1000 resultados para Lesões por radiação
O câncer de mama é um dos mais prevalentes nas mulheres. A mamografia é um excelente método com impacto comprovado na redução da mortalidade pelo câncer de mama. Porém, não é um método perfeito, apresentando alguns pontos fracos, principalmente no rastreamento de mulheres com mamas densas, estadiamento e avaliação de tratamento. A ressonância magnética mamária mostrou a necessidade e importância da avaliação funcional mamária. Descrevemos dois métodos de avaliação funcional mamária e demonstramos nossa experiência com a mamografia digital com contraste e com a imagem molecular mamária realizada em gama-câmara específica. Estes dois métodos já estão disponíveis em nosso meio e apresentam resultados promissores na detecção de lesões mamográficas ocultas, confirmação de lesões suspeitas e redução de biópsias desnecessárias, podendo assim melhorar o estudo mamário, principalmente nos pontos falhos da mamografia.
O cone medular é frequentemente acometido por lesões de etiologia inflamatória e infecciosa, muitas vezes de difícil diferenciação devido a história clínica e exame físico semelhantes entre as diversas entidades. A ressonância magnética apresenta alta sensibilidade na detecção de lesões no cone medular e tem importante papel no diagnóstico e controle evolutivo. Este ensaio iconográfico com casos selecionados dos arquivos do nosso serviço tem como objetivo demonstrar achados de imagem que possam auxiliar no diagnóstico de uma etiologia específica entre as doenças inflamatórias e infecciosas e na diferenciação com doenças de outras etiologias como neoplasias e causas vasculares. Características como padrão de realce, presença de cistos, edema, além do acometimento de outras regiões do sistema nervoso central são importantes para esta diferenciação, podendo definir uma etiologia específica quando associadas ao quadro clínico e laboratorial.
Objetivo:Avaliar o conhecimento dos médicos não radiologistas sobre a utilização da radiação ionizante em exames de imagem.Materiais e Métodos:Estudo transversal, utilizando questionário anônimo, aplicado a médicos de especialidades clínicas e cirúrgicas, dividido em duas partes: uma com questões sobre as características dos médicos, frequência de solicitação de exames e de participação em eventos de atualização profissional, e outra com questões de múltipla escolha, abordando conhecimentos gerais sobre radiação, princípios de otimização e radioproteção.Resultados:De 309 questionários distribuídos, 120 (38,8%) foram respondidos, 50% por médicos de especialidades cirúrgicas e 50% clínicas; 45% e 2,5% dos médicos responderam, respectivamente, que a ressonância magnética e a ultrassonografia utilizam radiação ionizante. No geral, a média das notas foi maior nas especialidades cirúrgicas, sem diferenças significativas, exceto na questão sobre exposição em grávidas (p = 0,047). Os médicos que se atualizam profissionalmente mostraram conhecimento sobre radiação ionizante estatisticamente superior aos demais, principalmente os que frequentam reuniões clínicas (p = 0,050) e participam de atividades de ensino (p = 0,047).Conclusão:O conhecimento dos médicos não radiologistas sobre radiação ionizante é heterogêneo e em alguns pontos precisa ser melhorado. Reuniões clínicas multidisciplinares e atividades de ensino são importantes formas de disseminar informações sobre o tema.
Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 15 anos e discutimos as principais características de imagem de lesões intraventriculares, de etiologia tumoral (cisto coloide, oligodendroglioma, astroblastoma, lipoma, cavernoma) e de etiologia inflamatória/infecciosa (neurocisticercose e uma incomum apresentação da neuro-histoplasmose). Estas lesões representam um subgrupo de lesões intracranianas com características próprias e alguns dos padrões de imagem que podem facilitar o diagnóstico diferencial.
Protonic offretite samples were modified by gamma-irradiation under different conditions of humidity. The results of infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction reveal that the presence of water is essential to promote dealumination, as the samples irradiated in vacuum only show crystallinity loss. The degree of dealumination is, mainly, controlled by the gamma-irradiation dose while the textural modifications depend also on the percentage of water.
