285 resultados para Luciani, Michelangelo.
Mode of access: Internet.
Plates accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress.
Fifty copies printed.
Appelles and Protogenes; Cimabue and Giotto; Leonardo da Vinci; Michelangelo Buonaroti; Raffaello Sanzio D'Urbino; Antonio Allegri da Coreggio; Giorgione and Tiziano; The three Carracci-Ludovico; Annibale and Agostino--with their school; Reubens and Vandike; Claude Gelée; Poussin; Salvator Rosa.
Alfieri und die Ristori. Die Venus von Milo. Lord Byron und Leigh Hunt. Die erwartung des jüngsten gerichtes von Cornelius. Die bearbeitung von Shakespeare's sturm durch Dryden und Davenant. Deutsches theater im sechszehnten jahrhundert; L. Das Luzerner neujahrspiel und der Henno des Reuchlin. II. Das theater des Herzogs Heinrich Julius von Braunschweig, zu Wolfen büttel. Rafael und Michelangelo. Friedrich der Grosze und Macaulay. Schiller und Goethe.
Sculpture known as Trophies of Marius, but commemorating Domitian's Germanic victories, moved from the present Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II to the Capitoline Hill at Michelangelo's direction.
Vorwort des Übersetzers. Einleitungen des Verfassers. Widmung des Verfassers.--Savonarola.--Cesare Borgia.--Julius II.--Leo X.--Michelangelo.
v. III. Scrittori comici: G.M. Cecchi, G.B. Porta, Pandolfo Collenuccio, Bernardo Divizio, Lorenzino de' Medici, Alessandro Piccolomini, G.B. Gelli, Agostino Ricchi, Girolamo Gigli, La commedia dell' arte alla corte di Baviera nel secolo XVI, I tipi comici.--v. IV. Poligrafi: G.B. Giraldi Cintio, Mescolanze d'amore, Senofonte Efesio, Giuseppe Betussi, Federigo Luigini, Lodovico Dolce, Mons. Paolo Giovio, G.F. Pico della Mirandola, Antonfrancesco Doni, Tommaso Moro e T. Campanella, Giuseppe Averani, Card. Guido Bentivoglio, Lucio Annea Seneca, Erasmo, Tullia d'Aragona, Tommaso Garzoni, M. Cervantes Saavedra, Antonio Picozzi, Il trecento in Francia.
Texte arabe et traduction française par J.-D. Luciani.
Mode of access: Internet.
University of Illinois bookplate: "From the library of Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana Lazelada di Bereguardo, purchased 1921".
Mode of access: Internet.
In this thesis we study at perturbative level correlation functions of Wilson loops (and local operators) and their relations to localization, integrability and other quantities of interest as the cusp anomalous dimension and the Bremsstrahlung function. First of all we consider a general class of 1/8 BPS Wilson loops and chiral primaries in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We perform explicit two-loop computations, for some particular but still rather general configuration, that confirm the elegant results expected from localization procedure. We find notably full consistency with the multi-matrix model averages, obtained from 2D Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, when interacting diagrams do not cancel and contribute non-trivially to the final answer. We also discuss the near BPS expansion of the generalized cusp anomalous dimension with L units of R-charge. Integrability provides an exact solution, obtained by solving a general TBA equation in the appropriate limit: we propose here an alternative method based on supersymmetric localization. The basic idea is to relate the computation to the vacuum expectation value of certain 1/8 BPS Wilson loops with local operator insertions along the contour. Also these observables localize on a two-dimensional gauge theory on S^2, opening the possibility of exact calculations. As a test of our proposal, we reproduce the leading Luscher correction at weak coupling to the generalized cusp anomalous dimension. This result is also checked against a genuine Feynman diagram approach in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Finally we study the cusp anomalous dimension in N=6 ABJ(M) theory, identifying a scaling limit in which the ladder diagrams dominate. The resummation is encoded into a Bethe-Salpeter equation that is mapped to a Schroedinger problem, exactly solvable due to the surprising supersymmetry of the effective Hamiltonian. In the ABJ case the solution implies the diagonalization of the U(N) and U(M) building blocks, suggesting the existence of two independent cusp anomalous dimensions and an unexpected exponentation structure for the related Wilson loops.
Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.
This study investigated the intention of the older workers to continue working after state pension age/time. On this way, it explores the relation between this intention and factors related with the meanings of the work and retirement. Specifically, it was examined that factors related to work and non-work are predictors of the intention to continue working, and it was explored if meanings of retirement are linked to this decision. It is a crosssectional mixed methods study, using a survey conducted with 283 federal civil servants of a federal Northeastern University which were near retirement. It envolved an on-line questionnaire, with open-ended questions and the likert-type scale "Older Worker's Intention to Continue Working" (OWICW) of Shacklock and Brunneto (2011), which was validated to the Brazilian version. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and multivariate statistics, specifically procedures for comparing means and coefficients of multiple logistic regression. The qualitative data were analyzed using the lexicographical technique Descending Hierarchical Classification. The findings indicate that most participants want to continue in paid work, and that perception of personal autonomy at work, interpersonal relationships at work, interests outside of work, and flexible working arrangements are significant predictors of intention to continue working. Furthermore, the perception of personal autonomy at work, flexible working arrangements, and the financial incentives are predictors of decision to postpone retirement and remain in the organization. The analysis revealed five patterns of meanings of retirement: "worker's right", "resting", "idle time at home", "new stage in the life course", and "enjoy the use of time”. The decision to postpone retirement is linked to idleness and lack of substitutionary activities work, and the decision to stop working linked to retirement as a life with more quality. The study provides information that can contribute with management policies before the process of retirement decision.