987 resultados para MATRIX-ELEMENTS


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This paper develops a Capability Matrix for analyzing capabilities of developing country firms that participate in global and national value chains. This is a generic framework to capture firm-level knowledge accumulation in the context of global and local industrial constellations, by integrating key elements of the global value chain (GVC) and technological capabilities (TC) approaches. The framework can visually portray characteristics of firms’ capabilities, and highlight a relatively overlooked factor in the GVC approach: local firms’ endogenous learning efforts in varieties of relationship with lead firms.


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The great developments that have occurred during the last few years in the finite element method and its applications has kept hidden other options for computation. The boundary integral element method now appears as a valid alternative and, in certain cases, has significant advantages. This method deals only with the boundary of the domain, while the F.E.M. analyses the whole domain. This has the following advantages: the dimensions of the problem to be studied are reduced by one, consequently simplifying the system of equations and preparation of input data. It is also possible to analyse infinite domains without discretization errors. These simplifications have the drawbacks of having to solve a full and non-symmetric matrix and some difficulties are incurred in the imposition of boundary conditions when complicated variations of the function over the boundary are assumed. In this paper a practical treatment of these problems, in particular boundary conditions imposition, has been carried out using the computer program shown below. Program SERBA solves general elastostatics problems in 2-dimensional continua using the boundary integral equation method. The boundary of the domain is discretized by line or elements over which the functions are assumed to vary linearly. Data (stresses and/or displacements) are introduced in the local co-ordinate system (element co-ordinates). Resulting stresses are obtained in local co-ordinates and displacements in a general system. The program has been written in Fortran ASCII and implemented on a 1108 Univac Computer. For 100 elements the core requirements are about 40 Kwords. Also available is a Fortran IV version (3 segments)implemented on a 21 MX Hewlett-Packard computer,using 15 Kwords.


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Modeling and prediction of the overall elastic–plastic response and local damage mechanisms in heterogeneous materials, in particular particle reinforced composites, is a very complex problem. Microstructural complexities such as the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of particles, irregular morphology of the particles, and anisotropy in particle orientation after secondary processing, such as extrusion, significantly affect deformation behavior. We have studied the effect of particle/matrix interface debonding in SiC particle reinforced Al alloy matrix composites with (a) actual microstructure consisting of angular SiC particles and (b) idealized ellipsoidal SiC particles. Tensile deformation in SiC particle reinforced Al matrix composites was modeled using actual microstructures reconstructed from serial sectioning approach. Interfacial debonding was modeled using user-defined cohesive zone elements. Modeling with the actual microstructure (versus idealized ellipsoids) has a significant influence on: (a) localized stresses and strains in particle and matrix, and (b) far-field strain at which localized debonding takes place. The angular particles exhibited higher degree of load transfer and are more sensitive to interfacial debonding. Larger decreases in stress are observed in the angular particles, because of the flat surfaces, normal to the loading axis, which bear load. Furthermore, simplification of particle morphology may lead to erroneous results.


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In this chapter we are going to develop some aspects of the implementation of the boundary element method (BEM)in microcomputers. At the moment the BEM is established as a powerful tool for problem-solving and several codes have been developed and maintained on an industrial basis for large computers. It is also well known that one of the more attractive features of the BEM is the reduction of the discretization to the boundary of the domain under study. As drawbacks, we found the non-bandedness of the final matrix, wich is a full asymmetric one, and the computational difficulties related to obtaining the integrals which appear in the influence coefficients. Te reduction in dimensionality is crucial from the point of view of microcomputers, and we believe that it can be used to obtain competitive results against other domain methods. We shall discuss two applications in this chapter. The first one is related to plane linear elastostatic situations, and the second refers to plane potential problems. In the first case we shall present the classical isoparametric BEM approach, using linear elements to represent both the geometry and the variables. The second case shows how to implement a p-adaptive procedure using the BEM. This latter case has not been studied until recently, and we think that the future of the BEM will be related to its development and to the judicious exploitation of the graphics capabilities of modern micros. Some examples will be included to demonstrate the kind of results that can be expected and sections of printouts will show useful details of implementation. In order to broaden their applicability, these printouts have been prepared in Basic, although no doubt other languages may be more appropiate for effective implementation.