The use of pesticides in agriculture presents some problems to ecosytems as a consequence of their remaining in the environment. Conventional methods for environmental decontamination sometimes just transfer these residues from one place to another. The use of gamma radiation from cobalt-60 to induce 2,4-D degradation in aqueous solution containing humic acid was studied. Results show that the herbicide is completely degraded after treatment with a 30 kGy dose. There were decreases in the degradation of the 2,4-D when humic acid was added at all doses. Some radiolytic products are proposed. The 2,4-D radiolytic yields (G) from 2,4-D were calculated.
The basic principles of UV irradiation as sample pre-treatment step and its potential for inorganic analysis are illustrated and discussed through significant examples from the literature. Not only does this overview cover the classical applications of this technique in the decomposition of organic matter in electroanalysis, but it also presents recent trends, including the increasing interest in employing UV irradiation in flow analytical systems, successful attempts to enhance its effectiveness and the coupling with chromatographic and spectroscopic methodologies. Furthermore, a number of relevant cases of UV-driven derivatization reactions involving photo-sensitive inorganic species are presented, showing some convenient options to perform fast and reliable determination of inorganic and organic analytes.
Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of microwave-assisted strategies in chemistry are introduced for students using simple and safe experiments employing a domestic oven. Three procedures are proposed for evaluating the distribution of microwave radiation inside the microwave oven cavity: (1) variation of the volume of marshmallows; (2) drying of filter paper wetted with Co(II) solution, and (3) variation of water temperature, after microwave-assisted heating. These experiments establish the position with the highest incidence of microwave radiation in the oven cavity, which was chosen for the synthesis of salicylic acid acetate. This synthesis was performed in 5 min of heating and the yield was around 85%. All experiments can be carried out in a 4 h lab-session using low-cost instrumentation.
The use of factorial design was evaluated for optimization of focused-microwave-assisted digestion of bean samples. Calcium, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn percentual recoveries were determined in digestates after focused-microwave-assisted digestion according to factorial design procedures. A cavity microwave digestion was carried out to certify the elemental compositions obtained. The accuracy was checked using a standard reference material, the NIST SRM 8433 - Corn Bran. Results are in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence limit when the Student t-test was used. Volumes of nitric and sulfuric acid, temperature, and the interplay between HNO3 and H2SO4 initial volumes were significant variables according to P-values in the analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The oxidation of sulfite catalyzed by transition metal ions produces reactive oxysulfur species that can damage plasmid and isolated DNA in vitro. Among the four DNA bases, guanine is the most sensitive to one-electron oxidation promoted by the species formed in the autoxidation of sulfite (HSO5-, HO, SO3-, SO4- and SO5-) due to its low reduction potential and ability to bind transition metal ions capable to catalyze oxidative processes. Some oxidative DNA lesions are promutagenic and oxidative DNA damage is proposed to play a crucial role in certain human pathologies, including cancer.
The applicability of the recently proposed procedure based on gradual sample addition to microwave-assisted pre-heated concentrated acid is limited by the sample viscosity. In this work, lubricating oil samples with high viscosity were encapsulated and manually added to the microwave-assisted pre-heated concentrated digestion mixture. The procedure was applied for determination of Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Sr, V, W, and Zn in lubricating oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Determined and certified values for Ca, Mg, P, and Zn in lubricating oil were in agreement at a 95% confidence level.
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be both beneficial to cells, performing functions in intracellular signaling and detrimental, modifying cellular biomolecules. ROS can cause DNA damage, such as base damage and strand breaks. Organisms respond to chromosome insults by activation of a complex and hierarchical DNA-damage response pathway. The extent of DNA damages determines cell fate: cell cycle arrest and DNA repair or cell death. The ATM is a central protein in the response to DNA double-strand breaks by acting as a transducer protein. Collected evidences suggest that ATM is also involved in the response to oxidative DNA damage.
Tannery effluents are very dangerous for the environment since they contain large amounts of dangerous and biorecalcitrant contaminants (organic matter and Cr(VI)). This paper reports the efficiency of heterogeneous photocatalysis, based on the application of solar and artificial radiation, furnished by UV lamps, using TiO2 fixed on a flat plate, in the treatment of synthetic effluents. The results of COD and Cr(VI) demonstrate that the use of solar radiation is the most efficient way to perform the photocatalytic treatment of these effluents since a minimum removal of 62 and 61% was observed for Cr(VI) and organic matter, respectively.