues such as the desirability of free trade with endogenous enforcement costs, the optimality of private decisions to enforce property rights, the effect of income distribution on property rights enforceability, etc.