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The differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells may require stimulation by microenvironmental factors in vivo. In this study, the effects of mesenchymal and luminal elements in nonmalignant epithelia] cells isolated from the human fetus were studied in vitro. Enterocytes from the human fetus were cultured and microenvironmental factors were added in stages, each stage more closely approximating the microenvironment in vivo. Four stages were examined: epithelial cells derived on plastic from intestinal culture and grown as a cell clone, the same cells grown on connective tissue support, primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts with a laminin base, and primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts and laminin with n-butyrate added to the incubation medium. The epithelial cell clone dedifferentiated when grown on plastic; however, the cells expressed cytokeratins and villin as evidence of their epithelial cell origin. Human connective tissue matrix from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma cells (Matrigel) modulated their phenotype: alkaline phosphatase activity increased, microvilli developed on their apical surface, and the profile of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins resembled that secreted by differentiated enterocytes. Epithelial cells taken directly from the human fetus as primary cultures and grown as explants on fibroblasts and laminin expressed greater specific enzyme activities in brush border membrane fractions than the cell clone. These activities were enhanced by the luminal molecule sodium butyrate. Thus the sequential addition of connective tissue and luminal molecules to nonmalignant epithelia] cells in vitro induces a spectrum of changes in the epithelial cell phenotype toward full differentiation.


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A systematic study on the influence of carbon on the signal of a large number of hard-to-ionize elements (i.e. B, Be, P, S, Zn, As, Se, Pd, Cd, Sb, I, Te, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, and Hg) in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry has been carried out. To this end, carbon matrix effects have been evaluated considering different plasma parameters (i.e. nebulizer gas flow rate, r.f. power and sample uptake rate), sample introduction systems, concentration and type of carbon matrix (i.e. glycerol, citric acid, potassium citrate and ammonium carbonate) and type of mass spectrometer (i.e. quadrupole filter vs. double-focusing sector field mass spectrometer). Experimental results show that P, As, Se, Sb, Te, I, Au and Hg sensitivities are always higher for carbon-containing solutions than those obtained without carbon. The other hard-to-ionize elements (Be, B, S, Zn, Pd, Cd, Os, Ir and Pt) show no matrix effect, signal enhancement or signal suppression depending on the experimental conditions selected. The matrix effects caused by the presence of carbon are explained by changes in the plasma characteristics and the corresponding changes in ion distribution in the plasma (as reflected in the signal behavior plot, i.e. the signal intensity as a function of the nebulizer gas flow rate). However, the matrix effects for P, As, Se, Sb, Te, I, Au and Hg are also related to an increase in analyte ion population caused as a result of charge transfer reactions involving carbon-containing charged species in the plasma. The predominant specie is C+, but other species such as CO+, CO2+, C2+ and ArC+ could also play a role. Theoretical data suggest that B, Be, S, Pd, Cd, Os, Ir and Pt could also be involved in carbon based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence substantiating this view has been found.


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Uranium oxide has been reduced by carbon under vacuum at 2250°C, to yield a product consisting of dendritic uranium carbide in a matrix of uranium.


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Data suggest that for TG2 to be secreted, an intact N-terminal FN binding site (for which TG2 has high affinity) is required, however interaction of TG2 with its high affinity binding partners presents both in the intracellular and extracellular space as well as with specific cell surface receptors may also be involved in this process. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, the effects of specific mutations of TG2 on its translocation to the cell surface and secretion into the ECM have been investigated. Mutations include those affecting FN binding (FN1), HSPGs binding (HS1, HS2) GTP/GDP binding site (GTP1, 2) as well as N-terminal and C-terminal domains (TG2 deletion mutants N, and C). By performing transglutaminase activity assays, cell surface protein biotinylation and verifying distribution of TG2 mutants in the ECM we demonstrated that one of the potential heparan sulfate binding site mutants (HS2 mutant) is secreted at the cell surface in a much reduced manner and is less deposited into the ECM than the HS1 mutant. The HS2 mutant showed a low affinity for binding to a heparin sepharose column demonstrating this mutation site may be a potential heparan binding site of TG2. Analogous peptides to this site were shown to have some efficiency in the inhibition of the binding of the FN-TG2 complex to cell surface heparan sulfates in a cell adhesion assay indicating the peptide to be representative of the novel heparin binding site within TG2. The GTP binding site mutants GTP1 and GTP2 exhibited low specific activity however, GTP2 showed more secretion to the cell surface in comparison to GTP1. The FN1 binding mutant did not greatly affect TG2 activity nor did it alter TG2 secretion at the cell surface and deposition into the ECM indicating that fibronectin binding at this site on the enzyme is not an important factor. Interestingly an intact N-terminus (?1-15) appeared to be essential for enzyme externalisation. Removal of the first 15 amino acids (N-terminal mutant) abolished TG2 secretion to the cell surface as well as deposition into the ECM. In addition it reduced the enzymes affinity for binding to heparin. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal TG2 domain (?594-687) increased enzyme secretion to the cell surface. Consistent with the data presented in this thesis we speculate that TG2 must fulfill two requirements to be successfully secreted from cells. The findings indicate that the closed conformation of the enzyme as well as intact N-terminal tail and a novel HS binding site within the TG2 molecule are key elements for the enzyme’s localisation at the cell surface and its deposition into the extracellular matrix. The importance of understanding the interactions between TG2, heparan sulfates and other TG2 binding partners at the cell surface could have an impact on the design of novel strategies for enzyme inhibition which could be important in the control of extracellular TG2 related diseases.


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A dolgozatban a döntéselméletben fontos szerepet játszó páros összehasonlítás mátrix prioritásvektorának meghatározására új megközelítést alkalmazunk. Az A páros összehasonlítás mátrix és a prioritásvektor által definiált B konzisztens mátrix közötti eltérést a Kullback-Leibler relatív entrópia-függvény segítségével mérjük. Ezen eltérés minimalizálása teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében konvex programozási feladathoz vezet, nem teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében pedig egy fixpont problémához. Az eltérésfüggvényt minimalizáló prioritásvektor egyben azzal a tulajdonsággal is rendelkezik, hogy az A mátrix elemeinek összege és a B mátrix elemeinek összege közötti különbség éppen az eltérésfüggvény minimumának az n-szerese, ahol n a feladat mérete. Így az eltérésfüggvény minimumának értéke két szempontból is lehet alkalmas az A mátrix inkonzisztenciájának a mérésére. _____ In this paper we apply a new approach for determining a priority vector for the pairwise comparison matrix which plays an important role in Decision Theory. The divergence between the pairwise comparison matrix A and the consistent matrix B defined by the priority vector is measured with the help of the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy function. The minimization of this divergence leads to a convex program in case of a complete matrix, leads to a fixed-point problem in case of an incomplete matrix. The priority vector minimizing the divergence also has the property that the difference of the sums of elements of the matrix A and the matrix B is n times the minimum of the divergence function where n is the dimension of the problem. Thus we developed two reasons for considering the value of the minimum of the divergence as a measure of inconsistency of the matrix A.


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The complexity of modern geochemical data sets is increasing in several aspects (number of available samples, number of elements measured, number of matrices analysed, geological-environmental variability covered, etc), hence it is becoming increasingly necessary to apply statistical methods to elucidate their structure. This paper presents an exploratory analysis of one such complex data set, the Tellus geochemical soil survey of Northern Ireland (NI). This exploratory analysis is based on one of the most fundamental exploratory tools, principal component analysis (PCA) and its graphical representation as a biplot, albeit in several variations: the set of elements included (only major oxides vs. all observed elements), the prior transformation applied to the data (none, a standardization or a logratio transformation) and the way the covariance matrix between components is estimated (classical estimation vs. robust estimation). Results show that a log-ratio PCA (robust or classical) of all available elements is the most powerful exploratory setting, providing the following insights: the first two processes controlling the whole geochemical variation in NI soils are peat coverage and a contrast between “mafic” and “felsic” background lithologies; peat covered areas are detected as outliers by a robust analysis, and can be then filtered out if required for further modelling; and peat coverage intensity can be quantified with the %Br in the subcomposition (Br, Rb, Ni).


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Modelling of massive stars and supernovae (SNe) plays a crucial role in understanding galaxies. From this modelling we can derive fundamental constraints on stellar evolution, mass-loss processes, mixing, and the products of nucleosynthesis. Proper account must be taken of all important processes that populate and depopulate the levels (collisional excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination, photoionization, bound–bound processes). For the analysis of Type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe (Types Ib, Ic and II) Fe group elements are particularly important. Unfortunately little data is currently available and most noticeably absent are the photoionization cross-sections for the Fe-peaks which have high abundances in SNe. Important interactions for both photoionization and electron-impact excitation are calculated using the relativistic Dirac atomic R-matrix codes (DARC) for low-ionization stages of Cobalt. All results are calculated up to photon energies of 45 eV and electron energies up to 20 eV. The wavefunction representation of Co III has been generated using GRASP0 by including the dominant 3d7, 3d6[4s, 4p], 3p43d9 and 3p63d9 configurations, resulting in 292 fine structure levels. Electron-impact collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths across a wide range of astrophysically relevant temperatures are computed for Co III. In addition, statistically weighted level-resolved ground and metastable photoionization cross-sections are presented for Co II and compared directly with existing work.